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JIF review: Peanut butter - contaminated

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10:55 pm EST
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My name is Marilyn Chrest, I am 75 years old, May of this year. I was eating Jif with an apple and became ill. I found I had a contaminated jar and was very sick. Never had this before I went to an Urgent Care Place and they gave me medicine, it didn't help, Went to another because I thought my own doctor would not have an opening as soon as I needed to see one. This is where I will stop. Mr. Rice has more information. He was asking for a lot number. I did not and still don't own a cell phone. I don't even venture past my hometown, so I didn't think I needed one. I provided the numbers to the jars. 1/2 eaten, one not opened. Took back to the store. I have gone as far as to ask for help from Weis Markets for the truck that might have left with the contaminated jars. They didn't keep track of it. Then I called their headquarters and they could not provide me with information and suggested I contact Jif. I have seen doctor after doctor. As of today, I still have some small red dots on my arm, chest, and stomach. I am much better, but just recently on a visit to a dermatologist, I am losing a lot of hair and she thinks from all the antibiotics I had been taking, Mr. Rice has that information also. I have lost a summer going to many doctors. I truly wish I had a camera to show you how much of a horrible experience I had. I truly hope that my doctors are contacted and this can be resolved. I had Bulbar polio at 5 years old (that was mostly sleeping. Ending up with weakness. And then post-polio syndrome in 2008. I experienced neck pain for 9 months and had diarrhea,

many times. The outcome was losing my vocal cords on my left side. I had a very bad sore throat with Salmonella. I think it was because I put my fingers in my mouth because I had bacteria seeping from the skin around my nails and had white dots all over my hands and they itched like crazy. I've had the Covid shot and ended up with Covid from the shot. That was nothing like Salmonella. Even the old flu shots given years ago, I ended up sick from those shots and they were not as bad as the Salmonella. The jar is I guess at your landfill. And as I told Mr. Rice, a half-empty jar should stand out from the shipment that the Weis Market sent out from Westminster, MD. I truly wish I could have provided the truck # and the license plate number for your records. I tried to get all the information that was needed. I was very unprepared for what happened and certainly not versed as to what would be needed and certainly not expecting the sickness, and the embarrassment that I have been through in seeing so many doctors. I still have as of today, hair falling out and pain from the middle of the back of my neck to my ear and I don't know why. I do want to say one other thing, every time I came off that medicine, I had the same problems of vomiting and diarrhea as before. I even had neck nodules checked and they can be made by bacteria in the system. I truly hope you find that jar. I am certainly not giving out false information. Marilyn Chrest

From: Tim Rice

Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 12:45 PM

To: Marilyn Chrest



Any thoughts to our $250.00 offer?

I do appreciate you forwarding all of the documentation.

Did you happen to obtain a lot # off of the jar?, and if so was this verbally conveyed to Smucker’s? Any receipts?

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