I was pressured into buying this as well this past December. We had just bought an old flex week deed from a family member, so we just wanted to visit the property we owned in full, to see what we had purchased. We were pressured into buying the Festiva Points/Adventure Club deal...after being kept in the sales area for 3 hours...and promised vacations and discounts everywhere we wanted to go...Well, I have tried to use Interval several times and they never have anything that was promised available...I have paid all dues for 2010 and am now paying on 2011. We wanted to go on a cruise and I was told we could get a great deal thru the Adventure Club...and also told we could exchange our weeks (we have a few) for the cruise...Well, we have points 10, 000...and when we called to book our cruise, what do you know...we did not get the amount promised dicounted and ended up paying exactly what a Travel agent would charge...( We should not have had to pay out for the cruise) The points do not matter, you will not get to use them...the Interval thing is a scam, I do believe, because I am still having to look elsewhere whenever I want to go out of town...So I am now paying for something I do not even get to use...So far this year...I am out of $2, 700.00, and still have to pay to go on vacation...I wish I had of checked the Internet before going to the sales session...
PLEASE contact the better business bureau and the North Carolina State's Attorney.
I also purchased after converting a fixed week I picked up on ebay. I used my relaxing retreat card and flipped it into interval to acquire an amazing week in Florida. I also booked 3 weeeks in NC, two at the beach, one in the mountains for 1900 points each. I still have 5400 points and can take my 2011 rr card for another interval week, use 4000 points for yet another interval week, and STILL have enough points for another stay in the mountains! Love it!
Thanks for your post! It appears you know how to maximize your vacation time! May your future vacations be as enjoyable as those already taken!
Is there any way I can get RID of my Festiva Adventure membership without a HUGE loss? Who do I contact? I feel like I'm stuck. I've only had it 6 months. Please let me know...rgownbey@aol.com Thanks!
Hi I also bought under 4 hours of pressure into this club now I am into this 7, 500 WAS PROMISED A 4 DAY TRIP AS WELL AS A 4 DAY CRUISE AND A DINNER ANYWHERE IN NEW ORLEANS. the piece of paper it was written on is not worth a dieit but in the bath room for spit balls. I was also told that if I paid for the adventure club upfront I would get another 4 day cruise well that was 1, 600, then I just has to pay 926.00 maintenance for 2011. I have called to get the cruise deals promised as well as the 4 day trip well I get pushed from one dept to another that you get so flustrated you hang up. I spoke with this person whom said he was a supervisor on the last cruise deal promised he said, I would receive the certificate in 14 days, it has been over a month still waiting called back got the same person who was not a supervisor it was close to closing so he hung up on me. If anyone knows how to get out of this I dont care what I have into it I just dont want to pay anymore it is a huge scam. I called to get a trip to St Thomas well that was a fluks as well. I just want out without being in the credit burea. Dixie Please notify me @ Skygirltwa@aol.com Thanks
Sorry to hear this Dixie. I'm still writing my letters of complaints. I've gotten a couple of responses (advice) that I'm pursuing. Don't give up. Hopefully, we can get something accomplished.
I too am out way too much money for a company that has never been able to deliver what was presented to me/us. We bought in Nassau over a year ago and less than a month later that office was closed. What we were promised never came to be. We don't even get enough points a year to book a week anywhere. We pay $140 a month notincluding maint. fees which are about $600 at least per year for nothing. Hope you are having fun with our $$$ Festiva!
Festiva is money fraud company. They offer room in internet and tell their member nothing available. Stop paying yr money. All festiva members need file a class action against Festiva. If you want to sign up, send email to jinmerica@yahoo.com
Yes festiva is a complet time share scam! i have owned at coconut palms nsb fl. 15 yrs ;. Now since joining scam fac cannot use my deeded 2br unit ;fac resivation dept says i don't own enough points !##** go figure!
i will join any lawsuit to fix this rotten scab 'festiva adventure club' contact bigbillf@embarqmail.Com
im afraid that we also made a mistake buying at nsb. They told us that we can exchange our 4000 bonus points into gift cards that we could turn around and buy visa cards to pay our maintenance fees. I sign in to see how to do this and it says we have zero points. weve never used any anywhere? How can this be? plus we get rtx premium plus for lifetime. ... it wont let me sign in.
Any help would be appreciated.
July 2017. I got a $99 weekend deal in Branson MO. All I had to do was listen to the 2 hour presentation. At the 2 hour point they told me I have to stay longer. At that point I had had enough pressure and attitude I told them I would listen to the talk but there's not a chance I would buy. They told me to leave and cancelled the $99 deal so I would have to pay full price + $100.00 for the weekend. They are high pressure and dishonest. Do research before you go.
We've had our plan since 2011. Never used it. They lied to us at the beginning, saying our points never expired, carried over to the next year. Everytime we look at booking something, it's never available. We have paid out our contract. I would love to get rid of this waste of money! Anybody have any suggestions?