Re Kimsunchee International Consulting Ltd
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Fraud by Kimsunchee re the real solar time of my Chinese Astrology birthchart to bring it to a previous Chinese hour (中國時辰):
Fraud and/or incompetence by Kimsunchee of Kimsunchee International Consulting Ltd by falsely representing as the real solar time of my Chinese Astrology birthchart – (20+60+15) = - 95 minutes of the local time to bring it to a previous Chinese hour (中國時辰), in order to produce false hope and induce me to retain an unopened feng shui product, unsuitable for me unless born in the previous but wrong Chinese hour, contrary to the universally accepted formula (Real solar time) = Mean solar time (Local time平太陽時 (當地時間) + Geo time difference (地理時差) +/- Equation of time (均時差)+ (daylight savings time).
•Geo time difference: …Therefore, most of time zones are for the longitude 15 (UCT+1), 30 (UTC+2), 45 (UTC+3) etc. One degree longitude has 4 minutes difference.
• Equation of time: The equation of time is the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time. The maximum is15 minutes, margin for error included.
1. KIMSUNCHEE= 庚申子-聲稱 有University of Bristol LLM (HONS), Nottingham LLB (HONS), Glamorgan ILEX, doc notarization at, 聲稱精通耶教及佛教, 但 欺詐 當食生菜.
2. [protected], a Saturday afternoon本人經World Wide House Delifrance見後知自稱 KIMSUNCHEE (庚申子) 展銷手飾. 細看發現在別處 $10HKD 可買之冒結婚 介指, 標價 $2, 000HK. 庚申子給卡片本人.
3. 庚申子誹謗同行及外行人檯高自己: 被誹謗目標有麥玲玲及林國雄. 並教本人不要信傳統文章. 並稱她大陸有很多因滿意她服務而送樓給她的富豪-. Kimsunchee said she had to charge so much because she had to manually calculate the real solar time.
4. 庚申子威嚇性言語: 聲稱本人將 有官非. Kimsunchee also said if she had not had goodwill, why had Delifrance, her client as well, allowed her to display so much jewelry over 2 tables, after buying only a cup of tea. Kimsunchee also pointed to a security guard patrolling the corridor outside and claimed they were her friends too.
5. 庚申子稱與其他同行人不同, 會有solution. Kimsunchee said my problem was one which could be solved with money. After more persuasion, I decided to give Kimsunchee a try and paid $10K by cash.
6. A Philipino customer who earlier bought a bracelet for $300 (originally asking $2000HK) asked Kimsunchee for a $2000 receipt.本人見收條薄 (賓妹要求她開收條, 庚申子叫secretary 上World Wide House 27 level 拿收條薄 到Delifrance). 本人即時要收條. 庚申子說: 本人從不給收條, 但你要求我, 可給你. 結果她當天沒有開收條給我.
7. 第二天[protected] Sunday, 本人多次留言[protected]通知庚申子: 只有ethical 之人才有資格賺本人之錢. 你不開收條兼介紹不道德之風水用具給我, 本人要退回未開之風水用具及要refund. 本人去level 27 WWH 卻不見水牌..
8. [protected] Monday 庚申子聲稱已用3個鐘頭manually 做 whole life analysis, 並因 用真太陽時 (“real solar time”), 故命絕非本人以往之盤一般. 並要2個鐘見我解釋.
9. 庚申子再見我時 才給收條我.再見亦少於2 個鐘, 並有大部份時間重覆誹謗麥玲玲及林國雄, 再加插鄧麗君給誰用針筒被謀殺, 及泰國醫院怎樣黑暗. 除了讀手抄本, 庚申子只說用神是金. 沒有說是陽金或陰金. 但事後經我email questions 改口說用神是水, 但仍然沒有說明是陽水或陰水. 稍懂八字的初哥也知可有天淵之別. I warned Kimsunchee on this occasion that I would recommend her to my friends if I thought she was good, BUT write a public review of her darkside, if I found any. She said go ahead.
10. 本人細心比較庚申子之past life analysis及本人之past life發現100%錯. 並通知庚申子了解為何出錯. 因庚申子答應回答本人所有問題. 結果庚申子只迴避及說 not giving a lecture, it depends on the time, it depends on what happens in future. 就算 開盤沒錯也沒有任何solution.
11. 庚申子聲稱用了5個鐘在我身上.. 本人後來用電腦 solar time calculator, 3 seconds 便找真太陽時, 發現:
a. Real solar time =真太陽時不可能和 local time相差1hour and 35 minutes, 至去了上一個時辰. 真太陽時=平太陽時+真平太陽時差…簡單算法是:真太陽時=平太陽時-15分鐘。因為推後15分鐘(一年之中的2月10日是推後最多的一天,-14'15"),即解決了繁雜的推算問題,保證不出錯.
b. 中國時辰 (Chinese hour)有12時辰, 每時辰2*60 minutes = 2 hours. 但 longitudinal 平太陽時有23個, 每個60分鍾. 本人出生地在121e. 出生平太陽時. 同時是一個中國時辰的 last 0.3333 = 40 minutes from the end but 20+60 minutes from the beginning of the same Chinese hour. Real solar time is still the same Chinese hour (仍然是同一個時辰). 差 - (1hour and 35 minutes) = - 95 minutes 基本上不可能, 因簡單算法是:真太陽時=平太陽時-15分鐘 (一年之中的2月10日是推後最多的一天,-14'15". 故本人有理由相信庚申子是fraudulently 促意弄錯, 給我 false hopes及再付錢買她的products.
c. 庚申子手抄稿聲30度difference in longitude為1個鐘, 1/24 of 1日. 但懂計real solar time的小學生也知15度difference in longitude才為1個鐘 = 60分鐘 = 1/24 of 1日. 1884年國際會議制定劃分時區的方法,規定每隔經度15˚算一個時區,全球分24個時區…則每360˚÷24=15˚小時自轉,每經度1˚時刻差為60÷15 = 4分鐘,此為地區時差計算的基礎。
d. 因時辰不變, 庚申子介紹之風水用具便不適合本人.
e. 庚申子用3小時 (?)手抄及 < 2小時讀早前手抄之稿來收$5000+$5000. 3 seconds to compile is more than enough.
f. Fraud or incompetence, Kimsunchee must refund.
12. 本人有見庚申子詐得離譜14 Aug 2017便再細心看, 才見收條 backdated to [protected] by Kimsunchee International Consulting Ltd.矛盾: …feng shui product versus feng shui consultation. 本人從來沒有要求 fengshui consultation.
13. Kimsunchee threatened to report to police if I continue to give her a chance to defend herself by email or publish my review of her in case she respond to explain. I sincerely hope she will report to police as this will save police a lot of time finding her and her real identity.
Fraud and/or incompetence by Kimsunchee of Kimsunchee International Consulting Ltd by falsely representing as the real solar time of my Chinese Astrology birthchart – (20+60+15)=-95 minutes of the local time to bring it to a previous Chinese hour (中國時辰), in order to produce false hope and induce me to retain the unopened feng shui product, unsuitable for me unless born in the previous Chinese hour, contrary to the universally accepted formula (Real solar time) = Mean solar time (Local time平太陽時 (當地時間) + Geo time difference (地理時差) +/- Equation of time (均時差)+ (daylight savings time).
•Geo time difference: …Therefore, most of time zones are for the longitude 15 (UCT+1), 30 (UTC+2), 45 (UTC+3) etc. One degree longitude has 4 minutes difference.
• Equation of time: The equation of time is the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time. The maximum is15 minutes, margin for error included.
1. Kimsunchee =庚申子-声称 有University of Bristol LLM (HONS), Nottingham LLB (HONS), Glamorgan ILEX, doc notarization at, 声称精通耶教及佛教,但 欺诈 当食生菜.
2. [protected], a Saturday afternoon本人经World Wide House Delifrance见后知自称庚申子展销手饰. 细看发现在别处 $10HKD 可买之冒结婚 介指标价 $2, 000HK. 庚申子给卡片本人2.
3. 庚申子诽谤同行及外行人台高自己: 被诽谤目标有麦玲玲及林国雄. 并教本人不要信传统文章. 并称她大陆有很多因满意她服务而送楼给她的富豪. Kimsunchee said she had to charge so much because she had to manually calculate the real solar time.
4. 庚申子威吓性言语: 声称本人将 有官非. Kimsunchee also said if she had not had goodwill, why would Delifrance, her client as well, allow her to display so much jewelry over 2 tables, after buying only a cup of tea. Kimsunchee also pointed to the security guard patrolling the corridor outside and claimed they were her friends too.
5. 庚申子称与其他同行人不同, 会有solution. Kimsunchee said my problem was one which could be solved with money After much more persuasion I decided to give Kimsunchee a try and paid $10K by cash.
6. A Philipino customer who earlier bought a bracelet for $300 originally asking $2000 asked Kimsunchee for a $2000 receipt.本人见收条薄 (宾妹要求她开收条, 庚要叫secretary 上World Wide House 27 level 拿到Delifrance) 本人即时要收条. 庚申子说: 本人从不给收条, 但你要求我可给你. 结果她当天没有开收条给我. 第二天Sunday, 本人多次留言[protected]通知庚申子: 只有ethical 之人才有资格赚本人之钱. 你不开收条兼介绍不道德之风水用具给我, 本人要退回未开之风水用具及要refund. 本人去level 27 WWH 却不见水牌.
7. 第二天Sunday, 本人多次留言[protected]通知庚申子: 只有ethical 之人才有资格赚本人之钱. 你不开收条兼介绍不道德之风水用具给我, 本人要退回未开之风水用具及要refund.
8. 庚申子声称已manually 用3个钟头做 whole life analysis, 并因 用真太阳时 (“real solar time”), 故命绝非本人以往之盘一般. 并要2个钟见我解释.
9. 庚申子再见我时才给收条我.再见亦少于2 个钟, 并有大部份时间重覆诽谤麦玲玲及林国雄, 再加插邓丽君给谁用针筒被谋杀, 及泰国医院怎样黑暗. 除了读手抄本, 庚申子只说用神是金. 没有说是阳金或阴金. 但事后经我email clarify改口说用神是为水, 但仍然没有说明是阳水或阴水. 稍懂八字的初哥也知可有天渊之别. I warned Kimsunchee on this occasion that I would recommend her to my friends if I thought she was good, BUT I would write a public review of her darkside, if I found any. She said go ahead.
10. 本人细心比较庚申子之past life analysis及本人之past life发现100%错. 并通知庚申子以了解为何出错. 因庚申子答应回答本人所有问题. 结果庚申子只回避及说”not giving a lecture, it depends on the time, it depends on what happens in future”. 就算开盘没错也没有任何solution.
11. 庚申子声称用了5个钟在我身上. 本人后来用电脑 solar time calculator, 3 seconds 便找真太阳时, 发现:
a. Real solar time=真太阳时不可能和 local time相差1hour and 35 minutes至去了上一个时辰. 真太阳时=平太阳时+真平太阳时差…简单算法是:真太阳时=平太阳时-15分钟因为推后15分钟(一年之中的2月10日是推后最多的一天, - 14'15"),即解决了繁杂的推算问题,保证不出错.
b. 中国时辰 (Chinese hour)有12时辰, 每時辰2 hours.但平太阳时有23个, 每个60分钟. 本人出生地在121e,出生平太阳时, 同时是接近中国时辰的last 0.333= 40 minutes from the end but 20+60 minutes from the beginning of the same Chinese hour. Real solar time is still the same Chinese hour (仍然是同一个时辰). 差- (20+60+15) = - 95 minutes 基本上不可能, 因簡單算法是:真太陽時=平太陽時-15分鐘 (一年之中的2月10日是推后最多的一天, - 14'15"). 故本人有理由相信庚申子是fraudulently 促意弄错, 给我false hopes及再付钱买她的products.
c. 庚申子手抄稿声30度difference in longitude为1个钟, 1/24 of 1日. 但懂计solar time的小学生也知15度difference in longitude才为1个钟= 60分钟= 1/ 24 of 1日. Fraud or Incompetence 应退钱.
d. 因时辰不变, 庚申子介绍之风水用具便不适合本人.
e. 庚申子用3小时 (?)手抄及< 2小时读早前手抄之稿来收$5000+$5000.3 seconds to compile chart is more than enough if computer used.
f. Fraud or incompetence Kimsunchee must refund.
12. 本人有见庚申子诈得离谱, 14 Aug 2017便再细心看, 才见收条backdated to [protected] by Kimsunchee International Consulting Ltd. 矛盾: …feng shui product versus feng shui consultation. 本人从来没有要求 fengshui consultation.
13. Kimsunchee threatened to report to police if I continue to give her a chance to defend herself by email, or publish my review of her. I sincerely hope she will report to police as this will save police a lot of time finding her and her real identity.
My problem is too much money on hand. 吾怕你jeeang.吾怕你呆.最怕你吾來!.
Why you paid her so much money, you seems to be so smart, how old are you ? Why people buying her things for more than 10 dollars if them worth just 10 dollars ? Are they idiots ? Are you a feng shui master as well, since you know so much about birth chart, can you do it free for me ? or how much do you charge ? Do you write thesis for students, I am going to finalise my assignment in University, could you please polish my assignment ? I don't know who she is, but it seems you know feng shui much, can I learn it from you ? How much you charge ? Do you mind post out what she wrote to you the original corresponding, so more people can see how far the mistake ? If you think it is a fraud, a criminal offence, why you don't report to the Police ? Just think so odd, no bias... ?
I do things FREE. Never charge people. But I suspect she was using some instruments to affect my judgment. I know some business people and even professionals do it to make money. Just bad luck when i walked past her .
Also I like to spend money. from now on, I will NOT spend anything more than $100 in Hong Kong per transaction. I am sorry to the minorities who do not cheat lie or defraud in HK. I need to protect myself.
為什麼你付了她這麼多錢,你似乎很聰明,你多大了? 為什麼人們購買她的東西超過10元,如果他們只值10元? 他們是白痴嗎? 你也是風水大師,既然你對風水圖瞭如指掌,你能為我免費嗎? 或者你收取多少? 你是否為學生寫論文,我要完成我在大學的thesis,你能否幫幫我? 我不知道她是誰,但似乎你知道風水很多,我可以從你那裡學習嗎? 你要多少錢? 你介意把她寫給你的原文對應一下,讓更多的人看到這個錯誤有多遠? 如果你認為這是一種欺詐,一種刑事犯罪,為什麼你不向警方報案? 只是覺得這麼奇怪,沒有偏見...?
Hong Kong is full of OLD THOUSANDS. Try reporting to police yourself when you see a crime. UNLESS someone gets killed, unless the media is involved, most people who get paid to do a job use every means to avoid their duty. How old are you? One day you will find out why.
為什麼你付了她這麼多錢,你似乎很聰明,你多大了? 為什麼人們購買她的東西超過10元,如果他們只值10元? 他們是白痴嗎? 你也是風水大師,既然你對風水圖瞭如指掌,你能為我免費嗎? 或者你收取多少? 你是否為學生寫論文,我要完成我在大學的thesis,你能否幫幫我? 我不知道她是誰,但似乎你知道風水很多,我可以從你那裡學習嗎? 你要多少錢? 你介意把她寫給你的原文對應一下,讓更多的人看到這個錯誤有多遠? 如果你認為這是一種欺詐,一種刑事犯罪,為什麼你不向警方報案? 只是覺得這麼奇怪,沒有偏見...?
林國雄, 他不是死, 她為什麼這麼說?她這麼說有什麼好處 ? 有免費的在線服務為什麼你要付錢 ? 我相信你一定與她有商業衝突, 否則不會故意地抹黑, 而且使用美國網站,為什麼不是香港網站如果是真的 ?
Do you know of any HK website which enable posts to be linked to the company's. tell me and i will share with them. I am brought up in an environment where people truly believe that lying to get money from others has serious consequences. i am not aware Hong KONG people has become so LOW.
Why you paid her money, you seems to be so smart, why people spend so much money to buy a thing ten dollars as you said, you saw it, so how come you still paid her ? Since you know so much about birth chart, can you do me for free please ?
I saw your comments only now. I suspect she may be using some instruments to affect my judgments.
pls read my posts carefully. She used religion to lower my guard. I vowed after this incident to not spend money in HK. But the only way is to stay away from them. Once you stop in their area, they will succeed. but it is unfair to the few who are NOT OLD THOUSANDS. If these con artists do not get punished in time, more people will follow their ways to cheat others.