Hi I've been using your site for many years now and over time, fraud page pops up after I accidently clicked on some link. But now I'm banned forever and megapersonals keep on saying I'm fraud when I'm not. Bots have been triggered. I've tried creating new accounts using new email addresses and still it gets denied. Can you please help me open up my account that has email [protected]@gmail.com please? I sent verification. I've used the same pics but also new ones too. What do u suggest? Me using the same old pics over and over again? Or new ones? Or u will say I'm fraud. Please help me restore my account. And there are plenty of other one big agency that creates multiple accounts so they can get all the views. But those pics they put on aren't the actual girl but are bought from a personal photographer. So please help me out. I have to pay my bills and other sites are bringing less and less traffic . Please respond. Thank u. 🙏
I've had used the same pics of myself over time and with multiple phone numbers because a new law has passed if I send over 300 texts a day, it can spam block me. And many competitors use their clients and friends on purpose to do that daily to have me unable to work. I work alone and independently while other girls have agencies with drivers who scam and steal clients money and run away all the time. Please help me. I'm real. My drivers license shows for it. And my pics are real. Should I just use the same pics all the time so u don't think I'm fraud? Lol help me please. Please reply. I can show u more proof I am real.
I think what truggered the bots was i bpught a new phone 2weeks ago and i started log in from both phones. So maybe you though i was a fraud. Can you please look into it? I log in using 2 phines now, not one. Please unblock me.
I've used multiple emails everytime I got flagged. Can you please unblock all these ? [protected]@gmail.com, [protected]@yahoo.com, [protected]@yahoo.com,
Please unblock me. I'm not fraud. Please reply. Help me. Thank u . I appreciate.