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McKinney Police

McKinney Police review: No respect 24

Author of the review
10:28 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Tired of these young cops coming to our neighborhoods talking to us like we are trash. I live in East mckinney and I know its already labled as a bad part of town. However we are still humans that have rights and these young guys are over agressive. If you have a nice car you will get pulled over and they will demand a search. I had a incident this weekend where some buddies of mine had went to the store and a cop was following them. One of my friends had a warrant so they parked the car and called for a ride. AS they were pulling up to my alley way an offficer pulled up behind behind them and starts running toward us cussing at demanding everybodyto get the # on the ground while thats happening officers pull up in the front of my house note iam in my yard on the porch the officer is demanding that I didnt go inside and pulled me off of my porch by my neck and threaten me to tazer me. I know I shouldnt have ran but when a officer is running fulled speed and cussing you kind of tend to run just by reaction. I had no idea why the were there so I panic to get inside to call 911 so I could have everything on tape. They acted like someone had just murdered someone. These guys get a thrill at messing with eastside of mckinney. The whole scene was totally uncalled for these guys do not need to be employed. One of the officer names was Jaime cisneros very rude cursing like a bat out of hell pre judging right of the bat.

Update by luis trevino
Oct 19, 2009 8:42 pm EDT

The warrant was for a ticket and you dont live where i live so you wouldnt know if you would run or not i wasnt with my friends when they switched cars so i didnt know what was going at the time. Your probably white and dont live or never been to east mckinney so you CANT TALK ABOUT this cause you have never been through it. He had a warrant he deserves to go to jail. If you are having a gathering at your house and this was to happens you would take a crap on your self


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Howe, US
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Apr 08, 2009 10:29 am EDT

first of all, they (ANY Police Officer) can't 'demand' to search your car...they can ask and you can say no, it's that simple. Secondly, what was your friends warrant for...murder, deadly weapons, left that part out and as far as getting threatened with a taser, you ran from the cop so what do you expect. If you had done nothing wrong then you had no reason to run...

Angry Citizen
McKinney, US
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Jul 05, 2009 12:31 am EDT

I have had two encounters with McKinney police. I am a nurse, I don't drink, I work and take care of my kids. I am a GOOD person. I have never had any legal problems. Yet, both encounters I have had the officer was rude, disrespectful and over aggressive. The city of McKinney needs to think about how they treat people. We were just at a city event with lots of other people. My husband was waved on to get in front of another car, as he started to pull forward he saw an officer directing traffic that motioned to him to stop. He stopped and yelled out that he was sorry. That wasn't enough, this officer came up to our mini van window, with my children in the back seat and started yelling at my husband, my husband repeated apologized, the officer walked off without once being civil. I try to teach my children to respect police. I sure could not do that tonight. I have no respect for someone who will treat my entire family with such disrespect. It was suppose to be a fun family night, and because my husband "almost" made an error according to this officer my entire family was subjected to very rude treatment. How ridiculous. We are not criminals, just a family trying to navigate through a very congested area. I would not allow my children to speak to anyone this rudely. My husband and I do not speak to others this rudely, and I will not tolerate being treated this rudely by anyone. If this is how the City of McKinney chooses to treat people, I will avoid attending any of the functions they have. Great job McKinney Police! You really put some horrible villains in their place tonight. You should be ashamed of your police officers for their power tripping attitudes. They are not deserving of the respect I have always given police. In fact, your city gives police a bad name!

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Jul 15, 2009 4:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I think that this is ###ed.
If your friend had a warrant, the officer had ALL rights to arrest him - whether or not he was driving.
I think that this situation is exaggerated - as I know McKinney police officers and have never had any problems with them. I have only been treated with courtesy and respect because I give that to them.

As far as the second reply AKA "complaint" if there is an officer directing traffic, you look to him and only him for your direction reguardless of whether or not someone waves you on. You could have caused a major collision with someone else. And if that someone else would have been me and I would have had my child in my car, you'd get an earfull from me about how you need to watch where you're going because you put my child's safety at risk. Think of the bigger picture before you start complaining against an officer for doing HIS JOB.

Howe, US
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Oct 23, 2009 8:18 pm EDT

oh my God Luis...stop playing the race card...u are obviously a pathetic person who has to make excuses about your skin color to make up for the fact that YOU don't pay your tickets and get pissy like a 3 year old when you get warrants...that's nobody's fault but your's called BEING RESPONSIBLE, look that up. The east side of Mckinney is a ain't like L.A. so don't even try that, I've been there hundreds of times...kinda goes along with my's really not that bad at all actually, yes there is low income housing but that doesn't make it 'bad' yourself a favor and quit whining...if you don't like McKinney, move somewhere else, PLEASE

McKinney, US
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Feb 18, 2010 11:06 pm EST

I agree. I have been nothing but disrespected completely and humiliated by McKinney PD and am currently filing a grievance. My boyfriend and I had an argument in which I got angry at him and ended up deadbolting the door and told him to just stay in his car for a while cause I was mad. He called the police cause he said he was worried and couldn't get in and needed their help. I actually had the door unlocked before he called, and fell asleep. Suddenly, 3 cops are standing in my bedroom, and yelling at me about why I didn't answer the door. I said I was asleep and they started griping at me about not answering saying they were going to have had to bust the door down. My boyfriend was there with a key but didn't use it at first then finally did and they got in. They began questioning me about what happened and I told them we had an argument and I locked him out for a little but the deadbolt was unlocked before I went to sleep and that I was very upset and hurting. The officer proceeded to start telling us we needed to go our separate ways and it wasn't a healthy relationship and I said "but you..." and in my own home he raised his voice and said "can I finish?" in a loud extremely harsh tone. My bf explained he was about to go to the store to get some dr pepper, and they began interrogating him if he struck me and all this crazy stuff. When all he had called them about was to possible help diffuse the situation. I talked to them and explained I was upset, and said nothing about suicidal thoughts. Before I knew it they had coaxed my bf to leave and "come back in a little bit after they talked to me" no sooner did he leave on their advice, than he asked "do you have a jacket and shoes?" I said what? He said were taking you to green oaks you have 10 seconds you better find some shoes or were taking you like you are". I immediately asked, what is green oaks? Omg what is happening sir? What did I do? Amd he said "I asked you if you have a jacket and shoes, you better put them on in 5, 4, 3..." at this point he pulled out handcuffs and I just lost it. I started crying and said why is this happening? I didn't even do anything. He said "I have reason to believe you are a threat to yourself" I said but I have no reason to! Why would I! And he said he had made his decision, and he could see that I was clearly distraught. (omg are you frikkin serious? Why wouldn't I be distraught?) and to put on shoes and a jacket NOW and at this point he was yelling and demoralizing me more by the second. I sobbed the whole way there, with TIGHT cuffs behind my back, and no seat belt and him speeding at 75mph. and to later find out that when my bf arrive. They told him don't worry we took her in. My bf just lost it and started cussing at the cop. The cop said nothing back and left. He stayed up calling from 2am till he got a social worker to come talk to me to realize that I was absolutely no threat whatsoever to myself and that we had an argument in which I was crying. The psychiatrist finally told me there was absolutely no evidence to prove that taking me in was even necessary! I was LIVID. My boyfriend and mom had to call every 10 minutes for 8 hours to get me out of there and I missed work cause of it. They called while I sat in there with skitzos and drug addicts. I've never been so humiliated and degraded in my life. I was ripped from my own private home where I should be safe and forced into harms way. I was fearing for my safety the whole tome I was there, with rumor of riots and people snapping violently. I've never been so upset before about anything and to think, we are not even safe from the actually people that lie and say they are acting in our best interests! McKinney PD is a joke and a laughingstock of Collim County. I've never been so absolutely disgusted in my entire life. And as I was being driven in, the cop actually accused and blamed me for being brought in saying "well you were clearly unstable and that's not my fault it's yours, it's out of my control now. When you get checked in you're no longer of my concern" the officer had a green patch on his sleeve and he was African American, and wore a wedding band. I don't know who he is but if anyone in the police force over him ever reads this, I hope it is not in vain

Intimidate and harass
McKinney, US
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Apr 20, 2010 5:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I know how you feel. These guys don't Serve and Protect they are all about Intimidate and Harass. We need to talk Aneal138 and you need to talk to my girl friend.

mckinney, US
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Apr 22, 2011 6:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had bad things happen with MCKinney PD as well. I have been the victim of theft time and time again, when Cisneros showed at my house and became agressive with me and ordered me back in the house and threaented to arrest for failure to follow an officers orders I was shocked, he got mad becasue I did not shut the screen door all the way. He backed off quite a bit when I pointed out that he was on video and clearly abusing his position.
this is not the first time either, I have observed many events in which they abuse their position, like a bully.
These guys should have to undergo psych eval BEFORE being allowed to be officers, make sure they have the right mindset to do the job.

st loius, US
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Aug 05, 2011 4:54 am EDT

The McKinney police are idiots. They shot and killed an innocent housewife, wrongfully arrested people, broke a kids arm at school, botched a murder scene, and one of them even was arrested for having sex in public while on duty. If you are stopped by one of the McKinney goons, just let your window down enough to give the ### your drivers license. They will try and accuse you of assault and arrest you, This is the most corrupt bunch of thugs you will ever run across.

scared in mckinney
McKinney, US
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Aug 17, 2011 5:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree. We have had nothing but problems with the police department since we moved here. First of all they do not know their own laws regarding noise. We had a neighbor at 3316 Sedona Lane that decided to start a rock band in his garage. We called the police at least 20 times regarding the noise. The homeowner kept telling them that it was before 9:00pm so it was ok to make all the noise you want. They would just tell him to stop and leave. The ordinace for the city of McKinney is strict and this kind of noise is not allowed at any time. We finally went to the city council member then to the chief of police. He did not even know the law, so he had the city prosecutor interpret it for him. They never gave the homeowner at 3316 Sedona a ticket. We had to go through months of hell and knew the city ordinances better than the police.
The second thing was I got in a bad place in a lot of pain and said something stupid so the police were called to my house. I got really scared. I was home alone with two officers in my house. They spent all of 5 to 7 minutes talking to me. Then one just said to me "This is not a choice". I was in extreme trauma and fear and did not know what he was talking about. They forcibly took me to Green Oaks. I am still traumatized and in extreme fear over the police in this town. Nothing like this - me getting too upset because I was in too much pain from and injury or the police taking me away - has ever happened to me in my entire life. I am just an ordinary person, not a criminal. Never got a speeding ticket or anything like this ever. Now I can't stop crying and am afraid to leave my house until we can move from this rotten town with horrible police. And they were both very young too as I noticed was in the previous complaints.

McKinney, US
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Nov 21, 2011 4:43 pm EST

It's Sad but true. My brother is a retired State Police Officer in Michigan. I have never stepped outside of the law, other than speeding, rolling a stop sign. I was raised to respect the law. This being said I have an adult son who has ran in the wrong circles and made his fair share of mistakes. He has been falsely arrested, beaten while in hand cuffs and ankle shackle's. (wow! doesn't that make the police feel all "bad ###") and threatened with "we will make your family's life a living hell if you don't plead guilty." They threatened to arrest his wife, (no record) brothers, 26, 18 and 10 (no records) and me 50 ( no record) I have been pulled over at gun point, and followed all over town. Really? Is this our tax dollars at work? How stupid are they? You would think that by now they would figure out that I live in a 10 mile radius. I shop at Kroger, my Pharmacy is Tom Thumb, I drive my kids to school and my son to work at Encore Wire. Duh! I don't go to bars or dinners, on occasion I go to Starbucks. My eighteen year old won't even bother to get a license feeling what's the point they will just harass him until it gets taken away or the find a way to arrest him. Hey McKinney Police...At the very least you should understand is that YOU ARE NOT INTIMIDATING ANY ONE! we just think your pitiful. and YOU DO NOT DESERVE OUR RESPECT! Respect is a given only up to a point, then it is earned. You earn nothing by treating people this way. I have talked to many, many Attorney's who will tell you Collin County is the most corrupt place to be. The only thing that could be worse is if I were Hispanic. Really, really sad. They all know it and will do nothing to change it. Why? Because they make money representing us the innocent. And yet they think they are not playing a roll in this corruption? Come on now. I could go on and on with stories I have heard from others at the time really this only happens on TV. Until now, I live it.

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May 13, 2012 7:23 am EDT

Wow, you people have got to be kidding me! Look at what you've written. On one hand you gloss over how YOU got the police called to your house. One was a domestic where your bf called them. Apparently he was too stupid to use the key, and I'm sure he told them something to get the police to your house like maybe your suicidal hence the trip to green Oaks! The others admit to some "bad choices " that's called crime! Don't be surprised you have to deal with the police when you make "bad choices" then there's the guy who WANTS police to give neighbors tickets... NO doubt if they did his neighbor would be on here crying about that. But no he goes on to say how he was in a bad place and the mean old police man traumatized him with a trip to a mental hospital. Yet he says he said some "stupid things " yea, like threatening your own life... Again don't be surprised you have to deal with the police when you " say stupid things " you people are the cause of your own problems. I'm sure you are just oh so polite when you have police contact too... You're all nothing but pathetic useless cry baby's who can't take any responsibility for your own actions. Keep blaming everyone else for your problems.

McKinney, US
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Jun 02, 2012 7:21 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hmm let me think about this one. Hispanic with no ID in a bad part of town, hanging with guys that have an outstanding warrant and running after cops told him to stop. Luis-tell me-you say you are running to get inside your house-how does a cop know you are not running inside to get a gun?
I have been stopped at least 5 times by McKinney PD in the last 5 years. Every single time they have been respectful. The day they treat me rudely and ask to search my car without cause is the day that i say NO and ask for his supervisor. If he/she refuses and conducts and illegal search i take pics with my cell and file a complaint with internal affairs. I then call my attorney.
You haven't done either one of those things because YOU KNOW that YOU were in the wrong. Grow up!.

McKinney, US
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Apr 29, 2013 1:33 pm EDT

I am a law abiding citizen and believe me I had a situation with Cisneros and trust me he really is a a$$. Has no respect for women or kids. He does not belong on the Police force. I am not going to put on here what he has done but believe me I am taking all the steps I can with Internal Affairs.

mckinney, US
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Aug 22, 2013 9:53 pm EDT

I had a run in with Cisneros, and he is not in my opinion fit to be on a police force. The city of McKinney should do an undercover sting on him. Unless the whole police department is corrupt.

Tustin, US
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Sep 08, 2013 3:34 am EDT


Dallas-area Suburbs Lead Texas Cities in Attempts to Deny Public Information Requests
Posted by Kelley Shannon 0pc on October 17, 2012

Among the state’s biggest cities, several sprawling Dallas-area suburbs tallied the highest rate of requests to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott last year to keep government information secret, according to a recent examination by the Center for Public Integrity.

The probe examined the number of attempts by the 20 largest Texas cities to block public requests for information in 2011, then looked at how those numbers stacked up for each city, according to the rate of requests per 100, 000 population. The “winners” were not the state’s biggest cities. McKinney had the highest rate of requests asking that Abbott allow the withholding of documents sought by citizens under the Texas Public Information Act. Next up were McAllen, Garland, Mesquite, Plano and Arlington. Fort Worth was ranked eighth and Dallas ninth, giving the Fort Worth/Dallas metroplex seven of the top 10 in the rankings.

The investigation also looked at the cities’ batting averages in getting their requests approved by Abbott’s office. McKinney won full or partial approval to withhold information in 95 percent of its cases; most of those requests were partially approved, meaning some information did have to be released. (read rest of article, see above)
For the city of McKinney, most submissions to Abbott’s office last year involved police records, though some dealt with general city business, said city spokeswoman Anna Clark.

“Particularly for the police side, an overabundance of caution is definitely practiced, ” Clark said, explaining her city’s top ranking based on requests per population.

Clark said the city of McKinney was already looking for ways to handle public information requests more efficiently, and will now consider the Center for Public Integrity’s findings. (read rest of article)

McKinney, US
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Sep 02, 2014 2:57 am EDT

have to agree. The McKinney PD are as corrupt as they come.
My son has had more than one run in with them. On one occasIon, after being placed in handcuffs, he was led to the BACK of the squad car and assaulted by two officers!
On another occasion, he was called a picee Of excrement!
It does no good to complain to anyone about It, they aren't going to do anything about it.
I have lived in McKinney for 30 years, and I've grown to absolutely HATE the police department here.

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Mar 06, 2015 8:51 am EST
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I was at a restaurant with friends and having dinner. I had two glasses of wine and requested a designated driver to take me home. As the vehicle pulled into my neighborhood it broke down. I decided to walk to the house (less than a 100 yards) of the vehicle to get help. I was stopped by patrolling Collin County sheriff's department (McKinney). I explained to them what happened, pointed to the vehicle, pointed to my driveway, showed them a receipt for $36 dollars from the restaurant and was arrested for public intoxication regardless. They could have watched me walk into my house and they decided to arrest me. I have never been in trouble in my life, I have never even received a speeding ticket. I was very cooperative and started crying. I was put into a holding cell for more than 15 hours. The charges were dropped/dismissed but my mugshot was published all over the internet effecting my financial career and family's wellbeing. I was told by prosecution that dropped all charges that the sheriff's department has minimal training with public intoxication - almost none meaning its a judgment call. If they like you, they can assist you home. If they don't, you go to jail. Prosecution felt it was because I lived in Stonebridge that I was harassed by the officers.

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May 04, 2016 1:16 am EDT

I have been here my whole life (45 years) and arrested a dozen times or so by mckinney pd ! I have met Cisneros and arrested by him before . He is by far one of the most professional officers anywhere ! I'm proud to have him in my city . Can you imagine if mckinney pd was nothing but officers like the people on this post ? Cry babies and [censored] ! If you had problems with this man you earned it end of story ! Try being honest with cops and stop telling the story how you want to believe it not how it is and see the results. Kinda like when u go to the Dr and don't give him all the details of how you feel so you get the wrong meds, well that don't make him a bad Dr it makes you a stupid patient. Cisneros needs to stay and you whining ltitle girls need to go back where you came from . If you want to see bad cops go to grayson county!

McKinney Businesd Owner
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Oct 01, 2016 9:02 am EDT
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I am a business owner in McKinney. When one of my employees left in June, she deliberately deleted company files created since 2008. I called the MPD and they just sent a patrol cop. When this cop got here, he only spoke to my emoplyee who is white (I am Asian). I told him I was the owner and was the one that called in the thief and vandalism. Guess what, he said it didn't matter. He didn't have to talk to me. Then my case was given to 'detective' Garcia who simply called and said I had no case! He didn't even bother to interview the employee that I reported. He said DA would never take my case. Then few months later when I contacted him to let him know that this person admitted deleting files to her attorney who had it in writing. He again was so lazy and said I have to case. Told me to take it to civil court. I find this particular 'detective' to be not only lazy but racist as the patrol cop that came by. I personally do know other MC police officers that are honest and upstanding. Anyway, for anyone that owns business in McKinney...good luck. If you ever have employees commits a crime against the company; you will be ignored!

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Dec 07, 2021 12:28 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I sent a complaint to the McKinney PD about a psychopathic bully lawyer in the Plano PD named Jason Jares, who was arrogant enough to speed on his motorbike on video and then upload it to the Internet and I asked them to punish the lawyer for his crime or traffic violations. The McKinney PD just ignored my message which will be added to the end of this post and blocked my email address. The USA is a corrupt, backwards country where positions of importance like the police station are dominated by psychopaths and narcissists, subhumans who have brains wired more like reptiles' and this country is going down the tubes as a result:

Hello, I saw a video of Plano police lawyer Jason Jares speeding and rolling through stop signs in McKinney, here:
Sadly, after I messaged the chief of Plano police about this, the video was privated, but fortunately, a Good Samaritan archived the video, so it can be seen here:[protected]/
The video was uploaded Nov. 8, 2020, according to Youtube. Plano police employee Jason Jares does 70 MPH on a 40 MPH street about 4 minutes into the video for example. Please let me know if the McKinney PD will punish this guy for his crime. The extreme arrogance he shows by speeding on video and then uploading it while being a member of the police department, indicates that he has a psychopathic or criminal personality.

george bush2
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Dec 07, 2021 12:41 am EST

bix nood ooga booga bix nood ooga booga bix nood ooga booga bix nood ooga booga

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Dec 07, 2021 12:50 am EST

I sent a complaint to the McKinney PD about a psychopathic bully lawyer in the Plano PD named Jason Jares, who was arrogant enough to speed on his motorbike on video and then upload it to the Internet and I asked them to punish the lawyer for his crime or traffic violations. The McKinney PD just ignored my message which will be added to the end of this post and blocked my email address. The USA is a corrupt, backwards country where positions of importance like the police station are dominated by psychopaths and narcissists, sub-humans who have brains wired more like reptiles' and this country is going down the tubes as a result:

Hello, I saw a video of Plano police lawyer Jason Jares speeding and rolling through stop signs in McKinney, here:
Sadly, after I messaged the chief of Plano police about this, the video was privated, but fortunately, a Good Samaritan archived the video, so it can be seen here:[protected]/
The video was uploaded Nov. 8, 2020, according to Youtube. Plano police employee Jason Jares does 70 MPH on a 40 MPH street about 4 minutes into the video for example. Please let me know if the McKinney PD will punish this guy for his crime. The extreme arrogance he shows by speeding on video and then uploading it while being a member of the police department, indicates that he has a psychopathic or criminal personality.

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Dec 07, 2021 12:55 am EST

I sent a complaint to the McKinney PD about a psychopathic bully lawyer in the Plano PD named Jason Jares, who was arrogant enough to speed on his motorbike on video and then upload it to the Internet and I asked them to punish the lawyer for his crime or traffic violations. The McKinney PD just ignored my message and blocked my email address. The USA is a corrupt, backwards country where positions of importance like the police station are dominated by psychopaths and narcissists, subhumans who have brains wired more like reptiles' and this country is going down the tubes as a result.

plano, US
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Nov 12, 2022 2:49 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Government work in America is daycare for Dunning-Kruger sociopaths.