This company is a complete scam. Another CYDCOR affiliate. If you are interviewing with them or about to... I suggest you input CYDCOR scam on a Yahoo! or Google search engine and see if this does not fit the exact descprition of your first few days. Total SCAM beware!
This guy above really sums it up. Total scam company with a total scam artist owner Elijah Medge. What a joke this place is. Do yourself a favor and skip the interview. Save your money and gas and look for a real job. Cydcor Scam!
Complete waste of time. This guy, Elijah Medge, has you push office products on mom and pop businesses and tells you its great sales and marketing for a Fortune 500 company. All the workers talk about the promise to own your own company and make a fortune doing so. Too bad they all drive beat up cars and have nothing to show for their years working at this firm. It is a pyramid scheme and Elijah is a tool. I worked there for about 2 months and never received a paycheck. Training and meetings are an absolute joke. Not a real company...don't apply unless you want to cost yourself money and drive to the middle of nowhere.
As an employee of this company for the past few months, most things about the above statements are way off. First of all, NONE of these people worked there but apparently they ALL believe everything they read online. Second of all, the word "scam" keeps being thrown around, when in reality, this is just a DIRECT MARKETING and B2B OUTSIDE SALES company that generates revenue based on customer acquisition and retention. No one asks for money up front towards any "dues" or "licenses" like most sales jobs and people get paid every week. I have seen someone get promoted to opening up their own market after being in the company for 18 months so there's plenty of opportunity for growth. Our client is a 3 billion dollar company owned by Staples and we do the same thing as outside sales reps for office depot and office max do, except the focus is on small and midsize business instead of the larger companies because it fits the sales model better.
In an economy when there’s a tough job market, its amazing how people are still looking for a handout and unwilling apply themselves even when the security is provided to them. Complaint boards are just opportunities for people to COMPLAIN and the unfortunate thing is that they're the ONLY ones that usually get a voice and you never hear from people that have productive experiences so I wanted to defend the company I work for. 99% of all pissed off people want to be heard but only 1% of satisfied people take their time so I figured I'd be that 1%. But if people trusted all the BS online about companies then all the fortune 500 companies would lose all their employees asap (google Wal Mart Scam or Google Scam). Just voicing my opinion as an ACTUAL employee.
For the employee of this company above, I pity you. The fact that you are content with what you do is heartbreaking. Maybe you should take a look at the hundreds of other discussion boards dedicated to warning people about the unethical and shady business practices of Imperial Marketing Vision and others, with many threads from ACTUAL employees. Congratulations for being the in the 1% of employees who actually fell victim to this scam! You are truly one in a million! Goodluck on your next trip to the local Piggly Wiggly!
I totally agree with OP, Guy Patterson, David and Growup!. Elijah Medge probably posted as the employee, what a joke that guy is. The employee who posted here sounds just like the poor people that work there. There is opportunity for growth in many professional organizations, however, Imperial Marketing Vision is a total scam. This is not direct marketing, it is soliciting. The salespeople pretend to be "consultants" when in reality they trying to push products they know little/nothing about to unsuspecting businesses. Eljiah Medge is a con-artist and so is Cydcor. Check out the company all over the web before heading off to that 8 hour interview. And good luck netting $3, 000/year for your first few years with the company if you decide to join. Let's have a bell party!
Really nobody who posted here worked there? I for one know the employee who got promoted and she was a dirty scam artist as well. (Audra Breckenridge anybody?). She opened up her own scam affiliate in Ohio. The poster "employee" is Medge himself, what a joke! Your company is a scam bro, admit it and stop cheating unsuspecting college grads with your cheap persuasion, you are a terrible con-man. It will all come back to bite you though, and I will laugh when it happens for all the kids time you wasted you herb.
Escuse me.. I'm jewish and I don't appreciate you calling ANYONE regardless of your opinions a 'stinky hasitic' just to bash someone's reputation. You don't think THAT is going to bite you in the ###? Where do YOU work that puts you on such a high horse that you feel that you can talk about people in this way. You've clearly had antisemitism in your life to feel so comfortable using derogatory terms to describe a person's religion. I think all of you people are pathetic and a waste of time or consideration to even comment, but I felt obligated since I take that personal. Why don't you stop complaining about other people and use that time to do something with your life. Nothing happened to any of you that's so life changing that you can't just ignore and move on. JUST MOVE ON. It's just so sad. Elijah is the nicest guy I've ever met and does everything to help his employees. He's never "scammed" anyone out of their money before and works so hard to try to make everyone happy. Quill hires marketing firms to do sales for them. What's so complicated and weird about that. It's sad how the internet causes people to have to defend themselves. If you owned your own company and work 12-14 hour days, which my JEWISH parents do... you'd realize how hurtful it is to see your hard work being mocked by kids who don't know what they're talking about.
I agree with the original complaint. Sounds like the employee and okkkkk are trying to cover up the fact they are complete ###ing idiots. Granted, the person who made the jewish comment was out of line, but Medge is no saint himself. Elijah will be the one bitten in the ### wasting people's time in an economy like this. It's simple guerilla marketing and they post all over job boards preventing real job-seekers from getting "real jobs" and wasting people's time with an environment designed for high turnover and failure. Its a pure boiler-room and he is a cheap ###. I will continue to let everyone in the area know about CYDCOR and Imperial Marketing Vision and word-of-mouth is the best marketing. Their recruitment tactics are a complete scam and are done to push people into believing its an honor to work at Imperial. ### YOU MEDGE! Your company is a piece of ###.
Here's a laugh for all of you! Look at what Medge wrote to the Google Webmaster about all the complaints! I knew we could make a difference. Continue to tell all your friends about Medge and Belk and their ### firms Imperial and Maximus. I have friends at recruitment offices in all the area's colleges and I have sent the word out to them as well. Let's put these pieces of ### out of business and waste their time like they did to us. The word is spreading like wildfire and recruitment is down. Here is a stat my friend gave me about CYDCOR. Every 2 months the office interviews roughly 700 people. Out of those 700, 70 come in for a second interview and 2 of them work there beyond 2 months. That is 0.2% of all the people they interview decide to work there longer than 2 months. What a company huh? This place is a scam, they tell you youve been selected for a 2nd interview, you havent been selected ...everyone gets invited back, but you are the [censored] that goes for the interview. Dont fall victim to this [censored]heads scam. Below is the actual message from Medge!
Every time people start typing in my company name in Google, Google suggests a bunch of things and the second suggestion in the drop down box gives my company name followed by "scam" because someone that interviewed here posted a negative review on the firm 2 years ago. But when job seekers put that in to research the company and see that they are automatically intrigued, click on it, and read the nasty review. This tarnishes my companies image before we even have a chance to talk to the candidate, and overall makes my company look bad. How do I get rid of this in the search, because its really hurting my company and our recruiting budget.
Hahah take that Medge you living piece of ###. You lied to too many people. You know how you remove that search? The answer is you cant! You have to deal with it for being such a con artist [censored]. I LOVE IT! I hope your company goes broke.
hahaha direct buy now that is a scam this my friends is solid if you have any sales knowledge at all not including flipping burgers you can make 3-5 hundred a day easy in your first couple of weeks might be different there but in canada we use there services to sell rogers services which is taking over canada completely every day we each swich about 3 in five of the people we talk to becouse it actually is cheaper then the service they currently have so i guess it all depends what country your in i hate your country so it dont surprise me that they could mess this up to what cant they mess up. if you suck at life then your gonna suck at every thing
I have read quite a lot of these comments about these so-called "legit" marketing firms. I have noticed 2 very important overall factors about the comments.
1. The negative comments VASTLY exceed the feeble attempts of employees trying to defend their employers. Every business is gonna have some disgruntled employees, but when were talking about a figure that something like 99-1, then something is seriously wrong.
2. There is an absolutely astounding ammount of negative comments and they span a great deal of time. So these un-ethical business practices have been going on for quite a while.
I want to be very clear to anyone (especially the defenders of these marketing companies) that I DO NOT think that selling products door to door is a scam. I have no problem with commission based earnings. I even believe some (very few) people have been successful at working for one of these companies.
I do however think that the way these companies represent the job is a bigtime scam. Many other commentors have already very thoroughly explained the interview process so I will not go into that again. I will however tell folks a little about my experiences with Maximus Marketing in Nashville, TN. As you know, Maximus shared the same office space with Imperial Marketing Vision.. a fact that is very confusing when you go in the door for the first time.
1. When I was interviewed for the first time, I was given absolutely no info as to what the job really was. There was no mention of commission, door-to-door sales or anything like that. So already, I have wasted time, money and gas (an issue that seems to be a constant re-occuring theme).
2. The second day when, I went out into the field with my so-called "trainer", I was not thrilled by the idea of selling product door-to-door but I thought, "hey, I'll give it a try. I've never been defeated by any job so I know I'm capable." So after the "field interview" I was sitting in the office of the manager (Julian) and we were going over the questionaire I had filled out. There was a section that allowed me to write any questions I had for him. I asked if there were benefits, 401K, paid vacation, holiday pay etc etc. The man looked me right in the eye and said, "Yes" to those questions. He led me to believe that some of those benefits were not immediately available but intime would be. This was a huge factor in my decision to take the job, and ultimately the main factor in my resignation. I WILL NOT work for a liar. Ethics are the most important and valuable resource at any company and here are some more examples of this deceit being practiced in lower levels of this office:
3. Our job was to talk people into switching from their current Cable TV, Internet and phone services to a competitor's products. I have no problem with that in theory. I think it was actually a good product. Here is where I have problems. One night I saw my trainer switch some very elderly people from their current service to ours. In fact, the man was in his nineties and very obviously not completely lucid in his mental process. My trainer just essentially represented himself as an agent on behalf of the company's whose services we were trying to sell (whom these people had for phone service already) and just kind of took it upon himself to switch their tv service from satellite to cable. They never truely said, "yes, I want that." In fact the man kept saying things like, "I dont know what were doing here.", "why are we changing anyway?", "why are we doing this?" He was just simply confused.. no other way to put it. And this New service was put in HIS NAME! I left with a sick feeling after that. That is no way to get sales and borders on fraud and abuse of the elderly.
4. Another day I was told by my team leader that I needed to attend a team breakfast meeting before our day began on Saturday. Well, for starters I was sick of coming in early and leaving late every day so the idea of starting early on saturday too kind of annoyed me. That's another thing they dont tell you.. You're gonna be working 50-60 hours a week. Even with a lower paying hourly job, I cold make more than what this company was promising. At any rate, I was broke! At this point, my expenses were way higher than what I had made (again.. gas, food, time etc). So I said, "I really cant afford anything like that right now." Another of my very new co-workers said something similair to him. And he said, "my treat." Needless to say, I ended up paying for my own breakfast that morning. I would have just ordered a water if I knew that was going to happen. So this was about the twentieth time in a week that I had been misled, lied to or witnessed unethical treatment of employees or customers.
5. It has been a month since I resigned and I have still not received my so-called earnings. Believe me, I will show up with the police if that is not resolved very soon. I will try to update on this site about that situation. (Edit: I have since received my earnings but had to promise to involve the police and news media to get them to move on that)
So, please please please research any company that sounds AT ALL like this one or the ones listed above thoroughly. Is what they do illegal? No, but it sure ought to be. And again, its not the job itself that is a scam.. believe me, I know how to sell. It is the lies and deceit coming from the companies MGMT that IS a scam. Be careful. Hope this helps.
edit: this is a re-post from this site: /URL removed/
one more excellent site that complete rips the veil off of all of it!
I am very troubled to come across and see that so many people are just plain ignorant, rude, and mean. Do you not have anything better to do then to talk trash about a company you tried to work for but DO NOT HAVE what it takes to be successful? I have owned my own business which I built from scratch at the age of 21, and I built two other completely different buisness from scratch. News flash - the real world is not easy and success does not come easily. Cydcor is an outside the box thinking company, which by the way is the #1 Company in the country for out-sourced marketing. If you were not smart enough to think like an adult to make the decision if a company is the right fit for you to work with, then you should take the responsabilty that maybe YOU just can't make it the real world. There is real opportunity that is given by Mr. Medge and Ms. Breckenridge and the rest of the Cydcor offices. For once in your life stop placing blame on other people for your lack of success. The opportunity they offer is not for everyone, nor is easy, but it's REAL and legitimate.
---Carrie Fortman-
Same arguments. It's not OUR fault that we wont work for a morally reprehensible company. It's not that I can't hack it. I'm not a sucker and I will not be lied to by my employer. Guess what?! My job now rewards hard work too. I work hard, I get a bonus. I work hard, I get a raise. I work hard, I get promoted. I making 5 times what I was with a Cydcor affiliate and I got benefits day one. I am not going end up bagging groceries because I quit. You are a brainwashed fool if you call the way they do business "legitimate"
Your a secretary for Audra Breckenridge. You do all the grunt work of calling hundreds of people who post resumes on Career Builder.
I unfortunately received a call from you and regret every minute of it.
Not only was the first interview a waste of time, I was asked to come back for a 2nd. Which was 2 hours later... so I decided to play a long. I returned... Then the President herself: Audra, and a sales rep took me out to lunch at McDonalds. What a great 2nd interview. She drove me in her beat up car, took me to mcdonalds in which she packed her own lunch, and told me about how much money she makes, and how I could make that as well through hardwork. What a great example.
Yeah, I could easily register a small business, Solicit the hell out of a company like AT&T, and recieve the rights to go door to door with their products, bugging the ### out of innocent old couples. Or better yet, I could just as easy prey on unsuspecting college grads to do the grunt work for me.
The 3rd interview was even more humorous, she gave me a list of books, told me I need to pick one to read. I read 11 of the books on her list. When I started a conversation about one of the books, she had no idea what I was talking about lol. Then she offered me the job, $500 a week when I start(which when asked questions she stated that we can go over specifics later), and $150 for 4 days of playing ### for 8 hours each day. Needless to say I called the next day and respectfully declined her offer.
Don't be sold on the suits and ties that the "Managers" where. They are making just as much money as a cashier at biglots.
They go into meetings, yelling positive messages that will help them get into a positive frame of mind. Then the person who preyed on the most people the previous day, gets to ring a bell. How promising.
My advice, do not go looking for jobs on craigslist, or places such as career builder. This is easy target practice for ###ters like Elijah Medge, and Audra Breckenridge. Take out a phone book, or just go to places of business. This is the best way to get a job.
Overall I did find Audra to be completely flattering. Unfortunately her and the rest of their ### cannot put their money where their mouth is.
Haha fortman comes on here and replies. You are right whatascam, Fortman has been doing grunt work since day one. Plus she is a cheap salesman that lies to you. Hideous, absolutely hideous. Audra on the other hand wasnt afraid to show off her thong to me in her cheap beat up car, trying to grab my junk while she took me around to different businesses. I let her give me a bj and gave her the old two fingers. She looked desperate for a piece of action while on the job. I also did the McDonalds lunch, what a joke. This entire organization is a scam. Do not interview with Elijah Medge or Audra Breckenridge.
I completely understand how you feel. This job is not intended for everyone! This business is for people who are seeking growth on an entrepreneurial business level. 93% of the country follows the corporate mindset and we are seeking the 7% who desire to be their own boss. So your right this career path is not for everyone, but to those of you who are perusing a career with growth, advancement, and the opportunity to own your own business we would love to meet you.
I like how the wise Mike Hester spelled "where" in reference to the ties we wear. Hooked on Phonics worked for me.
Audra Breckenridge
ps: I drive an Audi TT ###
And to Kyle whom I interviewed at McDonalds: I choose to eat foods the McDonalds menu doesn't carry; it's not that I cannot afford to eat. I was still driving an old-school Acura when I interviewed you because for the last 7 months, I started a company from scratch and didn't have the time to buy a new car. I have since purchased an Audi. I should hope German engineering is good enough for you to be driven in. On your interview, I did not tell you how much money I make; I told you averages. For someone looking for an entry-level position, I was giving you averages a person would make upon advancement. Advancement: meaning we offer GROWTH; a term pretty foreign in corporate America and especially in economic times such as these.
With or without you, we are going to build this thing huge...fiber optics are the wave of the future, and everything will adapt that way. Times change. Technologies change. We are in the ground floor of it, but we've generated 182, 000 in revenue and sales in 7 months for At&T. If we can do that here, in Toledo, in the greatest recession of all time, we can do that in every city. As AT&T affords to lay down more fiber, we have managers ready to manage their markets. These markets will span the United States and eventually go international, which means we will be running offices in Australia and Denmark.
You interviewed with my company at the 6 month mark... give us a year and see where we are. Imagine the growth in 5 years, 10, etc. We have an assistant manager already opening up an office in Denver, Colorado in May, so we are GROWING. Fiber is being laid down, and we are expanding.
So, you didn't see an opportunity with us. Big deal. Lots don't. It isn't for everyone. We are looking for a certain type of person, so we will continue to interview and train and build until we have built an organization. Kind of like Walmart or McDonalds; we teach systems just like those franchises because systems are tranferable. McDonalds isn't popular because they have the best burger; they are popular because they teach systems where someone can make a big mac in Mobile, Alabama or London, England. They are capable of selling burgers in every city and every country, and they have done it. That's pretty neat what they have built, no?
So you heard a lot of bad about Cydcor? Cydcor is just a broker like Charles Schwab or Fidelity; they process our payments from AT&T and print out a monthly publication about new clients, pilots, and campaigns.
As for Carrie, yes she works with me to pay her bills. She is taking accounting classes now to become a HUB. A HUB does all the financials for the managers. She will get to work from home, be with her children, and still make about 90k. So she is setting herself up for success. However, even if she chose to be a "secretary", that is still a profession millions work in, and it deserves your respect. Anybody that chooses to work deserves respect.
So, best of luck with your future endeavors Kyle. I still enjoyed meeting you. Mike Hester, not so much, LOL.
Audra Breckenridge
"So you heard a lot of bad about Cydcor? Cydcor is just a broker like Charles Schwab or Fidelity; they process our payments from AT&T and print out a monthly publication about new clients, pilots, and campaigns."
Wrong! They get paid from it too. Anyone who really takes the time to research this organizations infrastructure will see that. Why, if you are starting your OWN business do you have to kick up to someone who helped you open your office? If it's yours and you are independent then you shouldn't have to take orders from, give money to or hold stupid atmospheres according to the whims of anyone else. That is not independent. Stop lying to people. Still more ###. Still with this idiotic concept that anyone who works for any other corporate entity is somehow a slave and will never better themselves beyond entry level? You all preach that someone is only limited by their own aptitude and willingness to work hard. The ones that give up will be nothing right? Well let me tell you something. I work hard at my job. I've been promoted twice in the first year. I got paid more. I did not have to move. I did not have to pay out of pocket with my own money for anything. I've gotten a bonus every quarter for the last 15 months. You know why? Yep, you guessed it. Because I worked hard. I'm being career pathed meaning I'm going from middle to upper management. I'm going to school to support those career changes. Guess who's paying for that? Not me. My job is. A legitimate company values it's talent and developes those people.. they don't just get everything they can out of someone and spit them out. You can tell yourself that it takes a special person to do what you do if you want.. and maybe it does. But not special in the way you've been brain washed to think. Special because you are more easily led than free thinking career driven individuals. And you have an Audi TT? Ever heard of "ghetto rich"? Who gives a ###. I've got 3 cars a boat and I own my own home. I built all of that in the year since I quit a stupid lying dead end position with a cydcor affiliate. Oh yeah, and yes, fiber optic networks are pretty cool. AT&T should do well by that. AT&T should. You guys are just the door to door salesman. They like what you do because it's cheap and that's it. You are expendable so quit trying to align yourself to the product so closely. When they are done with you, and it's a matter of time, you will be back to peddling radio control cars or coupons or whatever other crap you have to keep a cheap meal in you belly and a dollar in you gas tank.
Preach on Matty G! This guy is spot on. Carrie Fortman is a ### worker for Audra. Audra, maybe reading the right posts would help you out. Mike Hester didn't have any spelling errors on his post. He was talking about you giving him a BJ, lol. I believe the person above mispelled. Cydcor, Orange Limited, Avelon Inc., they are all scams. Audra is a huge scam artist and a liar. She lied straight to my face numerous times about the job position, compensation, etc. And yes, you did drive around in a POS car for the record. And also for the record, your company is garbage and a total scam. Stay classy.
Alevon Inc is a joke. I interviewed and they took my entire day for what they call a 1st and 2nd interview. They told me on the phone that it was salary and base and then in the 2nd interview told me it was "performance" based... commission in other words. The Manager or owner whatever she is Audra Breckenridge does not know what professionalism is... She asked questions that were against EEOC and acts like a high school kid with all of her caddy crew. DON'T WAIST YOUR TIME WITH THEM... IT'S A JOKE!
Okay i've read the post and i agree and disagree with both. I interviewed and got the job last year around this time. And i found it was not for me. I like to work on electronics, not sell them. Anyways i met Audra on multiple occasions and she was lovely to be around. So was Carrie. And to call Alevon a scam is pretty harsh. Don't bash the company because you can earn your own living. Accept the fact that they are new, and like any new company it takes time to develop, and i for one wish them all the best of luck.
I agree about Imperial Marketing being a scam. They lie to everyone...They tell you that you will make a lot of money, but you never see what you actually earn. I earned a little above $1000 dollars one week and only saw $400 of it and there was always excuses as to why I wasn't getting the money I earned. And the whole "get it on 30 day credit" is an absolute joke! My parents have an unlimited American Express card and they didn't have good enough credit for the 30 day credit plan. That's when I realized this is an absolute joke! Then when I had to take people out in my car they gave me a script, which was also a lie. They have scripts for pitching the products, interviewing new candidates, EVERYTHING. It didn't take me long at all to see that it was a complete pyramid scam.