Attention Enpar, Dr. Gene S. Shelp - Director, President and C.E.O., Directors, and Shareholders.
It is not enough that McKenley Esnard resigned, the facts in this matter need the light of TRUTH and Esnard needs to be exposed for the FRAUD he is! As a public company you are bound by the rules of good governance and full disclosure, we demand for transparency.
As Tax Payers of Ontario and now an unwittingly participant in your company we demand to know the following:
- The real reason Esnard resigned
- How much was he paid off?
- Are you going to demand that he returns every cent ever earned while acting as a conman and fraud?
- Are you going to ask the fake Doctor to return every share that Enpar gave him as compensation and/or shares he may have purchased at a discount?
- Are you going to demand that he repays any and all bonuses?
Failure to do so is sending a message to the general public, your investors and the Ontario Tax Payer, that Enpar is complicit and part of this fraud.
What actions is Enpar prepared to take against its auditor Wasserman Ramsay? As it is Wasserman Ramsay’s responsibility to assure investors, and we The Tax Payers of Ontario that when McKenley Esnard was appointed CFO was he competent enough to hold such a position. Here’s a thought did anyone verify if Esnard could even read a financial statement?
We demand to know and have full disclosure what you as CEO did to verify McKenley Esnards credentials and his ability to act as a director, CFO, audit chair, chairman of the board.
We the Tax Payers of Ontario also demand full disclosure on what advice Wasserman Ramsay provided in recommendations of their due diligence regarding McKenley Esnards credentials.
We the Tax Payers of Ontario find it appalling and extremely serious that a public company trading on the TSX governed by the OSC having external auditors (Wasserman Ramsay) can allow a fraud like McKenley Esnard to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars since March of 2006 and no one knew.
It is incumbent upon Enpar to protect the interest of Ontario Tax Payers and their investors to pursue Mr. Esnard in a court of law, and lay charges of fraud, misrepresentation, theft of public funds.
It is also incumbent upon Enpar and its executive to pursue in a court of law its external auditors, Wasserman Ramsay for negligence, complicity, and misuse of public funds.
It is inconceivable to those of us who are the Tax Payers of Ontario that Enpar could continue using the services of Wasserman Ramsay seeing as how they allowed a conman such as McKenley Esnard to last as long as he did in the multiple positions he held with Enpar.
We the Tax Payers of Ontario demand and insist on a full accounting for the record to be made straight and that any and all monies not deserved be returned to the public account. Enpar has to restore the public’s trust and we the Tax Payers of Ontario are asking the OAC to put a halt trade on all executives, past and present on trading and cashing their shares until this matter is fully resolved.
Tax Payers of Ontario
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.