I wanted a box set of Boston Legal. The price on Amazon was over $100 so the price at DVD Collects ($50 plus $20 shipping) was attractive. I had concerns that the DVDs would be pirated, not only because of the too-good-to-be-true-price but because the DVDs work worldwide: normally DVDs are territory specific. Anyhow, I ordered the set figuring I could rely on Visa to refund my money if the goods were fraudulent. The next day I got an email from DVD Collects saying the set was no longer available. When I Googled the company name, up came this complaint site and several others. So I called the US number listed on their website (go to bottom, click on site map, then Contact Us), which is an unpublished number in Casa Grande, AZ, and which no one answered during daytime hours. I also checked the hidden headers on the email sent to me from [protected]@dvdcollects.com and it originated in China through corpease.net, a web server based in Shanghai. So yes, THESE ARE PIRATED DVDS coming out of China, and like all counterfeit goods from there they may be funding organized crime. I am now worried they have my credit card info including the security code on back, and must now sign up for identity theft alerts. I wish I had done my research BEFORE ordering. Lesson learned.
The same happened to me, no responce to e-mail, no tracking code, no dvd's goodbye money. My advice never ever make a payment if they don't ask for password. Indeed lesson learned, but what can we do to stop these guys.
Jacob from Holland
I bought all the seasons of lost. Episodes were missing! Some of the dvds were blank. What a ripoff! I feel so totally duped.
I ordered 6 seasons of NCIS in December of 2009 for a really great price and got exactly what I wanted. All of the DVD were there and they all worked.
Definitely PIRATED MATERIALS! The Department of Homeland Security shut down DVDCollects.com and now they are operating DVDCollects.co.uk . The contact e-mail is dvdcollects123@gmail.com. I don't want anyone else to get ripped off!