I REQUEST the IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of the illegal, unauthorized personal information about “Dawn l. Naville” or “Dawn Lamar Naville” from the URL appearing on your search engine and hosted on web site Mylife.com who is broadcasting this false information
If this is not done rapidly, I will have to engage actions through the appropriate administrative authorities.
Personal info Seen on DuckduckGO when you type "dawn l. naville":
https://www.mylife.com › dawn-naville › e36826500781386
Dawn Lamar Naville: Address 26*** **** St, Denver, CO
Dawn Naville's birthday is 08/24/1949 and is 72 years old. Currently, Dawn lives in Denver, CO. Sometimes Dawn goes by various nicknames including Dawn Lamar Naville and Dawn L Naville. Dawn's ethnicity is Hispanic American, whose political affiliation is unknown; and religious views are listed as Christian. Currently, Dawn is single.
Desired outcome: REMOVE the url of Mylife.com... SOON!