DAV, NSO, Supervisor Andy Marshall of the DAV Regional Office in St. Petersburg, Fl. allowed a Hispanic Veteran to be coerced, threatened and forced to withdraw the claim for retroactive benefits.
Proof with a letter from a US Senator's Assistant who was witness when this was said and done.
In the 2009 May issue of the DAV magazine Mr. Marshall gets credit for getting another veteran 62 years of retroactive benefits.
Hispanic Veterans and all Veterans should boycott the DAV. JOIN THE AMERICAN LEGION OR VFW BUT NOT DAV.
I wrote the National Headquarters, Mr. Ed Reese, NSO Director, he did not respond. I spoke with Mr. Maki and said he would call me after the convention. Haven't heard anything. I asked to speak with DAV Atty. Mr.Clay, nothing.
I always thought the DAV was a good organization and donated $1000 in Honor to the only NSO who ever helped me who happened to be Hispanic.
I am convinced that the only way to stop this Racism by all of them who don't care from happening is to expose it and let all Hispanics know not to join the DAV. If you want more details please email me at [protected]
Update: After this post I did receive an email communication from Mr. Clay, Esq. DAV attorney, deferring my case back to Mr. Marshall. I have followed his advise and placed trust once again in the same individual. Hopeing this proves my good faith and trust. I asked for copies of all the DAV's claims presented on my behalf.
I will keep everyone updated with the issues.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
DAV National Service Officers are experts in the field of VA law and adjudication of issues pertaining to veterans benefits administered under Title 38 U.S.C> and C.F.R. they also are adept in reviewing precedent Court decisions and applying them to individual cases. I think you should allow them to review and dicuss the specifics of your case and how the law applies before you post inflammatory comments disparaging those who have likely assisted you in obtaining the benefits you already have as of now. These veterans of the DAV are wartime disabled veterans themselves, and all too often get shafted by those they help because the claimant does not understand the law.
[censor], its the truth! My son is a disabled vet, the DAV has been nothing but rotten! they are indeed the VA's gatekeeper. My son is white, so the mistreatment is across the board.
DAV NSO's for the mostr part are the VA gate keepers. If you ask for information pertaining to your claim they tell you anything to get you off the VA's back. I have been lied to over and over.
Mr. Cintron, Miguel NSO for the Tampa Saint Pete area e-mail me when I inquired about the status of my claim "Due to large volume of claims and appeals being handled by the VA, claims are taking between 12 and 20 months to complete. Your claim has been slowed down because you also have an appeal to the BVA.
I responded "Sir I do not know what my appeal with BVA has to do with my claim (per the e-benefits web-site) they have made a decision and are completing the required documents for the last 4 months. My Appeal is from 2008 and has not even made it out of the regional office in Tampa Saint Pete. 12 to 20 months is crazy. I'll be homeless in 2 months then they can close my claim because I did not respond in a timely fashion. I would like a better answer than this. I want to know why it takes so long to cut and paste 6 to 12 pages together and put them in the mail. Please save the DAV in bed with the VA BS for someone else.
He replyed "Think about it; if you have ONE C-File and it's at the BVA, how can they work on your claim if you have only one file? It's very unfortunate that you refuse to listen to your representative and that you choose to be unprofessional and disrespectful with this officer/office. I have attached the DAV's statement of policy for representation as a professional reminder of our free service.
And I replyed " First my C-file is not with the BVA it is at the regional office not at the BVA. The BVA has no record of my appeal (per the e-benefits web-site). In Sept. 2011 I saw my C-file at my C&P exams in Orlando, FL (hard to be at the BVA if it was in Orlando but you sill claim my C-file is at the BVA). Second the e-benefits web-site shows that a decision on my claim has been reach and they are in the process of preparing paperwork (for the last 4 months) outlining their decision (hard to do that if my C-file is at the BVA as you claim). Third the VA benefits department sent me a letter January 11, 2012 that said the they were sorry for the delay and that they are working on my claim not that it had been moved to the BVA due to pending appeal (hard to do that if my C-file is at the BVA as you claim). Sir respect begets respect. Respect is errand never demanded. The truth stings when it hits a bit to close to home. I am not your run of the mill Vet that will bend over and take it from the likes of you. You are on quite the power trip why so angry? I payed my dues to the DAV I am a life member. since 1992. Thanks for the "FREE" service. What and who is my Representative not you. The DAV? It is unfortunate that you refuse to listen to a Veteran and just want to tow the VA line. I can call the VA 1-800 line and get the same answer that you are giving me. I was under the understanding that the DAV was a veteran claims assistance organization. I guess that is wrong. Thanks Miguel
The bottom line is the DAV NSO's for the most part are mouth peices for the VA and many are willing to do anything and say anything because they have developed a relationship with VA personnel and are hopeing to get themselves a VA job that they take the VA stance and defend them at the expence of the Veterans that they are to be supporting. If the DAV wants to serve Veterans then they should not be rubbing shoulders with VA Comp and pention employess.
The best DAV NSO I ever had was when I lived in Virginia he worked out of his home and worked for me that is why I joined. To all who are considering joining the DAV look at thier web-sites and call the national headquarters all up front options are about donations not how they can help you. Knowing what I know now I would never spend my hard errned money on membership to the DAV consider all other options first.
I think the claimant is rigt about the D.A.V., they are totally useless, the are in bed with the V.A. and are helping them low ball they Vets they are suppose to help. What a shame the vets get treated this way,
I wouldn't have agreed until now. The DAV has been representing me for almost 30 Years now, I was represented in the State of NH and they have always done a great job. However; 3 and a half years ago I moved to Florida and the St Pete Office has been representing me. I have a very difficult time getting a hold of any one and they never return my calls. At one point I even called the NH Office and the secretary there answered my question and mailed me the paperwork I needed. That's pretty bad that the NH office helped me but I cant get help fro my office in St Pete! I am currently trying to file a complaint about that office with the DAV HQ in Washington DC. I have been trying desperately to get a hold of someone that can tell me what is going on with my case.
Please, if you do find the contact information share it. I can say the same thing as you except I was in North Carolina and the DAV helped me 100%, but since I moved to Florida I can't even get a call back from them. It is really sad how the DAV treats us here in Florida.
This is beyond the understanding .
On November the 29th my fellow brother Seabee passed away, he was a Disabled Vietnam Veteran.
On December the fourth they held a Memorial Mr. Curry was a long time member of the Chapter 20 in Inverness Fl.
I talked with one of the members and he told me that the Chapter was not going to able to do anything for Mr. Curry services.
I think its a same that the Family members did the 21 gun salute, SHAME SHAME, this is the way the DAV takes care of its Veterans, I lived in the same area that Mr. Curry lived and I Joined the DAV and I Know he put his heart into the DAV, giving of his time this and money to help other Veterans so will someone tell me why the DAV would not get this done for a fellow Veteran.
I am a life member and also donate what I can to the DAV, American Legion, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Various churches and Missions and last but not least Boys' Town. I am very glad to donate my money also my time volunteering. Here in Vegas and Chicago. My concern is that I very seldom ask for help from the DAV. or anybody else. I need a ride to the VA Hospital on Pecos Ave. so I call the DAV for a ride. The person calls me back a . days later which is cool, few and proceeds to tell me I am out of range . I am out of the 20 mile range but it only take 20 minutes to get there. My map tells a different story at 15 mile out. He tells me he uses a different system and cannot pick me up. The DAV is a joke and to tell me I am out of range. If I take the bus it is 2.5 hours to get there. I am done with Donating to the DAV and I want My Life membership Back with interest. I can't even log on the website to complain. one last thing that I called them for a ride here in Vegas. Was about 6 or 7 years ago and nothing. They never showed up and I missed appointment with the compensation board. Anyway they look out for them selves and they wonder why I get pissed. Thank you for letting me Vent.
I am affiliated with the DAV in Albuquerque NM on 500 Gold Street. I cant tell you enough how frustrating it is that this office closes at 3 and at times they are closed throughout the week in "training" and how difficult it is to get seen there. The front desk person Joclyn I believe her name is, is of the coldest rudest front desk person you can come across. If she hates her job that much replace her with someone else! Shes always on her personal phone and has a line out the door trying to get seen. Please help this DAV get organized and actually be open at the office hours they state on their door. Can they actually answer the phone. Imagine driving 24 miles from across town just to get to the door and it has a closed signed during business hours. Then you decide to call first before you go in case they are closed but they don't answer the phone! So how do we do it as veterans to get the help we need when we cant get answers appointment NOTHING! Who is in charge of these people? Help out us veterans we are just trying to get our life back on track!
Thank You!
21204 Loud Thunder Rd
Illinois City, IL [protected] - 2017
Dennis lived in this single family home currently owned by Benjamin Stuebe.
•$171k est. value
•217, 800 sqft. (lot)
•Last sold in 2017
•Single Family Home
•Pekin, IL
•U.S. Cellular
Found in 7 data sources 2 years ago
When Gladys Leffler moved into her retirement high-rise she noticed that the flag outside was torn. She had always known how important the flag was to her deceased husband Ralph, a World War II Navy veteran, and her son who served in the Army for 20 years. Both men had flown a U.S. flag at their homes every day of their lives. Gladys did the only thing she knew to do—she called the DAV and ordered a new flag for the retirement community. When she saw that new flag waving, she knew she had done the right thing.
Gladys is no stranger to DAV programs and services. Her husband Ralph joined the DAV in the 1980s. Since he suffered a disability from World War II, he felt that joining the DAV would enable him to help other veterans in the same position. Gladys joined the DAV Auxiliary a few years later. She also wanted to help veterans any way she could.
Earlier this year Gladys thought of a life insurance policy and had the company send her a change of beneficiary form. She named the DAV as a percentage beneficiary, along with her grandchildren. The gift will be in memory of Ralph. It is Gladys’ way of honoring the service he was so proud of, and taking care of her family at the same time
Cal Poly Veterans @calpolyveterans
Don’t forget! Northrup Grumman will be in the VSC today to answer your questions about NG and to prep you for tomorrow’s Career Fair! @ California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) …
Jan 22, 2019
Cal Poly Veterans @calpolyveterans
- …
Veterans ExperienceVerified account @VetsExperience Jan 17
Call VA’s White House/VA Hotline, where we can help Veterans navigate through the large, complex system of care, benefits, and memorial services. The hotline's number is [protected]. #StateofVA @DeptVetAffairs @SecWilkie
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