This company takes ordinary, working-class people and talks them into giving $500.00 to invest in a multi-level marketing scheme. They tell you that you will make tons of money and drive BMWs and Bentlys, by recruiting other people to invest $500.00 to become marketing managers. They produce video phones and long-distance plans. The problem is that none of their products work and as soon as something goes wrong, your customers can NEVER reach an IT person in Rochester to handle it.
We were told by Andre Meronian during these brainwashing seminars that all you do is sell the product and walk away and the IT people will handle the rest. The problem with that is that the people I have talked into getting invested in this business and/or sold product to are fed up with me. My reputation is destroyed and these people are no longer my friends. It has been very difficult to show my face to them knowing I have ripped them off.
This MLM crap is dispicable. Andre and his cronies should go to jail. They preach recruiting people. That's how you make money. The more people you recruit, the more money you make. It is just like a pyramid scam. My wife and I have lost all respectability and have made very little money. Global Links and 5 Linx management question how many people we recruit and seem to have a lot of trouble paying us and our recruits/former friends.
DO NOT INVEST IN THIS COMPANY - IT WILL DISAPPEAR BEFORE YOU KNOW IT. It is amazing how saavy they are. When my wife and I asked the important questions and talked to them about our fears and reading about this company being a scam, they seem to have all the right "standard" replies. We are so stupid and have learned our lesson. If you have doubts about this company, do not go to the top guys, they will tell you whatever you want to hear in order to get you involved. Listen to your gutt. Run away - FAST!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
ohhh wow!...yeps...:(...
I am so glad I read your situtation! sorry to hear for your losses...
how can I find out what other dealers had bad experices with them as well?
I had contacted 2 so claimed top people and both have still not contacted m e back as of was about 4 days the other 2...not very impressed with there cs support so far myself!
all well...tba...
may all the folks who have been and laugh...for in the end...the law of the universe will will corrct all wrong...and all we can do is Learn from our mistakes...wipte the dirt off and ...ROCK ON!... :)
see this web site
and you will see the diferrence
I really dont think this company is disappearing any time soon with a sales increase of 800% in 3 years . I signed up a month ago and have seen people on my team get promoted up every week. Like any other thing you get what you put into it. They dont promise you will be a millionaire overnight. Obviously the person writting this complaint was either misled or didnt put any effort into it. I have done multimarketing before and never received the training and support as I have with 5LINX. I have received fast and courteous service through their cs support. To prosper you have to follow their plan and not shortcut it..if your friends arent talking to you then you obviously hounded them...if they say no then you cant take it personal. So dont accuse a INC top 500 company of being a scam because you didnt apply yourself if you want to be an overnight millionaire then play the lottery...good luck with that.
U seem to misread my statement...I was Not a mlm member with 5linx i was simply doing some research on the firm. For what I understand...Yes the company is doing Excellent as u say. But the downline people get very little for all their they say...
and to the email above with the url...thank you! I am just looking at it now...looks very nice!
aloha...merry christmas & new year...:=)
I don't understand how 5Linx can have an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau and be such a bad company. There have been 40 issues filed since 5Linx went into business 10 years ago, but all have been satisfactorially resolved. 5Linx also has a completely clean record with the FCC.
Actually, I do have an idea of how this can happen. I think a lot of the posts complaining about 5Linx are bogus, and are filed by 5Linx competitors trying to give 5Linx a bad name, thus giving themselves an advantage. Or they are filed by people that were unsuccessful, and want to place blame anywhere but on themselves. They are basically in denial. Starting your own business is hard, very hard. I don't know whether I would really call this starting a business in the usual entreprenuerial sense, but if you do compare the costs required to those required to start most small businesses, they is very low. The cost is currently $249 to join, plus some miscellaneous costs, so say $500 total, or even $1, 000. Sorry, but that is peanuts in the startup world.
Also, while I am not a member (I am thinking about joining), I have a couple of friends that are and who make a great second income from it. They have told me that the main reasons people fail at 5Linx is that they do not follow the plan, and they do not stick with it long enough. Also, as far as ethics, one weakness, but also strength at the same time, of MLM is that the Independent Reps are just that, independent. So like any activity in life, you get some good people and you get a few bad people. A few weeks back, I was in a 5Linx meeting with my friend, and in the next room I could hear the resident SVP chewing out his downline and telling them not to recruit for the sake of recruiting. His emphasis was on requiring the sponsors to stay in contact with the new reps, to properly train them, and to sell product.
And, BTW, the products are not junk as some of these unethical bloggers have said. I signed up for one of the phone services for VoIP last month, and I love it. I went to England right after that (actually bought it for the trip), and was able to use it in all of my hotels with people calling me just like I was still at home, all toll free.
Believe about 10% of what you read on the Internet unless it is coming from a reliable and verifiable source. The way I see it, the BBB and the FCC are far more reliable sources than the posts on this website and other blogs, etc. where anyone can write anything, good or bad.
I also am a rep and they are a rip off...I had 81 ccustomers and my bonus for the first 3 months was 20 cents...they tell you that 20 times 20 will get you 200 dollars...dont believe that I can show you my report...the only people making any money is the ones at the top
You are so full of crap. Obviously, you didn't do what you were supposed to do when you signed up. I have been in the business for only a month and a half and HAVE MADE IT TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and I HAVE MADE OVER $2000 in less than a month on my 5LINX Visa card. I haven't had any complaints about the products that were received and I have personally called 5LINX and GlobalLinx several times with no problems. The company always answers the phone in a professional manner and works with you to fix any problem that you may have. I have personally seen the people that have accomplished the Senior Vice President and PSVP positions and I have seen their Silver BMW's and Bentley's. So I don't know who your upline was, but obviously you just got within the wrong team. I love 5LINX and I have even introduced the company to my entire family. We enjoy seeing each other while thousands of miles away from each other on our videophones. Just because you had a problem with your upline, don't bash the company!
That is because you don't get your residual bonus for your first 60 and if you signed up at the end of the month, then you would be getting your bonus until the 15th of your third month. Therefore, you haven't recieved your residual income for your 81 customer points. Apparently who ever your uplines were, never gave you the trainings or maybe you just never attended. You have to go to the trainings and be involved with your upline to be successful in this business. I am sorry that you had poor leadership. Maybe you should come join my team. :)
good luck hope you have a large family ...when you stop signung your money stops...then you will make the big bucks like I did...hey also you need to tell everone about the great features... caller ID does not work waiting does not only have use of one jack in your home...your neighbors have to dail a 10 digit number to call you instead of the normal 7 digit number...not to mention how bad the service is ...static is awful...oh and it does not go in the loccal phone book...I will try to post my earnings statement on here for you
Yeah that thing you posted about your customer point bonuses are for November and December 2010 and you probably didn't sign til January or February right, so yeah, you haven't seen your residuals yet for your 81 customers. You won't get that til either April or May 15, 2011 and then every month from there on. Like I said, you need a better upline to train you right!
For your information I signed up in November 2010 and this was my 3 month bonus, the 20 cents.I questioned them over and over and they said it would improve and it did, it went up to a dollar.After I signed up I had questioned them in Janurary about my residual income and thety told me I didnt get it for 90 days, then after that every month. I was really excited because I thought my check was building up, they had told me that I would get paid for my full 90 days, its just like a waiting period, then I got my 20 cents bonus, BE REAL THIS COMPANY IS A RIPOFF...
Just for the record that commet you made about my residual bonus not being right and saying I must have signed up later...why dont you take a closer look at plainly shows on there nov 2010 as starting date...then it shows you where the 20 cents is, and the date should blow it up and read it more carefully...I cant wait for you to get yours...arent you excited ! you might even make a couple dollars or something...
5linx offers the same services that you already pay for. By that I mean. you can get Verizon FAIOS for your home, Sprint service for your cell phone and they offer it at a discount then if you were to go to that companies store or website. It has to do with Overhead. Yes 5linx does offer its own products but that is not the only thing they offer. If you can have the same services you have with the companies you already trust then why not save the extra 20 bucks a month? With gas prices so high everyone needs to find places they can save a little cash. There are ppl against network marketing. If you make residual off of ppl paying their bills that is 20 cents more then you were making when they weren't getting their services through you. I think that ppl shut down their ears and eyes when they assume that it is just a pyramid scheme. You don't have to be an agent you can just take advantage of services costing less money. If you can save money each month or make money off every one you know who has a Cell phone by having them get the SAME services they already hvae through you..what are you waiting on?. this isn't a scam, its truth. and anyone who denies what I just said is truly a hater. and i challange you to do more research. I truly do. I'm a happy customer and I"M NOT an agent.
Where do these people ccome up with thier LIES...go ahead and check out the prices and you will find that they offer you the SAME PRICE as verizon ..nothing cheaper.. sometimes higher..and if you have any problems are in big trouble...I sold a t-mobile phone and tthe service wold not work in thier area so they had to return the two phones, and they di in less than a week...which you have 14 or 15 days...and tthey charged her 150 dollars for this ..which was supposed to be no 5linx blamed t-mobile and t-mobile blamed 5linx...but she never got her money if you like to gamble and take unneccesary chances then check them out...also the original carrier is always going to have way more offers...5linx is just a third party source trying to make something off someone else...I am not a hater just a disgusted human tired of companys like 5linx taking advantage of the people ...when I first signed with them they had alltel, then they lost them... and we had att..but now I heard att has dumped them...what does that tell you...whos next ...HELLO
Greetings All:
I was a representative with 5LINX for a short period of time (March 2001 until June2011). I was also a customer of Global Linx. To make a long story short, I have cancelled my membership as well as my Global Linx service. The DTA box was absolutely useless and only worked for a week or so. Even when it worked, it wasn’t consistent. The company as a whole is the true definition of a PYRAMID. Now granted, I do believe that most organizations are pyramids as no one will ever make more than his or her manager or the CEO of the company. However, the difference is this….as long as I go in and do my job; I will get paid until I am terminated or until I terminate my position. With these types of companies, you are under constant pressure to recruit, recruit, and recruit. My up line actually sent messages ALL DAY which read “No PBR no IMR” which meant No Personal Business Receptions, No Independent Marketing Reps. In addition, the daily training calls are nothing more than an hour long sales and marketing pitch begging you to go recruit others so that they can come in and pay their $249.00..that way, everyone can keep getting their palms greased (again…true definition of a pyramid). Finally, the products are garbage and obsolete. Not many people use home phones any longer as most people have cell phones, therefore, the DTA box is useless. In addition, it doesn’t work 95% of the time. The ID protection is completely inferior to any other on line ID protection service. Not sure about Business Elite as I decided to move on to a more promising opportunity before even taking the time to learn that one. All the other services are via other companies that 5LINX Representatives just market for and get pennies for their efforts. The deals are no better than the deals that you would get on the actual company’s website. In addition, most people are not interested in contracts any longer so the cell phone portion is a bust as well……
PS..For anyone who would like to know more about my new venture, please feel free to ping me. Take Care!
Thanks fo getting the word out they are ripping off so many people its crazy...
Thank you Den Beck. I just went to a meeting and was concerned about the company. I appreciate your insight. I did not understand for what purpose, must each member have their own website and pay $50 a month? Could not all members send customers to one main site and use personal login? For free? Also, they request your credit card information and $249 after a 2hr lecture = turn off! I like to think, study, review and research before I spend my money.
I agree with you as well denbeck. I was a rep for a while and just received my 2nd DTA Box and it's equally as useless as the one that it replaced. I wish I had conducted my due diligence prior to signing up as a rep with the company, but hey, things happen. The beauty is being able to recognize your errors and be proactive about making changes. After a few "Training Calls" which were nothing more than a sales and marketing pitch literally begging you as well as demanding that you go recruit people or a bishop preaching about how this is what God has planned for him, I was out. I hate to speak negative of any company, however, I've just had such a negative experience with the company until it's difficult to do otherwise. Finally, I called yesterday and spoke with a customer service rep regarding the 2nd box that doesn't work and repeatedly asked to speak with a Supervisor after he kept repeating "There is a $99 fee to cancel the service". I explained to him that the box didn't work and he just kept repeating "You only have 15 days to return the box?" (I just signed up for service 3 months ago). Then he said, "There is no need to speak with a supervisor mam, have a good day!” At this point, he hung up in my face. I was livid!
When joining, I acted impulsively as I was in the market for a new business and didn’t take the time to learn as much as I should have. Thankfully, I didn’t lose too much money, but I was fortunate enough to find a legitimate company that network markets and doesn’t fall into the category of a “Pyramid”. If anyone happens to be seeking out an opportunity in sales, please feel free to check out my webpage at your discretion (CareXpress).
Thanks All!
I too agree with a lot of the statements made. Depending on which up line you join but pretty much the whole company preaches duplication but if this is true why do every SVP, PSVP and DPSVP come up with there own training method or bootcamp? the answer is easy to make money they know that duplication does not work or everyone would be successful they have tweaked the methods and now want you to buy a book or attended a conference all while paying they strive to get followers to buy everything they sell this is the company within the company. They preach attend nationals you pay to register, hotel, flight and get the same info remember duplication so why attend and pay all this money when the so called plan is not changed just duplicated. I know the answer so that the company can make money I did a moderate calculation and the company rakes in about 3 million at nationals between registration and selling items t shirts, bags, forms, etc. Yes I attended a international event in New Orleans and it was a rip off I saw no need to keep going when I heard the same stuff back home. Also 5 links makes money off of the reps because you have to be a customer of at least 2 products. website $49.95 or $14.95(with limited access) and a Global linx product $29.95 before taxes this is charged every month just to be qualified so that's why the company doesn't pressure you to sell because they are making the money off of you. Why not allow the person to pay a franchise fee rather than making them be a customer. Some may make the argument you have to be your own customer first this is a sales tactic drilled into the head of all recruits it holds no validity. You can sell a mercedes without owning one, car salesmen are not required to purchase what they sell. So in closing do your research check out the FCC website 5 linx is listed as a prymid scheme right along with Avon these company remain because no one pursues them legally. If you think by asking the person that signs you up these question or their sponsor these questions that you will get at truthful answer just remember they are in sales mode they are trying to get you to sign so that they get money to help pay for their monthly expenses just to be a member. Always remember never sign anything or pay anything in a rush and also while signing up for Globalinx they neglect to tell you that you are agreeing to a year contract so please read and read again and research before joining and yes some people are successful but there money comes from there own brand within 5linx it's kind of an occult mentality where people follow the svp's, psvp's, and dpsvp's like they are famous outside of fivelinx noone knows them.
Hey man. You know, uhm I guess I'm just, well I really can't believe you are foreal. I mean come on now.Stop man, just stop it.I mean for crying out loud, would you please just cut it out. Wow!
Hey .What, Oh yeah, I've seen this before.Its a sour note if ther ever was one.Check it out"Some people just don't get it".I'm sure we could give all the truelly good reasons & press about 5Linx and some beings will still be hating.You know what? Thats not the way. If you don't see the light, well I certainly understand your position(not a whole lot to such negativity) and I must say(just incase you don't know). Man that is so, so, so sad. Wishing you all the best. PS. "Cut it out" . Peace! -Dwayne-
This company is the best company out. For anybody who speaks negative about this company and join this company before are either quitters, never made Any money or they up line never stayed in contact. Also they never took the business serious like they do they 9-5. I love this company and this company not going no where so all you haters can stop thinking that and just accept the fact we are a growing company and we are very well documented. Remember you can't out research the researchers. You as the reps comes first! But most companies don't put they reps first like 5LINX does. Tip: Never buy into a broke person opinion if you are not willing to trade places with that person.
Yes please post every where this a scam
They changed the price to 249 + 50 month for a fake website i did it for year now i have no friends because of 5 links. Its sad that it was one of my best friends that put me on to 5 links and now everybody they put on is looking for them they took thousands from my church people please be carefully. They must be stop can anybody help
complete and total pyramid scam only the people at the top stay in the money only a lazy fool would fall for this. watch out for people who have influence over large groups(pastors, teachers, any kind of group leaders) they can suck in lots of people. if it sounds to good to be true then it dont fall for it. just like our government
I just had presentation last night from a friend and he pretty much almost makes me and wifey joined last night. Good thing I was on medical leave for 3 months now, and on a tight budget. He told as to pay by credit card for the amount of $250 + $50 and I think another $30, so me and my wife look at each other in the eye. I just told him I'll do it when I go back to work next (December). But he insisted just to enroll the wifey first then me next month. Then this evening at dinner time my eldest showed us this link, and bam! I think I need to do more research on this company, thanks hater!
5-Linx is a legitimate business. Although it lures individuals by presenting the "good life", it does not promise riches, and is transparent from day one what is required to join the ranks of the upper echelon. You should know any business before you join.
As with any business, there are start up costs and there is overhead. Many of the complaints focus on the initial $250-$500 investment, or complain about $50/month overhead. Or they whine about not getting results. Really? If you opened up a restaurant and invested $50K+, and the business flopped, would you blog that having a restaurant is a scam? No, it probably had a lot to do with the business plan, execution, food (products and services), and so on. Most fail because they did not treat this opportunity as a business.
I don't feel the disgruntled treated this opportunity as a business, maybe even considered it a means to get-rich. It is not a get-rich business. While you can make good money, it still requires you invest the time and effort to achieve those ranks. The business is easy, tell people about the product and opportunity. The more you tell, the more will enroll, and thus the more you can make. If you don't like the products, find another company to work for, period. This is mainly a sales job (as with any direct marketing or network marketing), its a numbers game. I am a real estate agent, and I provide essential services to my clients. So far, no complaints and I'm getting referrals because of it.
5 Linx is simply a MLM and direct marketing company that provides some of their own products, but has also negotiated residuals from big companies as rewards for customer acquisition. This is only another means to generate residual income over time. Wal-Mart and Best Buy are direct marketing agents for many of the same companies (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc). In Alabama, these companies paid Wal-Mart in excess of $48M (million), simply for Wal-Mart acquiring new or extending contracts. As independent reps, we have the very same opportunity. Instead of having store traffic, I have Internet traffic.
As far as pyramid, it is not. A pyramid is when a company can ONLY sustain the business model by bringing in new reps (as a PONZI needs more investors and money). Pyramids do not have legitimate services. Hence, by law, for a rep to get paid by 5-Linx, they first must be qualified. To be qualified, you must earn 4-8 points by signing up for any of the 5-Linx services or products. If you don't believe in the products, then why work for the company. I switched my existing services (T-Mobile, Direct TV, etc) and by doing so became qualified and even saved a little bit of money.
I'm still new to the business, but my first check was $750 (three times what I had invested). But keep in mind, there were specific things I had to do to get that check. I wanted to prove to my wife I can in fact make money, and didn't have to settle for a $10/hr job. This is an easy opportunity for those who can grasp it. Of course, it won't work for everyone, as many people are afraid of sales. As a sales person, this is by far the easiest product and services I have had to promote.
Either you see it or you don't. Skepticism is natural. I recommend everyone that is on the fence to research the company. One thing I know, big companies like Verizon and GE don't partner with pyramids or scams. Worst case, you join and don't do anything and so you are parted with $300. That's a very small amount of money for a chance to earn long term residuals, a chance to break free of the 9-5 grind, a chance to stop living pay-check to pay-check.
I am dedicated to developing my down-line, as I cannot get promoted without doing so. If you are considering the business, I urge you to visit my personal prospecting site below. If you like what you see, then get back with me. No hype, no bull. If you join my team, I will layout exactly what you need to do to succeed. Then you either do it, or you don't. Hope this helps.
Tim Swearengin
ok her how 5linx work when you join you will have to paid 249.00 to join then they want you to buy platinum service which cost 49.95 a month.and then your a IMR, THEN you need 10 customer point to make 100.00, in 30 days.if you want to make 500.00 you will need to get 20 costumer point. within 30 days which mean you will have to spend more money on product.her the cost and point you get when getting these product 5linx enhancedMD single plane is 1 point the monthly cost is 24.95 the family plan is 1 point monthly cost is 29.95.5linx id guard is 1 point, monthly start out at 14.95 a month.5linx security system is 1 point. starting at 200.00 this does not included getting it turn on the cost from a friend of mine came to about 500.00 at the end up getting it set up.then his monthly bill was 100.oo a month. 5linx satellite tv is one point. my bill is 104 varies on how many Channel you want.5linx mobile is one point.i think the 5linxmobile are way over price.5linx internet, fiber video&cable is one point cost varies.5linx business is 2 point.monthly cost is 49.95.textalert&church 2 point.monthly cost starting at 60.00 a month, mlsalertz is 1 point.monthly cost starting at 30.00 a month, is 1point cost 29.00 a month. 5linx safe score is 1 point.cost 14.95 a month globalinx mobi unlimited everything is 2 point cost 59.95 a now you will need to move up from a IMR TO TRAINER you will need to get a person to go under you.and you could get a 50.00 bonus.but you must qualify as TRAINER within 30day with 4 to 8 customer point and 1 front qualify IMR.then you will need to move up to EXECUTIVE TRAINER, YOU WILL NEED 10 CUSTOMER POINT, AND HAVE 2 FRONT LINE QUALIFY IMR WITHIN 30DAY TO QUALIFY FOR THE 200.00 BONUS.THEN YOU WILL NEED TO MOVE UP TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND HAVE 15 CUCTOMER POINT AND 3 LINES OF QUALIFIED IMR, AND TWO LINE OF EXECUTIVE TRAINER AND 15 CUSTOMER POINT YOU MUST QUALIFY AS A EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WHTHIN THE FIRST 60 DAY TO GET THE 750.00 BONUS SO BY THE TIME YOU ACQUIRED 15 CUSTOMERS POINT AND THE 249.00 TO JOIN YOU HAVE SPENT 747.70 CENT.WHICH MEAN TOU ONLY MADE 2.00 IN BONUS AND YOU WILL STILL MAKING MONTHLY PAYMENT FOR THE SERVICE.AND YOU REALLY DONT MAKE ANY REAL MONEY UNTILL YOU HIT SVP .YOU WILL LOSE MONEY UNTILL YOU GET A LOT OF PEOPLE UNDER YOU.AND YES IM A 5LINX REP BEEN DOING THIS FOR A YEAR AND HAD NO LUCK MY UPLINE LEFT ME STANDING WHEN HE HIT SVP.HE EVEN PISSED OFF THE PEOPLE I DID GET TO JOIN BY TELLING ME AND THE 9 PEOPLE I HAD THAT HE WOULD HELP US BY PUTTING PEOPLE UNDER US.BE CAUSE WERE A TEAM.HE LIED OF COURSE .