kmov is adevertising for hrc medical on their website. I can't believe they would take money from a company that harms people. Let me tell you a little bit of hrc medical.
In December 08 at 53 I sought help for my severe hot flashes, night sweats and depression following my recovery from Breast Cancer.
I went to HRC Medical Center in Nashville for BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY. This was to involve inserting into my hips, pellets that contained estrogen and testosterone. When they wear off, more would be inserted.
I quickly got increasingly moody, bloated, grew 2 pant sizes. The meanness I had acquired was scaring me. I was crying or angry all the time. I got severely depressed. Then I started discharging blood and had severe cramps and headaches. I had not had a period since 2001.
The bleeding continued long after, it stopped finally in October.
I was never told this could happen on this therapy. I called HRC Medical constantly with complaints.
I was prescribed Furosemide, a water pill, on 3-9-09.
Between 3-9-09 and 4-01-09, I wore the receptionists out calling there screaming, I would sit and hit redial for every extension until someone picked up their phone. I was really feeling out of control emotionally.
The nurses had not returned my calls the week of March 23rd. I was irate and also had not slept good since this procedure.
Several days later I finally spoke to Amanda who had signed me up for this therapy. She apologized for what has happened to me and she asked me to come meet with the Doctor, who was listed on my prescription, but I had never met.
The medical assistant who inserted the pellets was also in the room when I finally met him. Dr. Hale offered to write off my 2 pellets and give me 2 new ones and he would manage my case directly. I told him I did not want new implants that 3 months time was enough time to get me to feel better, since they claim 2-3 weeks to feel great.
At that time I had been bleeding for over 2 months.
When he left the room, the nurse I had never met, but spoke to over the phone, came in the room. She told me shed be honest with me.
She explained HRC had switched compounding pharmacies and gotten bad pellets. She said she had been doing pellet therapy. However recently she had started feeling badly, psycho, like me, thought she was bi-polar and experienced a lot of what I had been complaining about.
The M.A. who inserted the pellets stated I was a different woman than the one that came in the first time. I know she felt badly.
The next day Dr. Hale called and confirmed my testosterone was still too high.
I had to go to electrolysis every week to remove the black hair growing on my face, chin and neck, and trying to keep the hair on my head from falling out. Other awful side effects that I wont go into.
I called the clinic to ask for a refund; I was told refunds are not available.
I was told I had a choice of 2 new pellets.
I screamed at the owner, Dixie Hale, that I was not paying for pellets that I had no idea what was in them and they were bad. She asked how I knew they were bad and I told her about the nurse confessing. She put me on hold and Emily, a manager came back with the offer to credit my account $950- because the compounding pharmacy duped them!
Again an admission they knew they were bad, but no one tried to tell me after all my psycho phone calls.
These phone calls were made between 2 and 4 p.m. at my desk, upstairs in the business office. The women there heard these phone calls and were aware of all I had been through. I know they will not forget this, but we did all try to laugh about it, as I reminded them, they would be my age someday!
I considered getting a lawyer. Then
On June 6 after months of fighting for my refund, the owners son granted one and said they now own that compounding pharmacy because of the problems that were caused by these bad pellets.
Another admission now I know I was not going crazy!
I soon called a experienced Menopausal Doctor and got my blood work done at Quest Lab. The new Doctor told me I had more testosterone in my body than he had in his.
He also said HRC lied to me when they said theyd wear out of my system in 3- 4 months. He anticipates the end of July so he cannot help me until the pellets are out of my system.
October - I have finally felt like the pellets may have dissolved and the bleeding has subsided to the point of a possibility that it will stop.
I ended up in the ER at Williamson Medical Center on 10-22-09.
chest pain and severe panic attacks. The new Doctor also explained that my shortness of breath, dizziness and other anxiety symptoms could be caused by the depletion of the estrogen and testosterone that had overwhelmed me. I have informed kmov about this and they have won't respond.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
OMG... how can this still be available? Has there been other studies done? Where does the FDA stand with this today? Even one or two of the side effects would be extremely difficult to endure. How could this woman keep her job and and relationships and function on a daily basis, and for so long? My heart goes out to her for all she has endured by trusting in the sources and people she put her faith in and believed could help make her life better. To think the medical profession took so long to validate her side effects and her constant struggles is really really wrong on many levels. There is plenty of blame to go around here! What a shame in the way this was handled by disregarding her for so long before simply telling the truth. Bravo to the person who finally spoke up with the truth!
Testosterone therapy in women is not advisable for senescence - based horomone replacement therapy. Your down-the-street doctor has many more choices for hormone replacement in menopausal women; and obviously (and importantly) more medical oversight. Hormone replacement in women is nothing new and generally testosterone is NOT to my understanding, a big player. I've read numerous blogs regarding HRC's results with women and its just about what you'd expect - some become a downright pesty temptress, others go full tilt the other way and belong in womens prison. I've also read about the means by which the hormones are administered and there is every bit of reason to see why the levels attained are so variable - if not potentially dangerous - especially in women. Would seem to me, anyway.
Two lines of proof are all ya need: Google up "HRC medical reviews" and read em and read the BBB posting regarding HRC, Nashville, TN with a grade of "F" and the numerous complaints - mainly having to do with financial dealings and false advertising. The guy who runs this outfit has "a past" concerning fraud or something like that. Just read up. But then again, check your sources because far as I can tell HRC has cornered the market on this stuff, and there can always be some sour grapes layin around that like to "jam the airways".
Apparently the fellas seem to like HRC though...I see very few posts from them. But then again, testosterone is far more important in men then women but their choices for seeking testosterone replacement are few and far between because the safety and efficacy of testosterone replacement in older men is controversial and as a result, many regular docs won't offer it. All I can say, is that I FEEL like I need a whopping dose of the stuff - but I don't really know, and I'm not about to find out through HRC. Not at this time, anyway.
Now let's put down our canes and do the hokey-pokey. [maestro..]
I've been going to the "clinic" in VA Beach for 6 months and I'm still having hot flashes. NOW they want me to purchase DHEA to see if it will help. After paying close to $3000. for little relief and now they want more money.