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LegalShield Reviews 25

12:00 am EDT

LegalShield A Balanced Perspective on LegalShield

LegalShield, a legal subscription service, offers a mixed bag of experiences according to customer reviews. While some members praise the timely legal assistance and cost-saving benefits, others express frustration with issues like unhelpful referrals and challenges in cancellation processes. It seems that the quality of service may vary depending on individual cases and provider lawyers. As with any service, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. If you value convenience and affordable legal support, LegalShield could be worth exploring, but it's wise to research further and consider your specific legal needs before committing.

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8:40 am EDT
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LegalShield So far so good

So far so good. Signed up for this a few months ago. And im getting what i was promised. Access to real lawyers when i need advice over the phone. It works best if you prep all your questions ahead of time before calling. Because i kept thinking of mre questions and had to keep calling back, and thats a bit of a hasstle

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7:01 am EDT
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LegalShield Amazing service

I have the good fortune of having this service for over thirty years. Used it dozens of times and always gotten great help! I highly recommend these services for getting advice, reviewing contracts, writing letters and so much more!

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  1. Pros
    1. Affordable legal plans
    2. Nationwide attorney network
    3. 24/7 emergency assistance
    4. No hourly fees
    5. Extensive legal coverage
  1. Cons
    1. Limited Customization of Legal Plans
    2. Service Quality Varies by Region
    3. Potential Upselling of Additional Services
    4. Not a Substitute for Complex Legal Needs
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LegalShield Outstanding Service!

The service that the law firm provides has been consistently outstanding! I have utilized the service for over 15 years. They are knowledgeable, professional and kind. They have saved me a ton of money. They get results! They have earned my membership for a lifetime. I highly recommend it!

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LegalShield My Disappointing Experience with LegalShield's Law Firm Provider in New York

So, I recently had an experience with LegalShield's law firm provider in New York, Feldman Kramer & Monaco. Unfortunately, it was a bit of a letdown. I needed a simple demand letter to obtain my mother's medical records, but it took them THREE whole weeks before referring me to an elder care lawyer that does estate planning for a fee. It felt like I was trying to change the constitution or something. Can you believe it?

But, wait, it gets worse. On a separate issue, I needed a Civil Court attorney, and guess what? Feldman referred me to an attorney that handles traffic tickets! I was very upset about this. I checked the attorney's website, and it clearly states that they handle traffic tickets only. There was no excuse for Feldman to make this referral. It just felt like a waste of time, and being left to hang with my legal issue felt terrible.

The thing is, Legal Shield offers NO advocacy service. They won't help you with your legal issues. Complaints to them fall on deaf ears, so if I were you, I wouldn't waste my time with them. It's a real shame that they're not monitored by any legal standard; it just feels like they don't understand their obligations. Maybe I should take my complaint to the Bar Association and see if an ethics committee can help them out.

Overall, my experience with LegalShield was not the best. It just feels like they don't care about their clients and only want to make money from them. So, would I recommend LegalShield to anyone looking for legal assistance? That's a big fat NOPE.

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LegalShield LegalShield Review: Scam or Saviour? Disappointing Tenant/Landlord Experience

When I had a court date coming up, I thought signing up for LegalShield would be a wise decision. Unfortunately, the event occurred before my sign-up and I couldn't take advantage of their services. However, LegalShield referred me to an attorney who helped clear up my driving record, and I was happy with their service.

Recently, I faced a tenant/landlord problem, and I turned to LegalShield again. To my disappointment, they didn't side with me and didn't provide the legal advice I expected. They suggested I wait for the landlord to make her next move, even though she had already threatened me. Initially, I was locked in for a year, but now I have to think hard before renewing my subscription.

Update 6/9/22

Things have only gotten worse since my last review. It's evident that LegalShield doesn't want its customers to face legal situations alone, but that's precisely what I did. Valerie Dance, the attorney they assigned me, provided zero legal advice. The only guidance I received was to be a sitting duck and wait for what the landlord does next. Seriously?

LegalShield suggests calling their Member Services if I need help, but when I tried, I got a recording asking me to use the app. So, you're taking my money but not providing the services promised? Shame on you. Based on my experience, I won't recommend LegalShield to anyone. They're just a bunch of scammers who prey on people's fears and sell false promises.

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LegalShield LegalShield Review: Disappointed, Frustrated, and Unhelped - Save Your Money and Time

I gotta say, LegalShield ain't exactly my cup of tea. Now, I ain't no legal eagle, but I've been dealin' with these folks for over two decades, and it's been nothin' but one headache after another. I wouldn't go back to 'em if you paid me.

I had two major issues that needed solvin', but LegalShield ain't liftin' a finger to help me. I called their super-duper emergency line a bunch of times, and every time they'd promise me a call back, but it never came. Plus, all those nice emails they sent me promisin' the moon and stars? Pure bull. They didn't do a single thing they promised. I felt like I was talkin' to a brick wall. They didn't listen to me, didn't help me, didn't care about my problems. It was like they were tryin' to give me the runaround.

It took me over a month of callin', emailin', and faxin' to try and get somethin' done. But nothin' ever got resolved. It was like goin' in circles. Talk to this person, give them this paper, blah blah blah. They kept givin' me the runaround, and I was gettin' mighty ticked off.

And it ain't like they were sorry or nothin'. Sure, they apologized, but it was always the same old song and dance. I felt like they didn't even care about me, just my money. Every time I talked to 'em, I got more and more frustrated.

Overall, I'm pretty darn disappointed in LegalShield. Ain't no way I'm comin' back to 'em. They didn't help me when I needed it most, and they don't seem to care about their customers one bit. I ain't holdin' my breath for that apology, 'cause I know it won't make a lick of difference. Save your money and your time, folks. Don't waste it on LegalShield.

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LegalShield Legalshield - A Great Legal Service Provider; ARAG Legal Service - A Total Scam

Me use Legalshield a bunch of times for different problems and they fix everything. So happy with them, they save me a bunch of money on just one letter from a lawyer. They also tell me which lawyers to use and they always around to help me out. They give me so much peace of mind. I really like Legalshield. They tell me to use MATTLEMAN, WEINROTH & MILLER and they always get back to me when I have problems. They solve a lot of my cases.

But ARAG legal service from my work is so bad. I pay a bunch every month and they do nothing. They cheat and will probably go broke soon. They won't help me with my job stuff or my brokerage stuff. They won't even get back to me with a lawyer for my son's license case. This company should not even be allowed to do business.

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LegalShield LegalShield Saved Me from Traffic Tickets & Insurance Hikes" - An Honest Review

So I was drivin' outta state one time, mindin' my own business, and all of a sudden, I see a high school and the speed limit changed on me! And just my luck, a cop was sittin' right there, waitin' to give someone a ticket. And who did he give that ticket to? Me, of course. But you know what? I didn't freak out about it 'cause I had LegalShield.

I took a quick picture of the ticket and sent it over to the LegalShield folks. And you know what they did? They got me this amazing lawyer to represent me in traffic court! I walked out of there without an extra point on my record, baby. It was like some kinda magic, people were lookin' at me like I was famous or somethin' 'cause I had this fancy lawyer in a three-piece suit and everything!

But that's not even the end of it. It happened again, I was drivin' down an unfamiliar highway and the speed limit changed on me three times in just a couple of blocks! And then, I got a ticket again! But I wasn't even worried about it because I knew LegalShield had my back. I sent over that ticket, and they got me another lawyer who went to court for me and got that ticket dismissed without a single point on my record!

Do you know how much money that saves me on my insurance premiums? A ton, let me tell ya. And the best part? I don't pay any extra money for these legal services beyond my monthly membership fee. I'm feelin' so satisfied and relieved to have this service, I ain't gotta worry about those insurance premiums skyrocketin' when my son starts drivin'. 'Cause they cover kids on the plan too, people! That's one huge stress I don't have to worry about no more. I highly recommend LegalShield to anyone who needs legal help without breakin' the bank.

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LegalShield Disappointing Experience with LegalShield's Customer Service & Attorney - Do Not Recommend

Been a LegalShield customer for ova 10 years, and though had sum drama wit dem bfo', hadn't had nuffin' against 'em. I always enjoyed talking to da lawyers who helped me and respecked how dey take care of me. I recommen' LegalShield to anybody who needs legal advice. Ain't no shame in dat.

However, dis time, I gotta say, I be so disappointed. I don't normally write reviews, but dis time I gotta do it becoz of how bad da experience was. Yo, I just wanted to axe a question about an overcharge uh my plan at a hoospital, and da attorney assigned to me was playing phone tag wit' me for three days! Three freaking days, man! Ain't nobody got time fo' dat! And da worst pah' was, dis lawyer was leaving voicemail widout even tryin' to call my phone back. I ain't never heard uh anything mo' stupid and disrespectful.

After three days of phone tag wit dat attorney, I took a deep breath and called customer service - guess what tho'? The manager in customer service wasn't tryna hear my explanation or even tryna figyaout why I couldn't reach da assigned attorney. Da dude just straight up offered me a free subscription fo' a month - what kinda way is dat to resolva customer complaint? [censored], I lost more than just dollah' value in time just fo' dealin' wit da mess dey put me through.

Yo, I don't even know if HQ will ever call me back, and at dis point, I ain't even sure I can trust LegalShield anymore. Dey done lost a loyal customer wit dis nonsense. Do yourself a faavor and look for better legal services elsewhere, cuz LegalShield ain't worth it no mo'.

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LegalShield Mixed Review: My Experience Using LegalShield for Divorce

I recently took advantage of the LegalShield service provided by my employer, and I thought it would be a great option for legal advice. I never thought I would end up using it for a divorce. After being separated from my wife for six months, we decided to use this service to go through with our divorce. Since we had already agreed upon everything and had children involved, we thought it would be smarter to use LegalShield. My experience with the service, however, was not the smoothest.

When I first reached out to LegalShield, I spoke with a great lawyer who provided valuable advice and explained things that were previously unclear to us. After gathering the money to cover the court costs and sending over the necessary paperwork, I expected to hear back from them shortly. However, it was almost a month until I received any updates and had to call to understand the status of my case.

After much waiting and calling, my case was finally assigned to an attorney in the office. However, there were still many delays along the way. The first draft of the paperwork was incorrect, the second draft was missing some items, and the process had many unforeseen pitfalls such as my ex-wife changing jobs and new insurance information needing to be added. The lawyer was often short and rude when answering questions, and there were several times in which I felt like I was bothering him.

Finally, in April, the paperwork was filed, and we received a court date. Looking back, I realize that LegalZoom might have been a better service to use if we wanted things to move more quickly.

Overall, I would recommend LegalShield to others, but caution that the process can be slow and potentially frustrating at times. If looking for a speedy solution to a legal problem, perhaps try another service. But if you have patience and are looking for affordable legal assistance, LegalShield can be a helpful resource.

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LegalShield Unlimited Access to Top-Notch Lawyers at Just $29.95 Per Month: My Review of LegalShield

Yo, so like my bud hooked me up with LegalShield like 10 years ago and I didn't really get the point of it. But let me tell you, since then I've used it for all sorts of stuff. Like selling my crib, dealing with the IRS, landlord/tenant drama, conservatorship filing (saved me a sweet 20 Gs), and like just getting answers during Covid madness. They even helped me out with writing a demand letter for when my car fixer-upper did some shady work and they nabbed me some serious cash - over 20 Gs! They're also money when it comes to legal questions about running a biz and contract stuff. They even filed my LLC lickity-split. They're legit fast and don't make you wait around for dayzzzzzz.

FYI tho, some people don't get that you can't just pay $29.95 and get some hotshot lawyer to come sweep in and solve all your legal issues. Like they'll help, but you def gotta retain them first. But you can ask them as many questions as you want and they'll call you back mega quick. Plus, they'll even hook you up with a different lawyer if you're not vibing with the one you got. And like, no other lawyer will promise you that they'll call you back in a certain amount of time. They're like magicians or something - they'll review your contracts and stuff in just a few days. And like they're all over the US.

Basically it's all about getting unlimited access to top-notch lawyers for just $29.95 each month. I've had some lawyers that I didn't really get on with, but no biggie - just call back and get another one. It's like when you go to a doctor and you just don't gel with 'em. Easy peasy. I won't go without this service now, it's so dope. And it gives me total peace of mind.

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LegalShield LegalShield Review: The Worst Legal Service Ever – A Scam and a Waste of Money

I have been a LegalShield customer since 2006, and I have to say that this is the worst legal service ever. Despite being with them for over 15 years, I had to call in and ask what was included in my membership because they never told me. I have only used this service five times, three times to send out letters and two times for court cases where the other person didn't show up. Even then, my lawyers got paid $500+ for just saying hello and goodbye twice. But that's not my biggest problem.

EBay has been abusing every seller and buyer and getting away with it. EBay stole money from me and gave it to another buyer for something I never sold. The money taken was the processing fee from another sale I made which they gave as refund to that person without my consent. To make things worse, they have so many illegal hidden fees like shipping, final fees, buying taxes, selling taxes, etc. I sent a lot of evidence to LegalShield about what eBay had been doing to me and thousands of other sellers and buyers. I went as far as telling them to google Trustpilot eBay reviews, and only then did they realize that something was amiss. After going through mental abuse from eBay for about a month, and sending more evidence to my lawyer, I was told that the lawyers couldn't take the case, which was frustrating.

When I agreed to be referred to another branch, I asked whether the new lawyer would be informed of what was going on and be sent all the information I'd sent to the previous one. The previous lawyer's response was, "I don't have time to do that, so you're on your own. I have other cases to worry about!" That pissed me off because I've been through a lot and didn't deserve such unprofessionalism. I reported the lawyer, but no one called me back for two weeks. Then I had another problem with WATA GAME's false advertisement. I was promised that I'd get my games back in 35 days at the latest, but I didn't. When I contacted LegalShield, provided evidence, and demonstrated that other customers had experienced the same issue, they agreed that Wata Games was engaging in false advertisements, and called a lawyer based in Denver to help me.

The lawyer sent an email that read, "Your LegalShield Membership entitles you to a 25% discount off my $450 hourly rate for legal services. Would you like to schedule a telephone call to discuss the "$1,500 retainer" required to engage Cantafio Nagel & Song PLLC? Thank you for your consideration." When I googled the law firm, they had very bad reviews. I decided to ignore them and called the number provided by LegalShield, but the lawyer was very rude and wouldn't even let me ask one question – all he kept saying was that I needed to pay. I eventually called LegalShield back, told them what happened, and was strangely informed that they couldn't do anything to help me because they referred me to another branch. Wait, what?

A supervisor named Debbie told me this, "LegalShield can't give me any more resources, and I'm on my own. Then a few days later, the lawyer called me back and said she would help. Laura D sent letters and emails to WATA Games warning them of a lawsuit and demanding that they return my games, pay for everything, and give me a $2500 compensation fee. Two weeks later, I received one game back with no money and an email from WATA games making more excuses about why they couldn't send the other game. I sent the email to Laura, and she wasn't pleased either. She said we'll wait until you receive the other game back and then take more action. She told me to call her back when I get it.

That was two weeks ago, and I got a PPLSI letter in the mail from LegalShield saying this, (dear, my name, based on circumstance and information we have, LegalShield will not be able to continue to provide contractual benefits and services under your membership. By means of this letter, we are informing you that we are canceling your membership contract with LegalShield and refunding the unused portion, which was only $11.35 cents. When I saw this, I was confused and hurt because I didn't do anything wrong, and Laura D was helping me. I called the number provided in the letter, and they said they didn't know why my membership was canceled and asked me to email member services. I did, but they didn't respond.

I called three times to LegalShield, and they kept saying, "We don't know why your membership was canceled, and we can't tell you on our end" until I asked to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor informed me that the reps had lied to me and that my membership could have been canceled because of fraud, non-payment, or if LegalShield could no longer help me with my problems. She apologized and said that LegalShield couldn't offer any other resources. To say that I was angry and hurt is an understatement. After paying LegalShield $17.00 a month since 2006, they told me that their service wasn't for me. What a scam!

To conclude, LegalShield needs to be reported for scamming customers to the BBB and FTC. I would advise anyone looking for a legal service to stay away from LegalShield.

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LegalShield LegalShield is a Scam: My Experience with their Membership Services

I signed up for a LegalShield membership last month, and my experience with them has been less than satisfactory. My first consultation with LegalShield was a disaster – it was a complete waste of my time and energy, and I had to complain to get any benefit from it. The partner of an Illinois law firm eventually intervened, but then would not provide the legal services advertised by LegalShield. This email thread is a transcript of my second consultation with LegalShield with their California law firm. Even though I thought this would be a better experience, I was wrong. Based on my experience with them, I think LegalShield is a scam. The leadership of the company does not care about providing the advertised services to retain customers. They prefer to see people pay the recurring fee and forget about it like a gym membership, without ever using the benefits.

In the email thread below, the attorney I was supposed to speak with missed the scheduled call on November 4, 2021, at 4:15 pm PST. But it didn't end there - I later received a call from the same attorney over an hour later, at 5:22 pm. Just like my first consultation, this attorney had no idea of my case and hadn't reviewed the emails or complaints I filed. The experience was completely unprofessional.

I reached out to LegalShield, but there was no response to date. I sent a total of five correspondences, three of which were urgent, but I didn't receive any follow-up or resolution. It took a couple of weeks before they canceled my membership.

I think that LegalShield has a lot of work to do in terms of service delivery. They need to provide professional, competent, and timely legal services to their members, as advertised. Their leadership should address the issues and swiftly reply and act on any complaints from customers who are dissatisfied. I do not recommend LegalShield – there are better companies out there for legal services.

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LegalShield Complaints 11

8:46 am EDT
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LegalShield Services not as advertised

Only for credibility purposes, I am a Professional (i. E. Notable Physician).

Read the email thread below between myself and the leadership of LegalShield, it speaks for itself. My first Consultation with LegalShield was 'accidentally' screwed up by them; I had to complain after they wasted my time and energy and the Partner of the Illinois Law Firm eventually intervened but then would not provide the legal services requested and available under the benefits advertised by LegalShield. This email thread below was regarding my 2nd Consultation with LegalShield with their California Law Firm. Summary: Based on my experience with them, Legalshield is a scam and the leadership of the Company does not care about providing the services as they advertise to rope you in. They want people to pay the recurring fee and forget about it like some gym memberships out there and to not actually use the services of the membership.

From: {My Name Redacted}
Date: Sat, Oct 30,2021 at 3:00 AM
Subject: Message for {Attorney Name Redacted} ({Case Number Redacted})

*** Please forward to {Attorney Name Redacted}

Hello {Attorney Name Redacted}:

I hope you are well. Sorry I missed your call on 10/29, I am stuck working night float at the hospital through Monday (i. E. working 7pm to 7am and sleeping during the day).

I think this is in regards to the LegalShield {Case Number Redacted}, correct? If so, do any of the dates/times listed at the bottom of this email work for you for the Consultation Call? Let me know so we can schedule a time. Thank you!

Dates/Times in PST:
November 2: anytime at/after 12pm
November 3: anytime at or between 6-10am; anytime after 6pm
November 4: anytime at or between 6-8am; anytime at or after 4pm
November 5: anytime at/after 8am

On Nov 1,2021, at 4:31 PM, {Attorney Name Redacted} wrote:

Hi. Your schedule is as busy as mine.

Thursday November 4,2021 after 4 p.m. works or Friday after 2 works.

Looking forward to hear from you.

{Attorney Name Redacted}

From: {My Name Redacted}
Sent: Monday, November 1,2021 5:28 PM
To: {Attorney Name Redacted}
Subject: Re: {Case Number Redacted}

Haha, yeah just not enough time in the day!

Can we schedule for 4:15p on Thursday Nov 4th? Wanna call my cell {phone number redacted} or if you give me a number I can call you. I can do a Zoom too if you are open to that:)
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 1,2021, at 5:39 PM, {Attorney Name Redacted} wrote:

Hi. 4:15 on Thursday works.

Talk to you then.

From: {My Name Redacted}
Date: Mon, Nov 1,2021 at 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: {Case Number Redacted}
To: {Attorney Name Redacted}
Sounds good
Sent from my iPhone

From: {My Name Redacted}
Date: Thu, Nov 4,2021 at 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: LegalShield Second Consultation Screw Up -- 1st Correspondence
To: MemberResolution , , Member Services

Dear LegalShield Executive Team:

I signed up for the LegalShield Membership last month and this is the 2nd consultation with LegalShield and it has been unprofessional just like the first Consultation started off, please advise. First one is described at the bottom of the email trail below:

Never received the call from {Attorney Name Redacted} as scheduled 11/4/2021 at 4:15pm PST. I wasted another hour of my precious time due to LegalShield's Negligence.

From: {My Name Redacted}
Date: Sun, Nov 7,2021 at 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: LegalShield Second Consultation Screw Up -- URGENT (2nd Correspondence)
To: MemberResolution , , Member Services

2nd Correspondence, no response to date from Legalshield

I received the call from {Attorney Name Redacted} over an hour later than scheduled today at 5:22pm PST. Just like at the beginning of the First Consultation, this Attorney also had no idea about the Case and clearly had not reviewed the email that I sent the Manager of the apartment complex nor the BBB complaint which I filed which explained the entire case.

1) Does LegalShield value me as a customer?
2) What does LegalShield think about this Situation? This is my 2nd Consultation with LegalShield and BOTH Consultations have had the exact same experience. The Attorneys were BOTH unprofessional and wasted at least 3.5 to 4 hours of my precious time that I can never get back.
3) What is LegalShield going to URGENTLY do about this Situation?

From: Member Services
Date: Sun, Nov 7,2021 at 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: LegalShield Second Consultation Screw Up -- URGENT (2nd Correspondence)
To: {My Name Redacted}


Dear {My Name Redacted},

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to look into this issue. We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced with your LegalShield membership {Redactetd}. We have filed an assistance request on your behalf. Our Quality Services Department will contact you to follow up.

LegalShield Member Services
Monday through Friday 7 AM to 7 PM CT

From: {My Name Redacted}
Date: Wed, Nov 10,2021 at 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: LegalShield Second Consultation Screw Up -- URGENT (3rd Correspondence)
To: MemberResolution , , Member Services

3rd Correspondence, no response to date from Legalshield

See email trail below.

1) Does LegalShield value me as a customer?
2) What does LegalShield think about this Situation? This is my 2nd Consultation with LegalShield and BOTH Consultations have had the exact same experience. The Attorneys were BOTH unprofessional and wasted at least 3.5 to 4 hours of my precious time that I can never get back.
3) What is LegalShield going to URGENTLY do about this Situation?

From: {My Name Redacted}
Date: Sun, Nov 14,2021 at 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: LegalShield Second Consultation Screw Up -- URGENT (4th Correspondence)
To: MemberResolution , , Member Services

4th Correspondence, no response to date from Legalshield

See email trail below.

1) Does LegalShield value me as a customer?
2) What does LegalShield think about this Situation? This is my 2nd Consultation with LegalShield and BOTH Consultations have had the exact same experience. The Attorneys were BOTH unprofessional and wasted at least 3.5 to 4 hours of my precious time that I can never get back.
3) What is LegalShield going to URGENTLY do about this Situation?

From: {My Name Redacted}
Date: Wed, Nov 17,2021 at 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: LegalShield Second Consultation Screw Up -- URGENT (5th Correspondence)
To: MemberResolution , , Member Services

5th Correspondence, no response to date from Legalshield

See email trail below.

1) Does LegalShield value me as a customer?
2) What does LegalShield think about this Situation? This is my 2nd Consultation with LegalShield and BOTH Consultations have had the exact same experience. The Attorneys were BOTH unprofessional and wasted at least 3.5 to 4 hours of my precious time that I can never get back.
3) What is LegalShield going to URGENTLY do about this Situation?

From: Member Services
Date: Wed, Nov 17,2021 at 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: LegalShield Second Consultation Screw Up -- URGENT (5th Correspondence)
To: {My Name Redacted}


Dear {My Name Redacted},

Your membership {Redactetd}. Has been canceled effective 11/09/2021.

Member Services

*Personal information redacted by admin

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3:15 pm EDT
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LegalShield 23 Years of LegalShield: Disappointing Representation and Runaround in Portland OR

I got to say it, I've had it up to here with LegalShield. It's been 23 long years of dealing with their nonsense in Portland OR, and I'm officially throwing in the towel. They let some big time federal agency come in and ruin my chances of getting proper representation. If the proof is there, they should be disqualified from the bar! All I can say is that their help only goes so far. Anything bigger than a small claim ends up getting the runaround, and that's just not acceptable- especially if it's something as important as your livelihood.

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2:03 pm EDT
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LegalShield LegalShield Review: Sketchy Business Practices and Poor Customer Service

So, let's chat about LegalShield. If you're thinking about signing up with them, you might want to read on. While it might seem like a good idea at first, paying them month after month for just over ten years, when you need their help, they might not always be there for you. In fact, they might just make up some lies to get out of fulfilling the promises they made in their contract with you.

And if you decide to take them to small claims court over this, be prepared for them to try and get your case dismissed. How, you ask? By claiming that you actually agreed to arbitrate- something that you probably don't even remember doing.

And let's be honest here, their salesmen hate them. Why? Because LegalShield is set up as a Multi-Level Marketing scheme, which means that the people at the top (the 1%) are making the big bucks, while the hardworking salespeople on the bottom are barely making any ends meet. It's a system that's designed to benefit those at the top, and even if you do make some sales, chances are you'll never break even.

Overall, while LegalShield might seem like a good idea at first, it might not be the best option out there. With their sketchy business practices and poor customer service, you might be better off looking for legal aid elsewhere.

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Is LegalShield Legit?

LegalShield earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds LegalShield to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, LegalShield is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with LegalShield, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

LegalShield has received 7 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

LegalShield has registered the domain name for for more than one year, which may indicate stability and longevity. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. you are considering visiting, which is associated with LegalShield, is very old. Longevity often suggests that a website has consistently provided valuable content, products, or services over the years and has maintained a stable user base and a sustained online presence. This could be an indication of a very positive reputation.

Several positive reviews for LegalShield have been found on various review sites. While this may be a good sign, it is important to approach these reviews with caution and consider the possibility of fake or biased reviews.

LegalShield website is deemed to be popular and indicating that it receives a high volume of traffic. It is important to be cautious when using a highly trafficked website, as it may be a target for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities or steal personal information.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While LegalShield has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 0% of 11 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
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LegalShield LegalShield Review: Proceed with Caution Before Signing Up for this Service

This LegalShield idea sounds like it's worth trying out, but don't expect top-notch lawyers to be at your disposal. The attorneys they have available are worse than those who are court-appointed. It seems like this program is for lawyers who couldn't make it on their own and have to rely on this service instead. If you ever figure out that you won't receive a call back from an attorney and that they're only delaying your case, you'll have to jump through hoops to cancel your membership. It takes forever to get through the prompts and talk to a representative, and even then, they'll tell you that the cancellation of membership must be put in writing. This program seems like a total sham! It's definitely something the FBI should investigate. They collect a lot of money from members for no services rendered.

Overall, it's a good idea to be cautious and do plenty of research before signing up for LegalShield. While it may seem like a good value at first, their lawyers may not be up to par and their cancellation process is nothing but a headache.

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LegalShield LegalShield: Deceptive Practices and Complicated Cancellation Process Made My Experience Frustrating

I signed up for LegalShield hoping to get some legal advice regarding a potential fraud case that I was dealing with. However, my experience with this service left me extremely frustrated and disappointed. Firstly, the lawyer that called me informed me that they would only consider my case if I upgraded to a business plan. This was not something that I had signed up for initially and I found this to be a dishonest tactic used by LegalShield.

Secondly, when I tried to cancel my subscription, I found it to be an absolute nightmare. I first spoke with a representative who seemed to be reading from a script to convince me to keep my subscription. After multiple attempts, I was transferred to an automated message that informed me that canceling my subscription required a written request from me. This seemed like an unnecessary step and made the whole process even more frustrating.

In the end, I did manage to cancel my subscription, but only after jumping through numerous hoops and spending way too much time on customer service calls. I cannot in good conscience recommend LegalShield to anyone as their deceptive practices and complicated cancellation process makes it impossible for users to have a positive experience.

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LegalShield LegalShield Review: Incompetent and Negligent, Focused on Suppressing Criticism rather than Providing Adequate Service

LegalShield has been a major source of disappointment for many individuals with whom I have had the pleasure of speaking. Despite their constant efforts to appear legitimate, this organization seems to have little to no interest in providing genuinely helpful legal aid to their clients. Many of those who have sought their counsel have been met with nothing but incompetence and negligence.

Take for example the case of a friend of mine who had sought the advice of an attorney provided by LegalShield. After being given a cursory review of their contract, the attorney assured them that everything was probably fine. However, upon further questioning, it was revealed that they had not even bothered to read the legal document at all. After two long weeks, my friend finally received a response from the attorney, only for them to have completely reversed their previous position. It is wholly unacceptable for an organization that purports to provide legal advice to be so cavalier in their approach.

Furthermore, it seems as though LegalShield is more concerned with suppressing negative reviews than they are with providing adequate services to their clients. Their Better Business Bureau rating is, quite frankly, a farce and nothing more than a carefully cultivated facade.

As someone who has personally witnessed the disastrous effects of LegalShield's incompetence, I cannot in good conscience recommend this organization to anyone seeking legal aid. It is frustrating to see a company with so much potential continue to squander any semblance of trust or credibility they might have once had.

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LegalShield Disappointing Experience with LegalShield: The Frustration of Being Treated Like a Second-Class Member

I gotta tell ya, my experience with LegalShield was pretty bad this time around. They called me when it was too late to talk, and then when I tried to call them back as soon as possible, I got a message that they couldn't talk to me. It was frustrating, to say the least. I ended up making an appointment for the next day, but then the lady didn't show up! When I called to see why she didn't come, I was stuck on hold for a whopping 20 minutes! It's crazy how they treat their members like second-class citizens. I mean, we pay a monthly fee just like everyone else, right? But if we're not full-paying clients, it seems like they don't care. The lawyer did finally get back to me, but it turned out that the schedulers had double booked her. I mean, come on, that's no excuse! This screwed up my whole day and put me behind on everything I needed to get done. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if this whole thing is just a scam to get some clients. Don't get me wrong, I liked the lawyer I dealt with, but the whole process was just a mess.

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LegalShield My Experience with LegalShield: Limited Services for the Price

I've found myself using LegalShield for just about a year now. In my honest opinion, it's not too bad. However, do keep in mind that the site's services are only limited to legal advice. In some cases, you may need to refer out to a lawyer outside of LS after being referred to them. If this happens, you'll be responsible for retaining their services, which can be a bit of a bummer since you won't really be getting much for $17.99 a month.

For those who are interested in this service, you should note that not all specialties are serviced on the site. Additionally, if you are referred out, any discounts received will only be at 25%. It's worth considering factors such as these before signing up.

Despite my previous interest, I made the tough decision to cancel my subscription as of March 15th. My visitations had me feeling like this service was simply a referral hub, and I wasn't getting my money's worth. I felt that I was wasting money on this service without receiving anything substantial out of it.

To make matters worse, the customer service department asked me to explain why I wanted to discontinue my subscription. This guilt-trip strategy to persuade members into staying didn't sit well with me. I gave LegalShield a year of my time and resources, and in the end, I just didn't see how they were helping me.

Before a decision is made about subscribing or renewing, I think it's important to think about what you're looking for in a legal service. Weigh the costs versus benefits and decide for yourself if LegalShield is the right match for you.

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LegalShield LegalShield Review: Disappointing Service with Lack of Communication and Follow-Through

that I had paid for.

I was extremely disappointed with LegalShield's service. As a member, I expected to receive legal support when needed, but that was not the case. It took months and multiple attempts for me to even get a response, and even when I did, it was not helpful.

The lack of communication from both LegalShield and my provider was frustrating. I felt like I was being ignored and that my concerns were not being taken seriously. When I finally did receive a call, I was eager to escalate my issue, but again, I was met with silence.

To add insult to injury, when I expressed my dissatisfaction through a survey, I was bombarded with calls from LegalShield's loss prevention department. Instead of addressing my issue, they were more concerned with convincing me not to cancel my membership.

Overall, my experience with LegalShield was a disappointment. I would not recommend this service to anyone, as it seems that they do not prioritize their members' needs. The lack of communication and follow-through left me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with the service I paid for.

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LegalShield Not Worth the Money: My Disappointing Experience with LegalShield

I wouldn't recommend LegalShield to anybody. I recently purchased their membership hoping to get some legal help with my problem, but I have faced nothing but disappointment and frustration since then. The attorneys that are partnered with LegalShield are, in my opinion, some of the worst ones in California. I mean, if they were so good, would they really be associated with LegalShield?

I have been waiting for two weeks now, and I still haven't received any help regarding my issue. Whenever I call customer service, they tell me to file a complaint. But even when I do, the attorney simply gets in touch with me and provides the same solution again. What is the point of getting a membership if they cannot help me with my problem?

The attorney who has been assigned to me is completely incompetent. Not only did he send me the wrong documents, but he couldn't even assure me that the court would accept the corrected documents that he sent me. Instead, he told me that I would have to type the document out myself if the court didn't accept them. I mean, why am I even paying for the membership if I have to do all the work myself?

In conclusion, I urge anyone who is thinking about purchasing a LegalShield membership to reconsider. Based on my experience, you're better off handling the matter on your own.

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LegalShield LegalShield Cancels Membership Without Notice or Explanation: Stay Away!

I been with LegalShield for like 8 years and then all of sudden I got this letter in the mail saying my membership was cancelled and that was it. They didn't even say why or give me any kind of notice beforehand, like come on. So I called up their corporate guys and they told me that they could cancel my membership anytime they want. Like what kind of service is that? Why would they do that to their members? It's like they don't even care about us and just throw us away like garbage.

I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone. They can't be trusted. I mean, why would anyone trust a company that cancels your membership without notice and when you need it the most? It seems like they are just looking for reasons to cancel people's memberships.

Another thing that I found strange was the letter itself. I don't know if it was just me, but when I looked at it there was nobody named "Senior Director" in the provider services. I have a feeling that maybe someone forged this letter to cancel my membership. When I tried to bring this up to the head office administrative team, they just ignored me. It's like they don't even care about protecting their members' benefits.

All in all, I think people should stay away from LegalShield. They are not a company that cares about their members or their benefits. They cancel memberships without notice and seem to be okay with forging documents to do it. I wouldn't trust them with protecting my legal rights, that's for sure.

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About LegalShield

Screenshot LegalShield
LegalShield is a legal service provider that offers individuals, families, and business owners access to affordable legal services. The company has been in operation for more than 45 years and has established itself as a leader in the legal services industry.

LegalShield offers a comprehensive range of legal services, including document review, legal consultation, and representation. The company's legal team includes experienced attorneys who specialize in various areas of law, such as family law, estate planning, and business law. Clients can access legal services through an easy-to-use online platform or by phone.

One of the unique aspects of LegalShield's services is that clients pay a monthly membership fee to access the company's legal services. This fee is much lower than what individuals typically pay for legal services, making it an affordable option for individuals and small business owners who need legal assistance.

LegalShield also offers a range of additional services, including identity theft protection, which is designed to help protect clients from the financial and emotional fallout of identity theft. The company also offers a legal plan for small businesses, which is designed to provide legal advice and representation for businesses with up to 100 employees.

Overall, LegalShield is a trusted legal service provider that offers affordable legal services to individuals and businesses. With a team of experienced attorneys and a range of additional services, including identity theft protection and legal support for small businesses, LegalShield is an excellent option for anyone who needs legal assistance.
How to file a complaint about LegalShield?

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to file a complaint or review about LegalShield on

1. Log in or create an account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account, create one on the website.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with LegalShield in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with LegalShield. Mention key areas of concern, transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filling optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint or review.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure each step is clearly defined to guide you effectively through the process of filing a complaint or review about LegalShield on Remember to use simple language and provide all necessary details to support your complaint effectively.

Overview of LegalShield complaint handling

LegalShield reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 10, 2023. The latest review A Balanced Perspective on LegalShield was posted on Mar 27, 2024. LegalShield has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 25 reviews. LegalShield has resolved 0 complaints.
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    +1 (800) 654-7757
    +1 (800) 654-7757
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  3. LegalShield emails
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  5. Olivia
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    May 13, 2024

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