The handbag I purchased is NOT Authentic! Very disappointed. I should have done more research on websites like this BEFORE I made the purchase. It is a very good fake and it took me hours of research to figure out that fact. If I had wanted a fake I could have purchased at a much lower price. I am scared to return it as I think I will never get my money returned. I should have known better!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
its all fake
Emibella is awesome! i sent back my clutch because the zipper came off track and they replaced it no problem and its already on its way back. im very pleased with the customer service and they are so friendly. the bags ARE very real and it beats paying full price. also they have the bags that were last season so theyre not available any longer and the new styles arent my favorite. i like the old traditional. thanks Emibella! oxo