This company claims to be the leader in identity theft prevention and the owner is a retired secret service agent and his partner is scam artist investor from Equity 11. They have claimed that as a charter member you get all these wonderful benefits but in fact you get nothing. The supposed secure scan is a full background check that is due on your anniversary date of joining this elite group of agents but in fact it is nothing more than an internet scan done through a paid service. You don’t need to pay $900.00 for this and by the way, they never deliver the scans as promised anyway.
All the agents on the website they list are supposed to be able to take care of your problems as the claim was made to me by the owner but you never actually speak to anyone that is an agent. Since I was in the DC area, I went to the address they have listed as the DC contact address and to my surprise it's fluff!. No employees, no agents and no call center. I live in Michigan so the Auburn Hills office is local. I wanted to see Mr. Ball and speak with an agent about a confidential matter. I decided to take a ride to the location in Auburn Hills and found the suite of the 4th floor. I knocked on the door and some tall country accented older lady answered the door. It appeared no one worked there either and she stated to me that Mr. Ball was not in. I asked her if it was the iSekurity office and she stated yes but again, no agents, no call center and definitely not what they show on the website. I find it odd that none of the management staff as listed on the website, JB Smith (who I have identified as a scam artist), Reginald Ball, Susan Kampe, Matt Bitonti, Henry W. Glaspie III or T. Drew Unrue were in the office! I sat outside the office for a couple of hours in hopes of maybe catching one of them coming into the office but no one ever showed up.
So as I continued my quest to find out where my $900.00 charter membership money went and what I get for the money. It leads me down the hall to another suite where I was ask to leave by some lady stating that none of the iSekurty management was in. I know this was the Equity 11 suite because it said it on the wall.
The interesting thing about this whole matter is I truly believe that I was scammed by the people that are supposed to be protecting me from being scammed!
Mr. Ball if you read this, you should really take a step back and look at your company and what you really stand for. Sure you got me for $900.00 and I can always replace that but everyday you compromise your integrity and the service that you gave to this country you will never get back.
Stay tuned folks I am going to keep digging…..
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I came across this company after an insurance agent sold my elderly grandmother this crap. I went to the isekurity website and saw that no executive or agent was named as being affiliated with this company. This is a very concerning company that appears to be targeting senior citizens through insurance agents. Shame on this group
I believe that ISEKURITY is a very reputable company. It is obvious here that these supposed complaints about ISEKURITY are completely made up. I believe that I know where these supposed complaints are coming from.
I did some digging of my own, and ISEKURITY has an excellent rating by the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU. ISEKURITY was recently taken on as a partner by a highly rated reputable insurance company with over 100 years of good business. They wanted to protect their clients from identity theft, by offering the service to their clients. There is NO way that a top rated insurance company would have taken on ISEKURITY as a partner if there was anything even remotely questionable.
Common sense will tell you that a top rated insurance company will fully investigate any company they are considering a partnership with.
To whoever is putting in these ridiculous complaints: Do you honestly believe people are stupid enough to fall for this? Do you really think a nationwide insurance company would risk associating their name with something that is a scam? Wow!
This insurance company not only developed a strategic partnership with ISEKURITY, they even brought them aboard as if they were a sister company. From the investigating that I have done, it appears that ISEKURITY is as sound of a company as they come!
Previous to developing the partnership with ISEKURITY, this same insurance company took a very serious look at partnering with LIFELOCK. The attorneys of this insurance company, told them to "Stay Away From Lifelock".
There is a specific reason why LIFELOCK was not picked.
Maybe it had to do with Lifelock's CEO having his identity stolen numerous times. I guess it didn't protect him as well as expected. More likely it had to do with the fact the LIFELOCK has had a history of ongoing class-action lawsuits, and trouble with the FTC.
In fact here is an article regarding LIFELOCK from Consumer Affairs.
Lifelock Agrees to Pay $12 Million to Settle Federal, State Charges
Settlement bars company from misrepresenting its supposed identity-theft protection service
03/09/2010 |
In short it is my belief that these guys, "golfer", and "not-fooled-easily" actually work for LIFELOCK and are trying their hardest to smear the name of ISEKURITY.
They are angry that a top rated insurance company did not pick them to be a partner and picked ISEKURITY instead. Strange that these "supposed complaints" came right after LIFELOCK was turned down.
It is obvious that ISEKURITY has proven itself to be a great company. I have a membership with them and have been very satisfied with their protection.
Beware of criminals involved in isekurity...
I am a client of iSekurity and so far they have done everything they promised. Sekure scan revealed use of my identity that I was unaware of and they helped me resolve the issues. Not sure how/why threads keep popping up that are negative. Seems fine with me so far. Satisfied customer for 3 months.
Here is the BBB link that shows a pretty good record...
What's up with complaints board by the way?
Isekurity is the real deal! I just read that it's founder and chairman JB smith is buying the Atlanta thrashers and Atlanta hawks. Free tickets for all isekurity reps!
Where is your proof? I've been a member of iSekurity since July 2010. Extremely happy with there services. Identity thieves don't want the public to be protected, and certainly they don't want you to be protected by iSekurity because they know that iSekurity team experts are going to go after them and they are afraid of this company because of it, so they will say and do anything to stop the public from getting protection. BBB is what you want to check out when you here of complaints on a company. Look up iSekurity on the BBB, they have a A rating. You can trust the BBB because they report on the facts. People who just make things up are trying to keep you from teaming up with a company that is going to go after them. So if any of you are ID thieves just trying to stop iSekurity from protecting it's members, LOOK OUT you should be afraid.
Hey folks...Mr. wonderful Reggie ball is no longer with isekurity. Why don't you folks wake up! I'm going to all the news outlets on his fat butt busy and Mr. Ball
Interesting info found on these pages. Will have to do more research on isekurity, equity 11, JB Smith to see the whole big picture and post findings shortly. A lot of scams out there these days.
JB Smith, founder of iSekurity, ordered to pay 1.9 million dollars in damages because of fraud, Oakland County Circuit Court Case #[protected]-CB
We found some interesting stuff on John Brett Smith. He has a lot of companies registered to him or his father. What was interesting is not only the amount of companies uncovered thus far, but the amount of lawsuits he finds himself and his father Richard Smith involved in. Upon some legal research, it was uncovered that he was involved in a lawsuit in Florida a few years back being sued for his involvement with If one were to read the lawsuit and its allegations, one would come to the conclusion that John Brett Smith told many lies, probably very similar to current allegations. The following are the companies he or is father owns or are directly involved with in some capacity.
Sales Attack, LLC (now defunct)
Sky Blue ventures, LLC
Ecology Coatings, INC (stock swap with OCIS)
Ecology Ventures, LTD
Stat Ventures, LTD
Reign Sports, LLC
Stealth Holdings, LTD
Stealth Investigations, LLC
Sharkwater Capital, LLC
WM Reign, LTD
iSekurity- John Brett Smith was the chairman and founder before the apparent big scandal.
Equity11, LTD
Equity11 Holdings, LLC
Equity11 Admin, LLC
Hollywood Stake, LLC
Seven Industries, LTD
Angels on the Fairway -former name
Seven Capital-former name
We're sure there is more to uncover as stuff is found out. It is interesting reading the complaints board thus far.
please be aware of Reggie Ball and any of his associates.
he scammed me out of over $ 12, 000.00 with is so called RB&A business.
He is a dark SPOOK that will get his some day when he cross paths with the doctor of evil.
i will not rest until i see him behind bars
GOOD luck Reggie U dark bugger
So Reggie is at it again I see. Your 12K is small time for him and I'm surprised that's all he got you for. Ball has put his new company Security Services Group in the name of Buzz Silverman. File a police report like I did because a lawsuit won't do any good. Ask Matt B of Isecurity that Ball got for a few hundred grand.
This guy is bad news and has always been bad news since his days with secret service. Stay tuned here for some upddates and watch channel 4 and 7 for the outcome. This spook is going down and going down hard. I'm a lot smarter than his colored ###. He fools all of us white folk by coming off as the greatest negro that ever lived but his pay day is very very soon.
I hope this post clears up any misconceptions about iSekurity. As many of the posts have indicated, iSekurity is very much a real company providing valuable identify theft protection services.
iSekurity’s website is: and the toll free number is [protected]. Our headquarters is located at 24663 Mound Road, Warren, MI 48091. Our current Board members and Executives can be found here: iSekurity is a corporation in good standing with the State of Michigan and its Michigan corporate filings can be found here:, %20INC.
We welcome anyone who has posted on this website (or not) to come to our headquarters to see firsthand what iSekurity is all about. You can meet me, Matt Bitonti – CEO, take a tour of our Command Center and speak directly with our staff. If anyone is a member and has a question or concern about his/her iSekurity service, please call us at [protected] and we’ll work hard to resolve any issue. Our team will explain in detail the benefits of your service and will also provide information regarding the company and its history.
One of the most exciting features of iSekurity’s service is our team of former United States Federal Agents and our law enforcement mentality of investigating criminals to stop the problem at its source. I’m pleased to report iSekurity has helped put countless lives back together and is currently working on many more.
Most of the postings on this string seem to be related to JB Smith and Reggie Ball who have not been associated with iSekurity for quite some time. Since their departure, iSekurity has obtained new Board Members, re-organized the business plan and re-capitalized the company. We are in the process of reaching out to the person who originally posted this complaint so that we can clear up any confusion. We certainly understand that internet blogs can be a helpful tool for notifying others of a scam, but in the future we do ask that all comments related to JB Smith and Reggie Ball are kept separate from those made about iSekurity.
Many great people have put their heart and soul into iSekurity. Our team is all in, both financially and professionally. Our staff is proud to work here and believes very much in what we do…but, again, don’t just take my word for it…come in and ask them for yourselves. We are alive, well and here to stay. Thank you for allowing us to set the record straight and thank you to all of those who have and continue to support this great company.
Matt Bitonti
Chief Executive Officer, iSekurity
Sorry...the system did not handle punctuation properly on my last upload; here is the message again.
I hope this post clears up any misconceptions about iSekurity. As many of the posts have indicated, iSekurity is very much a real company providing valuable identity theft protection services.
The iSekurity website is: and its toll free number is [protected]. Our headquarters is located at 24663 Mound Rd, Warren, MI 48091. Our current Board Members and Executives can be found here: iSekurity is a corporation in good standing with the State of Michigan and its Michigan corporate filings can be found here:, %20INC.
We welcome anyone who has posted on this website (or not) to come to our headquarters to see firsthand what iSekurity is all about. You can meet me, Matt Bitonti CEO, take a tour of our Command Center and speak directly with our staff. If anyone is a member and has a question or concern about his/her iSekurity service, please call us at [protected] and we will work hard to resolve any issue. Our team will explain in detail the benefits of your service and will also provide information regarding the company and its history.
One of the most exciting features of iSekuritys service is our team of former United States Federal Agents and our law enforcement mentality of investigating criminals to stop the problem at its source. I am pleased to report iSekurity has helped put countless lives back together and is currently working on many more.
Most of the postings on this string seem to be related to JB Smith and Reggie Ball who have not been associated with iSekurity for quite some time. Since their departure, iSekurity has obtained new board members, re-organized the business plan and re-capitalized the company. We are in the process of reaching out to the person who originally posted this complaint so that we can clear up any confusion. We certainly understand that internet blogs can be a helpful tool for notifying others of a scam, but in the future we do ask that all comments related to JB Smith and Reggie Ball are kept separate from those made about iSekurity.
Many great people have put their heart and soul into iSekurity. Our team is all in, both financially and professionally. Our staff is proud to work here and believes very much in what we do. But again, do not take my word for it, come in and ask them for yourselves. We are alive, well and here to stay. Thank you for allowing us to set the record straight and thank you for all of those who have and continue to support this great company.
Matt Bitonti
Chief Executive Officer, iSekurity
Reggie Ball dosent seem to be a bad guy, he works for Wynnestone Communities in Bingham Farms, MI
This can't be the same guy you all are talking about, all I've ever seen him do is pull up in his nice range rover and keep to himself, dosent look like a con artist to me.
Looks like there are a bunch of shady hands in this. JB Smith, Reginald Ball and some other associates within all these companies need to be brought to justice. Remember they were the founding fathers of isekurity along with many other companies. Unfortunately, whatever the present or future is for these companies doesn't negate the past gross fraud that has transpired. Way too many face changes on the board of isekurity and it hasn't even been around that long...must raise a lot of eyebrows. Appears a lot of dirt is being swept under the rug. We know much more info will come out on all the past transpired events so the people of this great nation are made aware.
These complaints are old news. The previous owner was simply an entrepenuer looking to make a buck. He was bought out and shown the door. The company is now one of the premier identity theft companies and well worth the money paid. No large investment, just reasonable fees and doesn't try to sell you free add ons like some of the other so called "quality" companies.
Reading through these complaints...appears to be a lot of problems with this iSekurity company. John Brett Smith appears to be a partner in it still with Reginald Ball listed on various active websites. Many people have been defrauded out of millions thanks to these two con men and probaly many others. They have asociated with many current owners of iSekurity along with helping create the mess at Ecology Coatings where a bunch of money was defrauded through. Side note... Ecology Coatings is near bankrupt and the fight with all the defrauded people will probably be for the only real assets of the company, the patents. Realizing that iSekurity may be a legit business, there are still millions upon millions lost through fraud in the past and the web of lies is very intricate. Read through all these posts, very disturbing that mini madoffs are still out there. Stay tuned folks...
I went to college with JB Smith and know him well. I've met Reggie Ball on a few occasions. Can't speak about Reggie but JB would call me a close friend and I would call him a liar and thief. These are things I've said to him face to face. He's always been a scam artist but I never thought he would reach this level. He starts companies with grand visions and dreams, gets others to invest and then they ALWAYS fail. He always pockets the cash tho... Stay away at all costs
He screwed me out of $50g's I will not give up though I am going to make him re-pay every cent he got from me
The piece of [censor] is finally in Prison... for 3 years. FYI... PS, you will never get your money back.
There is no money. I lost a [censor] load myself. I feel ya...