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CB Dog Breeders Review of Goldendoodle

Goldendoodle review: Bad goldendoodle breeder 10

Author of the review
11:05 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

This breeder has been around in the East Valley of Arizona (Queen Creek and Gilbert) for ten years (so she says). Well here is a long strory made as short as possible. Our family had been looking into Goldendoodle puppies for some time when we came across this breeder who had claimed to be breeding some of the best Goldendoodle puppies in town. She claimed that she bred for service dogs and family pets and that she really really loved her dogs and puppies. ( Not True) We went ahead and put down a $900.00 deposit for two puppies with this women without going to see her residence or puppies or adult dogs first. (yes My bad) I grew to trust this lady after numerous conversations with her on the phone. We then made it out to her property and were ssooo disappointed to find the condition that she was living in and the condition of where she kept these puppies. With 5 adult dogs running around covered in dirt and a filthy knoted coat. We left knowing that we would have never put a deposit down on those puppies, if we had known this. We hoped for the best and went thru with it. Mainly feeling sorry for these puppies and wanting to get them out of that (pupp mill) Finally we picked up our two puppies from her and we found it very odd that on the day we picked them up, she warned us that if the puppies started to vomit or have any diahrea to take them to the vet immediatly because of Parvo being a scary thing in Arizona. We overlooked it and brought the puppies home anyways. On the third night that we had had the puppies home they started to vomit and have diahrea. We immediately took them into the Vet the next morning and the Vet confirmed that both puppies had Parvo. We Called Carla (breeder) and she stated that there was no way that those puppies could have parvo and swore up and down that she has never had any problems with her puppies and that if the puppies did in fact have parvo, that they must have gotten it from our home. Our Vet insisted that Parvo takes 7-10 days to start showing symptoms and that the puppies did in fact come to our home with Parvo. The puppies did not nake it and Carla never would admit to anything. She instead lied and said that she has received emails from her other puppies families stating that all of the puppies were doing great. That was a big lie. We gave her the benefit of the doubt because we didnt want to beleive that someone could be so heartless. A few months went by and we were contacted by a attorney's office who had 2 other clients in the middle of a law suit against Carla (breeder) for the same parvo problem, from the same litter and around the same exact date that we picked up our puppies. We called Carla the breeder and again gave her another chance to just say sorry and yes it was all just an unfortunate event. She didnt, she still lied and said that those other families that suffered through the same thing that our family did were all just liars. I stopped all contact with her. I then spoke with 3 other Goldendoodle breeders throughout the Valley who said that they had heard about Carla and her (( 3 )) litters that she had just recently lost to Parvo. We were sickened to know that there had been so many families out there, that had went thru the same thing. A few months went by and Carla contacted me saying that she wanted to replace one of the puppies that we had lost because of her, with another puppy from her new litter that she had just bred. We had been told that she was shut down by one of her own friends who also breeds Goldendoodles. Well she just moved and got rid of all her dogs and started breedeing again from her other home with her co-breeders dogs! We wanted to beleive that she wasnt a bad person and that she was trying to do the right thing and so we thought, what are the chances of getting another sick dog from this women. WELL! We agreed to let her replace one of the puppies. A few days before we picked up the puppy she said that she took the puppy to the Vet and had her checked out and that the Vet was very pleased with her and cleared her to come home. That also was a LIE! We believed her and went to pick up the puppy, had to take her to the Vet the second day we had her home. I asked Carla to please send me the contact informationfor the (made Up Vet)that she had seen so that our Vet could obtain records. Needless to say she said she would as soon as we hung up the phone and she did not. She ignored my phone calls and text messages for that afternoon. She lies about there being a Vet who checked out the puppies and she lied about everything! The puppy was very bony and grossly under weight and had a severe ear infection. SHOCKER! This women is a terrible breeder and I am sad for her dogs.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Gilbert, US
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Aug 19, 2011 5:57 pm EDT

This woman sould not be breeding dogs, even her kids have been taken away from her. She is a con artist, who doesn't even know what clean is, you obviously never saw the inside of the house. The only reason she got rid of the dogs she had was for a CPS investigation... Buyers beware...

Melbourne, US
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Sep 05, 2011 9:26 pm EDT

So true @ ZacharyS. They are super over -priced MUTTS. They are NOT designer breeds as there is NO such thing. They seem to pick up the worst traits of the Goldens and Poodles and as a groomer every one that I came across are, to put it plainly are idiots. Shame on these so called breeders that take advantage of people that just wont do the searching when buying a family member. But shame on the buyer too who will spend $900 at the drop of a hat for a dog that should be forever without looking into both the type of dog..mutt or the so called breeder of the dog.
When will people ever learn? For a buck and in these terrible time there are tons of people that will rip you off without worrying about being "heartless" Sorry to sound mean but when people like you stop being foolish, these so called con artist will not be able to take advantage of you.

Birmingham, US
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Aug 31, 2017 11:59 am EDT
Replying to comment of 7and7is

Again, I am not a "fad" kind of person and far from the designer type. I purchased my first poodle mix long before anyone had ever heard of a Cavapoo. I am a loving single mother who wanted her two highly allergic children to have dogs. The poodle has hair, not fur, therefore there is a great chance that they can be tolerated by those who are allergic to everything but a Camel. Yes, that is what the allergy tests stated. My maltipoo and cavapoo are tolerated by my children. As my cavapoo is getting on in age, I want to find a similar mix (larger at my son's request) to make the pain of the eventuality of Kona's passing less hurtful. I do not understand the judgemental comments here when it is not about my choices, but about finding a way to put places like Puppy Spot out of business. Not every breeder is like the ones described on this blog as my two other dogs are fine and in perfect health and a joy to our family. Before that I only had mutts as you call them one was my "soul dog" and I found him in one of the high crime high poverty neighborhoods in Detroit in which I teach. He was the only one of 10 puppies whose mother was killed in a fire, not stoned by the neighborhood children and he wasn't even ready to be without his mother. I cannot tell you how to be or feel, but perhaps you might want to think that stereotyping and judgmental comments do not solve a problem. I am sure everyone reaching out on this blog feels badly enough.

Cord, US
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Feb 24, 2012 5:06 pm EST

Same situation with sunset hills farm in Franklin, ky. Don't get your dog from these people

Jamie Wootten
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Mar 10, 2017 2:11 am EST

Ok first off, there is NO SUCH THING as a "Good" golden doodle breeder! NO SUCH THING. Doodles are extremely poorly bred and generally seem to get the worst traits from the standard poodle and the cancer riddled golden retrievers. All that they are bred for is MONEY, they are purely bred for INCOME to the breeders. There is no real purpose of putting these two breeds together besides money. Some ### thought it would be a good idea to breed these two dogs together and it has blown up. People think they are cute and they're now just a fad. Thats why these ### doodle breeders can get away with charging you ###S so much. No good breeder would ever offer their pure bred dogs to a different breed. There are hundreds and thousands of shelter dogs that are just as equally poor bred as doodles that are in the pound that are being killed every single day. and here you are spending hundreds of dollars on a poorly bred mutt, and adding to the murder of shelter dog s all at the same time. So shame on you for supporting it. If no one supported this it wouldn't exist!

Jamie Wootten
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Mar 10, 2017 2:13 am EST

I'm really sorry for being so harsh but damn. This doodling needs to STOP.

Birmingham, US
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Aug 31, 2017 11:48 am EDT

I understand your point of view however I purchased my first mixed breed because the poodle does not shed and my daughter is very allergic. We fell in love with a Pyrenees which is a mixture of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a poodle. We chose that mix because of the intelligence of the poodle and the disposition of the Cavalier. She is perfect in every way and has no health issues whatsoever. If I had chosen either breed as a pure bred I would have had the possibility of certain health issues. My other dog is a malti-poo, and likewise so far at six there are no health issues. Before I had children I had two mutts perfectly healthy and a Great Pyrenees who had Addison's disease. I thought that finding a mix with a poodle would allow the family to have a dog. I was lucky with really great breeders who loved their dogs and they were part of their family. This time I met up with a country wide outfit Puppy Spot. My point at this time is not to beat people up for their choices, but find a way to put Puppy Spot out of business.

Birmingham, US
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Aug 31, 2017 12:02 pm EDT

I meant Cavapoo not Pyrenees.

Birmingham, US
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Aug 31, 2017 11:31 am EDT

We are in a similar situation with a company called Puppy Spot. Usually I put the name of the company in the internet and add "complaints." This time I was not so smart. I now read that they connect with "breeders" all over the country and it is reported that these places are just puppy mills, the reason I do not go to pet stores in the first place. Our puppy has so many parasites we are at the vet twice to three times a week. It is not only about the puppy but I have two older dogs who are at risk of getting these parasites. The oldest has a heart condition and I am most worried about her. Don't get me wrong, once you have the puppy you love it, but the expense of medication for all three dogs as well as the time to take them to the vet for checks and re-checks is more than we can handle. I want to find a way, perhaps a class action suite in order to put places like this out of business. I cannot imagine what the poor dogs go through. We got some sort of doctored lineage chart on both parents supposedly from the AKC in order to allay our fears about genetic defects. It was all a lie. I am so tired of getting bilked by so many companies without any knowledge of recourse, or ways to put them out of business.

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Oct 02, 2017 1:31 pm EDT has bad reviews all around. Check out how they treat their employees! They give false sense of security to buyers, only chasing the money. One good advertising platform that has popped up on the internet is they will not tolerate Puppy Mills. They have a program that for a small donation you can have someone go out to a breeders facility and check them out for you. It pretty cool, you have to email them for this program but they are good . They are also non bias towards breeders who are truly trying to create useful breeds.