Larry Bryant, National HIV advocate, is a womanizer and a cheater! He has no discretion when it comes to his choice in a woman. By that I mean all the women that he dated (simultaneously) are very different, live all over the country, and are from all walks of life. So, if you meet him and say to yourself, "wow, I must be special because he want s to settle down with me and open his heart for the first time", don’t fool yourself as it is all part of his game. He meets you and within a short time the words of love, fidelity, trust and commitment are rolling off his tongue! But in 2009, Mr. Bryant's lies caught up with him and all 13 woman he was seeing found out about what he was doing and saying TO ALL OF US!
One of us put pen to paper and sent him the following letter:
Dear Larry,
This letter is collaboration by all THE WOMEN! You see, we came together and added bits and pieces of our dealings with you! Who are all the women?…read a little further, you’ll see.
How do you sleep at night knowing how you use women, fill their heads and hearts with your crap? And you don’t think women talk and compare stories, Larry? We are not stupid! Your BS about wanting to belong to someone/something, finding “home” with each one of us, having the ability to open your heart for the first time, never feeling this way before, wanting us to TRUST you , saying I love you before the first week of dating is up, only one I care about is one, you”….BS, BS and more BS.
How could you think we wouldn’t figure you out when we are all looking at the same exact written words from you or hearing the same messages!?
Considering so many of us overlap, it is probably hard for you to recall what you said to whom! You have been a busy boy!
You don’t get it! Why do you think you are alone now? I’ll tell you. It is because you wouldn’t know the truth if it fell on your head! You throw around words like “completely honest and open”, please, you are full of it! “My dreams might not come true”, no they won’t because all you do is LIE! Don’t you see, you LOST EVERY ONE OF US because you couldn’t and didn’t tell the TRUTH! NONE of us want anything to do with you…so stop sending emails, messages, and calling…we aint interested! And now, your lies have come back to bite you in your ###! Difficult for YOU to trust people, dear, it is the other way around!
And you need to stop lying about going to church and catching’ the Holy Sprit! Don’t lie about having a relationship with God! You are playing with fire there and if you continue, not only will you be playing with it but burning in it for eternity! Don’t lie about GOD! Don’t!
You are not missing your heart…you can’t miss what you never had!
Please seek some professional help! You need to talk to someone that can help you get to the bottom of your self loathing and dishonesty with yourself and everyone around you! And while you are at it, go see a dentist, because your breath, DAM it could wake the dead!
All the women you have lied to!
So ladies, take heed! If you are approached by this Casanova on Facebook (he trolls it for single women) or any other online site, you have been warned and made aware of this playboy's lines!
Looks like outing cheaters is on...damn Gabby, u r almost as bad as LB!
I am happily married to a pretty famous athlete and I am quite successful myself. I have known Gabrielle for probably as long as I’ve known my husband. I often heard disgusting rumors about her, but dismissed them. I am not one to get caught up in gossip, as my husband and I are often subjected to it ourselves. In any case, the rumors would not even affect me if they were true, as long as they had nothing to do with me. I have heard about Gabrielle being very promiscuous, but that never bothered me. She was always very pleasant when I came into contact with her and that’s all that mattered. She seemed to be working hard at her “success” and I respect ambition. Rumors flooded even throughout her marriage with Chris. Her affairs with so many…young, old, married, divorced…were no secrets. Boris, Darren, Jason, Derek, Jamie, Hill, Ludacris and the list CONTINUES!
Again, it had no affect on me. I certainly did not agree that she was the mistress to several married men, but it was not
my life. I felt as though Gabrielle was searching for something she would never find and I often felt sorry for her. Two years ago, while attending the NBA All-Star Weekend in Las Vegas with my husband, I ran into Gabrielle there as well. At this time, she was telling me about a man she had been interested in, but i didn’t pay much attention to it. About a week later, I heard a rumor that she was romantically involved with Dwyane Wade that same weekend (while might i add, his wife was there). What I found ironic was that…Dwyane was not who she had been telling me about. Again, I let it slide.
For the following year, Gabrielle continued to do as she pleased, I saw her on several occasions with a variety of different men. The rumor of her and Dwyane continued as well. This past year, the news seemed to be that Gabrielle and Dwyane were officially a couple. Although I knew in my mind that Gabrielle was not settled in this supposed “relationship” with a man who is a decade her junior, it was not my concern. I no longer felt sorry for her, but rather for Dwyane. He seems to not know any better. I can understand that he is newly single and is more than likely exploring his options. But to hear that he has assumed Gabrielle as his girlfriend disappoints me. I have met Dwyane a few times as well through my husband and he seems like a true gentlemen, someone with traditional values…but who has become caught up in the “celebrity world”.
The reason for my article is not because I am thaaat concerned with Gabrielle or Dwyane or anyone else mentioned here. The reason for this is because Gabrielle has now gone too far. She has approached MY husband. Over the past 2 weeks, I have found SEVERAL emails from Ms.Gabby. When does this woman stop? Although my husband is not innocent, as he did give Gabrielle his email address and phone number, he was smarter than to engage in her UNACCEPTABLE behavior. This is a woman whom I know, and have spent time around. I cannot grasp what goes on in her mind. I asked my husband why he was not inclined to be drawn in by Gabrielle and he gave me an honest answer, he said “she’s DANGEROUS”. When will this woman stop? To me, she seems to have Dwyane fooled…so why not continue to fool him and leave other women’s men alone. At almost 40, it is revolting to be acting as a 20 year old. Someone help her please. I will post this article AS MANY PLACES as I can to ensure that women (especially those with rich and famous men) are aware of this woman. I hope no other man or woman has to fall victim to Ms. Gabrielle Union.
Damn, Gabby.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I was told the people on here were petty and stupid. I took over the account because, she didn't want to comment on prisoner. If you would have read back you would have seen that the name changed. Didn't know I have to get your permisson. So how many times have you changed your damn name, since you are checking up on people. Besides my comment was for that racist ### not LB.
I too am a Single Professional Woman who briefly dated Larry Bryant(N0v 2008- Jan 2009). We met and dated in person. He actually broke things off with me because I was open about seeing other people. (Aint that a ###)! Yes he used the same m.o. with me and I am greatful to the OP who had the courage to post this. I had thought it was just "Me" but my Spidy Sense began tingling very early on and I got out of there. This is truly sad though, he has such a beautiful esscense(and yes I too questioned his sexuality and I have great GAYDAR). I guess the word is SOCIOPATH. You would think that with his HIV status he would see that life is precious and good people who come into your life are a gift. He must be really angry to cause so much pain or simply doesn't care. Either way Karma will deal to him what he deserves. Has anyone heard about his reaction to his OUTING on the internet?
No ones cares!
Dear Lady D,
I think you hit the nail on the head...he is a sociopath and truly hates himself. He cant get out of his own way and realize his life has been spared, although he is HIV positive, he is still alive. He should stop being so angry at God and the world! That hatred has and will continue to bite him in the ###!
Thanks for your words- I see you got the intent of the OP, it's a shame that all the TROLLS came out of the woodwork to respond to this thread. I think it was really to educate the soon to be victims and connect with the past victims of LB. He needed to be exposed, I had no idea that he had hurt so many but- DAMN. I've never really come in contact with a living and breathing socipath before. It's chilling. I think that is what the TROLLS don't get. To meet someone who seems so real, deep even and then to realize that it was a calculated ruse. That's cold- that's evil on a whole nother level. So TROLLS don't bother- I've read your postings and won't waste my time on any rebutials. But I am interested in dialogue with other victims. I think I have knowledge of a few of you, he spoke of a woman who he saw off and on for about 4 years who travelled to TX and DC and I think she posted here. Peace and blessings...
I see that you are a man and have known Larry for serveral years. You also talk about him "never treating you like that" and how you "saw him getting dressed". I and another poster commented on our thoughts on Larry's sexuality. Is Larry gay/bi? Are you a lover of his? Is that why he feels the need to do this?
You are real funny, im not a man. You know Larry isn't gay and all you are trying to do is start this up again. Get a life and leave him alone. He don't care about any of this. I guess I have something he wanted and didn't want from the rest of you. Bottom this is old and immature. You are proving that you don't have much of a life.
Love you Larry!
Sorry Navy, your profile says that you are male. My apologies about the mix up, Larry is lucky to have such a friend as you. I just found out about this site yesterday and I hadn't read all of the post. More victims are surfacing. I am one and as I stated earlier my intent is only to have dialogue with other victims.
I wouldn't consider anyone on here as victims. ### happens, you move on and you don't try to ruin somebody life because a relationship thats truly wasn't a relationship don't work out. You said he ended things with you, so consider yourself lucky. I care alot about Larry and as long as i'm able I will be there for him, so silly stuff like this doesn't bother him. If you really know him, you know that is true. Have a nice day.
Thank You "Never Again" for your courage. Bravo Sister.
this whole thing should be deleted. it's a total mess and embarrassment and it CAN'T be what you guys had in mind when you created this site!
You list his name but none of yours, why is that? Just curious about sites that allowed ppl to make these kinds of charges anonymously.
LOL. Ahhh, tell this ish was made up cause its too effin funny to be real. LOL.
WOW! When I googled Larry Bryant the ###, I really didn't anticipate finding anything, but I found a bunch of people who were hurt in a way similar to mine. Unfortunately, my crushed feelings didn't last more than a week simply because when Larry and I lost contact the first time, I knew something wasn't right with him. The onliner emails, the planned visits that never occurred, the disappearing acts, the nonchalant attitude... all things I, as a woman, was not interested in dealing with in a potential mate. Thus the reason why I kept it moving. Larry is sick and needs help, not because of his physical what it feels like to be loved. He's hurt and that is the way he interacts with everyone. He got so angry with me because I questioned his beliefs. I asked how can you love someone you don't know? How can you be so sure I'm "the-one" when you don't know squat about me? He tried to attribute my questions to my lack of esteem, but that was far from the truth. Real love or any feelings about a person take a natural progression, it is not automatic. SO when he contacted me again, my goal was to get what i could get, I wanted to see how he'd treat the woman of his dreams, and I found out shortly, not any differently. However when he "deleted" me as his friend, I was a bit upset because of how he handled things, but then I thought about all the flags that had been tossed in the air when we first started to converse... and as oppossed to getting angry, I prayed for him, because although he stands in fronts of others rallying their support, he is socially dysfunctional and needs help.
I wish this were a joke, unfortunately, its true. He hasn't stopped . Still trolling women in the DC area. Was approached by him, went to dinner, hung out (multiple times), he was very good at making me feel live I was his, cooking, etc. One things was wouldn't return calls or would get one-liners, also noticed all these women commenting on his every posting on FB and decided to google him. Lets just say, i've kept it moving. Take heed ladies.
I'm sorry I'm just finding it hard to believe. Not with that many women on his FB page. Pulling 13+ women simultameously? And they ALL thought they were the ONLY one? LB's game CAN'T be that tight. No man's game is that tight...seriously. No man.
Oh, its true. I didn't want to believe it at first. A firend sent me to this page and my jaw dropped. I didnt meet LB on FB and I can't speak for other women but he encouraged me to join. He said it would a good way to keep in touch because he travels alot and is constantly working, so he is online a lot. I don't spend much time on facebook. Initially, he was attentive, came on a little strong, but i told him i wanted us to take it slow and he was ok with it. Wrote me the sweetest notes, spent time at mine and his place, would cook, watch movies at his place, etc. Looking for women with peace and patience, my ###. I haven't been in a relationship in years... I could learn to love you... Then, i found a luggage tag for a woman in TX in his bedroom, when I confronted him he said it was his cousin... yeah! Earrings, massage oil, etc. Women on his page making "suggestive" comments on his page or whenever he posted pictures, comments of "honey/sweetie" around the same period we were seeing each other. One night he spent at my place, his phone wouldn't stop buzzing and he wouldn't budge or pick it up, wine glasses with lipstick in the sink, some woman... Oh, too many red flags went up and after a year of this, I said ... enough recently. So, yeah... his game AINT that tight. Some women apparently started a group page on FB called "Larry Bryant".
He has the ability to suck you in with his charm, wit and laid back approach. I knew he was positive, he didn't hide that and to his credit, we were protected and he never did anything to put me in danger. I have been tested since. By the way, NonnieMouse, LB is an attractive man and he has style. That picture is also old.
The bottom line is this - if LB really is everything these posts say he is, if he's truly guilty of the actions it's said he committed, then none of this is necesarry. This board, all the others and the FB group are just a waste of valuable time, effort and energy. Really. All that needs to be done is wait on Karma, she sees all and makes sure no bad deed goes unpunished and if he's truly deserving, she'll see to it that he is handed exactly what he is owed.
Hope 'yall have found closure, healed and moved on. Life is too short to cry over spilled milk.
Just came across this funny a$$ story about Larry Bryant while researching ErrorFix. All I can say is this is pure comedy and Tangy, you are a straight up HATER! Instead of keeping out of something that doesnt concern you OR better yet standing BEHIND AND NOT AGAINST other women (cause I am sure you have been played by a man b4 too thats just life), you come out a say some real ignorant Shizit!
Tangy, you are a complete waste of female chromosomes!
OMG! I am so happy yet sad to read all of these postings. I too was one of his many "Love Connections". He told me he loved me wanted to be with me and I was the one. The only difference between my story and some of the others is that I didn't want him. I thought he was nice but just too old for me and I thought he was gay. I am SO GRATEFUL TO BE READING ALL OF THIS! I felt bad about not trying to work it out with him, I felt like I was judging him too soon. I struggled with the idea of letting the right one go. LOL. God is so good to me! I am so sorry for all of the hurt he caused you women. I think he didn't believe he would live as long as he has so from a young age he started many relationships with people that he believed wouldn't last. Just a thought. WOW, this is crazy. Thanks again to whoever started this post and to Larry I pray you will learn to truly love yourself.
So Grateful
And let's not forget about the roaches! LB's apartment is INFESTED with roaches. I'm sure its because of the building he lives in, but HOW CAN ANYONE LIVE LIKE THAT? DISGUSTING! And it doesn’t seem to bother his food, in his bed, in his shower...once he was cooking one of his famous dinners for me and I came up with every excuse not to eat it...D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G!
I am sooo happy that this is going on LB thought he is playing the Girls and he Got played. If anyone ggogles him this comes up too the kinda warning label that every Player needs to wear on their foreheads.
Ok, enough is enough.. I am making a personal plea to the originator of this complaint to please delete this posting and move on. I dated Larry too and the outcome could have been better but it is what it is. Larry didn't do anything that WE didn't allow. Some of you should feel honored considering the fact that he really did do a few favors...No offense, but I saw a few pictures and I was totally shocked. Anyway, allow this man the freedom to continue with his career in helping those affected by HIV/AIDS in peace. There are so many things going on in our community that requires our attention...
Peace and Blessings, , , Kim
Knubia you are sick did a few favours? duh maybe he did you a favour none of the women who were hurt by him deserved it. As for you nobody cares what you think and feel to the woman who started this keep this on forever. Nice tool to make sure no other girl fall for larry not knowing what kinda PIG he is. And as for the work with PLWHIV crap that is his huhting bground where he gets his Preys. All i know you google his black ### and this is whgat you get LOVE it i have been warning in my circles that this dog will get his day but seems he GOT a weekend plus a few Publ;ic Holidays LOVE it.
When you say career you mean using his fake HIV status to LURE woman DUH he has no career but being a SICKO
Why would anyone lie about having HIV? If you were stupid enough to fall for his so called lies, you need to kick yourself in the ### and move on. Grow up and act like real women. Find someone who wants you and stop trying to punish someone who didn't.
Saddle i found someone i Love but Larry is gonna pay for a what he did to girls for a long long tym. If he did not want me i wud not be here stupid ### mother ###er HOE man Hoe whatever you are. This is not going away ever google LARRY and this comes up Love it Love it Love it. He is a failure and wont achieve anything and saw a gap. Uneducated lazy ### ### like him could not get a job. Idiot never travelled out of DC and saw AIDS as an end to his means peeps are on to him though. Soon he is gonna be on the internet for the Biggest Scammer in the world lying about his status to catch girls become famous and get Freebies.
hey saddle are you his new catch
Well if you have found someone, why are you stalking this man. What does the new man think about you checking up on this man. Who really cares that you can google him? Why don't you show your face if you are so proud and ready to help other women? Grew up. And by the way I don't know the man.
How could someone gain about lying about having HIV? I can't figure that one out. But I guess it worked because he was able to get a few dummies. And thats were I say take a look at yourself. What kind of person are you to fall for someone like him? Think about it, its not all his fault becuase he didn't put a gun to your head now did he.
I must agree with Zawa re LB using HIV (as sick as it sounds) to become a "celebrity". No, not the celeb status the general public assumes, but a celeb none the less. He was able to use this to get into National Mags, radio, DC meetings with some very influential people, TV, etc. I know it sounds crazy, but he has been put on a pedestal as a "national spokes person for the movement". We in the "movement" have suspected what Zawa speaks of for a while. We are going to find a way to prove our suspicions under the title of "GET TESTED, SEE WE DID AND THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR", etc.
(HIV coordinator)
Ladies, I did google LB to see what was new with him and somehow landed on this site. I am not here to "bond" with women who apparently feel betrayed. @Zawa, Do you sweety! As for you helping "others", I hope you are able to free yourself from whatever you think Larry did to you... As for my mentioning "the favors", I have seen women that Larry dated and I was shocked to see that most were disgustingly overweight and not very attractive. So maybe he chose his supposed victims based on their lack of self-esteem. Because I am so not that type, our "Grown-folk Chemistry" was short- lived.
Now if any person, LB included, is capable of choosing stardom by lying about having HIV/AIDS status then he stands in need of prayer not online slanderous judgment.
Knubia Larry does not need to be Judged Wow and you judge other woman based aon their weight, Physical features and on and on you go. My mom used to say a person who sees other people as ugly has an Ugly heart. You keep writing and you expose what you really are. No one is slandering larry just putting his bad habbits out there since we cant brand him as a bad ### we hope and feel any inteligent woman will google him first. I have told a few of my girlfriends that he befriended through FB to google him mind you this is not the only page that warns about him Dont ate him girl has his profile and manny more. I am not afraid to show my face and i know alot of peeps on this page know who i am. Never was a secret. Leann22 i heard the girls are comming Together to make this even more out there Oprah has shown some interest just need to find an angle for this. The upcomming AIDS conference in Vienna wud be a nice Platform to Expose his ### he thought us all these moves to protest. You see this is only the start for Larry the end is no where in Sight for him. for 22 years has he broken hearts hurt women fathered children that he takes no responsibility for.
saddle i am not stalkig Larry i find this as my Community Service once a day when there is a new Post i respond. My Job is to protect other Women of African decent not to have him Mess with their heads. You see i was naive enough too see him as genuine and got hurt and used badly. Like a cancer, HIV, survivor i am putting myself ou there to make sure i make dealing with this sicko musch easier. OOh just had a better Idea Jerry Springer will be a better shot. The Hurt Girls, Larry, and his current cheerleaders led by Saddle i am sure the original 12 Girls will beat his Lights out.
LOL, you are no better than he is. I'm not getting into a debate with simple minded women, who are clearly in need of some professional help. He is one man and you are giving him exactly what you are saying that he's after. When will you come to realize it? Don't bother to write to me again because I need to blog about topics that have some meaning and purpose. You aren't going to stop anyone from seeing him. I hope you decide to move on with you life soon.
lol saddle and you Blog for a living LMAO
Once again you a clever and other people simple minded, Pretty other people Ugly or fat duh saddle you are a stupid ###
This group is the bring the Larry down group of You a cheer leader like Saddle start your own Sympathy group for LB the PIG and see how far you get
You know how I know that you are stupid? Not one time have I ever said anything about defending this guy. I 'm commenting on your stupidity. Get the damn bone out of your nose a get a life.
Ok, this is priceless! I was just sent a link to Larry Bryant's Yahoo personals account-
After all that has been said/written about this guy, he has the nerve to put up a personals ad? I hope he lets women know he is HIV positive!
Here is his ad-
“Trying once more”
I seek someone trusting, confident, and independent in spirit and lifestyle. Someone who is patient and persistent... Someone who knows who she is and what she wants. Someone who is ready to build and share a life.
Random thought: I love the idea of falling asleep every night listening to the sound of each other's voice reading to each other...
Profile ID: personals-[protected]-565336
On 15 OCT 09, Larry was in Auroar, Co last night speaking to a group of women that are HIV POSTIVE. I'm Registered Nurse for over 20 years . At this time he said some false statments that were lies. He was challenge by several of the women in the group as well as myself that in the medical profession. He is a liar and gay under cover brother lover ; That prays on sick and lonely women he must come down. I will stop at nothing until this is done.