The owner Gary Rike contacted me and asked me to come to Dallas, Tx for the exclusive territory represenative postion. He told me he had several hundred accounts he had seviced for the last thirty years. After visiting the location in a Dallas business location he said I had to purchase $2, 000.00 of samples to take to his accounts. I assumed I would have immediate income however after I got there he told me the samples would be shipped. HE NEVER GAVE ME A RECEIPT. When I received the samples it was a bunch of fashion jewelry only worth $500.00 if that. I was charged several hundred dollars for boards and books. I was humiliated and asked for my money back where he told me I had signed a non refundable agreement. I was stuck with his crap but still tried to sell it to the list he agve me to call upon. When I called all the stores 110 out of 121 were not in business and hadn't been for years and years. The ones that were in business were hospitals and hadn't heard from Final touch jewelry. they will not give me an address or respond to my demand for my money back. THIS IS A SCAM.
The EXACT same thing happened to me and I'm sure there are many many more of us. I paid $3000.00 for my $500 dollars worth of cheap costume jewelry. I too received a list of stores that had been closed for years. The few orders that I did sell were all backordered and never shipped complete. If anyone else has experienced this scam, please post and maybe we can all get together and put a stop to this obvious theft of our money and time.
I'm another one that got sucked into this scam. Even though I was extremely disappointed in the products and the cost of everything, I tried to sell - or take orders. It was very hard to do since the prices were so high. They promised to replace broken pieces that I sent them months ago and keep telling me they are on back order.
The purpose of this company is NOT to sell jewelry to retailers or consumers but to scam honest people who need to work and who are willing to buy the so-called samples and act as a representative of their company. The more reps they get, the more money they make.
I also hear that their World Trade Center Showroom is never open during market. That tells me, it's just a front for their scam.
BEWARE sales reps looking for a job!
I got taken too. I too was horribly overcharged on costume jewelry, felt covered boards, and catalogues. They were very careful to have me sign a 'rep' agreement stating among other things, that there would be no refunds (prior to selling $25, 000) on 'sample' purchases. I soon learned that selling anything would be next to impossible as Final Touch's pricing was unrealistic and more like retail. Only the most ignorant or naive store buyer would ever place an order. The list of accounts they provided contained names that have been out of business for at least fifteen years. When victimized reps complain, Final Touch labels them as lazy and unwilling to work.
If you've been victimized as I have, I suggest you contact the State of Texas Consumer Protection Division to file a complaint. You can do this easily on line. Maybe if the State of Texas gets enough complaints, they will put a stop to Final Touch's practices.
Thank you for the information!
You know they justed call me to see if I would want to come to work for them and said that they pay a 5000 draw each month
I had no idea about these websites, unfortunatley it is to late because I am a victim of this CONARTIST. Now I find out it is all a scam. I don't know who these people are selling jewelry to, other than all the people they are conning into buying their samples.This guy is commiting fraud and preying on innocent people looking for employment. Complaints need to be filed with Texas Consumer Complaints from anyone that has been taken by this company. This is unethical business practice. Once they hire you and you've spent your money to go there and purchase "samples" with cashiers check ONLY! You will never hear from them again. They don't return calls or e-mails, what kind of company is that? Please anyone victimized by them, Don't let them get you DO SOMETHING!
I am very thankful for the information that so many people have provided about FINAL TOUCH JEWELRY. I am a single mother and struggling to make ends meet in this difficult economy and almost took the bait hook line and sinker. My gut instinct told me to "check it out" a little further before making the trip to Dallas to purchase the samples. I found this web site and read the testimony of so many other people that had been sucked in by this scam and that information helped me realize I almost lost money, time, expenses on a scam. I don't know how these people sleep at night. I hope these crooks are caught by the authorities soon!
just got contacted by the same guy! he claimed he pulled my resume. i'm so thankful for this website and the honesty of folks out there. i just deleted the email.
This web site was a great thing to find---This guy is still going strong as of 8-27-08. Selling the same old lies of big money and then trying to take what he can get out of you and then you are left to suffer. Why doesn't someone do something about this SCAM ARTIST.
Beware of Gary Rike and all is companies and promises.
Well all the above happen to me as well, I was scammed for 3500 bucks, practically begged for training that I was promised before buying his crap, I never got the training, was mis-lead buy his tactics, once he got my payment in full, i practically never heard back from him again.
H Chandler
I'm also glad I found this site! I almost called the number that was listed in the email, but thank the good Lord I did a search on the Internet and found this site!
Here is the email...,
RE: Wholesale Rep Position
I have just reviewed your resume and I think our company might be a good fit for you. We are looking for a sales representative to call on existing accounts and establish new accounts in your area and also go into our management program.
We have been in the wholesale jewelry business for over forty years selling to thousands of retail stores on a national basis. We have also maintained a permanent showroom in the Dallas Trade Center for over thirty years. As a debt free corporation, we are able to pay a commission rate that is twice the industry average. When you include a monthly cash bonus of $1, 000 and a draw against earned commission of $5, 000 per month, it is easy to understand why we have so many successful people. Management opportunities are also available to further enhance your overall income. Our salespeople enjoy the freedom of planning and working their own schedule selling products that people like to look at.
We are the only company anywhere in the country that offers complete coverage in Fashion Jewelry, Fine Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Sports Logo Jewelry for the NFL, NBA, NHL, Major League Baseball, all division one NCAA teams plus the latest designs for NASCAR. Our customers include major chain accounts and independent stores. All shipping, billing, and collecting is handled from the home office in Dallas. All previous customers in the area will be turned over to the person selected for this position.
I look at 100 resumes per day and I pick three to five to contact. If you have any interest, please contact me by phone at 972.335.8550 or my e-mail address
Thanks for your time.
Forgive me for taking so long to make others aware of this company's tactics. I was contacted today by another would-be-jewelry-franchise who let me know of the many complaints building up against this company. Since June 2008, I got duped also but took the attitude that I was just foolish and should have known better. I knew they were crooks, but I could have walked way. Because of this mindset, I went and tried to sell the jewelry (even participated in a market show which was a waste of money) anyway only to find that most of the businesses were not around anymore or just purely because of the economy, nothing was really moving in their jewelry line. I did sell a few pieces and I tried some avenues to make my money back. I'm still dabbling with it. One thing is for sure, Gary Rike is taking advantage of the many out of work, looking for a good business to earn a living folks out there. He should be ashamed of hisself. The jewelry kit they charge you $3k for is not worth it! The commissions are just baked into the cost that is why they can boast a 40% commission which is really unheard of in the jewelry business. Whoever recruited you is apart of the bait and switch, I'm convinced.
I will say that I have not had any experience of non-payment when I sent in orders. When the jewelry broke, I returned it and they sent something else in it's place. The price points are too high for wholesale, but you can sell the jewelry at about $8-$10 over the sticker price direct to individuals, depending on the client; however double the cost is ridiculous. I never suggested to the retail establishment that they could make twice their money and they know that. A 40% profit is acceptable. If a shop is high-end, they will buy it; they will like the unlimited warranty (up to a point). Their recommended marketing strategy is deal with clients who are no where near a wholesale district or who can't travel. They will like the conveniece of someone coming to them, however, you want to protect your reputation because in the end it won't be FTJ in the forefront, it's you. That's your leverage with the Gary, too. Perhaps the Dallas Trade Center should find out about these shady characters in their midst. If customers complain about the quality, it won't be long before the unlimited warranty is a non-factor.
Sandra Jones
Final Touch is now operating as J&S design and still doing the same thing. They just got me for $ [protected]
Well, I have to finally admit that I was also scammed. I knew the very first day that I went out to sell the jewelry that a con game had been played and played well. I've lived in the Dallas area for most of my life and always considered the World Trade Center as an elite place of business. But in every business, there is always a rotten apple. I "only paid" $2, 000.00, which was a huge amount for me. The jewelry was neither in style nor of high quality as described. The client lists were bogus and the first 5 people that I prospected laughed me at. I came out of stores red faced and mad. But, since I had signed a "can't return it” contract, I knew I had no choice but to grin and bear it. I was so embarrassed by my stupidity, that I told no one and decided to just be in total denial until now. I have tried selling it on eBay and at a mall and have sold about $150.00 only after I discounted it at 40% off. The sample prices were retail and there was no way anyone would pay that, much less any amount I might add to it to make a profit. The only saving grace of the company is the secretary, who seems to be very loyal to Final Touch and very easy to work with. She answered all of my emails and telephone requests immediately and is a joy to talk with. After buying my lunch and taking my money, Gary never talked to me again. I realized, much to my chagrin, that I had paid his rent for that month. However, I accept responsibility for my poor choice as my gut feeling told me not to do it. But the glamour of the World Trade Center along with my need to have a job, overrode my common sense. What has come out of this? I trust no one anymore and question everything. Better late than never.
This company contacts you when you submit your resume through or other site. They charge you $3500, in the form of cashiers check, for their "samples". These "samples" are overpriced so you can't possibly sell them. The "customer list" they give you is a joke, most of these stores have been out of business for years and you don't get the list from them until you've paid the money. I really should have been able to see through this, but needed a job so didn't investigate fully. Gary Rike meets you at their "showroom" in the Dallas World Trade Center and spends most of the day telling you how great they are, how easy it is to sell the jewelry. He even bought my lunch, that's all I got out of them! If you do manage to sell anything you can't get it, it's on "backorder". Just don't make the same mistake I made! I think they're even called something else now, they've blown it with the Final Touch name. Too many people on to them!
I was scammed too. I'm wondering how many of us have contacted any authorities of any kind in Texas rather than just airing our grievances on a site like this. We may be warning others, but this guy needs to be stopped and he needs to begin paying the price for his actions. i also wonder what the World Trade Center has to say about leasing to such a shady operation. Has anyone gotten any authorities anywhere to listen? Rich G.