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DVD Donkey

DVD Donkey review: Big scam! 230

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12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

DVD DONKEY is a big scam... Unfortunately I did not see this web site before I ordered a very hard to acquire dvd set for my father for Christmas... As it turns out, I am having the same experiences as everyone else... The money has been taken out of my account... But, not dvd's have arrived in the mail (now 10 weeks since I ordered!) And no reply to any emails sent! I am really upset, if only because my father would have absolutely loved the dvd's for Christmas!

I hope no one else has this horrible experience!

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Apr 28, 2008 7:55 am EDT

I had the exact same experience. I've since contacted the Better Business Bureau, I suggest you do the same.

It's completely ridiculous what this company is doing.

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Apr 29, 2008 4:15 pm EDT

@Jason, Thanks for recommending They are GREAT! i also placed an order with them and i got it within 3 days! Thank God i did this search first before ordering from DVD DONKEY! YourDVDworld is what i will be sticking with from now on!

Mike Caron
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May 03, 2008 5:57 am EDT

My complaint is almost a carbon copy of Steve's. I ordered a boxed set of Carol Burnett and Friends, did not receive any product. I did also receive an email with a bogus tracking number. I spoke with my bank today, they tell me they can resolve the problem because I paid with a credit card.

Please beware of this company. They go by several names. They recently sent me an email under a new name telling me they have added more products. I can not believe the audacity of these people.

Barbi Clarkson
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May 05, 2008 9:46 am EDT

I was about to order a longed for DVD set of Beauty and the Beast when I read your site, Thanx i could have been very upset!

Lamar DuPree
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May 08, 2008 7:59 am EDT

In December 2007, I ordered and paid for boxed sets of movies that I never received. When I call the number listed to contact them or when I send e-mails enquiring where my order is, they tell me it's on back order.

Ray Saverin
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May 09, 2008 5:50 am EDT

I did receive the confirmation email but only after asking for it. I also received other emails and a "Tracking number" for Canada Post, but of course they had no record of it.
During the course of emails going back and forward I received one from a"" quoting my order number, tracking number and assurance that DVDs had been dispatched.
My last emails to them were highly suggestive that they were a bunch of scam merchants and the fact that no rebuttal was ever made and no effort to dissuade me from thinking this I wrote the episode off to experience. But I would certainly add "" to the same list as DVD Donkey.

Tim Trevor-Jones
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May 15, 2008 7:55 pm EDT

I ordered a full set of TV series "My Hero" for my daughters birthday (ordered Dec 2007)...same story, debitted my credit card and received an email stating that the order would be shipped...never recieved anything. Several subsequent emails indicating that the items were on "back order"...Boy don't i feel stoopid now!

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May 16, 2008 5:53 pm EDT

I had so many problems with this company I ordered a dvd set for my son last christmas in 2007. I finally did get the order after waiting for three month and after I did get the dvds he discovered that he received episode four twice and there was no episode one. I have been trying ever since to get them to send me the episode or replace the set. I sent them emails, got on their chat room thing twice and even called them at 1-877-7-tv-show, and to this day 5 month later have not recieved it. They keep telling me they will send it and it will take 2-3 weeks. Yea right! You are all right this place is a scam and not to buy anything from this place. Their guarentee means nothing. I repeat DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY!

Sean M. Shields
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May 17, 2008 11:03 am EDT

DVD Donkey is a RIP OFF!

Jack Mann
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May 19, 2008 6:59 am EDT

I too had a bad experience with DVD Donkey outfit. I finally received the merchandise after many weeks and NO REPLIES from any emails I sent to them. Their shipping is so bad every DVD CASE was broken and the DVD's were scratched. In some cases their DVD's did NOT contain ALL EPISODES as they advertised. BUYER BEWARE is definitely in order with this outfit.

Denison, US
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May 29, 2008 1:57 pm EDT
I was a fool too! I ordered My Three Sons complete series. They charged my credit card 120.00 After numerous emails about why I hadn't gotten my DVD's I got what looked like an automated email saying it was on backorder and My Credit Card HAD NOT been charged yet but would be when it was shipped! I knew this was an out right lie so I called my credit card company. They told me to print out the email and I'll be sending that to them. I also filed a complaint at PLEASE everyone file a complaint here and they will hunt down these rip off artist!

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Jun 03, 2008 2:03 am EDT

I ordered a box set of the Get Smart series on February 1st, 2008. They were very quick to deduct payment from my account, even though they sent emails saying they hadn't yet deducted any money. I have not yet received any goods, the phone number supplied is not connected and they do not reply to email. Does anyone know what further action can be taken against this company as something needs to be done to stop further bogus sales that rip people off.

Linda Reid
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Jun 03, 2008 2:44 pm EDT

I ordered the DVD Series Walker, Texas Ranger for $249.99 with shipping costs of $31.19 bringing the total price for my order to $281.18 USD. The order was placed on February 12, 2008 and has not been received as of June 2, 2008. My email bounced back querying them about my order and all efforts to contact DVD Donkey via their [protected] tel. # have gotten absolutely no response. I am livid that these crooks can operate on the Internet and scam so many of us. I hope you do an investigation and bring charges against the appropriate culprits.

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Jun 09, 2008 3:16 pm EDT

Note: Duckman is finally available, legally. Google it and you'll be directed to Amazon, where you can pre-order it. Or order it at a site you TRUST.

NOTE: DO NOT ORDER IT FROM THE CROOKS AT TVADDICTS.COM or their equally crooked other sites.

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Jun 09, 2008 3:16 pm EDT

Note: Duckman is finally available, legally. Google it and you'll be directed to Amazon, where you can pre-order it. Or order it at a site you TRUST.

NOTE: DO NOT ORDER IT FROM THE CROOKS AT TVADDICTS.COM or their equally crooked other sites.

david raistrick
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Jun 12, 2008 6:59 am EDT

well too my surprise, i have actually just come across this site for dvd donkey i just wished tht i had seen this six months ago as like everyone else i had placed an order with my partner to get her mum some dvds for memories of her late mum (grandmother). They have done the same thing to us as everyone else taken the money and not sent us the dvds as requested and we have been repeatedly been in touch with them through a company that deals along side with them. They have told me that the money has been returned to my bank account but there is no records from the bank to say that the money has been returned to me. I am currently getting legal advice for how to get the money back and sue them for the heart ache they have put us through and the disappointment of telling the family member that we cant get her dvds or the money back from them. If i am successful i shall post details for dvd donkey on this site .

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Jun 23, 2008 4:17 am EDT

I sent an order to Donkey DVD for the complete set of Everwood last December and nothing ever arrived. It cost me $198 AUS. I have since learned that only the first season is actually available and the company is a well known scam.

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Jul 01, 2008 12:12 am EDT

Having fallen for the same scam, all I can say is; when it looks too good to be true, it surely is.

I ordered the full season of Malcolm in the Middle at a fraction of the price anywhere else. We only have ourselved to blame. I'm out $180. Am I pissed... yes. But am I going to let it spoil the rest of my life... no.

Be lucky,


Kim Bova
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Jul 11, 2008 12:55 pm EDT

I too bought my father a box set for Christmas and never received it -- they have my money and I have spent From January until now arguing with them -- I am filing a 93A complaint and taking legal action -- I urge you all to look up your state's consumer protection laws (right on your .gov website)

They can't keep taking everyone's money

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Aug 18, 2008 8:11 pm EDT

Oh yeah, I got scammed too! Ordered two sets, got one, but five of the discs would not play. Never received the other one. They kept yanking my chain about a refund and it never came. This has been going on since late last year. They are obviously scam artists! Don't buy from them, if they are still in business. Karma will get them.


fred allsopp
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Sep 29, 2008 3:34 am EDT

I ordered 2 box sets and paid for them via the internet. I received an email confirming the order - 196688 - and advising that the order was in back order but would be sent ASAP.
I followed up and the order after the payment transaction was on my credit card. All my email since have been ignored and now they bounce back as not delivered. Their telephone number isn't working.
The website is still operating - how can this fraud of a company be allowed to continue trading on the internet.

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Sep 29, 2008 5:57 am EDT

I ordered two box sets from DVD Donkey in January 08. I paid with my credit card. I did receive and email confirming the order and providing me with an order number. The email said that there was a delay in shipping but the DVDs would be sent ASAP. At the end of January my credit card was debited and which time I followed up on my order, I was given the 'back order' excuse.

Now all my emails and phone calls go unanswered. To my surprise this company has been subject to many complaints. I wish I would have done my research in January. They are still operating their website. How can they get away with ripping off people from all over the World.

Frederic Secretan
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Oct 24, 2008 7:42 am EDT

I ordered from France the Becker serie which I am a fan of.
This was September 2008 21st.
The shipping prices was even more than the product itself what I can understand. Never mind, the order is paid and I still have received nothing. Impossible to join the company by phone and the mailing address is wrong.

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Nov 04, 2008 5:42 am EST

I first learnt of the company Dvd Donkey from an Ebay related site. I had typed in 'Beverley Hills 90210' and at the end of the search, this company appeared listing the complete Beverley Hills 90210 series. I ordered and paid for the series in December 2007, and my mastercard was debited within a few days. I was then sent a tracking number.

I kept trying to locate my order, but the tracking number couldn't be found. I contacted Dvd Donkey, by email, and then phone. But no one would answer my emails, and the phone was continuously busy. I tried the tracking order again, and this time it showed that the parcel had been successfully delivered to an address in Canada.

I googled 'Dvd Donkey' and a complaints page come up. I tried to ring the company again, but with no luck. I then knew I'd been scammed.

Joe B
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Nov 23, 2008 9:35 am EST

I ordered THREE sets of dvd's from these scammers, all were very bad copies of tv networks broadcast of the shows, some discs froze, some were blank, etc.

When I tried "customer service" I received bogus letters claiming they would send new copies etc. ..nothing received, as I checked the return addresses on the envelopes the discs were delivered in they were all from different locations in Canada!

Fortunately for me I was able to recover some of the cost from my credit card company as i provided them with copies of the complaints I sent to the scammers as evidence of fraud

I hope enough of our posts have gotten out there to warn off anyone else planning to order from these lying ###.

D.C. in Dallas, TX
Dallas, US
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Feb 13, 2009 3:58 pm EST

I was scammed as well. Never received my DVD's or the charge for them but got over $1500.00 worth of charges on my credit card that I didn't make!


Lesson learned: Google reviews before you charge online!

D.C. in Dallas, TX

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Sep 07, 2009 9:09 pm EDT

I figured that it was a Scam since it seemed that they offered items that not even had in stock! I had been ripped off by TVShowDVD in the Past, SO...Don't order from THEM, Either! Hopefully, they will be Caught & Spend a LONG time behind Bars for STEALING people's Money & exploiting their Good nature and trust! Now, I research possible Scams BEFORE any Credit Information "OR" Funds are involved!

Scots weegie
Glasgow, GB
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Jan 16, 2010 5:56 am EST

I ordered an expensive box set of a tv show! The dvds DID arrive - but all 20 disks were all of the same 4 episodes...also even with that, they looked as thought they'd been filmed from someone's own tv! A total scam - and no, needless to say, when I tried to contact the 'company', I got nowhere! They don't return calls or emails and so I had no way to get any of my money back!

Tehachapi, US
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Jul 27, 2010 1:08 am EDT

I was about to order from them... but decided to check because no one else has the series on DVD. So glad I checked. I am shocked that they have been running this scam for so long!

Nedra A. Liebert
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Aug 04, 2016 7:52 am EDT

I placed an order at dvd and have not received the merchandise. They said my total order amount was $143.98, but they charged my credit card $151.12. We tried calling them and never actually spoke with a person. They make you think you are going to talk to a person, but that person is never available. In their phone message they call themselves dvd avenue and the credit card statement showed them as dvd shop. They sent us an email telling us our order is on backorder several times. I responded to each that I wanted to cancel my order and wanted them to credit my card. I thought it was strange that they charged my credit card and then tell me my purchase is on backorder. All of the online merchants I've ordered from, never charge unless the actual item is being shipped out and backordered items are not charged for until they ship. It has been five weeks since I placed the order. Today I thought I would go online to see if I could find any information about whether they were a scam. I found a lot of information that they are a scam. I called my credit card company and they credited my account. I also canceled that card account and had them issue a new account since the scam artist had my account number. In the future, I think before I order from an online merchant, I'll check online to see if their is any bad information about that merchant.