Myself and 5 people from around SA we each bought a franchise from Gozone /Oasis water in October / December 2022, the 11th and 12th January 2023 we all went for training at the Gozone head office in Kyalami. At this training meeting none of us was told that Oasis has bought a percentage of Gozone. On the 08th of Feb 2023 Oasis invited us to a meeting because the Gozone team and office had closed down without informing any of us. Oasis treated us like dirt it was there way or no way, we have been waiting for our refund and nothing! I had paid for a 3-year lease for a store to set up my water shop and just lost my store and deposit because of Gozone /Oasis lying to us. we found out that they Gozone was in the process of liquidation the 14 Nov 2022 and the owners CEO of Gozone and Oasis said nothing to us! We have nothing to show, and oasis is delaying, constantly threaten us with liquadtion so we do not get our money back. Please people should not support Gozone / Oasis water holdings becuse these people are in the businnes of stealing money.
Would be lovely to see Rickus Potgieter have his day. SKELM soos jy nie kan glo nie. Bunch of crooks. They can look you in the eye and lie to you. Very dangerous with zero empathy.
All of them are evil and greedy John Oort,Len Oort , Rickus Potigeter (acting stupid like he has no idea of what is going on)All Gozone people are in the business of stealing people money, Johan from Oasis couldn't care and his staff treat people like dirt!