Beware of this person named Hiten Narendra Sampat. He is a big cheater and a liar. He has taken ADVANCE MONEY from us and from several CLIENTS showing the dream of getting Finance at Low Interest Rates. His father Narendra Sampat is also involve in cheating innocent public.
I request to the law & order to arrest this person immediately. I have all the proof to send these people behind the bars.
Any Person has got anything to say can email me or call me.
Hiten Sampat's mobile numbers are as below;
If any person has any whereabouts of this person then immediately let me know, so that with the help of Crime Branch, i can arrest this person.
Sohail Khan
Founder Chairman & Managing Director
International Certified Marketing & Financial Consultants
Licensed Money Lenders
Corporate Finance Brokers
Saras Vision (An Asset Management Company)
Code: WS045
Code: 118943
Code: SME/ET/RA/MUM/1042
Code: 324 BLTP
Code: 506326
Code: [protected]
Code: BMU 3050
Mobile # +91 - [protected]
Flat No.202, 2nd Floor, Royal Garden Tower, 'C' Wing, Carter Road No.2, Station Road, Borivali (E), Mumbai-400066
Beware of this Hiten Sampat. He is a Cheater, Scammer & Liar. If you know about his whereabouts then just simply email us.
Enclosing his Photograph for the public to see this CHEATER and help us send this person behind the bars.
Email Forwarded as evidence:
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Saras Vision
Sent: Sat, September 26, 2009 10:12:03 AM
Subject: Return Our Money Rs.398056/= to avoid legal complication.
Mr. Hiten Narendra Sampat,
We have been just made fool by you till date regarding the Loan Disbursement of INR 500 Lakhs to Tanaaya Gems & Jewellery Exports Limited and INR 300 Lakhs to Jaimin Jewellery Exports Private Limited. Your deadline commitment ends today at 10.00am for disbursing the loans.
We would request you to avoid Legal Implications thus return our money urgently of Rs.398056/= today itself. We cannot wait anymore. You have proved yourself that you are not only a very big lair but also a cheater, involve in ADVANCE MONEY SCAM showing dreams to clients for lending. Failing which the charges will against you will be registered u/s 409, 415, 416, 418, 419, 420, 468, 469, 471, 120B.
So please ensure that 100% amount Rs.398056/= is returned back to us.
We further advise you to stop fooling people around. We further state that if at any point of time in future, we found that you have used our goodwill then in that case we will lodge a case for ROYALTY under GOODWILL PROTECTION & MISUSE for INR 500 Lakhs.
Thanks & Regards,
Sohail Khan
Founder Chairman & Managing Director
International Certified Marketing & Financial Consultants
Licensed Money Lenders
Corporate Finance Brokers
Saras Vision (An Asset Management Company)
Code: WS045
Code: 118943
Code: SME/ET/RA/MUM/1042
Code: 324 BLTP
Code: 506326
Code: [protected]
Code: BMU 3050
Mobile # +91 - [protected]
Flat No.202, 2nd Floor, Royal Garden Tower, 'C' Wing, Carter Road No.2, Station Road, Borivali (E), Mumbai-400066
This communication is confidential and privileged and is directed to and for the use of the addressee only. The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are in compliance of the IT Act of India 2000 and are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. This message is sent in compliance of the New Email Bill ITA 2000, May & August and The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2006. We strictly adhere the Norms of TRIPS Agreement 01/01/2005.
The recipient if not the addressee should not use this message if erroneously received, and access and use of this e-mail in any manner by anyone other than the addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply e-mail and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended receipt, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, copying, or storage of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited.
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This message cannot be considered Spam as long as there is a way to be removed. Please type, "REMOVE" in the subject line and reply to this email. All removal requests are honored immediately once received. If we have offended you then please accept our sincere apology. Reply:
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Hiten Sampat
To: Sohail Khan
Cc: CEO HNS Group ; h s ; H S2 ; Hiten Sampat
Sent: Thu, September 24, 2009 5:19:23 PM
Subject: RE: What happened to the INR 800 Lakhs Disbursement ? (LATEST UPDATE
Dear Mr. Khan:
Thank you for the courtesies extended so far to myself during the transaction for:
a) Tanaaya Gems & Jewellery Exports Limited
b) Jaimin Jewellery Exports Private Limited.
I would like to put in a few points myself so that you are well aware of the deal going and the FINAL RESULT:
1. The disbursal for Tanayaa Gems & Jewelery Exports Limited as well as Jaimin Jewellery Exports Private Limited has been delayed due to faults of mine.
2. The details for the account from where the disbursement will take place will be given to you along with disbursement.
3. The disbursal for Tanayaa Gems & Jewelery Exports Limited as well as Jaimin Jewellery Exports Private Limited will be done no later than 10.00 AM, Saturday, October 26, 2009.
4. I further through this mail, state that I have recieved advance from yourselves as and when required but also request you to please release a LAST ADVANCE of INR 25, 000.00 to help me facilitate the same.
5. I do not have my KYC documentation in place.i.e.: I do not have copies of Ration Card and/or School Leaving Certificate.
6. I do not have my company Rubber Stamp ready. However, I would like for you to accept my Letterhead for the same.
In view of the above mentioned scenario, I request you to help me and once again thank you for the opportunity given.
Hiten N. Sampat
HNS Group
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.
If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
Any unauthorised review, use, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email or any action taken in reliance on this e-mail is strictly
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----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Hiten Sampat
To: Sohail Khan
Cc: CEO HNS Group
Sent: Wed, September 23, 2009 4:47:06 PM
Subject: FW: What happened to the INR 800 Lakhs Disbursement ?
Dear Mr. Khan:
Thnk you for the courtisies extended during and through the talks and various communications between us.
There are points expressed by you which will be addressed in detail:
Please clarify the following points in your next email:-
1. Please send us the Agreement of your yours with Principal Lender.
The Agreement will be given along with set of documents including you IRREVOCABLE LOA for accepting Repayment and transfer into Lender's account at Suntrust Bank, Florida.
The Client Details are as under:
Bobbi Hayashi
CEO and Managing Director
Hayashi Assets Management, LLC
Florida Division:
PO Box 214801
South Daytona, FL. 32121
California Division:
335 N. Maple Drive, Suite 367
Beverly Hills, CA. 90210
The Bank Details where the Monies will have to be repaid is:
Regions Bank
2425 University Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33065
ABA Routing No.: [protected]
Credit Acc't No.: [protected]
Accurate Title Closings, Inc., Escrow Account
2. Please send us the complete KYC Documents along with complete contact details of yours.
The KYC Documents will be done ASAP
3. Irrevocable Letter of Authority for accepting the Repayment and then transfer to the Lender's account.
4. That please provide the Proof of Funds, Source of Funds, Reason of Transfer of Funds and necessary Government Approval Documents along with each Loan Disbursement Demand Drafts.
It will be done next deal onwards in advance.
The Proofs for Jaimin as well as Tanaaya will be given on Disbursal.
5. As per you have committed that the Disbursement of both the Proposals i.e.; Tanaaya Gems & Jewellery Exports Limited for INR 500 Lakhs and Jaimin Jewellery Exports Private Limited for INR 300 Lakhs will be disbursed by you on or before dated 14th September 2009 vide Demand Draft but so far nothing has happened that sort. Against these 2 proposal, we have already paid you the ADVANCE asked by You to process the Proposal faster on behalf of the Client.
I assure you that it will be done latest Saturday, 26 September 2009 by 10 am.
6. You further stated that You will also pay our Professional Fee payment @2.00% of the Loan Amount disbursed, immediately along with the Loan Disbursement Demand Drafts.
It will be done latest Saturday, 26 September 2009 by 10 am.
7. That as per your advise and documentation support, we are ready to accept the Loan Repayment in our account and then Remit to Lender's account directly.
This seems the fairest thing to do and documents will be submitted to you on Disbursal.
8. That All Loans marketed through us will be for a short term only, with Minimum Tenor of 3 Months and Maximum Tenor of 10 Months. And The Entire 100% Interest will be taken from the Borrower Client in ADVANCE, immediately upon the Loan Disbursement but only after Clearance of the Demand Drafts. Upon receiving the Interest from the Client, we will Remit the same in to the Lender's account directly.
That is Fair enough Sir.
9. Is it possible that you can issue International Bankers Cheque as Loan Disbursement and for paying our Professional Fees ? This will make a lot of ease in the transaction. We would request you to Please expedite the Loan Disbursement faster as already lot many days have been wasted.
Yes, that is a possibility that can be worked out from the next deal onwards.
10. Please also let us know for future Proposals, what should be the Highest Loan Amount we should offer to each Corporate Client ?
It could be in the value not exceeding 1500 Lakhs INR.
11. Please note that you will need to enter into an NDC Agreement with us for the same.
I hope this mail of mine satisfies your queries. For ANY CLARIFICATIONS, please call me on [protected].
Hiten N. Sampat
HNS Group
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.
If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
Any unauthorised review, use, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email or any action taken in reliance on this e-mail is strictly
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Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 10:40:07 -0700
Subject: What happened to the INR 800 Lakhs Disbursement ?
Good Day,
We express our gratitude for the courtesy extended by you so far. We have given you 2 Proposals on 8th September 2009 for Funding i.e.; a) Tanaaya Gems & Jewellery Exports Limited b) Jaimin Jewellery Exports Private Limited. We regret to state that till date we have not received any positive feedback except different stories every time. But finally the result is ZERO. Please note that we will need several information pertaining to your Funding Operation. We found that your dealings are not at all transparent.
Please clarify the following points in your next email:-
Please send us the Agreement of your yours with Principal Lender.
Please send us the complete KYC Documents along with complete contact details of yours.
Irrevocable Letter of Authority for accepting the Repayment and then transfer to the Lender's account.
That please provide the Proof of Funds, Source of Funds, Reason of Transfer of Funds and necessary Government Approval Documents along with each Loan Disbursement Demand Drafts.
As per you have committed that the Disbursement of both the Proposals i.e.; Tanaaya Gems & Jewellery Exports Limited for INR 500 Lakhs and Jaimin Jewellery Exports Private Limited for INR 300 Lakhs will be disbursed by you on or before dated 14th September 2009 vide Demand Draft but so far nothing has happened that sort. Against these 2 proposal, we have already paid you the ADVANCE asked by You to process the Proposal faster on behalf of the Client.
You further stated that You will also pay our Professional Fee payment @2.00% of the Loan Amount disbursed, immediately along with the Loan Disbursement Demand Drafts.
That as per your advise and documentation support, we are ready to accept the Loan Repayment in our account and then Remit to Lender's account directly.
That All Loans marketed through us will be for a short term only, with Minimum Tenor of 3 Months and Maximum Tenor of 10 Months. And The Entire 100% Interest will be taken from the Borrower Client in ADVANCE, immediately upon the Loan Disbursement but only after Clearance of the Demand Drafts. Upon receiving the Interest from the Client, we will Remit the same in to the Lender's account directly.
Is it possible that you can issue International Bankers Cheque as Loan Disbursement and for paying our Professional Fees ? This will make a lot of ease in the transaction. We would request you to Please expedite the Loan Disbursement faster as already lot many days have been wasted.
Please also let us know for future Proposals, what should be the Highest Loan Amount we should offer to each Corporate Client ?
Please reply us point to point and in elaborated manner.
Please note that you will need to enter into an NDC Agreement with us for the same.
Thanks & Regards,
Sohail Khan
Founder Chairman & Managing Director
International Certified Marketing & Financial Consultants
Licensed Money Lenders
Corporate Finance Brokers
Saras Vision (An Asset Management Company)
Code: WS045
Code: 118943
Code: SME/ET/RA/MUM/1042
Code: 324 BLTP
Code: 506326
Code: [protected]
Code: BMU 3050
Mobile # +91 - [protected]
Flat No.202, 2nd Floor, Royal Garden Tower, 'C' Wing, Carter Road No.2, Station Road, Borivali (E), Mumbai-400066
This communication is confidential and privileged and is directed to and for the use of the addressee only. The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are in compliance of the IT Act of India 2000 and are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. This message is sent in compliance of the New Email Bill ITA 2000, May & August and The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2006. We strictly adhere the Norms of TRIPS Agreement 01/01/2005.
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This message cannot be considered Spam as long as there is a way to be removed. Please type, "REMOVE" in the subject line and reply to this email. All removal requests are honored immediately once received. If we have offended you then please accept our sincere apology. Reply:
HIten Sampat Profile as below;
A clear organization
To fulfill any mission statement you need an organization that is up to the task. HNS WORLDWIDE has a management structure based on the principles of transparency, accountability and client focus. Our activities are organized along functional business lines with direct reporting lines that enable quick decision-making HNS WORLDWIDE and foster personal empowerment and strong accountability.
…with an equally clear strategy: execution and growth
On this foundation we have built out our strategy. It can be summarized in just two words: execution and growth. This way we aim to offer our shareholders a higher return than the average of our peers.
Execution: To be the best at what we do.
Growth: To invest further in the growth markets of the future.
The first pillar of our strategy, execution, stands for implementing plans and operational excellence. It has several components: managing for value, customer satisfaction, managing costs, managing, and a performance culture.
Managing for value
We allocate our economic capital to those business units that are expected to deliver the highest growth and returns. We manage our businesses based on the value they add to our company. This is at the core of HNS WORLDWIDE’s strategy and an integral part of HNS WORLDWIDE’s financial objective: ‘to deliver value through a combination of return and growth higher than our peers’.
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is at the core of our strategy, which is reflected in our mission statement: ‘Setting the standard in helping our customers manage their financial future’. We continuously measure customer satisfaction and set performance targets. We do this because we realize that people place a significant part of their financial future in our hands and we want to deliver on that trust as effectively and conveniently as possible. This trust is essential because our customers also want to take their own responsibility and depend on us for advice. We keep this in mind when we work with clients. We want to be accessible and reliable and provide our clients with the best possible service and make sure that they can trust us to manage their money.
Managing cost
For the most part the financial services industry is a mature industry, making it indispensable for any company in our sector to focus on cost. We want to make sure that our business units remain competitive. By that we mean that they have to adapt their cost structure to their income and their income growth.
Managing risk
Risk management is crucial for a financial institution such as HNS WORLDWIDE. For our investment activities we use tools such as value at risk, earnings at risk, stress testing and we maintain internationally diversified portfolios. Our operations manage risk by maintaining diversified portfolios and by performing scenarios analysis, setting ceilings for underwriting exposure, measuring potential changes in expected earnings at fluctuating interest rates and establishing asset-and-liability policies.
Performance-driven culture
HNS WORLDWIDE recognizes and rewards its employees fairly for their performance. Every year targets are set for employees and an assessment takes place of the results. That way our employees execute and take responsibility for their tasks. By means of HR placement policy and training we make sure that everybody is well equipped to do his or her job.
Growth is the second pillar of our strategy, next to execution. Mature markets such as the Benelux are low growth top-line markets. We however expect to keep expanding in mature markets at a steady pace through cost efficiency and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, we will keep investing in future growth. We have defined developing markets as the main areas of growth.
Developing markets
We have well diversified businesses in developing markets. In these markets we offer a broad range of services in the fields of investment and asset management. We can build on an established presence in Asia/Pacific, Latin America and Central Europe. In Asia, we have a great portfolio of investment businesses. We focus on long-term relationships and strong alliances with banks in the region. We have a very broad presence there.
Hiten N.Sampat Business Principles
As a global provider of financial products and services, Hiten N.Sampat plays an important role in society. In order to fulfill this role it needs to maintain the confidence of its customers, employees, and other stakeholders by acting with professionalism and integrity.
Hiten N.Sampat attaches paramount importance to upholding its reputation, and the Hiten N.Sampat Business Principles play an important role in this respect. Hiten N.Sampat expects the highest levels of integrity from its employees, regardless of their position in the organization.
Our Business Principles were first introduced in 1999. They were updated in 2004. The Hiten N.Sampat Business Principles are:
• We are committed to our integrity
• We aim for an above average return
• We are open and clear
• We promote sustainable development and respect human rights
• We respect each other
• We are involved in the communities we operate in
• The Business Principles apply to the whole of Hiten N.Sampat, its subsidiaries and business units and to every employee.
• It is the responsibility of all those in authority at Hiten N.Sampat to ensure that these Principles are fully communicated to all present and future staff. They must also ensure that these are strictly observed.
• The members of the Board and all Managers are responsible for applying the Business Principles within their areas of responsibility.
• The Board receives regular reports, including an annual review, on the effective operation of the Business Principles.
Compliance to Business Principles
• Every individual at HNS WORLDWIDE is required to act in accordance with both the letter and spirit of these Business Principles and obliged to promptly report any violation of these Principles to his/her line manager or the responsible compliance officer.
• Any violation of the Business Principles may also be reported according to the HNS WORLDWIDE’s Whistleblower Procedure.
• Our employees will be held accountable for acting in accordance with the Business Principles.
• Upon violation of the Business Principles, disciplinary measures may be taken, up to and including termination of employment.
• Violations of these Business Principles will be promptly disclosed to the extent required by the applicable laws, rules and regulations.
In short
We are a customer-orientated company with a clear organization and strategy. We focus on managing for value, managing customer satisfaction, managing costs, managing risk and establishing a performance culture. We have a strong position in mature markets and we focus on growth in developing markets. That way we try to offer our investors a higher return than the average of our peers. In all this we try to be a responsible company and act fairly to all our stakeholders. We truly feel that HNS WORLDWIDE is a great company to invest in as a customer or business partner and to work for as an employee.
We can be contacted at:
TEL: +91 [protected]
• HNS WORLDWIDE (CEO, March 2002-current)
• Don Bosco Matunga (High School, Class of 1992)
• SGM College, Sion (College, Class of 1994)
• SGM College, Sion (Grad School, Class of 1997)
• Anything Else:
Hiten +[protected]
o Male
o Virar, MAHARASHTRA 401303 India
A clear organization
To fulfill any mission statement you need an organization that is up to the task. HILEEN INTERNATIONAL has a management structure based on the principles of transparency, accountability and client focus. Our activities are organized along functional business lines with direct reporting lines that enable quick decision-making HiLeen International and foster personal empowerment and strong accountability.
…with an equally clear strategy: execution and growth
On this foundation we have built out our strategy. It can be summarized in just two words: execution and growth. This way we aim to offer our shareholders a higher return than the average of our peers.
Execution: To be the best at what we do.
Growth: To invest further in the growth markets of the future.
In short
We are a customer-orientated company with a clear organization and strategy. We focus on managing for value, managing customer satisfaction, managing costs, managing risk and establishing a performance culture. We have a strong position in mature markets and we focus on growth in developing markets. That way we try to offer our investors a higher return than the average of our peers. In all this we try to be a responsible company and act fairly to all our stakeholders. We truly feel that HiLeen International is a great company to invest in as a customer or business partner and to work for as an employee.
We can be contacted at:
HiLeen International
TEL: +91 [protected]
Please find enclosed Hiten Sampat's family Photo also.
Mr. Jay Mehta, I think you are also a cheater and partner of Mr. Hiten Narendra Sampat.
I am positive that sooner or later i will catch hold of the culprits like you and Hiten Narendra Sampat.
I have all valid proof to send you people behind the bars.
We are a Licensed Money Lenders under RBI.
See you people in Police Custody soon.
For Public Release - One more victim's mobile number is [protected]. Anyone wanted to know more can call the victim's number.
Mr. Hiten Sampat,
You can come to our borivali office any time with prior appointment along with a cheque for the entire amount that you have taken and has been absconding for months.
Further note that your case is already being registered with the CRIME BRANCH, MUMBAI.
We assure you that once you pay back our entire advance by crossed account payee cheque then we will withdraw our case.
Further note that you will have to pay back only by a crossed account payee cheque and we will issue a NO DUES CERTIFICATE TO YOU upon getting your cheque cleared and in confirmation of cleared funds.
Sohail Khan
Chairman & Managing Director
Saras Vision (An Asset Management Company)
Formerly Saras Vision Limited
Finally a Criminal Case is lodged against Hiten Sampat & his associates at the Navi Mumbai Police Station.
Please read all articles in all the leading News papers.
Anyone is in need for further information can contact Mr. Kamwani on [protected].
Please consult with Mr. Kamwani and register your complain.
Please support the Police to catch hold of the culprit.
Thanks & Regards.
Sohail Khan
Chairman & Managing Director
Saras Vision (An Asset Management Company)
[protected] / [protected]
I totally agree that this ### called Hiten Sampat must be brought under the law and just punishment given. Though I have not lost as much money as the others I must say that the money lost is of some significance to me. Over and above I have lost face in front of my boss and my family. Anyone who can help in tracking down this ### will be doing the job of GOD.
In all the e- mails, Mr. Sohail Khan has Mobile # +91 - [protected]
but while complaining he has Mobile # +91 - [protected].
Mr. Sohail Khan:
I request you HUMBLY to stop this SLANDERING for your own good. If you want to start stories, I can and will complete it.
Please be aware that if this does not stop, I will be forced to take legal action against you and your ORGANISED SYNDICATE.
Hiten Sampat
Mr. Sohail Khan:
Since you brought this Slander into a Public Forum, I chose to respond to the same via this medium, I do understand and acknowledge that you are insane, and hence have stooped to such levels to defame me and my family.
I also have recordings to prove, if required, what A-Holes, you and your Associate, Mr. Jayesh Shah are in trying to implicate me in your scheme of things.
I have just 1 question for you?
How the hell did you hide from me, the day we were in Gautam Mehta's office, the 3.25 Lakhs you conned them of? I must say, you were IMPRESSIVE.
Now, on a serious note, if you do not stop this nonsense, I will file a defamation case against you and your associates.
FYI, a copy of the Defamation Act is given below for you to consider all facts before answering me.
Hiten Sampat
33 of 1961.
[30th April, 1963.1 47 of 1963.
1. This Act may be cited as the Defamation Act. Short title.
2.-(1) Any reference in this Act to words shall be preconstrued
as including a reference to pictures, visual images,
gestures and other methods of signifying meaning.
(2) In this Act-
“broadcasting by means of wireless telegraphy” means
publication for general reception by means of
wireless telegraphy, and “broadcast by means of
wireless telegraphy” shall be construed accordingly;
“telegraph” means a wire used for the purpose of telegraphic
communication, with any casing, coating,
tube or pipe enclosing the same, and any apparatus
connected therewith for the purpose of telegraphic
“wireless telegraphy” means the emitting or receiving,
over paths which are not provided by any material
substance constructed or arranged for that
purpose, of electro-magnetic energy of a frequency
not exceeding three million megacycles a second,
being energy which either-
(a) serves for the conveying of messages,
sound or visual images (whether the
messages, sound or images are actually
received by any person or not) or for the
actuation or control of machinery or
apparatus; or
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480/19731
(b) is used in connection with the determination
of position, bearing or distance, or
for the gaining of information as to the
presence, absence, position or motion of
any objects of any class.
(3) The reference in the definition of “wireless telegraphy”
in subsection (2) to the emission of electromagnetic
energy shall be construed as including a reference
to the deliberate reflection of electro-magnetic energy by
means of any apparatus designed or specially adapted for
that purpose, whether the reflection is continuous or intermittent.
(4) The reference in subsection (2) to the conveying
of messages includes a reference to the making of any
signal or the sending or conveying of any warning or information
and the reference in that subsection to the reception
of messages shall be construed accordingly.
(5) Where words broadcast by means of wireless
telegraphy are simultaneously transmitted by telegraph under
lawful authority, the provisions of this Act shall apply as if
the transmission were broadcasting by means of wireless
(6) Where words are transmitted by broadcast over-
(a) a closed circuit television system; or
(b) a re-diffusion sys tem,
471 1963 s. 2.
the provisions of this Act shall apply as if the transmission
were broadcasting by means of wireless telegraphy.
In this subsection the expressions “closed circuit television
system” and “re-diffusion system” have the same meaning
respectively as they have in the Broadcasting and Radio
Re-Diffusion Act.
3. For the purposes of the law of libel and slander, the
broadcasting of words by means of wireless telegraphy shall
be treated as publication in permanent form.
stst.a teme
inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 480/1973]
.. . i
4. In an action for slander in respect of words calculated Slander
to disparage the plaint8 in any office, profession, calling, saffffeicctiidn, g
trade or business held or carried on by him at the time of ?ys;r
the publication, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove &.siness
special damage, whether or not the words are spoken of the
plaint8 in the way of his office, profession, calling, trade
or business.
5.-(1) In an action for slander of title, slander of goods $tt;f
or other malicious falsehood, it shall not be necessary to
allege or prove special damage-
(a) if the words upon which the action is founded are
calculated to cause pecuniary damage to the
plaintiff and are published in writing or other
permanent form; or
(b) if the said words are calculated to cause pecuniary
damage to the plaintiff in respect of any office,
profession, calling, trade or business held or carried
on by him at the time of the publication.
(2) Section 3 shall apply for the purposes of this
section as it applies for the purposes of the law of libel and
6.41) A person who has published words alleged to be
defamatory of another person may, if he claims that the
words were published by him innocently in relation to that
other person, make an offer of amends under this section;
and in any such case-
(a) if the offer is accepted by the party aggrieved and
is duly performed, no proceedings for libel or
slander shall be taken or continued by that party
against the person making the offer in respect of
the publication in question (but without prejudice
to any cause of action against any other person
jointly responsible for that publication);
WOin clusion of this pago is authorized by L.N. 480/1973]
lb) if the offer is not accepted by the party aggrieved,
then, except as otherwise provided by this section,
it shall be a defence, in any proceedings by him
for libel or slander against the person making the
offer in respect of the publication in question, to
prove that the words complained of were published
by the defendant innocently in relation to the
plaintiff and that the offer was made as soon as
- ~ - pricticable gfter the defendant received notice that
. they were or might be defamatory of the plaintiff,
and has not been withdrawn.
(2) An &er of amends under this section must be
expressed to be made for the purposes of -this section, and
must be accompanied by an &davit specifying the facts
relied upon by the person making it to show that the words
in question-were published by him innocently in relation
to, the pafty aggrieved; and for the purposes .of a defence
under paragraph'(@ of subsection (I) no evidence, other
than evidence of facts specified in the affidavit, shall be
admissible on behalf of that person to prove that the words
were so published.
(3) An offer of amends under this section shall be
(a) in any case, to publish or join in the publication of
a' suitab€e correction of the words complained of,
and a sufficient apology to the party aggrieved in
respect of those words;
(b) where copies of a document or record containing
the said words have been distributed by or with
the .knowledge of the person msrking the offer, to
- take such steps as are-reasonably practicable on
-.his pait for notifying perions'to. whom -&pies have
been so distriiuted that the words are alleged to be
defamatoj of the party aggrieved.
- . . -
- r
. - understood to mean an offer-
> .
me inclusion of this page is autbotiztd by L.N. -[protected]
. - I
(4) Where an offer of amends under this section is
accepted by the party aggrievedany
question as to the steps to be taken in fulfilment
of the offer as so accepted shall in default
of agreement between the parties be referred to
and determined by the Supreme Court, whose decision
thereon shall be final;
the power of the Court to make orders as to costs
in proceedings by the party aggrieved against the
person making the offer in respect of the publication
in question, or in proceedings in respect of
the offer under paragraph (U), shall include power
to order the payment by the person making the
offer to the party aggrieved of costs on an
indemnity basis and any expenses reasonably
incurred or to be incurred by that party in
consequence of the publication in question,
and if no such proceedings as aforesaid are taken, the
Supreme Court may, upon application made by the party
aggrieved, make any such order for the payment of such
costs and expenses as aforesaid as could be made in such
(5) For the purposes of this section words shall be
treated as published by one person (in this subsection
referred to as the publisher) innocently in relation to
another person if and only if the following conditions are
satisfied, that is to say-
(a) that the publisher did not intend to publish them
of and concerning that other person, and did not
know of circumstances by virtue of which they
might be understood to refer to him; or
(b) that the words were not defamatory on the face of
them, and the publisher did not know of circumstances
by virtue of which they might be understood
to be defamatory of that other person,
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480/1973]
of news-
and in either case that the publisher exercised all reasonable
care in relation to the publication; and any reference in this
subsection to the publisher shall be construed as including
a reference to any servant or agent of his who was concerned
with the contents of the publication.
(6) Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall not apply in
relation to the publication by any person of words of which
he is not the author unless he proves that the words were
written by the author without malice.
7. In an action for libel or slander in respect of words
containing two or more distinct charges against the plaint#,
a defence of justification shall not fail by reason only
that the truth of every charge is not proved if the words
not proved to be true do not materially injure the plaintiff's
reputation having regard to the truth of the remaining
8. In an action for libel or slander in respect of words
consisting partly of allegations of fact and partly of expression
of opinion, a defence of fair comment shall not fail by
reason only that the truth of every allegation of fact is not
proved if the expression of opinion is fair comment having
regard to such of the facts alleged or referred to in the words
complained of as are proved.
9 . 4 1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the publication
in a newspaper of any such report or other matter
as is mentioned in the Schedule shall be privileged, unless
the publication is proved to be made with malice.
(2) In an action for libel in respect of the publication
of any such report or matter as is mentioned in Part I11 of
the Schedule, the provisions of this section shall not be a
defence if it is proved that the defendant has been requested
by the plaintiff to publish in the newspaper in which the
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. [protected]
original publication was made a reasonable letter or statement
by way of explanation or contradiction, and has
refused or neglected to do so, or has done so in a manner
not adequate or not reasonable having regard to all the
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as protecting
the publication of any matter the publication of
which is prohibited by law, or of any matter which is not
of public concern and the publication of which is not for the
public benefit.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as
limiting or abridging any privilege subsisting before the 30th
April, 1963 (otherwise than by virtue of any enactment
repealed by this Act).
(5) In this section the expression “newspaper” means
any paper containing public news or observations thereon,
or consisting wholly or mainly of advertisements, which is
printed for sale and is published in this Island either
periodically or in parts or numbers at intervals not exceeding
thirty-six days.
10. Section 15 of the Libel and Slander Act (which relates Extent of
to contemporary reports of proceedings before courts i, t2:s
exercising judicial authority) shall apply and apply only to gadnder
courts exercising judicial authority within this Island or Act.
exercising judicial authority on appeal from such courts.
11.-(1) Section 9 of this Act and section 15 of the Libel Extension
of certain
1 to broadand
Slander Act, as amended by this Act, shall apply in defences
relation to reports or matters broadcast by means of wireless casting.
telegraphy as part of any programme or service provided by
means of a broadcasting station within this Island, and in
relation to any broadcasting by means of wireless telegraphy
of any such report or matter, as they apply in relation to
reports and matters published in a newspaper and to
me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480/1973]
privilege at
471 1963 s. 3.
of other
by plaintiff.
publication in a newspaper; and subsection (2) of the said
section 9 shall have effect, in relation to any such broadcasting,
as if for the words “in the newspaper in which”
there were substituted the words “in the manner in which”.
(2) In this section “broadcasting station” means any
station in respect of which a licence granted by the Minister
under the Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act is in
force, being a licence which (by whatever form of words)
authorizes the use of the station for the purpose of providing
broadcasting or re-diffusion services for general reception.
12. A defamatory statement published by or on behalf
of a candidate in any election to the House of Representatives
of this Island or to the Council of the Kingston and
St. Andrew Corporation or to any Parish Council shall not
be deemed to be published on a privileged occasion on the
ground that it is material to a question in issue in the election,
whether or not the person by whom it is published is
qualified to vote at the election.
13. An agreement for indemnifying any person against
civil liability for libel in respect of the publication of any
matter shall not be unlawful unless at the time of the publication
that person knows that the matter is defamatory, and
does not reasonably believe there is a good defence to any
action brought upon it.
14. In any action for libel or slander the defendant may
give evidence in mitigation of damages that the plaintiff
has recovered damages, or has brought actions for damages,
for libel or slander in respect of the publication of words
to the same effect as the words on which the action is
founded, or has received or agreed to receive compensation
in respect of any such publication.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. [protected]
15.-(1) This Act applies for the purpose of any pro- Proceedceedings
begun after the 30th April, 1%3, whenever the ?#:kd
cause of action arose, but does not affect any proceedings and saving.
begun before that date.
criminal libel.
(2) Nothing in this Act affects the law relating to
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. [protected]
471 1963
S. 4 (a).
11 fG12
Geo. 6
c. 56.
471 1963
S. 4 (b).
SCHEDULE (Section 9)
Newspaper Statements having qualified privilege
PART I. Znterpretation
1. In this Schedule the following expressions have the meanings
“international court’’ means the International Court of Justice and
any other judicial or arbitral tribunal deciding matters in dispute
between States;
“legislature” in relation to any territory comprised in Her Majesty’s
dominions which is subject to a central and local legislature,
means either of those legislatures;
(a) the Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation;
(b) any Parish Council;
“part of Her Majesty’s dominions’’ means the whole of any territory
within those dominions which is subject to a separate
2. In relation to the following countries and territories. that is to
say, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, the Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of
Tanganyika, Uganda, Ghana, Cyprus, the Republic of Ireland, any
protectorate, protected state or trust territory within the meaning of
the British Nationality Act, 1948, of the United Kingdom, any territory
administered under the authority of a country mentioned in subsection
(3) of section 1 of that Act and the New Hebrides, the provisions of this
Schedule shall have effect as they have effect in relation to Her Majesty’s
dominions, and references therein to Her Majesty’s dominions shall be
construed accordingly.
hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say-
“local authority” means-
Statements privileged without explanation or contradiction
3. A fair and accurate report of any proceedings in public of the
legislature of any part of Her Majesty’s dominions outside this Island.
4. A fair and accurate report of any proceedings in public of an international
organization of which the United Kingdom or Her Majesty’s
Government in the United Kingdom or Jamaica or Her Majesty’s
Government in Jamaica is a member, or of any international conference
to which any of those Governments sends a representative.
5. A fair and accurate report of any proceedings in public of an international
6. A fair and accurate report of any proceedings before a court
exercising jurisdiction throughout any part of Her Majesty’s dominions
[The inchsion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480/19731
outside this Island, or of any proceedings before a court martial held
outside this Island under the authority of any statute of the United 47/1963
Kingdom for the time being in force. s. 4 (c).
7. A fair and accurate report of any proceedings in public of a body
or person appointed to hold a public enquiry by the government or
legislature of any part of Her Majesty’s dominions outside this Island.
8. A fair and accurate copy of or extract from any register kept in
pursuance of any enactment which is open to inspection by the public,
or of any other document which is required by any enactment to be
open inspection by the public.
9. A notice or advertisement published by or on the authority of any
court within this Island or any judge or officer of such a court.
Statements privileged subject to explanation or contradiction
10. A fair and accurate report of the findings or decision of any of the
following associations, or of any committee or governing body thereof,
that is to say-
(a) an association formed in this Island for the purpose of promoting
or encouraging the exercise of or interest in any art,
science, religion or learning, and empowered by its constitution
to exercise control over or adjudicate upon matters of interest
or concern to the association, or the actions or conduct of any
persons subject to such control or adjudication;
(b) an association formed in this Island for the purpose of promoting
or safeguarding the interests of any trade, business,
industry or profession. or of the persons carrying on or
engaged in trade, business, industry or profession, and
empowered by its constitution to exercise control over or
adjudicate upon matters connected with the trade, business,
industry or profession, or the actions or conduct of those
(c) an association formed in this Island for the purpose of promoting
or safeguarding the interests of any game, sport or
pastime to the playing or exercise of which members of the
public are invited or admitted, and empowered by its constitution
to exercise control over or adjudicate upon persons
connected with or taking part in the game, sport or pastime,
being a finding or decision relating to a person who is a member of or
is subject by virtue of any contract to the control of the association.
11. A fair and accurate report of the proceedings at any public
meeting held in this Island, that is to say, a meeting bona fkle and
lawfully held for a Iawfd purpose and for the furtherance or discussion
of any matter of public concern whether the admission to the meeting
is general or restricted.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 489/€973],
12. A fair and accurate report of the proceedings at any meeting
(U) any local authority or committee of a local authority or local
(b) any justice or justices of the peace acting otherwise than as
a court exercising judicial authority;
(c) any commission, tribunal, committee, or person appointed for
the purpose of any enquiry by any law of Jamaica, or by
Her Majesty or by the Governor-General or by a Minister;
(d) any person appointed by a local authority to hold a local
enquiry in pursuance of any enactment;
(e) any other tribunal, board, committee or body constituted
by or under, and exercising functions under, any enactment,
not being a meeting or sitting admission to which is denied to representatives
of newspapers and other members of the public.
13. A fair and accurate report of the proceedings at a general meeting
of any company or association constituted, registered or certified
by or under any enactment or incorporated by Royal Charter, not being
a private company within the meaning of any enactment for the time
being in force relating to companies.
14. A copy or fair and accurate report or summary of any notice
or other matter issued for the information of the public by or on behalf
of any government department, officer of the government or local
Mr. Sohail Khan is notgong but an extortionist wanting to make a quick buck by firing using people like Mr. Sampat.
For those, like us, who have known Hiten, we know what and who he is.
I totally agree Mr. Sohail that this guy Hiten Sampat is a cheater @ fraud @ 420 (charso-bees).
He has also tried some of his cheating techniques with me also.
He was offering me a job in his own company "Pathway communications” {as he stated}
Web:, Web:
Joining location at Missisauga (Canada)
1. Basic weekly salary for a 40 hour week @ US$1250.00
2. Weekly Food allowance @ US$ 250.00
The id’s used him for all conversation with me includes:
1. CEO HNS Group ,
2. Chairman HNS Group ,
3. HNS World ,
For a surprise he also offered me a cheque of Rs 1 Lakh as advance for applying visa and traveling tickets cost. This act helped me on doubting him and enquiring regarding the account.
But he was very lucky as he did not meet me after the day; I came to know about his truth.
Sorry all I can’t waste my enough time on writing about that moth-r---k-r.
But I can request you to Please beware of this Guy and his partner Mehta’s .
I Swear, if they meet me once that will be their last day roaming freely as I am gonna ruin their life in scam & fraud cases.
Still I haven’t taken any action like Mr. Sohail due to loss of all hard-copy proofs / evidence against him.
For any details or clarification you all can contact me.
Manminder Singh
[protected] / [protected]
Mr. Hiten N. Sampat Is Viry Cheater Man he have taken six thuosand from me regarding job
Hiten is a [censor], even he fooled me also.This bloody told me he is going to me a job in KINGFISHER AIRLINES but that was totally fake.In this scam he fooled me as well as my seven frnds .He is a big cheater
Mr. vicky plz take action on he becouse he is very cheater dont leave plz same as well as he is cheat with me also i am taking action on he.same like you he told me he si going to me a job kingfisher airlines.
dear all,
this ### mr.sampat tell my frnd that he will give loan of 2.00lac @just3%intrest rate, then taken 3 blank cheques from him the gives one cheque of rs-150000/- which bounced in the bank and also issued 6000000/-& 3500000/- cheques from his blank cheques
if we get him we gana kill him
It is indeed a pity that even after so many people being cheated by him, me included, this ### still roams free. Wish someone somewhere would take the initiative and catch him and thrash him sum royally before handing him over to the law.