We are a national preservation and property maintenance company. We WERE contrascted with LPS to oprovide preservation services in the midwest (Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa). The ran up $50, 000 in debts forewhich we owe our field vendors 85%. Our relationship ended over business practices issues: Then they began scamming us for payment. Their activities amount to fraud. If you go work for them, be careful and watch. They are an arm of Fidelity National Titlt, Fidelity Investments, etc. It is really sad how much unethical activities go on. We feel that this is enough. Our industry is being ruined be the corrupt activities of these national asset companies providing services to all of the banks, HUD, FDIC, FHA, Freddy Mac. and Fanny Mae. We are going after them in the media, filing criminal complaints with the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Attorney Gebnerals in Illinois, and Nevada. Our attorney is preparing to seek damages from the property owners (i.e. the banks and HUD) hiring LPS, in court. We need more victims of LPS (formerly FIS field services) to prove that this is just standard operations for these criminals. Together we can beat them and start cleaning up this industry. FAS, Cyprexx, and safeguard your next. Email me at [protected]@hotmail.com with your story and evidence.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I have done work for them in the past as well, and as long as you follow through with good documentation, it seems to be fine.
I would bet that the person who said they wanted a lower priced, did the work before getting approval or did not complete the entire work scope that he submitted.
I have been ripped off by other so companies claiming to do what Cyprexx but Cyprexx themselves, does not owe me a dime . and in this business that is a very rare thing.
It would do our economy some help, if local people where employed directly to care of this stuff. These "national" companies, just inflate the cost and pay "crap" and really have no real way of making sure the job was done right anyways.
Now, that does not mean I think all "national" companies are bad. I just think that it always better to go local.
Plus, considering the fact that the people bailed the banks out, and they are holding OUR MONEY, why do we kiss their butts?
I have been a vendor for Cyprexx for 1 1/2 years now and I have NO issues with them regarding non payment. The only way you would not get paid is to do the work without approval or if they owe you a lot of money chances are you werent performing the services that was asked of you. They dont pay much but if you have a problem with that then open up your own Cyprexx type company. It has to be tough to regulate the services and if you have untrustworthy vendors I'm sure it makes it even tougher to stay on top of jobs being done to the clients satisfaction. To have local people do this would be near impossible. Think about how many properties there are and how would they be guaranteed the job would be done to their satisfaction? Servicors such as Cyprexx are held accountable when you get slacker vendors out there that do a half ### job. Ive seen those vendors, infact our company was given more properties because they had to rid themselves of these slackers and I got to see first hand how they try to cheat the system. Im happy with the work I get and it keeps my family and their employees fed. We've been paid consistantly! I feel they are a standup company that takes pride in what they do!
We've been Cyprexx vendors since last October and have been very happy to work for them. We started out with maintenance and also now do preservation. We've always been paid, but have come up against another problem. Almost three weeks with no new preservation (initials) work. I talked to them, and they said there is nothing negative on our account, it's just a slow time. Does this seem right? I think they probably have business, but why in the world would they not give us any? I'm not sure what to think...
What part of the country are you working for them? We are in South FL and it is VERY slow here (doing house cleanings, as well).
I have done work for LPS and Safeguard with very negative opinions. I was always paid - everyone who says they don't get paid is lying about something. Either you did not fill out paperwork, you did a horrible job and did not go back and fix it, or you are just plain making up stories. No national company will do that as they have reputations with the banks as well. But LPS and Safeguard just were not very knowledgable. They never really knew what was going on since their coordinators do not work one on one with the individual property contacts. When you call in, they just send you to the next available person. Cyprexx employees must all be assigned to individual properties since they all seems to really know the details about the properties when I call in. In fact, I have phone numbers to individual people when I call in.
Just the fact that you complained about one company and have said that others are next proves you really don't know what you are talking about. You have a complaint about one problem with one company so now the entire inductry is corrupt and fraudulent? Really, get a life. Good luck with your lawsuits again companies that you have nothing against.
These negative reports are not lies I have worked for many deartments there, some do pay monthly. From others I can only hope to be paid one day. In the mean time I and my help wait. The turnover of coordinators there is huge and your misfortune may depend on the whims of who you now have and I have been sent to do jobs and find that another contractor has the job after I called in help and spent travelling time. Pay has gone down while expenses go up. I once thought I had positioned myself to prosper or at least not sink during a bad economy. Now I just hope for economic recovery so I no longer will be abused, shorted and struggling with this degradation
I have worked for Cyprexx for almost 2 years now and only until the last two months has everything gone awry. I can guarantee it is a lot of the fault of the coordinators. They aren't in any position long enough to grasp the entire concept of the job. When they start being proficient with the job, they are moved to another state or position. Also, if you haven't been "negotiated" with by your preservation coordinator, feel grateful. I was "negotiated" out of $2500 last month for one job and told that a clean on a property that was condemned by the county did not merit an extra fee even though it took 4 people 2 days to complete. The supervisor thought $12.50 a day per person was adequate for merely removing human feces off of everything in the house. Also, if you are ever assigned a property that is not entirely fenced in, DO NOT ACCEPT THE JOB unless you first research the property to find out what the borders are. Otherwise, even though you send Cyprexx the photos two months before you are assigned the job and show them EVERY area that you are clearing, you could be held 100% responsible for removing a neighbor's trash. That's exactly what is happening to me. I have to pay a scammer $5920 for removing his trash. And, even though Cyprexx takes no responsibility for assigning you the property after knowing what you're removing, they will make a settlement with the scammer on your behalf. BUT...you are NOT part of the settlement negotiations. You have no say how much they're going to pay the scammer. Cyprexx will merely deduct that amount out of your checks. BE VERY CAREFUL!
LPS cannot be trusted and they find ways to discharge you from services. LPS is probably the worst company to do business with. They still owe me over $9000. They like to distort your bids and state HUD lowered the bids in all facts, they lowered your money by increasing theirs.
I have been stiffed multiple times LPS blames AM, AM says call LPS, always excuses