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Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs

Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs review: does not vaccinate against rabies 96

Author of the review
5:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment on this complaint.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Breeder does not believe in vaccinating her dogs against the Rabies virus. There were several dogs in outdoor kennels, puppies seem to be avaialble quite often, or just coming up soon. Other breeders have been contacted regarding this breeder, about dogs purchased from there, hip issues, and other health issues, be warned to stay away from this place.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Aug 10, 2017 10:49 pm EDT

We purchased a Newfoundland from her two years ago, and she refuses to send us the CKC papers for our dog. We have had to contact the CKC and they have been having a very difficult time getting her to cooperate. I would stay away. Our dog from her is healthy, thank goodness, but is an extremely small male( 120 lbs full grown) our full grown female, from a different breeder is much larger then him.

Andrea Mah
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Aug 21, 2017 12:17 am EDT

Are you planning on showing or breeding? I would say No probably not. A piece of paper is your main concern and complaint. Wow!you need to reassess your priorities. A healthy happy Newf is where your mindset needs to be. Grow up.
120 lbs is not a small Newf.

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Apr 05, 2018 11:24 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Andrea Mah

I have a Newfoundland from Heaven on Earth and yes she is a bit slow on getting papers but I got them and so did you. So why are you even posting on here? You are nothing but a whiny trouble maker! Go get a Life

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Apr 08, 2018 2:13 am EDT
Replying to comment of Andrea Mah

Papers are part of why you pay a breeder over a pet store or go with adoption of a mutt. I wouldn't pay so much for a dog, but if it's part of the price of the dog, then she should get the papers.

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May 30, 2018 8:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Andrea Mah

Except that by law, if she is selling a dog that she is saying is purebred, she has to give the registration papers to the new owners within six months. As a breeder she should know that.

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Jul 07, 2018 2:03 am EDT
Replying to comment of Grizz@70

I have also bought a dog from this awful no good women, and never received my papers. I never heard from her again after i purchased my puppy. Her dogs are not ckc registered nor is she even a member of ckc. I truly hope people read these awful reviews before purchasing a puppy from this money hungry women . Shes obviously only out there to make money in the wrong way. She doesnt care about the families the puppies go to nor does she care about the puppies after they leave be aware do not purchase a puppy from here

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Jul 31, 2018 10:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Reddeer

I'm sorry to hear that. I also know someone who bought a pup from her and they spent $1500K in the first three months with health issues. Shortly after she stopped replying to their emails and blamed them for all of their problems. The only thing we an do is educate anyone else who is looking to buy a Newf and tell them what to look for.

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Dec 10, 2018 8:33 pm EST
Replying to comment of Reddeer

@Grizz@70 we just found out she isn't registered and our Bernese pup has no papers as well. We were polite with our emails and the ones back are nothing short of vile. She is angry with us for asking for our papers . We have filed a complaint with the CKC but clearly it won't go far. Guess court is our next option. So far our pup is healthy.

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Mar 21, 2019 11:34 am EDT
Replying to comment of Reddeer

I also never received papers :(

Kristy MacKintosh
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Nov 17, 2020 10:08 pm EST
Replying to comment of Reddeer

I didn’t read these reviews prior. We purchased a Bernese in 2020 and we love him but we did it out of sadness. The conditions were disgusting. Everything smelled of urine, 100-150 dogs penned. She feeds them expired food from factories- she admitted this to us. No vaccines or papers. Also admitted that the CRA had put holds on her bank accounts. We had to etransfer to someone else to avoid the account with holds.
The dog had never seen a house, doors, stairs, toys, a bed or treats or a car. She claimed he knew his name- he did not. So we had a 90lb puppy that we started from the beginning with. Things are good now, he’s quirky as hell. Much smaller than she promised he would be- but we love the crap out of him and got to save him from the hell he grew up in. I hate that we paid this villain. I also reported to the Reddeer humane society- no response tho.

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Feb 11, 2021 2:41 am EST

We purchased our dog from her in 2019 and also did it out of sadness .. I cried the whole way back to Edmonton. Right now we have a 15 month old
Newfie who has serious aggression issues. I’ve had some people reach out to me through her Facebook page “ Heaven on earth Newfoundlands” telling me that aggression issues seem to be a strong trait throughout her bloodline ( they also have the same issue). I’m heartbroken to say the least! I’ve owned Newfie’s in the past and my current one is like none I’ve ever owned nor met!
She’ll give you a big ol’ sob story, show you how everything has taken a back seat because of the “economy”. She has 100-150 dogs .. all matted, Dirty and it’s literally like hell on earth.

I was in her house and I can’t even begin to describe the smell .. I have no idea how someone could live in the filth. The smell of ammonia is enough to knock you out.

Currently I’m scared of my own dog and I’ve owned animals my whole life. I feel like he’s a ticking time bomb.

Tony Crazywolf
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Aug 13, 2022 2:48 pm EDT
Replying to comment of AmandaSG

It seems your are the one to give a sob story, I've seen many puppies and adults from her and the only aggressive ones are the ones brought back from people like you, when there puppies there almost a blank slate occasionally played with to make them friendly, but to allow them to connect with there owner at purchase. tell me, when you bought the dog you would have chosen a friendly one that you like their personality the most, but when you take them home you are the one to shape their personality and you must have shown them fear and given them insecurities, I remember in the early days when she got her big lancer dick he was returned for being overly aggressive, but the fact is he was insecure after a week she had gotten him not to fear the people around him to make him a loving dog, I'm sure you seen him when you came but he sadly passed away in 2020, stop blaming other people for your own mistakes, own up to it and make your dogs life happy and fearless and he'll love you till death.

Tony Crazywolf
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Aug 13, 2022 3:00 pm EDT

She doesn't buy expired "factory made" dog food as a wholesaler could not sell that as it's illegal, and you call her a villian like this is a slaughter house, she deeply loves her dogs and still does vaccines till this day, you make your dog into who they are, you change their aspects of life, the reason you didn't get a reply as many people like you have already called and had them out but this place comes up clean every time as she has nothing to hide, she loves her dogs more than you clearly, she has tamed dogs that people like you can't control and have to send back, I have never seen an aggressive dog at her kennel unless it was from someone like you. Grow up

Tony Crazywolf
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Aug 13, 2022 3:09 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Reddeer

She has no ckc papers as people like you who complain for reasons that don't apply, you overly exaggerate everything and she had lost her ckc membership as it was a stain on ckc, people like you only care for the value of the dog not the love, papers show the parents and dob and that's it's a purebred, she cares for the families and has spent hundreds of hours telling people how to care for their animals and then gets people like you who hound her day and night asking the simplest questions, then get mad as she has other things to do then deal with your repetitive questions.

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Aug 20, 2017 10:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I don't usually waste my time on places like this but after reading these 2 comments I had to comment. I searched for a Newfoundland breeder for 2 years, called and emailed breeders across Canada. Most never replied, some were just blunt and said no pups while others just wanted to bash other breeders. I am so Glad I finally found Heaven on Earth, I knew the minute I met her she was my breeder. I have 2 Big boys from her and couldn't be happier and will always get my Newfoundland's from her. She knows the breed so well and is all natural breeder, she cooks home made meals everyday for her dogs, her kennels are spotless and her love for her dogs shines brightly. All her dogs are so happy and big lovers. It's sad to think people can come on here and write crap and say "other" breeders say she has problems when everyone I have ever met with her Newfs has nothing but awesome things to say about her and their dogs. Comment 2 your dog is healthy and you still need to whine about nothing, shame on you both!

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Apr 05, 2018 11:41 pm EDT

I feel the same way. I love my boy and will always go to Christy for my dogs and recommend her to everyone I meet. She has several older dogs that are 10-13 years old that she has kept, not like most breeders where they take the dog to a rescue when they are finished breeding her. These dogs are her whole life, the poor girl doesn't even take a day off. Then you get people like this carrying on about nothing and who knows maybe a few are breeders trying to get more puppy sales? All I can say is I did my home work too and visited a lot of breeders and when I met Christy and her house full of dogs I knew this was my breeder. She may not be for everyone though, for she is blunt and to the point and some small minded people might not like that. I belong to a Newf group where we meet once a month, several of the newfs there are from Heaven on Earth and not one person has anything bad to say about her, they Love their dogs. The other half of the group complain endlessly about health issues from breeders here in Alberta. I really don't care where you buy your dog. What bothers me is places like this trying their hardest to ruin a wonderful breeder

Andrea Mah
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Aug 21, 2017 12:32 am EDT

I am appalled at the lack of knowledge and facts that people spew about one another.
To the woman who commented on Heaven and Earth and their lack of immunization. How do you know this? Answer You don't ! You are speculating and spreading rumours and that's all. You should be ashamed of yourself. It's not funny and belittling another is not a feather in your cap.
It's mud on your face. Heaven on Earth is a beauty, clean facility with healthy happy dogs. This is what is important and should be the priority. We are not in the school yard anymore so behave accordingly and stop spreading malicious rumours. Get a life.

Darrell Friesen
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Nov 22, 2017 4:25 pm EST

Heaven on Earth is a well known puppy mill by those who actually know anything. We were almost fooled until we received a very disturbing, although mistakenly sent, email from the owner. Stay away from this place!

I Love Dogs
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Nov 22, 2017 4:54 pm EST

So sad your so small minded and you need to post a bunch of crap, and you are so "disturbed" Please go do something useful with your time instead of bashing a wonderful breeder, who you clearly know nothing about

Darrell Friesen
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Mar 09, 2018 11:45 am EST

I know one hell of a lot and know of what I speak. Grab a brain dimbulb and quit supporting unscrupulous so called "breeders". It's "you're" by the way.

Andrea Genereux
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Mar 31, 2018 1:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I think you’ve been a fool most of your life Darrell.
School yard bully too?

Chelsie Renee Curry
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Apr 02, 2018 5:40 pm EDT

Andrea Genereux I would assume your the bully by all your responses WOW

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 05, 2018 7:24 pm EDT

I was the guy that always protected the weak. It extends to dogs and other animals. I'm a great name caller when called out though you slack jawed dribbling piece of (censored). :)

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Apr 05, 2018 11:42 pm EDT

wow you really are something special and sound just like a breeder who should mind their own business

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 06, 2018 12:03 pm EDT
Replying to comment of batmannewf

Read it all son. The ranter started the name calling. Just figured I'd throw a little back. :)

Dr Craig2018
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Apr 06, 2018 6:20 pm EDT

of course you did. so lets get this straight you don't have a pup from her for she "accidently" sent you a disturbing email, so why are you even up here trying to cause problems and calling people names? Do you not have a job? Is your life so pathetic that you feel the need to stick your nose into other people's business? Like seriously what is wrong with you?

Andrea Genereux
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Apr 06, 2018 10:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of batmannewf

Lol. Not Special!
Did I poke the Bull?
To bad your taking on a Tiger. RIP

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 10, 2018 9:30 am EDT

Blah blah blah. It's obviously useless trying to talk to a fool. Might want to check the stats. 70% of Newfoundland puppies come from puppy mills. I wonder where those mills are and where the defining line is. And it's "too".

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 10, 2018 9:31 am EDT

I care about the dogs, certainly not about pipsqueaks that won't use their real name. Run along little fella.

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May 30, 2018 8:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I find it interesting that nobody on this page is saying the obvious that she breeds non standard colors too. Why? They are rare and she probably thinks they are pretty so she can charge more for them. If a breeder cannot be bothered to do the DNA test on their sires and dams (not an expensive test) to ensure that non standard colors are not being produced, what else are they not doing? There is a reason for the breed ensure that in ten or twenty or forty years, newfoundland dogs will still look like newfoundland dogs. I have not and will never buy a dog from her kennel after owning well bred Newfoundland dogs for the past 20 years (no I am not a breeder nor do I show) as I have met someone who did buy a dog from her. Health problems from the start ($3K in vet bills in the first six months) and their dog looked more like a long haired retriever than a newf. And guess what? She stopped answering emails and, like in the comment below, blamed the owners on all of the issues they were having. Sounds like a great breeder to me. You can't fix stupid and people will continue to fork over money to her but the only thing we can do is try to educate people.

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Jan 21, 2018 12:12 am EST

I adopted my girl Anya from Christy 4 and a half years ago. At six months, Anya was diagnosed by The Oregon State University School of Veterinary Medicine with Angular limb deformity with retained cartilaginous cores; a genetic growth deformity. She had 5 corrective surgeries and while her left arm is perfect, her right arm is deformed to a ninety degree angle at her wrist. There is no further surgery that can correct it and she is permanently disabled. With each surgery Anya developed an infection, and a mere grass seed gave her a mersa infection that took two surgeries to dig it out. Her medical team and I always knew she had a compromised immune system. Anya ruptured her left knee cruciate ligament at two years old and when she was admitted for the surgery, the pre-operative bloodwork indicated that Anya had almost no platelets, so she could bleed to death just bumping into furniture. She had two intensive care weeks in the hospital for ITP, an auto immune disease where your body attacks it's own platelets. Both immune issues and knee/joint issues have been determined to be genetic by veterinary research. Anya's medical bills total over $70, 000 after 4 years and a total of 8 surgeries. Anya continues to go to the Vet school twice a week for underwater tread mill and laser therapy and will for the rest of her life. We are still trying to manage the ITP. Despite sending Christy all of Anya's medical records that explain her medical problems clearly to be the result of poor genetics, Christy refused to honor her "health guarantee". I also believe her to be a puppy mill. At the time I found Anya, after I paid the $500 deposit, Christy confessed to having 35 dogs. As for being "nice", after I emailed Christy several of Anya's hospital discharges, her response emails became very defensive alternating with bullying, and a lot of cursing.
I feel very lucky to have my girl, Anya, she has been the biggest light in my world. But passing bad and disabling genes down from generation to generation is wrong, people like Christy should be stopped. Since the CKC and AKC have no rules in place, hopefully heartfelt stories can help people understand the consequences of adopting from corrupt, unethical breeders like Christy at Heaven on Earth Newfoundlands.

Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs
Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs
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Feb 22, 2018 1:23 pm EST
Replying to comment of anyasmom

I am the owner of Heaven on Earth and this page was just now brought to my attention. Just don't understand why people would waste their time posting crap like this but now this has got out of hand so I will post my side of things. First off this owner of Anya emailed me when she was a puppy and told me she fell down a set of stairs and was now limping, then a year went by and she emailed me again to tell me she was having surgery and demanded a new puppy. Her emails were always strange and months apart. I was always concerned when she emailed me but never once bullied or swore at her, it was her who tried to bully me into giving her a new puppy. I have Anya's 2 sisters, parents and grand parents and none have any issues but then again none of fallen down stairs. Now she is saying this is genetic, I am sorry but this woman is not all there and I have tried my best to deal with her crazy emails which finally stopped a few years ago and now this post. If you knew me you would know that these posts are nothing but lies. I love my dogs and what I do but it's people like this that I can't tolerate and I regret ever selling her a dog. I am sorry her dog has had 20 surgeries but this isn't due to my breeding As for the woman who started this crap, yes I do Not give my dogs rabies and that is my decision to make, you can give your dogs rabies all you want but this is my choice and if you read up on vaccines and the harm they do to dog you may just have a new opinion too. The rest of the posts are not worth a comment for they are so stupid. I sleep well at night and my dogs are my world, if you choose to sit in front of the computer and believe everything you read that is your choice or you can come out and meet my dogs and decide from there

Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs
Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs
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Feb 22, 2018 6:53 pm EST

I have a private page on Facebook that people can join, all my customers are on this page, and enjoy to post stories and fun times. Not many breeders or Puppy mills would put their customers in one room Facebook : Heaven on Earth Newfoundlands

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Apr 05, 2018 11:43 pm EDT

I joined a few years ago, great place, Love the Pictures!

Dr Craig2018
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Apr 06, 2018 6:39 pm EDT
Replying to comment of batmannewf

I am also a member of the page and think this breeder is a wonderful woman. I did my homework too for I didn't want an inbred show dog and called many breeders and visited a few of the kennels. Heaven on earth made me feel welcome, her dogs loved me and were all very well trained. I think there was 6 at the door all wanting to shake a paw when I walked in. I felt I could ask Christy anything and I was going to get a straight answer. She showed me all around and I believe I was there 3 hours my first visit. I have a beautiful landseer girl and have plans to get another girl from her this fall. The group is great for asking questions and posting pictures. I have made friends with a lot of the people on there and enjoy the group. I am sorry Christy you are getting hauled out and jumped on by ignorant people like this, keep doing what your doing, we need more breeders like you!

Andrea Genereux
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Apr 06, 2018 10:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes Christy You Rock!
Don’t listen to these jealous Breeders. Or should I say Wanna Be ...
Love your Article by the way. Cheers

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Apr 08, 2018 2:14 am EDT
Replying to comment of anyasmom

Find a lawyer and take her to court!

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Jul 15, 2018 5:54 pm EDT

I am happy to provide all of Anya's medical paperwork to anyone who asks. ( Anya never fell down any stairs, I never said that she did. I can forward all of Christy's and my email correspondence to anyone who cares. We do not live in a home with stairs, nor do we have friends or vacation homes with stairs. I never asked for a new puppy, I wouldn't take Christy's offer of half off when she lamely offered it after Anya's 6th surgery because I'm certain he/she would have genetic issues similar to Anya. Anyone who buys a baby from Christy should request that she first submit a blood sample from both parents to the Canine Genome Project out of the University of Michigan, or any other lab that evaluates a parents genetics. The analysis is reasonably priced and could prevent a lifetime of heartbreak. And force the accountability of an uneducated and destructive breeder.
Oh, an update on my baby girl, Anya. We FINALLY got her platelet disorder under control and she had her left knee TPLO surgery! YAY! She is walking almost like she did when she was two! In September, if her blood cooperates, we will have her right knee repaired then hopefully the next 7+ years will be smooth sailing, no thanks to Christy at Heaven on Earth.

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Dec 17, 2018 11:55 am EST
Replying to comment of anyasmom

you are not alone in this situation. I private messaged you.

Darrell Friesen
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Mar 18, 2018 3:17 pm EDT

Red Flags to look for.

BIG dog lover
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Mar 23, 2018 9:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Darrell friesen now what kennel do you own? Sounds to me like you are just an unhappy breeder who is bored with life and needs to make others look like [censor] to make yourself look better. I don't know this breeder nor do I know you but decided to go look over the web site and personally I think she is doing everything right. You didn't get a dog from her so who cares move on with your disturbing life

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 05, 2018 7:16 pm EDT

Not a breeder at all but a lover of Newfoundlands for many years that has done my research. I like to make animals lives a little less miserable wherever I can and avoid people with lower brainpower and understanding like yourself who appears to be a (censor censor censor)..

Dr Craig2018
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Apr 06, 2018 6:40 pm EDT

you are an idiot to say the least

Andrea Genereux
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Apr 06, 2018 10:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Awesome. We want to see animals lives better too. We just don’t go around trashing people for the sake of trashing them.
Some of the stuff said here is just mean.
Sad really

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 10, 2018 9:32 am EDT

And you're a mouthy little squirt. Nananana [censor].

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 10, 2018 8:05 pm EDT

And you're a little piece of [censor] pipsqueak. Let's meet for a coffee and "talk" about it.

Chelsie Renee Curry
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Mar 29, 2018 3:33 pm EDT

This lady is a terrible breeder and is only out to get money. I had gave Christy the deposit of 525 dollars to purchase a bernese mountain dog I was not allowed to go pick out my puppy she would only send pictures. My girl only weighs 60 lbs and is almost 2 very small. Christy couldn't even remember who my dogs parents were and thought that I should know that? I have every email saved to prove it. I have been on going with CKC to get her papers and shes not CKC and Christy makes it very clear all over her fake website that all her dogs are CKC. Christy's daughter brought my puppy up from the basement and she wasn't the puppy from the picture that she had sent me. She's running a puppy mill and over charges for her puppies. She will not reply to emails after I was given the puppy. Her website gets ya I should of done more research Now talking to other people and breeders and finding out for myself. This Christy is a terrible human I hope soon nobody will get any puppies from her. I would not recommend her to anyone

Andrea Genereux
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Mar 31, 2018 1:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Be careful what you wish for Chelsea Rene Curry. People who belittle others or wish them ilwill are no better than a bully. I assume your dog is healthy as you didn’t mention any problems except for weight. I don’t see that as a problem but possibly a blessing as heavier the dog the more likely for hip and other health issues.
Best to worry about yourself and your life instead of spewing unsubstantiated nonsense.

Chelsie Renee Curry
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Apr 02, 2018 5:16 pm EDT

No my dog is not healthy thank you very much she has had problems since the day I have brought her home. I'm not here to fight or argue. Just stating MY OPINION. This is what reviews are for. Get a life :-)

Andrea Genereux
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Apr 02, 2018 7:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Given the lies you spewed in your first review and never mentioned your girls health issues till I mentioned it leads me to believe you lie.
I have a very good life Thank you. You may try getting one. :-)

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Apr 03, 2018 10:24 pm EDT

I was a breeder many years ago and I feel sorry for this breeder for I know what it takes to be a breeder and the stupid people we come across. Mr Disturbed you are pathetic! Tracey 92 you should be ashamed of yourself, we can only hope you buy from a show breeder so you know what health problems are all about, most of these show dogs die within 5 years so lets hope Tracey92 you get one of those dogs! MacnCharlie again I had customers like you, whine about nothing, you piss ants are a dime a dozen and I am sure she regrets selling you a dog! Miss Anya do you really expect a free puppy when your god damn dog falls down the stairs? You should of never bought a dog if you are that stupid! Yes I had a few too many crazy people like this! Curry I checked you out on Facebook and your Bernese looks lovely and not once did you mention health issues, so the breeder hasn't got you papers yet. Is it worth bashing LIES?holy [censor] relax! go find a real cause, the world is full of them. Yes I had all kinds of people buy my dogs over the years and if I could of cloned the "normal loving families" I would of to save myself from whining [censor] like this. I wish you all the best of luck but with people like these you will never have peace. God Bless

Chelsie Renee Curry
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Apr 04, 2018 3:56 pm EDT

Lol andrea you are something else arent ya i have no problem getting in to it with you. Your crazy ill play your game. You dont know me or my dog from a hole in the ground. So get your facts staight before you start making assumptions. You obviously dont have much of a life to be commenting on everyone of these responses. This just goes to show me your in with Christy and trying to stick up for her which is totally fine... the day will come will she will get shut done. Court in July will hopefully be the end of it. Have a wonderful day and enjoy being crazy

Chelsie Renee Curry
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Apr 04, 2018 3:57 pm EDT

Sorry shut down not done

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Apr 05, 2018 11:52 pm EDT

People like you make me ill, so you don't have your papers yet so you decided to have a PUBLIC TANTRUM?
I checked out your page too and agree your dog is very nice. Took me a bit longer to get my papers too but I didn't carry on like this, sure she regrets selling you a dog. If I were her I would get a lawyer and sue you. You are a Terrible Person Chelsie curry!

Dr Craig2018
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Apr 06, 2018 6:59 pm EDT

Yes Public Tantrum at it's best! I love dogs but could never be a breeder for I could never deal with immature spoiled ignorant people like you. karma will find you soon enough

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Apr 14, 2018 2:59 am EDT
Replying to comment of batmannewf

I dont think she would stand a chance in court lol try suing with these comments and emails... this is my entertainment if i learned one thing if i were ever to purchase a dog it wouldnt be from this heaven on earth place yikes i think ill stick to my gold fish

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May 30, 2018 8:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If this breeder is stating that her dogs are purebred, than BY LAW she needs to provide a CKC registration certificate to the new owner within six months of purchase at no extra cost. That is Canadian law people.

Andrea Genereux
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Mar 31, 2018 1:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Heaven on Earth Newfoundland’s is exactly that Heaven.
These dogs are Loved Healthy and spoiled rotten.
This Breeder has had her share of “bad luck” people purchasing her pups not realizing what they were purchasing. The size of this breed, cost to feed them or the fact they slober a lot. Being a responsible Breeder she will take the dog back. Some of the dogs are returned. They’ve been neglected, matted, untrained, mean. No social skills.
Rehoming is a process and some will never be able to be rehomed because of the damage done to them but so called responsible homes. Forever homes.
Don’t be so quick to judge. At least she doesn’t abandon her babies.

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Darrell Friesen
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Apr 05, 2018 7:21 pm EDT

Do you think there might be a reason that every Newfoundland breeder in Western Canada has a "very" low opinion of this breeder? Must be jealousy.

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Apr 05, 2018 11:57 pm EDT

Show breeders are nothing but Drunks most have to be drunk to sleep with themselves and you can bet your [censor] they are jealous of her. Her website says it all and these breeders can't handle the truth. Trust me I know I have gone to dog shows and have met all the breeders in Alberta and wow nasty people with in bred scared dogs but they will make sure to do whatever it takes to run the best breeder out of town.

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 06, 2018 12:08 pm EDT
Replying to comment of batmannewf

I could care less about dog shows. Posting the registered names of the dogs, not just first names, on a website is a real good start. It allows a person to check clearances and history for more than one generation. Unfortunately, breeding dogs as a business can bring out the worst types. Once you're caught up in it, it's hard to turn back. Ranting and attacking others on your own website is a major flag. When you think you're right and everyone else is wrong, it's time to look in the mirror.

Dr Craig2018
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Apr 06, 2018 6:54 pm EDT

Darrell you just can't quit, who cares what the registered names are, if you want to know the history ask the breeder. This breeder has pictures, answers questions, shows her kennels, her barn, her personal life with her kids when most breeders don't even have a telephone number or a picture of any dogs, so shouldn't you be hacking on them for having next to nothing on their pages? Christy shows it all and one of the Main Reasons I went to her is she had the balls to say how it really is and how most breeders are just as she says, I know I have talked to many. So if you think this isn't correct then maybe you need to look in a mirror, go to a dog show, call a breeder or get a life. Anything would be better than bashing a breeder you clearly know nothing about. You are a ignorant idiot.

Andrea Genereux
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Apr 06, 2018 11:07 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Not everyone!
Other Breeders Yes.
Nobody is perfect. They think they are. I spoke to all of these Breeders they were rude and acted put off when I questioned them. I was to blindly purchase because their dogs were perfect.
They do not like competition and all back stab one another.
Common sense speaks volumes.

Darrell Friesen
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Apr 10, 2018 9:35 am EDT

Sigh. Tired of talking with dimbulbs. You are nothing but a loud mouth no it all. Go back and read your comic book.

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May 30, 2018 8:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more need the registered names to check the OFA database to see if the dams and sires have been cleared. Some less than scrupulous breeders say that they have clearances when they do not. It is only smart as a buyer to double check their claims.

Laughing at you all
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Apr 06, 2018 8:59 pm EDT

I would be careful what is said on here...
You could get in really big trouble... i never seen the likes of it what a joke. I see it as if your not doing anything wrong as a real true breeder you would have no comments because you know your not doing anything wrong... its that simple... you people have children what kind of example are you setting... are you all not adults here? Stick up for your actions and take a little responsibility... people who dont even email back or check on the puppies that they sold or make up crazy lies are just pathetic.. i would say by reading all these comments Heaven on Earth is no place to ever purchase a puppy

Andrea Genereux
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Apr 06, 2018 11:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This sounds so familiar. Don’t pretend Your Saving the day.
Saying your grace and I will worry about the rescue.

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Apr 06, 2018 11:34 pm EDT

Im so glad i found this site. I was thinking of getting a Newfoundland from Heaven on Earth... but never received an email back. Now I know not too. I hope this breeder gets whats coming to her wow scary mean reviews not good at all

Andrea Genereux
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Apr 07, 2018 12:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Nowiknow

Apparently you didn’t read them all. Her dogs are amazing. Smart. Healthy and huge. True Newfoundland’s
Your loss.

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Apr 09, 2018 2:39 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Nowiknow

Wow you [censor] don't waste any time, smell blood and come running. you must have received a notification there was a witch hunt online. I know all of the breeders in alberta, so I can help you find a breeder. these would be the breeders tracy 92 talked to that started this witch hunt.
titan bear, garry and kim haynes. these people are something else, nothing but lies spew from their mouths. if their dogs can make it to 3 years without major surgery you’re lucky, make sure to buy lots of insurance. and don't expect any emotions from them when you call to notify them that your dog died at 5 from cancer. these people can do nothing wrong for god washes away their sins weekly. they will sell sick dogs to anyone who will buy their pups, or whoever wants to breed. then these [censor] sell pups on kijiji for 2500 and send you to titan page, they must be proud! titan bear newfoundlands is also the only newfoundland rescue in alberta; they like to say on the newf referral page they all started. the only dogs in rescue are the back yard breeders or mills for his friends only breed the best but he is nothing but a liar, most rescue come from his breeder pals. I wouldn’t touch titan bear newfoundland’s with a ten foot pole; liars are nothing but bottom feeders. they also like to post their lies on face book, when you call them on it they run and hide. if you get one of the rescue dogs from him, check the microchip online to see which of the club members bred the dog.
Let's look at twin huey, if you had half a brain you would run from these breeders, extreme health issues, lots of her dogs end up in rescue due to health issue people can’t afford. don’t call her for help for she does not take her dogs back and offers no support. chantal belle-isle loves to bash every breeder around, hoping you believe her lies and buy her sick puppies, insane is putting it mild on this nut case. her web site is incomplete as the same as her health testing. another scummy liar, who drinks way too much to be able to care for her dogs or herself, another one who hides behind her computer screen bashing breeders on face book, such a nasty drunk to say the least and I feel sorry for her dogs.
Then there is heidi ball from prairiehome newfoundlands, where do I even start with this [censor]. severe hip dysplasia guess prelim x rays don’t cut it on a stud dog, she will be the first to tell you how every breeder out there has issues but her, my first newf was from heidi ball and I had to put him down at 3 years old due to crippling hips and she still breeds the same pedigrees. when I called her for help she told me I must have taken him up and down stairs for her dogs are perfect, no compassion at all. well-bred selected pups my [censored], don’t let this woman fool you. she is one of the worst breeders in canada. I won’t bother to get into the rest of the club breeders in canada but trust me none of them are worth your time, total scum in ontario. be sure to read all the web sites they keep making up that club members are your only choice for a breeder, sounds desperate to me. I have never met such vultures in my life. all breeders have issues in all the breeds. the ones who say they don’t are the ones to run from
I have been to heaven on earth, I don’t have her dogs was just nosy to see her place, didn’t expect to like her at all from what all the breeders had told me about her but surprisingly I did. she is slow on papers, well hell lets burn her at the stake, and she doesn’t do rabies on her older dogs, oh my well she definitely deserves to burn for that! really don’t care where you buy your dog; the 3 above I think would be your best bet due to your small mind.

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Apr 10, 2018 1:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Nowiknow

Wow you [censor] don't waste any time, smell blood and come running. you must have received a notification there was a witch hunt online. I know all of the breeders in alberta, so I can help you find a breeder. tracy 92 is a breeder and sad to say feels threatened by heaven on earth and her beautiful dogs but hey it's 2018 where we can take business's down just because we feel like it!
Here are your choices:
titan bear, garry and kim haynes. these people are something else, nothing but lies spew from their mouths. if their dogs can make it to 3 years without major surgery you’re lucky, make sure to buy lots of insurance. and don't expect any emotions from them when you call to notify them that your dog died at 5 from cancer. these people can do nothing wrong for god washes away their sins weekly. they will sell sick dogs to anyone who will buy their pups, or whoever wants to breed. then these [censor] sell pups on kijiji for 2500 and send you to titan page, they must be proud! titan bear newfoundlands is also the only newfoundland rescue in alberta; they like to say on the newf referral page they all started. the only dogs in rescue are the back yard breeders or mills too funny, most rescues come from his breeder pals. I wouldn’t touch titan bear newfoundland’s with a ten foot pole; liars that are nothing but bottom feeders. they also like to post their lies on face book, when you call them on it they run and hide. if you get one of the rescue dogs from him, check the microchip online to see which of the club members breed the dog.
Let's look at twin huey, if you had half a brain you would run from these breeders, extreme health issues, cancer, eye problems, hearts think she has it all, lots of her dogs end up in rescue due to health issue people can’t afford. don’t call her for help for she does not take her dogs back and offers no support. chantal belle-isle loves to bash every breeder around, hoping you believe her lies and buy her sick puppies, insane is putting it mild on this nut case. her web site is incomplete as the same as her health testing. another scummy liar, who drinks way too much to be able to care for her dogs or herself, another one who hides behind her computer screen bashing breeders on face book, such a nasty drunk to say the least and I feel sorry for her dogs.
Then there is heidi ball from prairiehome newfoundlands, where do I even start with this [censor]. severe hip dysplasia guess prelim x rays don’t cut it on a stud dog, she will be the first to tell you how every breeder out there has issues but her, my first newf was from heidi ball and I had to put him down at 3 years old due to crippling hips and she still breeds the same pedigrees and shares his sperm with all her show buddies. when I called her for help she told me I must have taken him up and down stairs for her dogs are perfect, no compassion at all. well-bred selected pups my [censored], don’t let this woman fool you. she is one of the worst breeders in canada. I won’t bother to get into the rest of the club breeders in canada but trust me none of them are worth your time, total scum in ontario. be sure to read all the web sites they keep making up that club members are your only choice for a breeder, sounds desperate to me. just in the last year I think 3 new ones went up, way too funny.
I have never met such vultures in my life. all breeders have issues in all the breeds. the ones who say they don’t are the ones to run from
I have been to heaven on earth, I don’t have her dogs was just nosy to see her place, didn’t expect to like her at all from what all the breeders had told me about her but surprisingly I did. she is slow on papers, well hell lets burn her at the stake, and she doesn’t do rabies on her older dogs, oh my well she definitely deserves to burn for that! really don’t care where you buy your dog; the 3 above I think would be your best bet due to your small mind.

Send a message
Apr 07, 2018 4:03 am EDT

Below are typical practices of bad breeders. Not all breeders will be guilty of all these things,
but if you are dealing with a breeder with a preponderance of these breeding practices, you are
probably not working with a responsible breeder.
• Sells males for less money than females. This is because a premium is placed on females by
other "wannabe" breeders to start their own backyard breeding program.

• Sells "show quality" while they never show themselves. How can you know? Markings?
That only represents about 10% of what makes up a "show quality" dog.
• Sells any puppy with full registration for more money, regardless of the quality or health of
the pup.
• Breeding stock which has come from the old Iron Curtain Eastern European
countries, like Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, etc. There are a few good kennels,
but most of the puppy mill dogs are imported from these countries, and we have NO health history on
these dogs.
• Brokers pups from Eastern European puppy mills. These import brokers simply buy direct
from the same Eastern European puppy mills and then turns around and sells to the ignorant buyer. NO
good breeder sells to a broker.
• Does not have verifiable health clearances on hips AND elbows of at least MOST of the
dogs on the pups pedigree. If you are told, "Our vet said they are healthy, " this is a BIG red flag.
• “Breeding stock comes from healthy lines” If you are told this, DEMAND PROOF.

• “Healthier European Lines.” Don’t believe it. There are healthy and unhealthy lines in all
countries. Health surveys reveal the same average lifespan (7.1 years) for both American and European
Bernese. This is just another sales tactic.
• Dogs which are bred before two years of age and/or are bred every heat cycle.
• “Both parents on premises.” Good breeders go out and find the stud dog that best compliments
their [censored]. Breeders who tend to be in it "for the money" only, don't want to pay a stud fee, so they just
get a boy and a girl, and whatever they produce, they produce. Also, if they own several females on only
one male. This tells me they are just pumping out puppies - high volume - high sales - more money in the
seller's pocket (this is not an absolute. Some good breeders DO have the stud dog, but this is not always
the case).
• Breeder doesn't follow up on previous litters to assure the pups they have produced are
healthy. This is especially important if the puppy seller touts "healthy dogs." If they haven't bothered to
follow up on previous litters, how can they make this claim?

• The "Health Guarantee" sales pitch.
• Breeder has a USDA license. This almost guarantees you are dealing with a mass production
puppy factory.
• AKC inspected. Every breeder who breeds AKC registered dogs is subject to AKC inspection. This
means nothing.
• Breeder discourages you visiting their facilities, or “suggests” you meet somewhere to
get your pup. This is often offered as a convenience to you. It is really because the breeder doesn’t
want you to see their kennel.
• Pretty websites with lot of cute pictures and flowery language like “Farm raised with love, ” or “we
just love our fur babies.” Provides little or no useful information such as pedigrees of parents, health
clearances, breeding philosophy, etc. This is a very crafty and effective way to bamboozle you as the
• Requires money up front before any paperwork (such as pedigree info, contract into, etc) is
• Requires deposits (usually non-refundable) before their [censored] is bred or the
litter is whelped.

• Sells without a contract.
• Puppies registered with other than AKC registry. While AKC registration does not assure
a good breeder, NO responsible American breeder uses any other registry. The puppy mill industry has
created many bogus registries to trick buyers. Dogs registered with APR (American Pet Registry), CKC
(Continental Kennel Club, not to be confused with the Canadian Kennel Club, a legitimate registry), ACA
(American Canine Association), AMW (Archive of Merit Worldwide), FIC (Federation of International
Champions), etc, are indicative of a commercial puppy factory.
• Doesn’t ask you any questions. In an effort to confuse you into thinking they are a responsible
breeder, you may be asked to complete a questionnaire, but you won’t be asked any follow up questions.

• Has a PayPal or Credit card system set up for payment.
• “I just breed nice puppies for nice people.” This is the hallmark of a bad breeder. You are
a nice person, and you want a nice puppy, but not from this breeder. What this REALLY means is, “I am
breeding whatever dogs I can get my hands on, and I am selling them to anyone who comes up with the
• Breeds multiple breeds. Some good breeders may breed one or possibly two other breeds, but
anyone who has more than 4 or 5 different breeds of dogs is making a business out of pumping out
puppies. There is no way this many dogs can be given the attention and care that they need. This is a
puppy factory.
• “Champion bloodlines.” This could mean one dog in a 64 dog pedigree has attained a
championship. This also implies that the parents aren’t champions. This is just another trick to fool you.

• Does not have a lifetime return policy for dogs of their breeding. Do not concern
themselves with rescue, and take no responsibility for the dogs they have produced once the sale is done
and money has changed hands. These breeders represent a large part of the mess that purebred rescue
groups have to clean up.
• Just in time for Christmas (Easter/Mother’s Day, etc)! Good breeders just don’t market
their “merchandise” this way. In fact, ethical breeders strongly discourage giving puppies as gifts at any
time of year. The decision to add a puppy should be made by the entire family, and good breeders will
want to meet with the prospective owners.
These are just a few of the things that would make me suspicious of the motivations of the
breeder. These are examples of what is done by those who don't care about whether they are
breeding physically/orthopedically or temperamentally sound dogs. They just want to cash in on
the breed’s popularity and pocket your money. If your puppy winds up crippled by hip or elbow
dysplasia, or dies of cancer at 2 or 3 years old, or has a vicious, aggressive temperament, they
really don't care.

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Apr 09, 2018 2:32 pm EDT

Great write up chelsea curry and I love the pictures you added, did you write this email yourself, just trying to make your lies more believable? anyone with half a brain can read the information on her page and know this breeder doesn't do any of the red flags you mentioned, here let's go through this with you since you are so stupid
• sells "show quality" while they never show themselves. how can you know? markings?
That only represents about 10% of what makes up a "show quality" dog.

She does not sell show dogs and all pups are sold on strict non breeding papers you should know this read your contract
• sells any puppy with full registration for more money, regardless of the quality or health of
The pup.
Again never sells on open papers
• breeding stock which has come from the old iron curtain eastern european
Countries, like hungary, slovakia, poland, czech republic, russia, etc. there are a few good kennels,
But most of the puppy mill dogs are imported from these countries, and we have no health history on
These dogs.
bernese imported from belguim from 2 well known kennels her bernese are beautiful with mile long health testing. her dogs kick [censor] on anything the usa or canada produces
• does not have verifiable health clearances on hips and elbows of at least most of the
Dogs on the pups pedigree. if you are told, "our vet said they are healthy," this is a big red flag.
• “breeding stock comes from healthy lines” if you are told this, demand proof.
All her dogs are ofa tested

• “healthier european lines.” don’t believe it. there are healthy and unhealthy lines in all
Countries. health surveys reveal the same average lifespan (7.1 years) for both american and european
Bernese. this is just another sales tactic.

Too funny europe has been breeding bernese for years but from what this [censor] is saying is best to buy from usa lmao
• dogs which are bred before two years of age and/or are bred every heat cycle.
• “both parents on premises.” good breeders go out and find the stud dog that best compliments
Their [censor]. breeders who tend to be in it "for the money" only, don't want to pay a stud fee, so they just
Get a boy and a girl, and whatever they produce, they produce. also, if they own several females on only
One male. this tells me they are just pumping out puppies - high volume - high sales - more money in the
Seller's pocket (this is not an absolute. some good breeders do have the stud dog, but this is not always
The case).
This one cracks me up so good breeders bring in sperm, what about the people who want to see the parents do they just bring out a vial of sperm? this article is so entertaining
• breeder doesn't follow up on previous litters to assure the pups they have produced are
Healthy. this is especially important if the puppy seller touts "healthy dogs." if they haven't bothered to
Follow up on previous litters, how can they make this claim?

• the "health guarantee" sales pitch.
• breeder has a usda license. this almost guarantees you are dealing with a mass production
Puppy factory.
• akc inspected. every breeder who breeds akc registered dogs is subject to akc inspection. this
Means nothing.
Doesn't apply maybe get a canadian red flag next time
• breeder discourages you visiting their facilities, or “suggests” you meet somewhere to
Get your pup. this is often offered as a convenience to you. it is really because the breeder doesn’t
Want you to see their kennel.
Clearly states all over her web site that you have to come for a visit before any deposit is taken, she wants you to see her dogs and kennel, holy crap you should know all of this, do you really have one of her dogs?
• pretty websites with lot of cute pictures and flowery language like “farm raised with love, ” or “we
Just love our fur babies.” provides little or no useful information such as pedigrees of parents, health
Clearances, breeding philosophy, etc. this is a very crafty and effective way to bamboozle you as the
Farm raised with love that is cute but can't find anything like that on her web site?
• requires money up front before any paperwork (such as pedigree info, contract into, etc) is
• requires deposits (usually non-refundable) before their [censor] is bred or the
Litter is whelped.
does not apply to this breeder

• sells without a contract. did you lose your contract?
• puppies registered with other than akc registry. while akc registration does not assure
A good breeder, no responsible american breeder uses any other registry. the puppy mill industry has
Created many bogus registries to trick buyers. dogs registered with apr (american pet registry), ckc
(continental kennel club, not to be confused with the canadian kennel club, a legitimate registry), aca
(american canine association), amw (archive of merit worldwide), fic (federation of international
Champions), etc, are indicative of a commercial puppy factory.
• doesn’t ask you any an effort to confuse you into thinking they are a responsible
Breeder, you may be asked to complete a questionnaire, but you won’t be asked any follow up questions.
Were you asked more questions? did the breeder go through everything with you when you bought the pup? geez are you sure you have one of her dogs? is your brain just melted from all the drigs you use?

• has a paypal or credit card system set up for payment.
Don't see any paypal or credit card on her page?
• breeds multiple breeds. some good breeders may breed one or possibly two other breeds, but
Anyone who has more than 4 or 5 different breeds of dogs is making a business out of pumping out
Puppies. there is no way this many dogs can be given the attention and care that they need. this is a
Puppy factory.
She breeds 2 breeds
• “champion bloodlines.” this could mean one dog in a 64 dog pedigree has attained a
Championship. this also implies that the parents aren’t champions. this is just another trick to fool you.
Couldnt find one champion bloodlines anywhere on her page?

• does not have a lifetime return policy for dogs of their breeding. do not concern
Themselves with rescue, and take no responsibility for the dogs they have produced once the sale is done
And money has changed hands. these breeders represent a large part of the mess that purebred rescue
Groups have to clean up.
Again curry read your contract the very first paragraph says if you can no longer keep your dog for any reason the dog is to be taken back to heaven on earth, you should of read the contract before you posted this [censor]
• just in time for christmas (easter/mother’s day, etc)! good breeders just don’t market
Their “merchandise” this fact, ethical breeders strongly discourage giving puppies as gifts at any
Time of year. the decision to add a puppy should be made by the entire family, and good breeders will
Want to meet with the prospective owners.
She shuts her page down for holidays
Not sure what your game is and the article is so stupid and does not apply to this breeder at all, of all people you should know this you supposely have one of her dogs and contract. good idea to change your post name
I know this breeder well she would never send a text like that but will give you a c - for your effort, you must think she is as stupid as you

Send a message
Apr 10, 2018 1:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You crack me up chelsea curry cuntry, love the pictures, you should of added more swear words and death threats to make it more real for your audience.
Well let’s go over this together and see how many bad things this breeder does and how many red flags before we throw her into the electric chair and hit the button.
• sells males for less money than females. this is because a premium is placed on females by
Other "wannabe" breeders to start their own backyard breeding program.
Her pups are all the same price so no flag here
• sells "show quality" while they never show themselves. how can you know? markings?
That only represents about 10% of what makes up a "show quality" dog.
• sells any puppy with full registration for more money, regardless of the quality or health of
The pup.
It states all over her page she does not sell to breeders, all pups are sold on strict non breed contracts, no red flags here
Did you read this over before you posted currycuntry? if you really have her dog wouldn’t you already know all of this?
• breeding stock which has come from the old iron curtain eastern european
Countries, like hungary, slovakia, poland, czech republic, russia, etc. there are a few good kennels,
But most of the puppy mill dogs are imported from these countries, and we have no health history on
These dogs.
• brokers pups from eastern european puppy mills. these import brokers simply buy direct
From the same eastern european puppy mills and then turns around and sells to the ignorant buyer. no
Good breeder sells to a broker.
None of her dogs come from here so no red flags again.
• does not have verifiable health clearances on hips and elbows of at least most of the
Dogs on the pups pedigree. if you are told, "our vet said they are healthy," this is a big red flag.
• “breeding stock comes from healthy lines” if you are told this, demand proof.
She does health testing, it’s all over her web site so again no red flags
• “healthier european lines.” don’t believe it. there are healthy and unhealthy lines in all
Countries. health surveys reveal the same average lifespan (7.1 years) for both american and european
Bernese. this is just another sales tactic.
Oh my too funny, europe has been breeding the bernese for years and years. now this is saying usa dogs are just as good or better? any breed the usa touches they ruin it. the european bernese win hands down.

• dogs which are bred before two years of age and/or are bred every heat cycle.
• “both parents on premises.” good breeders go out and find the stud dog that best compliments
Their [censor]. breeders who tend to be in it "for the money" only, don't want to pay a stud fee, so they just
Get a boy and a girl, and whatever they produce, they produce. also, if they own several females on only
One male. this tells me they are just pumping out puppies - high volume - high sales - more money in the
Seller's pocket (this is not an absolute. some good breeders do have the stud dog, but this is not always
The case).
Lmao oh my this one takes the cake, so you think that puppy buyers would rather see a picture of the sire over the actual dog? way too funny lololol guess she has red flags here according to this for she has her studs with her for families to admire and cuddle oh and to see temperament very important!.

• breeder doesn't follow up on previous litters to assure the pups they have produced are
Healthy. this is especially important if the puppy seller touts "healthy dogs." if they haven't bothered to
Follow up on previous litters, how can they make this claim?
She keeps in touch with all her buyers, again you should know this
• the "health guarantee" sales pitch.
• breeder has a usda license. this almost guarantees you are dealing with a mass production
Puppy factory.
• akc inspected. every breeder who breeds akc registered dogs is subject to akc inspection. this
Means nothing.
• breeder discourages you visiting their facilities, or “suggests” you meet somewhere to
Get your pup. this is often offered as a convenience to you. it is really because the breeder doesn’t
Want you to see their kennel.
Another good one, she will not sell a puppy to families she can’t meet in person and no shipping and she encourages visits, I read this at least 3 times on her web site, again you should already know this

• pretty websites with lot of cute pictures and flowery language like “farm raised with love, ” or “we
Just love our fur babies.” provides little or no useful information such as pedigrees of parents, health clearances, breeding philosophy, etc. this is a very crafty and effective way to bamboozle you as the
How cute farm raised with love, but can’t find that anywhere on her page so no flags here.
• requires money up front before any paperwork (such as pedigree info, contract into, etc) is
• requires deposits (usually non-refundable) before their [censor] is bred or the
Litter is whelped.
She never takes a deposit before puppy are 4 weeks old, again this is clearly stated on her web site and again curry cuntry you should know this no flags here.

• sells without a contract.
You did sign a contract didn’t you? have you lost it? best to go find it and read it again, are you sure you got a puppy from her? this is all sounding a little strange you wouldn’t know all of this?
• puppies registered with other than akc registry. while akc registration does not assure
A good breeder, no responsible american breeder uses any other registry. the puppy mill industry has
Created many bogus registries to trick buyers. dogs registered with apr (american pet registry), ckc
(continental kennel club, not to be confused with the canadian kennel club, a legitimate registry), aca
(american canine association), amw (archive of merit worldwide), fic (federation of international
Champions), etc, are indicative of a commercial puppy factory.

All pointed at the usa, maybe you should find a canadian red flag one

• doesn’t ask you any an effort to confuse you into thinking they are a responsible
Breeder, you may be asked to complete a questionnaire, but you won’t be asked any follow up questions.
She screens everyone who takes a puppy, think her radar was off the day you came out though
• has a paypal or credit card system set up for payment.
No paypal no credit cards so no red flags how did you pay curry cuntry?
• “I just breed nice puppies for nice people.” this is the hallmark of a bad breeder. you are
A nice person, and you want a nice puppy, but not from this breeder. what this really means is, “I am
Breeding whatever dogs I can get my hands on, and I am selling them to anyone who comes up with the
• breeds multiple breeds. some good breeders may breed one or possibly two other breeds, but
Anyone who has more than 4 or 5 different breeds of dogs is making a business out of pumping out puppies. there is no way this many dogs can be given the attention and care that they need. this is a puppy factory.
Just nonsense what this woman writes, you and her should become friends for your both incredibly stupid

• “champion bloodlines.” this could mean one dog in a 64 dog pedigree has attained a
Championship. this also implies that the parents aren’t champions. this is just another trick to fool you.
Just checked no champion bloodlines stated on her page, again no red flag
• does not have a lifetime return policy for dogs of their breeding. do not concern
Themselves with rescue, and take no responsibility for the dogs they have produced once the sale is done maybe you should just go read the contract, you will see it’s in her contract that if you no longer can keep your dog it is to be returned to heaven on earth she gets a shiny gold flag for that
And money has changed hands. these breeders represent a large part of the mess that purebred rescue
Groups have to clean up.
• just in time for christmas (easter/mother’s day, etc)! good breeders just don’t market
Their “merchandise” this fact, ethical breeders strongly discourage giving puppies as gifts at any
Time of year. the decision to add a puppy should be made by the entire family, and good breeders will
Want to meet with the prospective owners.
Stated all over her page, only sells to families she can meet, no shipping and never sells holiday puppies yes I think it is definetly another shiny gold flag
These are just a few of the things that would make me suspicious of the motivations of the
Breeder. these are examples of what is done by those who don't care about whether they are
Breeding physically/orthopedically or temperamentally sound dogs. they just want to cash in on
The breed’s popularity and pocket your money. if your puppy winds up crippled by hip or elbow
Dysplasia, or dies of cancer at 2 or 3 years old, or has a vicious, aggressive temperament, they
Really don't care.
Is this the sort of person from whom you
Want to buy a pup?
This is the stupiest [censor] I have ever read, but so funny thanks for the entertaining article
Chelsea curry cuntry I think you have done enough damage sure you will get your papers does writing lies make you feel good about yourself? do you feel more important? sure your parents are so proud to have a daughter like you

Send a message
Apr 14, 2018 1:55 am EDT

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2018 7:04 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

I have seen all your posts and very disappointed in you and how I misjudged you as a human being, do you think by lying it will make you look better?

Your dog has not had any health issues and you went with jade’s only female and that is the one you received

Let’s not wait until JULY for court, I am filing against your harassment right now, and will be serving you papers. This is public slander and not sure if you know this or not but it’s illegal and using your real name has you caught and all of this over a [censor] piece of paper? I have forwarded all your Public lies to Kim Fraser

If you would rather work this out and get your CKC papers, You need to remove your [censor] within 24 HOURS and publically apologize for your LIES and I also want you to sign a letter I will get from my lawyer that you will never bash me publically again or we can battle this out in public court. People like you make me sick and I would love to see you charged for this.

Clock is ticking let the games begin…

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 5:55 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Hey Christy how are you? I was just wondering when I’ll be getting Layla’s papers?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 7:36 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


Sorry I didn’t get that email, I am sorry I haven’t sent them in yet but will get it done soon, takes about 6 weeks to get them back from CKC once they approve the registration

You do not need CKC papers to cross the border, you just need the health records



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 3:42 PM
Subject: FW:

From: Curry, Chelsie
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 1:26 AM
To: 'Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese'
Subject: RE:

Hi Christy I was just wondering if you got Layla’s spay certificate I sent a couple weeks ago. Just wondering when I will be getting her papers. I am driving to Montana in a couple weeks and I will be bringing Layla with me so when I cross the border I need to have her papers J

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 7:46 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


I use to think it was the best but the only way kefir would be as good as probiotics is if it was made with unpasteurized milk which is illegal in Canada, so I have now stopped the kefir and doing probiotics

A pup should get 3 tablespoons a day ½ cup is a lotJ

You could try the other and see if things change for you

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 7:07 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

I give her a half a cup of keifer a day is that pretty much the same thing?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 6:57 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

I just sold her sister and she was 60 lbs or more, her brother is at least 80

Try putting her on some probiotics

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 6:53 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

I give her 3 and a half cups a day yes she poops normal and sometimes there really big she’s just really really tiny

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 6:52 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

How much do you feed her? Does she have normal poop?

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 6:01 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Randy and jade I think it was

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 5:27 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

Oh my that is way too small and no I don’t think she was a runt, what litter is she from?

Heaven on Earth

26040 hwy 595

Red Deer County, AB



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 5:02 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Hey Christy. Hope all is well? Can I please have your mailing address so I can send you a copy of the spay certificate. I was just wondering was Layla the runt of her litter? She will be 7 months on Apr 30 and only weighs 45 lbs not that is a bad thing I just get a lot of people and the vets can’t get over how small she is for a Bernese at her age. She is a great dog and doing really well with her training. She is a great part of my life and I just love her right to pieces. Is mailing the certificate ok?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 2:32 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


You need a spay certificate with micro chip number on it

How is everything going?



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 2:25 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Hi Christy. How are you? Hope all is well. I’m getting Layla spayed at the end of the month first of April. Just wondering what you needed for that was it just a letter from the vet. I have a bad memory lol

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 8:46 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

I hear you can get it at fairplay and maybe pet planet, I would call first to make sure they carried the Large breed puppy

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 8:43 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:


From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 5:46 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

Where are you again?

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 5:11 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

What Kind of dog food is it? can you get at pet stores just wondering if I should pick up a couple from you?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 5:06 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


30 lb food is 65.00 and yes all is good, I am excited for you!

See you Saturday!

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 4:27 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Good afternoon Christy I’ll be there by 12 noon if that’s ok with you. I’m so excited. This is the longest week ever lol. I would like to buy dog food if that’s ok because I want to keep her on the same food J How Much for the dog food just so I know I have enough cash on me. I will be giving you the 1785 in cash is this ok?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:38 AM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

What time are you coming on the 3rd?

Also DO YOU NEED any supplies or dog food?



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 9:50 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Yes I would love Randy and Jades girl please omg she’s just so sweet. I’m going to name her Layla J The 3rd can’t come quick enough. Thank you so much for keeping her an extra week for me J

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 9:47 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

Yes the little girls 3 in picture are the ones where the mom went crazy and the bigger girl by herself is randy and jade’s pup

So you want randy and jades girl?

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 9:28 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Ok awesome so the tiny ones are the ones that the mom went a little crazy lol and the bigger girl is Randys? Sorry If I’m confusing you lol

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 9:23 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

I sent all the pictures, maybe I sent too many here are just a few

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 8:33 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

No worries and do you have a pic of Randys girl?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 8:21 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

Here are the girls

Thanks so much for understanding

From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 10:10 AM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Hi Christy. How are you? Hope you’re having a great day. Just wondering if you got my last email about the 3rd is that going to be ok?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 7:50 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


If you want the Jade and Randy girl she can go November 25, if you want to go with a Mckenzie and Mazira girl they can go Dec 2,

I will take them all to the vet a week before pick up, so make the vet apt 3 weeks after you get her for 2nd vaccine and 3 weeks later for 3rd vaccine, she comes with her first vaccine

Will get new pictures this week for you



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 5:56 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Thank you so much for the pictures Christy there all so sweet I wish I could have them all lol…… I’m just wondering if you know the date the puppy will be ready to go to there forever homes. I will be taking a week off work when the time comes I just want to give my manager a heads up. Also just wondering should I make a vet app the day I get the puppy for parvo shots ? Sorry for all the questions just want to make sure I’m fully prepared J

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2016 12:38 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


I have attached pictures of Mckenzie 5 girls and also Jade’s 1 female



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:45 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Good afternoon Christy Hope you’re having a great week J I hate being a bug lol I know your probably super busy but was just wondering if you have any new pics… I’m one excited girl here lol

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 6:06 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

Sounds awesome, you have a great weekend too!



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 4:45 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Good afternoon Christy. I sent you the deposit form and will be emailing you the 525.00 first thing tomorrow morning the answer will be Layla. Hope you have a great weekend chat soon J

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 9:26 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:

The total cost is 2310.00 less 525.00 leaves a balance of 1785 on pick up


From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 9:14 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Hey Christy thanks for my deposit form J So in total are the puppies 2310 or 1785 ?

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 6:56 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


Here is the deposit form for one of either Jade’s females or Mckenzie’s females First Pick

Thanks again


From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 5:10 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

You can send the deposit form for sure J My days off are Fridays and Saturdays . I’m free whenever your free and baby is ready to be picked out J

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:53 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


DO YOU WANT me to send you a deposit form or DO YOU WANT to wait to see pictures of mckenzie 4 girls. You don’t pick from pictures, you will be first to pick in person. I may keep a girl but may not


From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:46 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Omg Christy they are so sweet Thank you so much for sharing. I can’t wait to meet the new puppy. Looking forward for more pictures . Hope you have an awesome evening J Thanks for letting me have the first pick that’s awesome J

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 3:57 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


Here are new pictures of Jade and Randy girls

McKenzie has a new litter too so giving you the option of which litter you want to go on, I can get pictures of them next week



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:56 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Awesome thank you so much see you then J

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:48 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


Ok come to red deer and take exit 394 into red deer up to lights 192st/ hwy 595 and turn right (east) and go 16 kms

You will go over a big hill with passing lanes, we are about 2 miles past hill on north side of hwy, 2 Canadian flags at gate

911 blue sign is 26040 hwy 595

My cell is [protected] see you Saturday at noon



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:45 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Sorry I do not I have an android L [protected]

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:44 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


Do you have a iphone? I can text you my location pin


From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:42 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Saturday would be awesome I will see you at 12 Can I Please have your address for directions please J Can’t wait to meet you. How much do you charge for your Bernese? Hope you had a great day

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 5:40 PM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


I can do this Friday or Saturday say around 12?


From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2016 3:19 PM
To: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese
Subject: RE:

Good afternoon Christy. Thank you so much for getting back to me so quick J My days off are Friday and Saturdays. Whenever is good for you is good for me J Hope you having an awesome weekend. Looking forward to meeting you.

From: Newfoundlanddogs & Bernese []
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 11:33 AM
To: Curry, Chelsie
Subject: RE:


Thank You so much for your wonderful questionnaire

I have 2 litters coming end of September, early oct and I can let you know when the pups arrive

I do like a visit so you can meet me and the dogs, so whenever you can get away just let me know and we can set up a day and time



From: Curry, Chelsie []
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 3:12 PM

Heaven On Earth

Bernese Mountain dog Questionnaire

Please copy and paste into your email and send to

Bernese Mountain Dog Compatibility Assessment

To assist us in placing a Bernese/berner with you, please provide the following information:

Name(s) (Please indicate all names if joint ownership): Chelsie Curry

Address of Principal Owner (where dog will reside): 7712 Hunterquary Rd NW Calgary

Postal/Zip Code: T2K4T8

Home Phone: [protected]

E-Mail Address:

Chelz417@hotmail .com (home)

(How many family members and others are there in your home?

Adults: 2

Children and Ages: 0

Do you have a fenced yard? YES

Please provide a brief description of other animals in your household. 1 cat 1 dog. I have 2 roommate’s the dog and cat are there’s Boomer is the dog hes a rescue mix very friendly amazing pup and diesel is the cat

What are you currently feeding your other dog/dogs? They feed him a brand from global pet store

Why do you wish to buy a dog at this time? Im from Nova Scotia and have been here for 2 years and I have a berner that’s at home with my mom in nova scotia and hes 5 his name is bear Im not moving back home so now ready for my own puppy

Why DO YOU WANT a Bernese as opposed to any other breed? Berneres are my favorite breed of dog there loyal good listeners and so very loyal

Do you own or rent your home? rent

What type of house do you have eg bi level, bungalow, will the puppy have stairs they need to climb? Bungalow and yes there are stairs

Are you willing to put up baby gates?

Yes and I already have them

Do you prefer a male or female?


Are you willing to have the pup spayed or neuter within the first year? yes

Male_____ Female___1__

Please describe the “personality” you are looking for in a Bernese Im looking for loyal and my best friend active and great personality

Have you had a Bernese before? If yes, please describe him/her and provide CKC information. If more than one previous Bernese, please indicate how many and describe the last one.

Full CKC Name: __Bear was not ckc I bought him from a lady by the name of Cindy hersey she has both mom and dad and now is not breeding anymore. She lives in Truro Nova Scotia____________________________________________________

CKC Registration #: ____________________________________

What experience do you have with dogs, specifically with raising puppies?

During a typical day, how many hours would the puppy be left alone?

Will there be someone available to feed/exercise the pup during the day?

Where will the Bernese be at night?

Week-days: 3 hrs 3 days a week

Yes there will be

Week-ends: never

Do you have a regular puppy/dog sitter for times when you are away (holidays, etc.)?

The puppy will be in bed with me. Yes there will be babysitters if I ever go away my best friend is vet here in Calgary and will take care of him if I ever went on vacation but That won’t be for a while.

Do you have any life style traits that may impact upon the caring for a Bernese? e.g. are you out of town a lot?


Please provide the Name and Telephone Number of your Veterinarian.

Veterinarian’s Name: ______Dr. eye_____________________________________________

Practice Name: __________________Shubie Vets_____________________________________

City/town: ______Shubenacadie Nova Scotia_____________________ Telephone #: ______[protected]_____________

When ARE YOU WANTing a puppy?

___sooner the better_____now________________spring _____________Fall

Do you plan on having the bernese live outside?

Have you ever taken a pet to a pound/shelter? If yes, what were the circumstances? no


Do you plan to use this puppy in a breeding program? no

Have you ever bred puppies of any other breed? No

Have you read any books on Bernese or about dogs in general? yes

Will you travel to pick up your pup?

Is there any other information you can provide us that you think may be helpful?

Yes I will travel to pick up the pup. My name is Chelsie Curry and I’m really looking forward from hearing back from you and meeting you and your dogs. I am from Nova Scotia and have been living in Calgary for 2 years I have a 5 year old Berner named Bear Curry I go back every 6 months to see him but it gets costly. He lives with my mom, my mom lives alone my dad passed away and I could never take their love away he is very well looked after. Now I’m ready for my own pup Because I’m not moving back to Nova scotia anytime soon. I have 2 roommate’s that are a couple they have a dog boomer he’s a mix and a recuse. He’s very friendly and amazing with other dogs. I’m 31 and single and looking for my new best friend. Hope to hear from you soon J

Thank you for your co-operation. This information will not be used for any other purpose than to help us in selecting the right puppy for your family .


"The Dog Palace"













Member of the Canadian Kennel Club


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Send a message
Jul 31, 2018 10:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

She actually threatened to withhold your CKC papers unless you did as she asked? Does she not realize that she is LEGALLY responsible to give CKC papers to a buyer within six months AT NO CHARGE if she is saying her dogs are purebred? Yep...that's the kinda person I would give a couple grand to for a new puppy

Send a message
Aug 12, 2021 1:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm sorry people can't read your post or plainly misunderstand it's meaning. Particularly where it says "Below are typical practices of bad breeders." I read it as more for informational purposes and not a finger pointing session. Maybe I'm wrong. 🤷‍♀️

Send a message
Apr 10, 2018 7:57 pm EDT

What a nice email to get from the breeder where you recived your puppy from wow. No i didnt make up lies. Was only stating my opinion so it doesnt happen to anyone else.

View 0 more photos
Send a message
Apr 10, 2018 10:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have seen the email sent and this one has been altered, what has this breeder done to you besides being late on papers? What is wrong with you?

Send a message
Apr 11, 2018 5:46 pm EDT

There is nothing wrong with me at all I just dont like being lied to and a contract is a legal document. All i wanted was a follow up on an email that was a year ago. Now it has turned into this all you had to say was layla didnt come with papers and it would of been left as is. Let me get a more clear picture of the email sent you please tell me how this is altered lie much ? And think all these people on this site are liars when actually no one is but you. This will be my last post people like you are not worth my time and i have no time for liars and drama filled people take care

View 0 more photos
CKC Registered
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Apr 12, 2018 1:57 pm EDT

In my opinion this Christy girl should be registering her puppies with the CKC and providing all of you with the registration papers. Many people feel like owning a ''registered '' dog is unimportant BUT any breeder putting their blood, sweat and tears into a litter and wants to better the breed will register their litters, the fee is very minimal so when a breeder will not register the pups I have to wonder why. Registration papers are like proof that your dog is who they say it is and when you are paying as much as a well bred Berner costs that means something.

Send a message
Aug 21, 2018 4:28 am EDT

Unethical breeder, runs a secret but well k own puppy mill. Charges 2500$ for inbred animals, and does not hold up her end of the bargain with her sales contract at all. She is also very unprofessional in her conduct, and will ghost your messages until you give up any attempt To contact her.

Send a message
Jan 23, 2019 6:11 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

LMAO how do you run a "secret but well known puppy mill"?INBRED dogs? HAHAHAHA omg you people are crazy and 2500 for pup wow you sure you are not talking
about Titan Bear ? Ghost messages? This is more entertaining than Utube

Tony Crazywolf
Send a message
Aug 13, 2022 2:35 pm EDT

How do you know these dogs are inbred? And her most expensive puppy is 2200 CAD, this place it not a puppy mill I've picked up a few dogs from here in my time and each of them have been wonderful dogs, she is easy to deal with, I have never been ghosted, if your asking for papers from her nowadays she can't as people like you going to ckc and blabbing your mouth about how terrible this place is, well she has had many visits from rescue from complaints from people who don't get there way and each and every single time the kennel passes inspection because she puts her heart and soul into her dogs to keep them alive and healthy, I believe she is a great breeder and should be respected like a normal person not ripped apart by butt hurt hounds.

Darrell Friesen
Send a message
Dec 03, 2018 3:50 pm EST

Buyer Beware - warning - from the Canadian Kennel Club -
Heaven on Earth Newfoundlands
Sara Hartley, Red Deer County, AB, Non-Member
(Complainant – CKC)
Terminated membership Failed to abide by the Code of Practice for 5 years. CKC Member Breeders.
Christina Hartley, Red Deer County, AB
(CKC Member)
Respondent: CKC
Discipline Committee’s Findings:
Terminated membership for a period of one year for failing to abide by the Code of Practice for CKC Member Breeders.
Appeal Committee’s Findings:
Dismissed the appeal and upheld the decision of the Discipline Committee; therefore, Christina Hartley’s membership was terminated for a period of one year as of October 15, 2018, and administrative costs are due forthwith.
- posted with admin approval

Send a message
Jan 15, 2019 7:48 pm EST

I bought a St. Bernard from Sara Hartley 3 years ago while she was using the website I have the same story as many people who have already posted. I followed our signed contract. When ever I asked about the CKC papers I was given the run around, for 2 years. I finally filed a complaint with the CKC, they investigated and sided with me. They also stated they would support me if I pursued legal action against her.

Send a message
Jan 23, 2019 1:14 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of wawray

Hey Kristina Sveinson surprised you showed up here after killing that poor Bernese at 14 months. How do you sleep at night knowing what you did? Does it haunt you or are you just a cold hearted dog killer with no soul? Karma is coming...

Send a message
Jan 23, 2019 3:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

How much does Titan Bear pay you to post your crap or does he have dirty pictures of you doing something you shouldn't? Either way it sad to think a full grown man is another mans [censored]

Darrell Friesen
Send a message
Feb 04, 2019 12:43 pm EST
Replying to comment of bobhenry

Run along squirt. I care for the dogs and nothing else. Puppy mills aren't my style. If the truth on the public record is crap, then I don't know what you consider real dummy.

Send a message
Mar 04, 2021 9:06 am EST
Replying to comment of bobhenry

Hi bobhenry. I have no idea who that is. I've never killed any dog, I've never had a bernese dog, none of my friends do either. Why don't you address any of the points being made?

Brittanee Shantell
Send a message
Jan 22, 2019 7:36 pm EST

I checked out Heaven on Earth in June of 2018. She was quick to reply to my message in kijiji so we went and looked at her pups. I already have a beautiful Newfi from another breeder/groomer in Alberta. I won't name them for fear they'll be drug in and slandered by this puppy mills many minions (perhaps maybe all the same person?). She lives on a very nice average and somehow isnt ashamed to show you her property. She must have had over 50 dogs when we visited.

To be fair, the kennels in the barn and out are a fair size. They were being fed as we walked through and their kennels were being cleaned.

She had dogs ranging from new pups to seniors, landseers, black newfs, brown ones, bernese and shelties (I think that's what they were). The dogs were not properly groomed and were all very very small. Most looked odd, dopey and like their knees or hips were incorrect. If just a glance could show deformities in the pups I'd hate to see what's lurking in an xray. None of the dogs seemed to be socialized which was a major deterrent for us. The puppy's were not socialized at all and the older ones all seemed agitated with cage rage.

I left Heaven on Earth extremely upset and im sure she sensed that as she never followed up our agreeance to "think about it".

The owners main claim to having that many dogs was all blamed on the economy and then ignorant people buying dogs that were too high maintenance for them. While both are understandable, the responsible thing to do would be suspend breeding until you've gotten rid of your mass amount of dogs.

I left wanting to report her but worried about all the dogs that would be put down if rescue groups stepped in. There are literally too many dogs there for all the rescues in AB to handle together. I hope she is shut down and the dogs can be sterilized and rehomed. I would gladly adopt any senior newfie needing a home but will not support her business by buying anything from her.

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Jan 23, 2019 2:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

let me guess you are Kristina Sveinson friend. If you are going to write [censored] at least look at her web site. First off she Never sells on Kijiji, so you definitely wouldn't of met her on kijiji LOL . Why would she be ashamed of her beautiful piece of heaven? Cage Rage? LMFAO Oh you people crack me up. Your review is so far from the truth, maybe you should book a "real" appointment. I think You should be more concerned about Kristina sveinson dogs, locked up in a small garage 24/7, ammonia smell so bad it burns your eyes, her saints are standing in straight [censored]. So sad YENSID hasn't been shut down yet, now that's a dirty puppy mill. Sure you could take one of her adult saints when rescue steps in.

Brittanee Shantell
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Jan 25, 2019 8:17 am EST
Replying to comment of bobhenry

I actually have no clue who that person is...

I apologize, it wasnt a kijiji ad, I reached out to her through her website, I did reach out to a kijiji ad the same day about at pup and I mispoke/typed.

I didn't write my review to fight or argue with you or anyone else regarding my findings of Heaven on Earth. I simply stated my observations and feelings towards the facility.

Regardless of where she lists her pups for sale or who the Bernard breeder you speak of is, my feelings remain the same. Whether she feels overwhelmed with the amount of dogs she has/not, there simply is NO reason to have that many dogs and continue to breed. Suspend breeding until your stock numbers go down.

I would not purchase a dog from Heaven on Earth and would encourage anyone who does to take the time to look at the facility first and get your own, trusted veterinarian to do a complete check up before the purchase is finalized.

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Jan 22, 2019 8:28 pm EST

I bought a Bernese from Christy in August of 2018. I don’t know if all the posts are true especially those without stories to back them up or email threads that seem to be missing sections, but I will tell you our experience. When we arrived we were greeted by a couple of dogs in the front yard who were friendly and off leash. We were shown around and were quite overwhelmed with the amount of dogs on the property. They were all appeared clean and well cared for. There were a couple of employees working while we were shown around who were friendly and engaging. We were introduced to our dogs father who was in a kennel with another male. Our dog was about six months old when we got her although not used to the city and a leash she was well socialized with people and other dogs. The dogs were all barking while we were there but in my opinion I feel not that they were in distress but that we were strangers. I’ve seen this at our dog daycare when I bring a friend with me to pick up our dogs that the other dogs have not met so that is my guess. I took our dog to the vet to be checked as soon as we got her and he gave her and her joints a clean bill of health. She is almost a year now and still doing great. We have been told she is on the smaller side however we are not concerned with that aspect we prefer the temperament. We left Christys feeing quite overwhelmed with the amount of dogs we saw and it took some time to process. They were all clean and well cared for. I do not think she is a puppy mill but do feel she has a very large scale breeding operation. Would we get another dog from Christy? Yes.

You make me sick Christy
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Jan 31, 2019 4:11 pm EST

Be ware everyone never ever buy a dog from this crazy lady Christy . She is bad mouthing everyone on here using fake names. Who does that? Someone that runs a puppy mill with no life is who. She has on going fines with CKC which makes me very happy to hear. She will never be a part of CKC SO PLEASE DONT LET HER FOOL YOU.

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Feb 01, 2019 1:34 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You people make me sick! None of you have ever been to her kennel, but think it's ok to blast her with nothing but lies. What or who gives you the right to slander her? What has she done to you? Again do you get paid or patted on the back to write this crap. Go get a Life

Lorne Robichaud
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Apr 24, 2021 8:26 pm EDT
Replying to comment of bobhenry

I have been to this kennel and everything said is the truth. We have dealt with her multiple times and we have nothing but issues with every dog we recieved. If for the fact she wouldnt give or money back we would never got another one from her.

Cat aficionada
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Jul 17, 2021 6:48 pm EDT
Replying to comment of bobhenry

It is offensive to read your comments bob henry. I don't know who you are or how you are connected with Heaven on Earth but whatever connection you have with them should act as a warning to any prospective purchasers. If this is what/who Heaven on Earth stands for, it's a disgrace.

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