To Whom It May Concern,
We have booked the following tickets totalling £13, 122.47 and £10, 787.00 with Email flights and Go To Gate as published fares via Skyscanner.
Having looked more closely at these travel times below, we don't believe that we will be able to make this connecting flight as it only allows 1h15 minutes to connect between flights at Heathrow Airport. This requires a change terminals, going through Security, going through Passport Control, finding the gate and getting ourselves to the departing Virgin aircraft in time before the gates close for the Virgin flight.
This therefore renders the tickets worthless to us, as we do not believe there is any chance of making the connecting flight. We strongly conclude that this ticket should never have been allowed for sale.
We ask that the Aer Lingus flight be changed to an earlier departure from Dublin Airport as the ticket prices for all flights Dublin to LHR are £49 per person.
There is a 12h00 departure from Dublin to LHW which allows much more time to easily make the connecting flight to JHB.
Patrick Heffron, Diana Heffron, Charles Heffron (12), India Heffron (10) and Lucinda Heffron (8)
Friday 16th November 2018
Aer Lingus Dublin - LHR / 14h00- 15h30 (arrive T2)
Virgin Atlantic VS461 LHR - JHB / 16h45 - 05h40 (depart T3)
Wednesday 19th December 2018
Virgin Atlantic 22h00 - 07h30 / JHB - LHR
Thursday 20th December 2018
Aer Lingus 08h50 - 10h30 / LHR - Dublin
Chris Heffron (70), Lynn Heffron (70), Anabelle Heffron (15) & Jemima Heffron (13)
Friday 7th December 2018
Aer Lingus Dublin - LHR / 14h00- 15h30 (arrive at T2)
Virgin Atlantic VS461 LHR - JHB / 16h45 - 05h40 (depart T3)
Wednesday 19th December 2018
Virgin Atlantic 22h00 - 07h30 / JHB - LHR
Thursday 20th December 2018
Aer Lingus 08h50 - 10h30 / LHR - Dublin
We would appreciate your urgent attention in this matter and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Sabine Fros
PA to Patrick Heffron