A caseworker came to my door claiming that someone called DFCS to come to my home. I inquired Who and for What reason. She said she was not at liberty to say. I made the mistake of letting her in my home. After being in my home for 5-10 minutes she felt it was necessary for my children to be in the care of others. She, Tammy Girma, then proceeded to ask if I had anybody in mind and that if I didn't she would take them into dfcs custody. Under what grounds were my children being removed? She claimed they told her they didn't feel safe. The idea of that is unfathomable as I love my kids and everything, every decision, is for their benefit for a secure and loving childhood.
I had been very ill for over a month and was without transportation and I didn't have any immediate family who could take them in and so I recommended this lady that helped with my son when he was a baby, her son was married to a woman who was distantly related to my son. Tammy Girma then proceeded to call this lady to pickup my kids Without notifying their fathers first, which is against policy as I learned later.
That happened 3 weeks ago. Now Tammy and my children's caretaker are pressuring me to give the caretaker guardianship. Of course I refused as it won't take but 3 months to be back on my feet and with transportation. So, DFCS if now taking me to court in 3 weeks and are insisting that the judge sign over guardianship.
I have followed their procedures and have done as I was instructed. Sure, I had to reschedule an appointment as I was so sick and didn't have transportation. DFCS refused to provide transportation. There was not a transportation available that I could afford in my limited income.
DFCS is quick to remove my adored children but also unwilling to provide the resources needed to help us so I can, more quickly, re enroll in college and make a better life for us. When I inquire about such resources I'm given the run around.
My children were a healthy and vibrant 9 and 6 year old. My cabinets and fridge are always stocked with foods and they receive they care they need to live a very healthy lifestyle. Single parenting is hard and even more so in a place where such things are discouraged by scare tactics to give up your children, rather than offering support to be a family again as soon as possible.
Finally, after the first two weeks, I was well enough to get myself and the plans for the next 4 weeks together to defend myself. I've made many calls and have left many voice mails. I have made a little ground but there is still on overwhelming amount of work ahead of me to ensure my family is, in fact, priority.
I basically had a pretty negative and harmful childhood which ultimately led to some poor choices in my early to mid 20's. I have been doing all I can, as an individual, as my family cannot, some will not, help in order to have my priorities in order and then have my children back home. So I am fighting DFCS for what they are required to provide in the first place, which is helping families stay together stronger than before.
For each child DFCS takes out of the home they receive a large compensation, which Does Not go towards the child's well being and future. The longer the child(ren) are kept out of the home the more money DFCS receives.
In a world that is governed by money, it's very hard to fight the unjust at times. I needed helping hands to go back to college to provide a better lifestyle for my family. Unfortunately it is a cold and cruel world where even some family members will cut you down, kick you when you're down and call DFCS on you because they don't want to life a finger.
I was married to my daughters father for three years and we dated for two. After the relationship became verbally abusive, I was told I was too stupid to earn a college degree, I left that marriage and he has since moved out of state and married another woman who has children. A year after the divorce, the first man I dated, I became pregnant and he left my son when I was 10 weeks along with him. Like I said, it's a cold and cruel world so I will not add to that by aborting a child who is completely innocent. Also, they are wonderful children by the way. As children can be difficult at times, they are still more important than anyone else. Which is why I have such high standards and am not remarried.
Why did DFCS remove my children? So they could receive money, rather than spend it bringing my family closer together and further along in this life with their support that they Could offer, but have refused.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Hey hey Brenda lets cool it on the fathers now! (they should be involved)
First of all, DFCS doesn't just come in and take your children without just cause. Second of all, they cannot disclose who the person that called is. Third, the state DOES not get money for placing your children with a family member/friend of your choosing(that is approved). As a former investigator for DFCS, I can tell you that you are very misguided! We want nothing more than for your children to be safe! If you cannot provide that care for your child, then someone else must. It is your child's right to live in an an environment where they feel safe. They do not remove children because they have a fear of the boogeyman! Ms. Girma is a fantastic case worker who was just doing her job. I am quite sure Ms. Girma attempted to reach the children's father(s). Case managers never get enough respect for the work they do! Just a question...how were you living and paying your bills while you were ill? Let me guess...DFCS...the same people you are trashing.
You would be the the 1st to say all that. I am a mother of 5 girls ages 16, 14, 13, twins 5. I went to school to get my kids for my 14yr olds birthday lunch, Dfcs showed up with two cops and told me I couldn't see or speak to my 2 of my kids (the 14, & 13 yr olds). That was back on Jan. 20, 2017. It is now September 2017 and I have gotten to see my kids maybe a total of 6 hours, in this time. I have been to court but still they haven't been able to show why my kids can't come home. They have seen their dad maybe a total of 4 hours. Dfcs never contacted him I had to call and tell him. He was able to get them to talk to him 3 mo after it all started. My mom has seen her grand kids a total of one hour Since this has all happened. My kids was very healthy and happy Loving cheerful girls. But now they are scared to even speak without the caregiver giving permission. Even to the judge. My kids have always been open to talk. Their caregiver has changed their Doctors many times. My 14 yr old has been in hospital multiple times. But Dfcs seen it was better to put my kids thru this and make them live with someone that was proven to mentally unstable to have her own 2 kids. And their sitter can't be left alone with her 3 kids. So you may have wanted to do somethings right but here it's not true. And during all this I still have custody of all my kids. I just can't be around them. And don't go saying that they have a reason. They have only said cuz I make my kids learn how to cook and clean and work odd jobs to get what they want is the reason. Really...
Well if everything you say is true then why do i no longer have my children? Why am I not allowed to visit them or speak to them? Why were my parental rights taken? However my sister in law has had 4 separate chancing to get custody of my niece and nephew even have just a few days ago getting out of jail on a trafficking meth charge? Can u explain that to me? When my kids had a roof over their head food to eat and were well taken care of and she had her kids bouncing from place to place begging for food living in her car and she leaving them wherever with whomever to go do her drugs for hours if not days at a time... Explain how that is right
Honestly you have no clue what you're talking about dfcs is nothing but a child trafficking money organization it disgusts me that you automatically side with such corruption you must have ill-will and evil intent
That is total BS. I have seen it happen. Gave them to a lesbian married couple and kept them until after the major holidays when a court day was finally given. Even the judge was pissed and order the kids to be returned immediately. Those kids suffered for no reason at all.
You are showing your ignorance by posting that. You and I BOTH know that there is more to the story than what you are posting. If the mother wasn't allowed unsupervised visits, there was a reason. Who are you implying is paying DFCS? And trust me, investigators and case managers practically work for free. Food stamps? TANF? Section 8...these are things DFCS provides. It is not a right but a helping hand. Get a job, go to school and take care of the children YOU chose to have. The children didn't ASK to be born. Why did the child steal the gun and point it in the principal's face to start with? A lot of anger for a child. I have a 17 year old. My child would never and I mean NEVER do something like that because I have raised them to be empathetic. By the way, people SHOULD call the police if the child is in danger, and they in turn will call DFCS! Hey single mother...why don't you post your name since you were so quick to post Tammy's. You should both find something better to do with your time (here's an idea...learn how to be a better parent) than posting all the comments that you have. Have a nice day!
I get it now. You are one of them workers who think the money comes from your pocket. You don't work in every state to know what goes on from state to state. There are whole Facebook groups of horrid examples of kids being removed because they wanted a second opinion from another medical doctor. Lady you need prayers to attack these people. You have no clue how the money works or who gets what. You are so overloaded in cases you can't stand yourself. If your side of opinion was so true then why are workers getting fired left and right for not doing things about actual child abuse cases when the child has ended up dead or put them in the care of an abuser that kills the child that you so-called vetted as a temporary caregiver
Here's the thing. I don't recall EVER saying I was perfect. What I am telling you is that there are reasons why children are taken out of a home. I don't know your case nor have I seen your case. The rape of a child by ANYONE is wrong and hopefully the judicial system will punish the perpetrator. By the way, my pay worked out to be $6.87 per hour. NOt to mention, i had to use my own vehicle. So...don't try to say that I made GOOD MONEY. It wasn't about the money. As a child that had been abused, I am more than aware of the effects. Case Managers are also overseen by their supervisors and do not and can not make a decision without them. If that teacher/principal abused that child they should be punished. The safety of the children come first and foremost. WE will never be the most popular person in the room when parents have an open case. I can tell you this, speak to ANY ONE of my clients and they will tell you that not only was i thorough, but i was fair. I stood by my clients and helped (tried to) everyone of them. So before you start with your jibberish...know what you are talking about. Not ALL case managers/investigators are bad. Maybe you and all your "people" that hate DFCS should educate themselves. There are bad case managers out there and they should be let go...just don't lump everyone into one basket...isn't that what you are acusing DFCS of doing?
not sure what just happened with the text...I apologize for that.
completely agree that the system is flawed...and no...I do not believe everything that I am told. There are many reasons why someone accuses someone else of abuse. NOt every accusation is true. Corruption ANYWHERE should not be tolerated. Shinjai, good for you for realizing that you could not be an impartial part of the system. Not everyone can and I respect you for acknowledging that. Any you ABSOLUTLEY have the right to your opinion. All i am saying is that not ALL case workers are bad. Unfortunately, the bad ones give EVERYONE a bad name. The father has to be given the option. He can, and many times do, refuse. Thanks for your input.
OK, the notion that DFCS gets $1500.00 for each child that is removed is beyond ABSURD! When the state takes custody of a child, they are assuming the cost of caring for the child. How many children do you know that $1500.00 would cover the cost of their care for a mere six months? Now imagine all of the children that linger in state custody for years because their birth parents fail to fix the areas which caused concern for the kids' safety . . . how much do you think it costs? A LOT! If DFCS got monies for each child that is removed, there would be a HUGE push to place children in foster care and not with relatives/friends. Look at the statistics, there are less children in foster care now than ever. Additionally, consider the huge shortfall in the state's budget. If DFCS got money for every kid that was removed, then there would be a push to pick up as many kids as possible --- instead of making efforts to keep the kids with their families. All DFCS/DHR employees are being made to take off a day every month without pay -- called forlough because of the lack of monies in the state budget; in addition, there have been no raises given in several years --- BECAUSE THERE IS NO MONEY. That is just another reason why DFCS does NOT have any financial motativation in removing kids. If DFCS received monies for taking custody of children, there would be no furloughing workers. By the way, the furlough does not sound like much but it has a huge financial impact upon that worker's families. The point being, if there is no money to pay employees their designated salaries, then there is NO MONEY TO GIVE $1500.00 FOR REMOVING CHILDREN. Additionally, why would the state offer a financial incentitive to relatives of children in foster care to have the children placed with their family? To help that relative cover the financial cost of raising the children. Finally, before DFCS can remove any child, there has to be proof of abuse/neglect AND a judge has to AGREE and DECIDE that it is in the best interest of the child for it to be placed in foster care. DFCS CAN NOT AND WILL NOT remove a child without there being some serious concerns that affect the child's safety and well being. DFCS can not pick up any kid without a JUDGE authorizing it.
I hate to disappoint you but you are incorrect, the offices do get money for removing the children from their homes. let me educate you, the money comes from the federal government under the title v social security expansion act and under the families first and adoption act of 1997 signed into law by bill clinton, not only do they get money for every child taken into dfcs custody but they get an incentive of $4000. 00 or $6000.00 bonus for every child that is placed up for adoption. they have become a 29.6 billion dollar a year industry for taking and adopting children in the foster care system. they have even expanded the market by placing social workers in hospitals so that they can get dibs on those kids that are brought in www.medicalkidnap.com holds horror stories of kids being taken from the hospitals, these social workers on this sight is trying to hide what really goes on in the system and yes they will come and take your kids without probable cause and keep them for months even years without a legitimate excuse, its just they have the power and no one will stop them. I have done my homework and I know everything about this group and what they are peddling to the people complaining is a false narrative so that they can continue to snatch kids. if you want to know the truth dig deep into these people and you will find they are the most corrupt and lawless group of people working for the government. you can start by researching "the corrupt business of the department of family and children services" and then research for yourselves.
Its true that they recieve bonus pay for each child they remove from the parents custody. I know this because my mother is a social worker (who by the way has never been a cps worker but she is required to know all the information as part of her social worker training and recertifications that come up to keep her liceance). They are known to harrass people, expecially in this area.
I have posted on other cps related topics here. And I will say it again. They are jerks. They use to come to my house and harrass me when I was alone. Tell me I should die, call me a liar, even told me I was worthless. The male worker would sniff my clothing (both freshly washed and dirty awaiting wash). He would peek thru windows and I finally got extra long curtains and stapled them down to the walls so he couldnt move them and look in if my window was open. He would tell people in my hometown details about the case. Turns out he never was authorized to open case on me and was keeping fake documents so he could bill for his time. Long story short after I got a lawyer and said Id sue they appologized to me and havent bothered me since.
These people need stopped. They break rules, break laws, shatter hopes and dreams, ruin families, and destroy homes.
well they can kiss my ###! they are the worst unprofessional piece of crap service. I've been waiting three damn weeks for my food stamps and i have two kids. We rely on those stamps and here they come with their damn excuses. "Yeah the system backup but do you know how much they affected everyone financial issues. f*** dfcs they can go to hell. They dont care about anyone. Its going on a damn month and i barely have any f***ing money to keep spending on food. then they got that stupid line that no one ever picks up. you will waiting hours just to talk to one customer service rep. Bad customer service unprofessional place!
I hate everything to do with children getting taken away, i think it should be like police and stuff, they should have to have visible proof that what they claim is happening. i know for a fact that people will call and complain just because people are cruel, a woman asked my mother to call child welfare against another family, and when she refused, she just so happened to get a knock on the door and guess who it was? Child Welfare. so you saying that they have no right to say who called it in is actually true, they aren't allowed to say who reported you nor do they have to tell you why, and people will call against you if they know you love your children, I'll admit, i have a unique situation, but it helped me see the good and bad in people and in my opinion, anything to do with child welfare is bad news unless they can prove the child is in harms way, i feel terrible to see that everything is going bad for you, but keep emailing and calling people, it'll get better. Good Luck:)
I think they shouldnt be so quick to remove they whould give you a few days to get it together and then if you dont, then they should remove them. My children were taken yesterday because of drug alligations and because I refused to take a drug test. I should have said I would but I believe I have rights to privacy.
So maybe there are some cases children might need to be taken away. But they are too quick to remove them. Heres my story. My ex and I had a 5 BR house, big back yard and the kids didn't want for nothing. He worked & I stayed home. We got no assistance at all and were a fairly happy family. To start off let me say we did smoke pot. I'm not saying it was right or okay ( I don't do it now ) but in no way, shape, or form were my kids neglected, abused, or deprived. We were responsible about our smoking. We didn't do it around our kids. They had no idea we did it. Well, anyways one day cps & the cops busted in and took us to jail and our children to what I call hell. My kids, then 5, 10, &12 were split up . The oldest to a group home, the youngest two in a foster home. The 5 year old was told lies by the foster parents. That I didn't want him only his sister and the 12 year old was shown files that a minor should never see. They barely let me have contact with them. Needless to say my youngest. Now 10 is all emotionally screwed up. My once sweet wonderful child is now full of anger and hatred. Until that day. He had never even spent the night away from me. They treated me terribly. Put me through classes with heroin & crackhead mothers who had drug addicted babies. No, smoking pot was not the right thing for me to be doing. But they never even gave me a chance to correct my wrong. They just jerked my kids out of their home and put the whole family through needless hell.
We can clearly see those people who are Workers of the horrid places on the comments board, or friend/family of the worker!...
The comments about the county not getting money for each child removed is a LIE! I was a county worker and its not a BONUS perse, but a REIMBURSEMENT from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT via Child Protective Act of 1987 (I believe). Every child on the system through regular assistance (public assistance, medicaid, day care expenses, transportation etc) there is no reimbursement by the federal government to cover these expenses, BUT the county found the loop hole that if they PLACE the children in FOSTER CARE and Kinship Care (with friends/relatives) they get 100% REIMBURSEMENT.
On top of all the reimbursements, foster care parents get all of these services for free with no proof of employment or documented hours of school/work. and all the paperwork is taken care of by the social service worker. But the general population must provide proof of working enough hours to get any assistance (for daycare) or if you work too many hours you are not eligible. While these homefinders get all their friends to become certified foster families and they make $900/month for each child in care that has normal IQ and no diagnosis and at least $1, 200/month to $1, 500/month for the children with disabilities. These coming out of tax payer dollars. Now these is the facts out of NYS (don't have stats for anywhere else)... How do I know this? I was a county employee... I worked for Foster Care/Adoption as a caseworker for them. Homefinders refused to place children with people I knew who were certified through the county and rather sent children to overcrowded homes because they were friends of theirs!... CORRUPTION COUNTY... I quit after hearing an attorney (for the client who traveled 2 hours everyday on the bus to see his daughter and completed his menu successfully), make a deal with the county worker and the attorney for DSS to keep his child from him in order for a couple who had the child agreed to pay $2, 500.00 to have the dads rights terminated that day! The guy spoke no English! They did not know I spoke Spanish! I told the advocate for the client to get the HELL out of that court and HIRE a private ATTY or else he would lose his child!. I don't know what happened after that, because my moral compass could not tolerate the corruption! I was sick to my stomach for weeks after that story and a few others! I made $40K a year doing this work, I used my own car, but got mileage reimbursement check... The workers do not get BONUSES, but they don't make less then minimum wage as someone professes that they get and if you did do this type of work for less then minimum wage you were not a LICENSED SOCIAL WORKER or even have a BACHELOR'S DEGREE... .it sounds more like you were a liaison or child advocate or CASA worker... and even then the agency that you work for is totally using you! and what does that say about your duty to children and families? You are definitely a bleeding heart that does not have all the facts to equip you to make statements about the agency that you want to defend. NOT all WORKERS ARE BAD! I totally agree with that statement, however when you meet that one that is who gives a [censored] about the others that are not bad? They have no control and make NO decisions or ASSIST in any way/shape/form to get your children back!
As far as JUDGES approval this also is a misguided statement, there have been NUMEROUS ACCOUNTS in so many counties in the UNITED STATES that have been CAUGHT ON TAPE wheeling and dealing and they also profit because they sit on the board of places like CATHOLIC CHARITIES, CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES, and other not-for-profit agencies and group homes and other agencies that provide mental health services to these families and their children. They have a vested interest in these companies staying in business. Some even OWN group homes! ... Use the world wide web in order to research what you think you know so that you can KNOW what you KNOW!... If you state your OPINION then state that, but if you are stating FACTS then they can be found by other readers, posters, and commentators on the internet!... Just so that we all know what is real from what is not. It would be awesome for some of you to actually do the research and then JUMP on BOARD and make CHANGES so that you don't have "incentives" or "reimbursements" for tearing homes apart, but get those incentives for keeping children and families together and use that same $900-$1500 dollars for resources to pay for keeping children in the home!
As far as safety of children in foster homes! wow! do the research children in foster homes are 7 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO DIE IN FOSTER CARE THEN IN THE GENERAL POPULATION! research it! There is no safety in Foster Care...
Furthermore, at least 70% of adults in prison (we have 2.3 million in prison right now), were RAISED in FOSTER CARE... ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS IS BETTER?...
Children and families belong together and I made it my life mission to educate people and help families work things out before CPS and Family Courts get involved!...
I pray that what I said will resonate with you all who have commented and that you are eager to help make changes so that families don't have to complain about CPS and other entities. Also if acts are CRIMINAL then they should be heard in Criminal Court, not Family Court... Which really is an oxymoron to place these two words in a title together... but that's just my humble and honest observation from my experience working for the system!
They are all in this together ..the judges the whole circus...Tammy Girmo is from hell ...she took my 3 kids based on hearsay of another demon such as herself... They held mine on a 72 hour hold and its been over 2 months now...I pray for you and yours. Is this why they killed Senator Nancy Schaefer...she seen there tactics and there pedophile ring ...this is legal kidnapping ...also ignore all the ones who give you a hard time...there energy needs to be redirected ..God Bless You
I am hoping to one day work for DFACS as a case manager. I want to begin by saying that I have been on both ends. My 14 year old daughter has gotten into some legal trouble and is now in juvenile hall. I live in an efficiency apartment, which is not appropriate for children. DFACS got involved in this case and told me that I could not have her back here. Honestly, I don't want to lose my child; however I feel that DFACS is correct in their decision. AS parents, we must look out for the best interest for our children. I am hoping that they allow me time to move and find a better place that is affordable before they comitt her to state custody. The worders that I allowed into my home were nice and seemed to be very helpful. They did not talk condescending or make me feel worthless. However, I cooperated and told them the truth. I feel that is the key; if you tell them a bunch of lies and say that you have never made mistakes, then they know you are covering things up because we all make mistakes. I hope all of you get things worked out.
As I have read through all of these comments all I can do is shake my head. I had a DCFS case opened up this past May of 2012. I have two daughters ages 10, and 12. Both have autism, and are also mentally handicapped. A social worker from one of my daughters school called DCFS and reported that my daughter said my husband touched her. They arrested him, and charged him with possession of a roach. He spent six months in work release, but come to find out he didn't have anything on him in the first place. DCFS left my children with me..made me lie in court to a judge about a strangulation charge against me that was untrue(have documents) they said if I didn't agree to everything in court that my daughters would be taken away. I had never been in this kind of situation before so I lied in court, and admitted everything. My husband was never interviewed even though the investigator put in the report that he was. Actually this morning the investigator who opened the case seven months ago called him on the phone, and asked him if he could come down, and do an interview. What? Hell no he said..he said you had six months while I was in jail to do the interview, and you lied saying you did one so no I'm not agreeing to anything. I filed some complaints about a month ago, and included that my husband was never interviewed after the report said he was. DCFS is trying to cover their tracks, and lies. Everything was unsubstantiated against my husband, but they got me for environmental neglect by saying there was ongoing domestic violence in my home. Out of eight years there was one reported incident (It NEVER included strangulation) and DCFS was never involved. My story has so many ###ed up twists, and turns that it doesn't make sense. My child was never interviewed either, and denies she said anything like that to the school social worker. DCFS preys on the people who are barely making it, or who live off of government assistance. In the last seven months they have not once helped me. I retained an attorney, and I am filing a civil suit against them. They are all corrupt, and I'm working on my Masters Degree because I was going to become a social worker for DCFS...ha-ha..never in a million years after this! I'm sorry for you that have lost your children, really I am. Get an attorney..go through legal aid, file complaints. Do what you have to do! These people must be stopped.
I am seeing some that say that children shouldn't be taken away and some that are saying they should. But what happens when children should be saved and nothing is ever done until it is too late. This isn't just a story, this is my life, I am now 25 years old, when I was 10-12 I was molested, I went to DFACS when I was 17 and disclosed to them and told them my concerns about two other little girls that were in the custody of the molester. NOTHING was done, now me and the two young girls are being victimized all over again because someone finally listened. Had they listened before and taken the two girl from him they would have never been victims. Now who has an excuse for their negligence. There's not a good enough reason, there never will be. DFACS will pay for their negligence and those two young girls will have a better future.
And what your complaining about is no where near negligence. Failure to report a crime is negligence, taking your child because they think is whats best is called their job. I am offended that you would list your complaint as negligence. Sorry but I live in hell because of negligence, you live in hell because someone cares to make sure your children are well taken care of.
Who do we talk to my son had his children removed for a so callled drug addiction now several years later and numerous drug screens later no drug abuse has been proven and they want him to go to rehab that he can not afford and for no reason! Peach county defacs is racist bigoted and high handed and need to be reigned in NOW!
I got my kids back ~ I credit recording devices for all acusations could Not be proven due to video and recording devices on my being at all times. Also contact your rep mine was Stephen Allison this helps an call DHS in Atlanta . file motions get in everyones face including local newspapers adn doc ument everythign nd everyones names...when confronted let ehm know your recording and get teh correct spelling of there name. Make a report to the head of DFACs...an dont every give up!
I'm very frustrated! I received a letter in the mail scheduling a phone interview to receive food stamps yesterday; a representative did call me but proceeded to put me on hold. After being on hold for approximately 15min the system hung up on me. I then called back twice and between the two calls was on hold for an hour, but still was not successful in getting to speak with an agent. Now today I am calling again to try to complete my interview, but I am currently still on hold and have been for exactly 1hr and 2min. Not that it matters, but I am a very hard working single mother of one, and until now I have been able to manage without the help of any government agencies, but have had to look at funds being cut out of my check for these government assistance programs. Now I am in need and can't get anyone to pick up the phone to help. I currently work in customer service so I am understanding to a point, but this is ridiculous and very unprofessional, and shouldn't be tolerated. Does anyone know where I can file a formal complaint? Thanks.
Regardless of the fact dfacs receives money from removing a child from there home they're are still children removed without good cause. My husband's ex wife had an ongoing investigation that we knew nothing about until a year after it began The case worker called us and asked us to file for mod of custody . we were trying to get all of that together to file when we get a call that his children are seeing a therapist dfacs sent over. He's telling the oldest child that she's going to a group home so she can't live with us. We've never even met this therapist or spoken to him. He has no reason to say this. However he doesn't seem to care that the mom has 6 felony drug charges pending with the court and 2 overdoses in the last month. We just found this out as well. He's taking false a ligation from her and doing what she says and I fear we won't get a court date in time to save these children. So no I don't feel like dfacs does what they should for children. I think they do whatever benefits them instead
I had a DFACS case that was opened with a complaint that I had no home. This was untrue but at same time true, I am a travel nurse and we lived in a camper. We owned 3 campers, Sold 2 and was on the 3rd when DFACS came. My children were staying next door while we fixed a few things and was selling the last one. I was involved with my childrens life and within minutes of them at all times. We were avtively looking at the time for a home, setting roots in the town. We had formulated a plan and from the start til end we never verred off track, though it took longer than exspected we accomplished our goal, a home. During the course however on the 3rd week things changed. We had found a home on a friday, The case worker was notified of a protential home and we was going shopping for furniture over the weekend. He wanted proof of my new job because "he doubted my tail of employment". I assured him I did have a job, sent him my job contract from the hospital. On Sunday I called to tell them I was in route to get my children for the day, however I was told I couldnt and they were calling 911. I was in shock, I had not lost custody, no court order or anything but being a weekend the police wouldnt let me get my children because my case worker was not reachable. Monday came and I went to the school to get my children but the people who were once like parents to me didnt take them to school. I called 911 and the police called brought the case worker to me. He told me to be at his office at 3pm and I meeded a family member to come who would let them stay with until I had a residence. I asked my dad who reluctantley agreed, but the case worker said i had to sign temp gaurdian papers. After a week my dad started pushing gaurdainship papers, i was waiting on approval on a home so I postponed him. After few days I got word I had to have 2months rent, deposit, and utility money, total $1700. We had all of the required but then my dad says the dfacs worker said I had to have a 3 bedrm because the childrens ages, that home was $2100 to move in. So we started looking at others, then on my way to work our truck broke down. It took 3weeks but we finally was able to get another veh and our place.
On the day I told my dad I was getting my kids he said he was calling 911. He did call but I had my custody papers and I kept our daughter, our son I told him since his room wasnt finished he could stay the weekend. Come monday I find out my dad never had my children, my estranged mother and step dad had them almost the entire time. I called the case worker and he acted surprised to hear from me but I told him to come inspect and he said he sure would. That evening I get into an argument with my dad and told him I was telling his wife what he had done, there was alot like he had my children lie to me and was giving his wife credit for things my mom had done and took money for them food but kept for himself. i told him i was telling her about cheating and he accused me of drug abuse, i laughed and told him he knew better besides if true how could or would i accomplished so much in 2months if that were the case.
Friday at 5pm I get a visit, a new case worker. Appatently my first case closed, 2weeks prior. The new case worker told me of the complaints, drugs, filth, bugs, no food, nasty, and i had just been arrested. Me and my husband offered ua right then, she refused stating we looked nothing like drug users. She said due to complaints she had to inspect, when she walked into our home she stopped and said "wow, just wow" ea room she was in shock over and appologized for coming. Before she left she said she was glad that the outragious complaints were not true and she was closing the case quickly. Before she left I asked about the other case, she opens and looks at a file she was holding. For a few min she looked at it and said "this is weird he normally keeps good notes" and when asked about how he had everyone keeping our children from us, allowed 2 visits in 5weeks, she states he didnt have the right to keep them from us cause we never lost them.
I find out that my ex, his family, my family, and the people who were our friends all were called into dfacs and told of our situation, this we are unsure exactly was, we were inbetween homes? i find out that the court ordered father who had no visits for last 3yrs had been having against court order, visits. I told her i was seeking am attorney, there was to many laws broken and unneeded suffering we was put through.
Monday we get a call for drug test, we agree and go the next day. My husband passes, me I failed for meth and molly. I asked to report meds, prior to test, i had taken and take but was told no need, i was fine. I was on 4meds, one regular and 3 i was on for 3 weeks, i had bronchitis i had lost my voice and hearing in left ear for 4 days. Everyone of the drugs gives false positive I find out however I was unaware it did my test until 2days later. I get a call she needs to bring a paper for me to sign, i thought to close the case instead i had to sign the loss of my childen. I wasnt even allowed to say bye, it has been 2 months. I have begged for 2weeks for my ua retake, my hair follicle came back right above cut off, low enough but high enough to confirm my medications, 1478. The judge said he exspected a pos but the ua would determine me seeing my children, however it wasnt enougj and the tester had an appt amd couldnt wait for me to go more to give another. I was told i could come back, but no one will let me go. my husbands test was neg by dip stick, but dfacs said it had a trace despite its results How because there is only pos or neg, no ranges for a trace value. He is told he cant see them until neg but when asked for retake they said they have no order for a retake. How is this possible? Is there attorneys who help people like us? How can we prove our innocene? I am taking with us 2 diff days, from 2 diff location and companies of results to show the judge but we dont know what else we can do to help us get our children back. Anyone have any advice or recommendations?
I am in the same place you are. Have you found anyone who could help you, If so will you please pass on any information tracydriggers821@gmail.com