I am writing this letter of complaint in the sincere hopes that I can receive justice and closure due to the stressful and unpleasant ordeal I and my family have faced, of recent. The issues I speak to surround the company United Home Mortgage and specifically the branch Vice President, David Chambless, audit # MBO655436. The specific location and number of his branch is at 12323 SW 55th St. Suite 1002B, Cooper City, Fl 33330, [protected]. To make a long, complicated story short, the main problems surround: 1. a breached agreement for a lower mortgage payment made between myself and wife (Tera) and the aforementioned David Chambless. 2. the physical threats made by Mr. Chambless (toward myself) upon our not agreeing to the terms/payment he presented at our house closing on November 6th, 2006. A feeling of helplessness has plagued myself and my family as we are now in a struggle to pay a mortgage we can not afford! This is a time which should be celebrated and enjoyed, instead there is fear and intimidation. Can someone help us, please?
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I was present in the lobby the evening Mr. Jenkins was closing on his home. Mr. Chambless explained to him several times that he does not need to close on this particular mortgage but he made the choice to do so. Mr. Jenkins and his wife Tara were adamant about closing. Mr. Jenkins was so belligerent that evening (personal problems) that David Chambless tried unsuccessfully to have him leave the office. Mr. Chambless did speak in a loud voice to Mr. Jenkins but ONLY because Chris Jenkins was harmfully jerking his young daughter around by the arm and yelling at his wife.
From my point of view, anyone that is planning on performing any sort of service for Chris and/or Tara Jenkins should seriously beware, because it appears that they will never be happy with anyone and could endanger your reputation in front of other clients with their erratic, loud and belligerent behavior. Mr. Chambless closed my loan that evening and I referred him to my Mother and Father (closed their loan with a great rate) and even my cousins loan (that too with a super mortgage). We are all very happy with United Home Mortgage Center and David Chambless and refer him to anyone we know in the market for a mortgage.
Is this the Same David Chambless that has a Sexual Harassment case against him? United Home Mortgage Center of FLorda, Inc a Florida Corporation and David Chambless individual Cas# 09-CV-60411 Gold-McAliley. I have heard of several other women on the same thing
I have not heard he has sexually harrassed anyone. Only that he hates his wife and cheats on her constantly with realtors and loan officers from his company.
When I was there it used to be BancPlus and he was with one young girl who was an agent for Coral Shores. They were together the whole time I worked there. over a year and everyone knew it. He never sexually harrassed her though. She liked him and encouraged it. I thought that was his wife until his wife started coming around to check on him. Then I think she fired that realtor because I never saw her again. I think they are divorced now
David did our mortgage and we were very happy. About him always being on the prowl for women, it's probably because he's so unhappy at home. During the 6 weeks he worked on our loan, we met with him at his office after hours a couple different times. The wife calls him non stop, telling him he has to come home while he is with customers. She's bossy and rude and really needs to get a life. She has nothing to do but make his life miserable. My boyfriend said if he was married to someone like that, he would try to stay at the office as long as he could, too. Poor guy! I really felt sorry for him.
I disagree Olisbos. If you are being abusive to your child in public not only will people probably comment but you will justifiably have to respond to police. Your discipline practices are not your business anymore if you do them in public places. The foot my be up your ### by the police before you get a chance put it up someone else's. The public at large has a moral and ethical responsibility to stop abuse when they see it happen. If they don't they are just as bad as the abuser.
And Brenda, you too are misguided. I worked in a clinical setting where a fellow physician brought his wife to work with him and she was so unprofessional and so abrasive and brusque with her husband, in front of patients and staff, that it interfered with the day to day operations of the clinic. Several people went to the clinic owners and asked that the woman be asked to stop coming to the clinic because the issues that went on between her and her husband at work were disruptive and made for a very negative atmosphere. I have to agree with the other girl that said those private fights, jealousies and marital difficulties do not belong in the work place. It came to the point that even the janitor had an opinion about this guy and his wife. She told everyone to mind their own business, but their public squabbling made it everyone's business. It is not easy to sit by in silence and continue with business as usual when you are surrounded by all this.
Toad, It is EVERYONE's business. I don't know what town you live in, but in this county you will respond to DHS if you slap, push, smack, or kick your child in a public setting. If you leave bruises or marks on your child, even if you beat them at home, you will have to respond to authorities, and that's the way it should be. Put THAT in YOUR pipe and smoke it.
@ medic - hello, he was the VP, if he wants to bring his wife and air their business, no one can say boo. And I am in the business of children, and you are flat out wrong there too. Hope you don't choke on the smoke. Ignorant people should remain silent.
I did not notice he was the VP. If it is his own company, I suppose you are right, the guy can do whatever he wants, but it's not good business practice. I am sure you would agree with that, no? If you are in the "business of children" and think it is ok to slap, push, smack or kick children, then I feel sorry for the children left in your care. Sounds like you run a great place over there...Makes people want to run and drop off their kids at your place. When a person who is in the "business of children", (I did not know children were a business) think it's no one's business when children get abused and other people witness the abuse, that is probably bad for business too. Don't seem to have much of a head for business over there. Keep being in the "children business" where you can do whatever you want to those less powerful. In the business world, you would not last a day, approving of child abuse and thinking that bringing family into the work place regardless of the effects it has on your bottom line or on the structure that supports that business, is a sure RX for Chapter 7!
Well [censored], I am in advocacy and happen to know the law as it applies to child abuse, and it is very appparent you do not. Like I said, ignorant people should remain silent, lest their ### gets hung out to dry.
Who needs abusers when they have an "advocate" like you? I WEEP for the children and the future and even more for the government workers paid to ensure their safety. You certainly do not seem well suited to be an advocate for children. Your personality may be better suited for a prison guard.
Spoken like a true ignoramus. I do not advocate abuse, I just happen to know what legally constitutes it and what does not, and you clearly do not.
"Physical or mental injury inflicted on child other than by accidental means or which can't be reasonably explained; any aversive or deprivation procedures; sexual abuse, neglect-failure to protect a child from conditions which endanger the child's health; discipline which is not reasonable"
What constitutes "reasonable" is arguable. There is no set parameters about what constitutes abuse. The determination of "reasonability" has to be established by the court in each individual case. So you are out of line when you say that you know what constitutes abuse. Abuse is separated from discipline by what is termed "reasonable". I'm sure you in your little advocacy, government job don't speak for the entire planet when you determine what is reasonable. And Olisbos, why don't you go back to making your Taco Bell Chalupas and focus on what you do best over there.
Show me where in your state it says you can slap, push, spank, detain by sitting on, your children. If it is spelled out in law, you should be able to provide the reference. Show us! And if I see you slapping, pushing, and detaining your child by sitting on them, you will explain the law to local police as they come to investigate you...And they can take your children into custody while they look into the matter further. Let's see how that works out for you. I think you'll have some 'splaining to do, Ricky! The police may interepret the law a little differently than you do in Chalupaville.
You don't know the first thing about abuse, medical whiz. And it shows plainly here. The Federal government has just about no claim, that is zero, to tell families how they need to raise their kids.
if they feel they need to smack them on the head than they can do just that. If a neighbor intervenes they have the right to stop any sort of abuse too depending on who's doing it.
I don't mean that ultimately this country operates like the movie Red State, or anything that far fetched either. Those people were deplorable and should have been in a mental ward. However it was the Sheriffs call, not the DoJ. Everyone is afforded certain unalienable rights and securities as sovereigns - which means that if they choose to hit their kid, or shoot a trespasser then they can darn well do it. It doesn't mean its right, it means it is allowed and so is the 1st Amendment. I for one hope crazy people don't take advantage of that to do terrible things, but that sure doesn't change the fact everyone has an inalienable right to do as they wish. That is the law.
@ Squibs. The "advocate" lady is the one that says she "knows" the law. I assume she means in her state. I was disputing what the advocate lady says consitutes abuse. And by "us" I mean those who are reading this chain of correspondence.
PS: It is Chambliss' business if he wants to bring his kids to work all the time or put up with that sort of environment. However, if the reports on the news are true then it won't be long before people take their business elsewhere as a consequence.
That sort of behavior is very disruptive to clients, and they won't put up with the drama for long. Especially when insurance agents are so late on the unsettled homeowner claims.
No Successones. Everyone does not have an "inalienable right to do what they want". You can shoot a trespasser under certain circumstances. If you shoot and kill a trespasser and the government determines that you did so unjustifiably, you will go to jail. If you hit your hid and it falls under the federal goverment's definition of abuse you will go to jail for child abuse. If everyone has the inalienable right to do what they want then why are there so many child abusers who "hit their kid" incarcerated? You live in the USA and you must follow the laws of your country. You do not have inalienable rights to do whatever you want. Hundreds of thousands of incarcerated inmates will tell you this. I can't waste my time arguing foolishness and stupidities with uneducated people who have no conceptualization of what is going on around them...
'I assume she means in her state.'
Actually she means for every state, as every state has individual laws that have been defined and codified as sovereign laws. No State can really be taken over or superseded by the Federal Government or some outside flim-flam agency. Its all just hot air.
If they WERE so all powerful, surely the big shot Federal house would have swallowed up at least ONE state by now. They have never succeeded though and tried many attempts. That means its all sound & fury signifying nothing. No one has a right to supersede the will of the people (individual states) & that means the losers from the Hydra are going to have to go along with whatever each State decides. Even if that state self-implodes and falls.
Are you finished with your stupid, uneducated foolishness yet medicwiz2020?
No. All the copy pastes of the state law supports exactly what I said. That whether or not something constitutes abuse, depends on whether it is done in anger, the age of the child, whether or not the actions are "reasonable" or "justified", if there is a mark left. etc. etc. I think the state laws posted for Cali, and Maine are pretty clear in that there is no clear cut definition for abuse. There are a myriad of factors that are taken into consideration and those are outlined in the state law. Bottom line, you cannot "discipline" your child however you want and say it's no one's business. These laws state that there are limits and parameters on the discipline that a parent can institute. To say that if anyone tries to limit the way you discipline your child you will put your foot up their [censored], is stupid and several people above have said that they can spank, hit, push, shove, and sit on their children and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Not in my presence.
Well then you go right ahead and do that. Smack them, and push them and kick them and hit them. Just be ready to explain this to police when they come to respond to some "concerned bystander's" call. It is you that is stupid. I had never heard that phrase, and I assume you are quite familiar with it since you have it at the tip of your tongue. I'm sure you have been on the receiving end of that comment more than once. Poor Toad! Chin up...People are doing research to find ways to "fix stupid", all the time...I'm sure we will have some sort of medication for that before long...Don't you worry! Maybe your poor kids will grow up and find a cure for the ignorance that ails you...Unless they end up in the federal pen doing an interview for A&E about how their parents spit, sat, pushed, shoved and smacked them since birth. Promising! You should teach a parenting class.
Um Medical Whiz, not even close. Just one final comment. They are right, you are wrong - law is black and white.
Success, are you saying that the law is not subjective? Whether or not a parent is spanking "in anger" is not black and white. The force with which a child is hit cannot be measured in black and white...A parent might think that the action is reasonable, while the court may find it was unreasonable. If a parent hits a child hard enough to leave a mark on thier body, that parent could still argue they "did not hit the child that hard". The determination as to whether or not the action was taken in anger, or the determination as to whether the corporal punishment was "reasonable" or "justified" would have to be made by a third party (usually the courts). How can it be black and white? One man's "not that hard" could be another person's "unreasonably excessive". @ICU, what do you mean? You called the police on someone else or they called the police on you?
David Chambless- he has spent the best part of his professional career as a car salesman- now he's in the mortgage / real estate biz. I know for a fact he has spent considerable time in jail, which is why I don't think he has an actual license to be a Broker. As for sexual harassment, the man has a long history of issues when it comes to behavior. Can't feel sorry for the wife she knew what she was getting into. He already had 4 kids when they met. 1 with the babysitter when his wife was pregnant, 2 with the ex and 1 he had dodged out on.
Maybe he's an upstanding citizen now? And great to trust your money to? But I doubt it.
KnowThis: Believe me his karmic debt is satisfied staying with the beastly woman all this time. I think she knew what she was getting into. The question is, did he? Her behavior is so white trash and so unprofessional it is embarrassing. He just makes excuses for her and tries to ignore it, but I wouldn't wish that woman on my worst enemy.
This is is obsurd. All of your negative comments regarding anything personal are complete lies. It was entertaining reading all of them. I laughed a lot. Thank you. I also did want to offer a cautionary note to the "old folks" commenting. Turn your hearing aids up and listen to my much younger than you lesson on what you elderly call " the World Wide Web". Although all you old folks chose to be cowardice and create false identities I know exactly who you are. You see grandmas and grandpas, all you do is click on your fictitious scardy cat name and it shows where the devise you are commenting from is registered. It gives it away. You know they offer community counter courses, free if charge for the elderly FREE of charge. Not one of you are educated beyond high school (one not even a GED!) all of you are incapable if supporting yourself, and live negative existences and unfortunately your children are all messed up because of it. Well done! Nicole
Ps. People that are not uneducated, cowardly senior citizens sign their REAL NAME. Live TRUTH.
I was a Managing Partner for a branch UHMC. Dave was a womanizer, his wife was very unpleasant, and the company was full of empty promises. I am not shoked the Licenses were REVOKED!
Joss v. United Home Mortgage Center of Florida, Inc. et al
Plaintiff: Jeanette Joss
Defendant: United Home Mortgage Center of Florida, Inc. and David Chambless
Case Number: 0:2009cv60411
Filed: March 17, 2009
Court: Florida Southern District Court
Office: Civil Rights: Other Office
County: Broward
Presiding Judge: Alan S. Gold
A lot of good Nicole the wife's "fine education" did her. Maybe you should spell check yourself, computer genius. The correct term is "absurd" not "obsurd". Your husband's repeated infidelities, and sexual harassment of women at work is "entertaining" for you? Has it ever occurred to you that you are constantly played for a fool and every single person at that company sees it but you? After 5 or 6 people all say the same thing, you'd think you would look into it and get rid of your husband who cannot keep it in his pants. But then you would be a stay at home mom who is unemployed with 3 children, and likelihood of you finding someone else to take you on is slim. Maybe you should focus on your own children and the myriad of issues they will face growing up in a house where their parents are miserable, and inexplicably stay together, and stop worrying about everyone else's children. Who cares if you can see who posts negative comments?
WOW. I'm not surprised to hear all of these complaints about this DAVID CHAMBLESS. We performed landscaping work at a house in Parkland Isles and I wanted to collect half before doing the work but he told me he was a business man with lots of money not to worry. That was my big mistake this guy cant pay $600 balance due to us for the last 6 months. He also has a partner both very dishonest people- DONT TRUST HIM- DONT DO ANY WORK FOR HIM- HE WONT PAY - CONTACTING A COLLECTION AGENT. I'M SURE THIS GUY IS ALSO IN BIG DEBT.