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CB Online Scams Review of review: Don't do business with elecsurf or you'll be up a creek without a paddle 2

Author of the review
12:54 pm EDT

My computer hd crashed and when I installed a new one I found my recovery disks would not work. I checked around and found elecsurf for downloading a copIy of Windows XP MediaCenter. I had checked some sights but had not seen this one before i ordered the software. First, they do not do instant downloads, you wait up to 24 hours to get links for the software. When I received my links they wouldn't work, I kept getting error messages. I then went on the hunt for phone numbers to call them. all numbers go to an answering machine, and you never get a call back from them. Then after a half dozen emails of which I requested a full refund because the product was never supplied, they tried to claim they don't offer refunds on software.Their sight makes no such claim, in fact it says 100% refund if not satisfied. I've since contacted my credit card company and put this matter into dispute, and so I won't have to pay for the product I never received. But do not...under any business with elecsurf or you'll be up a creek without a paddle.

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Mar 05, 2011 8:18 pm EST

I never got a refund. No response to e-mail or telephone call requesting refund because I did not want to buy software without a Certificate of Authenticity (CO) as soon as I found out that this was what they were trying to sell me. Surprisingly, Microsoft did not answer my questions about the legitimacy of the software sold by this company, either, but did offer to NOTIFY me if I try to install any MS software on this computer that is not authentic. ElecSurf claimed that what they were selling is legal -- exactly what Microsoft sells as downloads -- and guaranteed a full refund if not what they claimed -- a one full year guarantee, so I decided to go ahead and download the software on this computer, burn a disk and try to install it (Windows 7) on a computer that has Windows XP Home Edition running on it (but no internet connection). The Key did not work. I could not install it. I wrote to ElecSurf about this problem last December. No reply to date. I wrote again today asking for either a new key, help to install the software or a refund. I'm losing hope. (I did purchase OFFICIAL MS Windows 7 Ultimate -- with CO -- from Staples but that is for my laptop -- one installation only.) ElecSurf collected $114.99 from my debit/credit card March 29, 2010. To date I have had nothing but aggravation from them. I'll let you know if I get any satisfaction, but I'm getting mighty doubtful. Does anyone know any recourse a person has when cheated out of $114.99?

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Apr 30, 2011 5:33 pm EDT

I ordered Microsoft office professional. Since i have never owned Microsoft software before I wanted to use it for school and to continue my career with Microsoft as practice. After paying more then double for this suite of programs and learning of the horrible customer service i received I am basically screwed out of nearly $200.

dont go to this site if you dont want to get ripped off. Plus its a 12-24 hour turnover via email which is completely ridiculous since any legit business would have any form of immediate contact information like a phone number and email as alternate. They only have 1 email contact and high prices. I was looking for a decent deal for college and wound up getting @ss-punched. Excuse my language it just irritates me. Anyways if you value your money and want a good business try elsewhere.