Please beware of these people, they will trick you into thinking that
you're getting a "trial" or an "evaluation", this is NOT the case, they
will bill you and harass you until you end up paying for something you
thought you were just trying out. The way they trick you is that they
give you a free gift card, but here's the kicker, the gift card ITSELF
IS THE ACTUAL PROMOTION/TRIAL/EVALUATION, not the toner or ink that they
are selling. They will trick and record you saying "yes" to the gift
card promotion, not the actual product and that's how they scare people
into paying, they threaten to take you to court, report you, etc..
Allstate Imaging and Green Tech Imaging are a bunch of ###s, spics
and nips who have been manipulated to scam people over the phone and are
all under the thumb of their lowlife [censored] owner, Russel "Big Nose"
Leventhal. This evil hebe should be put in prison. The funniest
zog/### lover over there is a white guy named Tom (manager) because
he manipulates these ###s into pulling off his and the shylock
owner's scams.
I should know, I use to work in their Culver City site.
After I found out what these ###s and ### lovers were doing, I
resigned immediately and am now working for a reputable toner company.
You're screwed, they are going to start sending you cases of this stuff. 1 1/2 times my ###, LOL.
They are going to send you a remanufactured casing filled with their crap ### ink or toner if you agreed to have some sent to you, I hope you didn't. Pretty much anything and everything we said on the phone was B.S.. You should tell these ppl to kindly take you off their list.
Instead of lying to yourself about your job and rationalizing what you do and what your [censored] owner does, do everyone a favor and go back to africa.
@GET A GRIP You forgot about the spics, nips, and [censored]. You ignorant ###, stop rationalizing what you do for a "living" and get a real job.
@nessa1029 I'm not upset at all, in fact, I'm very content. I am showing the general public what a boiler room consists of. The truth hurts.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I received a sales call from Vivid Ink & Toner on Feb26, 2011. I was almost out of toner that day and agreed to purchase theirs. Their product is supposed to last 1.5 times longer than regular manufacturer's toner. I received my toner and $5 Starbucks Gift Card, as promised. The shipping cost was waived, as promised. I wrote the date on the toner to evaluate how long it lasts. If it is the most cost-effective toner, I will re-order.
However, the invoice DOES state "Items may not be returned without prior consent. Returns may be subject to a 15% restocking fee." It was my understanding as well, that I could return the "promotional item" (maybe the card, not the toner?) if I didn't like it. Getting a return authorization number and restocking fee isn't unheard of. However, a larger office supply business wouldn't issue the restocking fee. The return shipping would be free too. Perhaps Vivid Ink can follow suit to really be the most cost-effective and competitive toner vendor?
Buyer Beware: Anytime you agree to try a product, the shipment will include a bill. Ask the seller what the return policy is. Is there a restocking fee? Will I need a return authorization number?
Vivid Ink & Toner miss stated regular ink jet cartridge replacement costs.
I own a Kodak ESP -3. Vivid claimed my replacement cost for a XL black (10BXL) at $32/ unit. The real price is 16.95/ unit. Vivids price is $21.33/ unit.
They claim to use new Kodak cartridges; this is imposable unless they are stealing them from the plant.
To the person who posted this: I can not believe that you have the nerve to call anybody a ### or ### lover. Some people out here in the real world need jobs to support our families just as much as anybody else. I understand your upset but to down grade the people that are out here doing there jobs how the hell are they suppose to know whats going on behind closed doors. THE ONLY ### AND ### LOVER IS YOUR RACIST PUNK ###!
I recieved a cold call this morning from a sales rep from Green Tech Imaging. I goggled it and it's not good. I could not find one decent response about that company. Same situation, the guy offered 3 different gift cards to choose from. I'm not buying into it! I would rather go to Wal-Mart. "Save Money Live Better"...
They make you buy a minumum of 12. Unless you go through a ton of ink don't do this scam.
First of all, I understand you are upset but there is no need for such racist comment. As far as the company being a scam is what you should be posting on this site. There is no need for such negative comments towards others.
Chip Douglas is the name of a character on a movie called the cable guy, played by Jim Carrey. Be a real person if you gonna attack others.
Chip Douglas is scam
This nincompoop that is calling people ###s spics etc, where does he fit in the picture, and to say get a real job, it's only by the grace of God that you got a job, becareful son, I see nothing nice happening for you. You are probably some prejudice travesty just waiting to happen. You probably look at yourself in the mirror and don't like yourself. Well I strongly suggest you forgive yourself, and ask God to for give your racist attitude, and furthermore God made a nations with one drop of blood and he doesn't have any respect of persons, since you do. You'll get the short end of the stick in life. Learn how to be more flexible in dealing with other races, it opens more doors for you "dummy".
to the writer of this report..look man evrybody in the toner world knows the deal its all mainly a scam not just allstate or whatever they go by yourself a favor though if you are going to file a report and are looking for a serious reaction the drop the racist comments..and dont try calling me a ### lover or whatever for saying this you have no clue who i or any of these other respondants are..SO drop the wannabe skinhead act..its so overrated..and FYI if you didnt figure that MOST telemarketers are a scam within the first day of working for alstate then i feel bad for you..oh thats right your ignorant how stupid of me to think that you wood ever think that anyways..get a life and grow up..
They called my office and I decided why not try it. they explained if I dint like it to keep the box and call. well I tried it and loved it bit at the time I didn't need any so I called back and sent it back had no problems. about six months later I called to order and they gave me the same lady I talked to originally. I thought they were very nice and their products were great. I an very happy with them! I always go to them for all of my needs.
Just received the same old toner scam call today, this time a woman calling herself "Ursula". Just go to their website and do a search for "toner" I got zero results. I'll admit these scammers have gotten better and sure go out of their way to try to look legitimate. Just look around the website and you can see it was designed with one thing in mind, to try to make people think they are a legitimate business. I have received exactly the same type of phone call hundreds of times from companies with different names over the 10 plus years I've been in charge of ordering office supplies. Every time they try to scam me into letting them ship me one of their "superior quality" toners with 30 day billing that I can send back if not happy. I am glad I never fell for these scams and feel sorry for people who do. Always stick to a well known company like Quill, Staples or Office Depot and you will have no problems! Peace!
I actually had a good experience with this company. I paid a few bucks more but in the end I got more print and better quality. I was very skeptical when their shipping department contacted me to verify my order. I received my order and everything was perfect. I thought they would overload me and harrass me until I paid them, but it was the complete opposite and I was able to get a 45 day open bill. I have been using their services for the last 4 months and they have done a great job and are willing to answer my questions when I place an order. Maybe some people expected to receive free ink, but nothing in this world is free. If you like it you buy it, if not send it back and go on about your life. I'm only speaking from my experience.
I buy a lot of ink so I decide to try them out. They didn't' have the ink for my new model Canon, but I was able to get a good deal on My Hewlett and Epson. It's been close to a year and I haven't been harassed or miss informed about anything. I even suggested Vivid Ink to a few of my clients and they were all happy with the results. I print everyday even at home so it's very convenient for me and I no longer have to change out my ink every month. Now I change it every three months which is great since the last thing I want to do is come into my office and worry about ink. I wouldn't advise my clients to use their products if it was a scam. Beware of competitors that bad mouth companies in order to hurt their business. I know about this all too well. You get what you pay for. I paid a bit higher than what I normally was paying online but the ink last much longer and I'm very satisfied. Don't belive all negative reviews. This is the only company I know of that allows you to have an open bill.