The site has a good amount of knowledgeable members. The Admin of the site is what ruins it, one of the men wants to be called a "she" and the owner is a d*ck. It has its other senior degenerates that have nothing better to do than spew ignorance about your mother. Don't bother with the platinum or premium member status it just gets worse. Just ask your question and move on.
I agree. The JCF ADMIN there allow some senior members to talk trash and harass other members which is against the boards policy. But if you respond to the senior members with regards to their trash talk posts, then the JCF ADMIN act like you are the one with the problem, not the senior members leaving blatant insulting comments. The moderators role is to keep the peace, not allow certain members to say whatever insults they want without question. It seems like from their posts that they have some enjoyment in bashing new members. So, if you are a new member, then be careful and try to ignore any insulting posts senior members may leave for you. As the JCF ADMIN there will frown on you if you don't ignore those posts but make a response to defend yourself.
I heard about some guy on that forum that had an issue with a senior member talking trash. And the JCF ADMIN got rid of the guy reporting it and the JCF ADMIN wrote this under the guys name: "I'm a [censored] gargling squirrel feltching redneck who ###s cantelope!" Sounds like the JCF ADMIN there are bullies.
Agree 100%. The problem there is the ultra-[censored]bag admin Kevin Gaynerd. He is a lying sack of crap that uses and abuses the JCF for his own benefit. I get the impressing he's some fat 40-something year old living in his mothers basement getting off on his seriously deranged internet power.
The moderator ~K~ on that board is a man who think he/she is a woman. You would think this person would stop senior board members from picking on and trash talking other members. But ~K~ takes part in it and allows some members to get bashed. Then blames the person who is getting trash talked. Which is interesting as ~K~ talked about getting offended for people bashing gays. Since ~K~ is a hypocrite. I have no problem saying HAHAHAHAAHAH.
This is ~K~'s embarrassing post:
"Gay Marriage revisited, Political postings discouraged
Several days ago a member of the board took it upon himself to post a political rant on the passage of gay marriage in California. While everybody is entitled to their own opinions threads that fuel political fires are usually discouraged here. People become so passionate about their view it leads to arguments. In the case of that particular thread it brought out a bigot and caused me to remove that member from our board. A day later a discussion took place in our allowed Platinum members area which caused me to reveal a deeply personal issue about myself. In an attempt to copy that thread into this forum I mistakenly erased the posts so I am going to take a minute and bring the whole membership up to speed.
When the gay bashing started, it irked me enough that it stayed with me for several days. Not only because of the type of posts that they were but the fact that it affected me in a personal way. For quite a while now I have labored over the decision to share something of myself with the board vs just keeping quiet and fading into the wood work. I was simply afraid to be judged harshly by my friends and peers. I was pleasantly surprised.
Yesterday morning I revealed in the platinum area about a struggle I've been dealing with my whole life and in fact how the JCF probably saved me. From the time I was very young I've been struggling with something known as Gender Identity Disorder, something that that brought to light on this board by one of our own members just 2-1/2 years ago.
In 2005 after years of doing my best to suppress my thoughts and feelings changes in my life caused me to have to re-evaluate where I was heading and as so many times in my past it spiraled me into a heavy depression. My daughter had moved from my home that year and my wife and I were left with empty nest syndrome. My way of not dealing with my issues was to always stay busy and not think about things. When I would have downtime, I would have time to think, time to be depressed. It was an issue that worried my family and mainly my wife because she never knew if I would take my life over it.
In July of 2005 I was involved in running 2 INTERNET boards, The JCF and Charvel Central. As I signed onto Charvel central one morning there was a post from a former member discussing a show he had seen on Discovery Heath Channel. On this show called him 2 her was a girl playing a Jackson Kelly, her name was Annah Moore and Annah was in process of Gender Reassignment. What made this a bombshell was that Annah was a member of our board.
After removing the post and contacting Annah I approached her about my own issues. I had known Annah through the JCF but never knew of her struggle. Annah seeing the path I was headed urged me to get help and in Aug of 2005 I entered therapy to deal with my own gender issue.
Today I am doing much better and I am doing what I need to do to be healthy and live a long life. It is better for me to be true and be alive for my family than to stay on the path I was on and leave them behind.
I've never been one to believe in fate or destiny but for whatever reason the right things were place in my path at the right time that saved my life. Playing Charvels>Collecting Charvel>Running the JCF>Annah's Story>My own help ... the puzzle just fit together.
Yesterday after posting my story the outpouring of support was nothing short of amazing and I am so taken back to know there are so many great people on this board.
Today I am doing well and I am finally finding a sense of peace that I'd never been able to attain in myself. I always ad to find my happiness in others. For the first time I am finding it in myself.
My friend Annah has been nothing short of amazing in her own journey and her ability to help others in similar circumstance. The one thing that stood out about her was how unashamed and positive a person she was, this is a lesson I'm carrying on.
For anyone wanting more info on G.I.D
Annah's Site"
Agree 100% with everything that has been said here. In the beginning when really knowledgeable and helpful people admined the JCF, it was a good site. Now it's a crapfest. One of the original admins told me he left because of what jerkoffs ~K~(the crossdressing he/she freak) and Jeremy(the non-existant admin who just takes all the money from members dumb enough to give him money) were. This site does nothing but give Charvel and Jackson guitars a bad name.
How funny, just found this page. I had heard about the freak ~K~, Kevin, Kavina, whatever the hell "it" wants to be called. I too remember when the JCF used to be a good site. It looks like it doesn't get 10% of the post activity it used to get. I guess metalheads don't care for jerkoff transvestites running their heavy metal guitar forum. LOL !
So I'm not the only one who quit going to when it became an out of control dooshfest. The problem with that site is the administration, or should I say, lack of administration. The guys who collect all the money and run it are non-existent on the site and have run off the good people who used to make the a cool place to visit. I had heard something about Kevin Maynard becoming a woman or something, doesn't surprise me. He was always the biggest problem with that place. Oh well, seems the JCFOnline is going the way of Jackson Guitars, quicklky becoming irrelevant.
Ha ha, I just did a search for that forum and found this. I can't believe that forum is still going. There used to be some of the coolest guys on that forum that were stand up guys. It's a shame that there are clearly neurotic, social rejects enforcing it. Besides ~K~ (Who looks like a grandma) there is the dochebag Jeremy or what ever and then there is Joe Tamborra who goes over and paints 'Gaynerd's' toenails. And then the Internet tough guy, named 'horns' or something who has the mind of an 11 year old. Jackson guitars sent me there to ask a question about an older guitar I had and I seen immediately that it was a circus ran by clowns.
Ha Ha, I heard that JCF Online was more worried about being transgender than guitars. I heard that Kevina, Joe Tambora and a dude named Horns666 get together and paint each others toenails and try on each others dresses. Oh dont forget that fat woman named Jeremy, I think is his name? I have never seen such an estrogen filled Forum in my life. I dont think any women are [censored] enough to be on there
Oh... I almost Forgot. Some of the guys on there was telling Kevina he was hot Ha, ha, ha, I saw a picture of him and he looked like a cross dressing grandma. Evidently he comes from money because hes probably gotten everything he wanted and then he finally thought of something he didn't have... A vagina. So people are getting shot by the mexican cartel, airplanes are getting shot down, wars are going on and the whole world needs to stop and feel sorry for wanna be' granny...
Boo... Hoo...
I feel dirty for even going to that site