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CB Travel and Vacations Review of Jump on Board
Jump on Board

Jump on Board review: money refund 16

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12:00 am EST
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I purschased a vacation from Gloria Pipkin now Gloria Holmgren(a travel agent) to go to Poland along with 3 of my friends. The cost of the vacation to Poland was close to $10,000. We had to pay up front with cash. Due to health problems, we had to cancel the vacation in September. We have called her and tried to get the information on the insurance we purschased or the booking agency to get a refund. At first she said the check was in the mail, but now, she will not answer the phone. At the time we booked the trip her agency was Jump on Board. Since then,she moved from SC to Texas.

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Gloria Holmgren
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Mar 12, 2008 6:45 am EDT

Mr. Sanders (who filed complaint) has received his refund along with his wife and two friends. I regret the delay of their refund, however, it does take some time for processing. I apologize for any delays in answering their calls. Unfortunately, it was due to my personal illness and surgery. Mr. & Mrs. Sanders are aware of my medical issues and was able to visit me and my husband.

Their refund checks have cleared the bank and both couples have received their monies.

My apologies for any inconvenience this may caused. Good customer service is important to me as well as trying to please my clients with their vacation.

Brady Busby
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Mar 14, 2008 6:13 pm EDT

My wife and I too booked a St. Lucia trip along with my best friend and his wife through Gloria Holmgren and Jump on Board travel agency. We were suppose to receive a refund of $1215.00(each couple) within 120 days after our vacation was completed. Our vacation was March of 2007 and we have yet to receive our money. We have called(numbers are changed), emailed(no response), and when my best friend's wife did talk to Gloria, we were also told that our check was being mailed. No money has been sent and we are very frustrated with the whole situation.

Gloria Holmgren
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Apr 02, 2008 12:43 pm EDT

A refund check in the amount of $1215.00 was sent via Fed Ex. Mr. Busby was out of town and his wife's friend gave permission for it to be sent to her. She confirmed that it was received. I am so sorry for any inconvenience.

Eve Waite
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Jul 31, 2008 4:00 pm EDT

My husband and I have had the same problem with our refund. We bought a trip from Gloria for Antigua and she couldn't book it at the time we requested and therefore (because my husband's leave time was very limited). She gave us every excuse in the book as to why we couldn't book our trip during that time. We simply asked for a complete refund for our trip since it was obvious that we were not going to be able to go. We have now waited 7 months for our refund on a trip that we were never able to take. We were to get our money back at the end of April and are still waiting. We have attempted to contact Gloria numerous times and were told that it was "in the mail". We have never recieved it! Additionally we had this problem with a previous trip we bought from her.
Mysteriously she has left us messages when the phone does not ring. I understand that she is sick but she needs to have someone take care of her business while she is out. She claims that customer service is her top priority, but I find that hard to believe considering we aren't the only ones she has done this to.

teresa mcinvaille
Lancaster, US
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Aug 27, 2008 12:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My husband and I paid for a trip to jamaica-$3200 to gloria-for travel July 26-Aug 2 2008.Turmoil began when we were told by Gloria that the airlines had overbooked and if we did not agree to cancel our plans for this year and take a "free vacation, courtesy of the airlines for 2009 we would not be guaranteed a seat on the flight. We protested and were able to fly to Jamaica on July 26 as planned but when we arrived in Jamaica we were told at the Sandals Desk that our rooms had not been paid for and that we would have to present a credit card in order to have a room. We did and after talking with Sheldon James and Caron Kerr ate the resort--customer representatives--we were told by Caron that everything had been taken care of and that there would be no charge to my card. Upon returning home and receiving my card statement I found a $2030 charge to my card. Several attempts to call Sandals met with us sending emails to their Customer Service Dept. We are waiting on them to reply now. We have also paid for a trip to St. Lucia in 2009 and I'm sure this is a scam also. I just want my money back and have filed complaints with the Del Rio police dept as well as the Lancaster county police dept. I will do everything possible to make sure she is held accountable for this. I have sent her numerous emails and attempted calling with no response form the emails and being told the # I had called could not be completed as dialed. She has not attempted any calls or sent any emails--we have caller ID and voice mail and there have been no calls from her at all.

Cori B.
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Nov 03, 2008 2:52 pm EST
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These compliants have really helped as my husband and I have also been cheated out of 4500$ by Gloria Holmgren, who was with Jump on Board Travel when we booked the trip with her. We will now also be contacting the Del Rio police department. She owes us a trip for my parents ($3000), which we are unable to contact her to even book and $1500 for the rebate she promised my husband and I on our return from our honeymoon. We were supposed to recieve the money 90 days after our trip and have been married for over a year and have still seen nothing.

charlesont, US
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Jan 04, 2009 5:08 pm EST

I purchased a cruise from Gloria Holmgrin back in 2006 along with 7 other couples for a cruise out of Charleston SC. Then, she promised since I helped her sell so many, she would give me a refund for my cruise. Still to date, which the cruise was taken in Jan 2007, I have had no refund. The check was supposed to come to me once the last person has sailed out of the group when we purchased back in 06. Well, the last person was my dad. He changed his mind on the crusise and I helped him sell it in July 2008. The new owner of the cruise tickets had to WESTERN UNION THE MONEY IMMEDIATLY!, fishy?, and then Gloria would request a refund from the cruise line that my father never booked with to begin with. Its way complicated. Anyway, over 50 phone calls later, and over 25 emails unanswered, I still have not received any refund for my gracious attempts to help her business out and as for my dad, guess where he is, the same boat as me. No refund and no phone calls. The poor lady who purchased the crusie from him didn't get any confirmation on her crusie until the Wednesday or Thrusday before she sailed that Saturday. I wonder, well, I know, the horrible time she had trying to get ahold of Gloria for confirmation on her cruise.

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Apr 09, 2009 12:46 pm EDT

Gloria is a scam artist and an habitual liar. Her husbands name is Bob and he works at Laughlin AFB. She has over $15, 000 of me and my families money. You cannot believe a thing she says. She will talk about how she is a Christian and say "God Bless" all the time, but that is all part of her scam. She WILL go to jail. I say we all get together and make a case with the Department of Justice for wire fraud.

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Jun 11, 2009 12:10 am EDT

This woman has been pulling these scams for 15 years. I know she used me like a puppet in SC. She even "borrowed" money from her own daughter's high school band booster club. She left town soon after. She is the only true con-artist I have ever met personally, and she is GREAT at it. She also ran a pageant and never awarded the money or have her "people" the winners so she wouldn't have to pay. It would appear Laughlin AFB would not look kindly on one of their own associated with some like this. She has a wonderful daughter that is grown with children. She is a good person and her mother snowed her as well.

Del Rio, US
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Sep 29, 2009 3:28 pm EDT

Both Gloria and her husband are SCAM ARTIST! She also scammed $6, 000.00 of our money WITH the insurance. And her husband's name is Bob. She does also use her "Health" condition f0r many of her excuses for not being able to pay back or to be able to get a hold of her, and yes i've heard the "God Bless You" saying...what a pathetic so-call human being! I have personally met her and talked with her and yes, she is a GRRRRREAT ACTOR/SCAMMER! We and several people down here have filed police reports but have to wait for the justice system to do its thing. I, on the other hand, wish their was a quicker way for JUSTICE! If anyone has any ideas, please do share for we all want these people to PAY!

Simpsonville, US
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Mar 05, 2010 5:15 pm EST

Gloria Barker-Pipkin-Holmgren is a LONG-TIME scam artist. She lied for MANY years about having Pancreatic Cancer (~[protected] when her daughter graduated high school). She scammed the members of Standing Springs Baptist Church for thousands of dollars every month for her treatment.

She also set up "Four Corner's Travel Agency" out of her home during the mid 90's. This is while she was being paid to work "from home" (because of cancer) and was set-up with her a business phone-line and computer. She stole clients from her employer. No doubt many of these people were scammed.

Does Gloria Holmgren still have Pancreatic Cancer? Has she perhaps invented a new illness that is less terminal in the short-run? It has to be getting hard to scam people (20+ years now!) when you are plagued with an illness that no person has ever survived this long. Shouldn't you be in Guinness by now?

Oh that's right. God bless. And God's will.

It looks like it was God's will for Gloria to be a thief and a liar.

Del Rio, US
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Jul 07, 2010 10:51 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also purchased a trip to Cabo San Lucas from Gloria Holmgren (jump on board travel). Of course payment was needed up front and in cash. For personal reasons I had to cancel the trip. Even though I purchased insurance, I have not recieved my refund, about $2800. It's been about two years now. She did give me a measley $100.00 payment after agreeing to give me monthly payments. I called her husband at work (laughlin Airforce base) and he told me he had nothing to do with her travel business and to please not contact him anymore. FYI he is the one that gave my boyfriend her business card at work. I made a police report but obviously nothing has been done. Unfortunatley I live in the same town as her and her husband and I have to run into them often. It makes me sick to see how they can go on about their daily lives spending money, eating out at resturants, still living in their huge house all the while oweing so many people money. The only peace of mind I can get is to think that everyone gets whats coming to them. And I really hope they pay for what they have done to so many inocent people. God Help Us.

teresa mcinvaille
Lancaster, US
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Sep 09, 2010 5:00 pm EDT
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what is it going to take to get this woman off the street and behind bars, where she belongs.

Cowpens, US
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Feb 23, 2011 2:43 pm EST

I was scammed out of $10, 000 dollars that I loaned my "friend". Gloria Pipkin Holmgren said that she was dying and needed treatment in Mexico which insurance would not pay for. As soon as she left SC, I had no address or phone number to contact her. She sent me a birthday card with no return address. Wonder why? I can only hope that the Lord I trust will make her acccountable for the wrongs she has done. I really could use my money as my daughter starts college this fall, but I have given up hope that she has any kind of a conscience. Lynne Holly

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Sep 15, 2016 8:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I received an email in my gmail account offering me work, I think this is the same person. Please read below for details

My name is Gloria Barker, manager of Caledonian Travel and I would like to introduce you to our new position – Travel Assistant. We have reviewed your resume on the site Care Careers and decided to make you an offer. To work as Travel Assistant you must posses good organizational skills and be able to work under deadline pressure, be of legal age and have an Australian or New Zealand citizenship or work permit. The Travel Assistant duties have direct influence the performance of the company.

You don't need to have any extra skills. We provide Probationary Period with full advise. So you will receive necessary skills in the process of work.

If you have an interest in our offer, please email us back for additional details.


Gloria Barker

Caledonian Travel

Rachel Price
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Nov 18, 2016 12:56 am EST

I also received a SPAM email.

My name is Gloria Barker, manager of Caledonian Travel and I would like to introduce you to our new position – Travel Assistant. We have reviewed your resume on the site and decided to make you an offer. To work as Travel Assistant you must posses good organizational skills and be able to work under deadline pressure, be of legal age and have an Australian or New Zealand citizenship or work permit. The Travel Assistant duties have direct influence the performance of the company.

You don't need to have any extra skills. We provide Probationary Period with full advise. So you will receive necessary skills in the process of work.

If you have an interest in our offer, please email us back for additional details.


Gloria Barker

Caledonian Travel

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