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MFG review: Billed my credit card without authorization! 46

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12:00 am EDT
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I don't even know who or what this company is or does. I received unauthorized charges billed to my credit card this month and when I call the number they've provided all you ever receive is "I'm sorry you've reached us after hours." I'm not sure when they actually work but I know I want these charges removed from my account immediately!

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Rachel Graham
Mar 31, 2007 5:14 am EDT

MFG - The same exact thing has happened to me. I guess they think that since it's only a $9.xx charge that no one will put in the time to get it credited back, but if they do it enough times, they will make lots of money. I don't know what to do, but somethings got to be done!

Apr 04, 2007 11:57 am EDT

I also received a charge for $9.xx on my credit card from MFG! Has anyone been able to figure out what this company is. I have been told be the bank they have something to do with advertising and that they are out of Miami Florida

Irvington, US
Feb 20, 2017 11:09 am EST
Replying to comment of Eric

It's the same number that pops up on tv when I saw it it said it's for a dental plan

Don Mohr
Apr 09, 2007 12:25 pm EDT

I got the same charge, $9.25 on 3/28/07. The customer support number [protected] will always tell you that you have called after business hours. This number will also allow you to select an instant credit card refund if you will enter your credit card number to their automated system - YAH! I got you credit card bank to remove/dispute the charge. Now they have to provide backup data to support the charge or I get the money back.

Bill Orfitelli
Apr 11, 2007 2:43 pm EDT

Same thing, charged on 3/3/07. VISA wants to re-issue my card for this. I think this company has a great scam going. The phone number on my bill is [protected], but same automated message.

April Fitch
Apr 19, 2007 8:22 am EDT

I too received this charge from MFG. Has anyone found out anything on them? Or how to get the charge removed? I was billed $9.xX on 4/2/07.


Apr 20, 2007 5:09 am EDT

Hey, I'm a daring guy, so I called the number [protected] and I did the automated credit thing and entered my credit card when prompted. The message said I will receive a credit within 3 to 4 business days. I will post a follow up to let you know if this was successful or not.

Apr 20, 2007 10:32 am EDT

Reported to my Credit Card Company. Who immediately refunded charges. After calling, I also received the GENERIC answering service with they are past operation hours at 1:20PM EST. Hmm.. Florida is EST as well! Not only that they only give you (2) options. Billing and Customer service. One option is to enter your Card Number for a "Instant refund!" Recommend that no one does that. Why would that even be an option for a real company? SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! Recommend that any and all affected call your BANK and re-issue a new card account! Good luck.

Apr 20, 2007 2:34 pm EDT

I just discovered I had the $9.25 charge on my debit card from the same outfit. I immediately contacted my bank and they canceled my debit card and are issuing me a new one.

Apr 21, 2007 3:15 pm EDT

Same thing for us on 4/9/07 - same phone number - same 2 options for automated billing and customer service. What a pain to now have to get a new debit card. What is odd is that I NEVER use my debit card online. I can't figure out how they got it. I can't speak to my bank until Monday. These scams suck.

Apr 22, 2007 6:21 pm EDT

Just following up from my previous post. I did the automated credit thing when I called their number and I just received the credit back to my card today for $9.25. Will keep monitoring it though in case I see some other bullcrap charges come through.


Kevin Swan
Apr 23, 2007 3:08 pm EDT

Similar MFG experience here. My bank posted a $9.25 withdrawal on 4/18/07. After checking within the family to see if anyone else may know what the charge was, I called the number on Friday evening or Saturday. I got the same bull***t recording and figured I try on Monday. But Saturday evening I received a $9.25 deposit back into my account! This was without me leaving any credit card number. It was almost as if they refunded the money because I called from my home phone and they matched the caller ID up to my account?

Today I contacted my bank and asked if they could check with their security department. They called back and all that they could tell me was that it was for "advertising services". Guess I'm going to have to cancel our cards again! CRAP! What a PIA! Damn Scammers!

Apr 24, 2007 1:31 pm EDT

Just got this crap on my Wachovia check card.

Wachovia so far has been no help - they can't get through to the department that handles this stuff. They ended up giving me a number, [protected], that just rings for about a minute after you press the option to speak with someone and then tells you to try calling back later.

Great job, Wachovia.

Apr 24, 2007 6:52 pm EDT

Did any of you buy from right before this charge appeared? My credit card company claims it is a part of Amazon's charges. I'm going to try to find out from Amazon.

Apr 25, 2007 9:42 am EDT

I really really doubt this has anything to do with Amazon.

#1 why are the charges not in Amazon's name? Who the hell is "MFG"?

#2 why doesn't anybody human ever answer MFG's telephone?

#3 why are all the charges for exactly $9.25?

You know what I think this is? This is a salami scam with some thick slices. It's a well-known fact that the Secret Service will not investigate credit card fraud unless the amount is significant. They won't bother for $9.25.

But you take that $9.25 and multiply it by hundreds or thousands of credit card accounts and it is a SIGNIFICANT amount of money for the crooks responsible.

I finally got ahold of Wachovia's fraud department. They cancelled my card (since the number has obviously been compromised for MFG to be able to bill to it), refunded the money, and are going to send me an affidavit to fill out along with a new card.

Apr 26, 2007 6:46 am EDT

This is a scam... Call your credit card and get a refund and a new card. Once you start to deny the charges they will sell your card to some else and you will get new charges from them.

Apr 27, 2007 7:18 am EDT

Same thing happened to me on my Omega Check card. Unauthorized Charge to my debit card for $9.85 on [protected] listed as 'BIT BIT [protected] CA'. Called my bank, and they couldn't trace anything, just told me I should cancel my card and get a new one, as they too thought the transaction looked suspicious. I, too, called the number and option '1' To speak to a customer service rep... well they were always busy according to the message and i was told to try again later. option '2' was for billing and i was prompted to enter my credit card for instant credit back to my card! Well, i didnt' enter my card number... especially after reading this thread.

P Trower
Apr 30, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I have also had these charges on my card. $9.25, to be exact. Any luck on who these jerks are? the number the bank gave was the same as others have got, with the same recording.

Manorin Sieng
May 01, 2007 1:05 pm EDT

My God i though I was the only one... Reading this it only seems like only bank cards have been scammed. Heres a List of online retailers i shopped at within the past year. See if you have any in common... I doubt that this was done through stolen card info but its worth investigating.

May 03, 2007 3:04 pm EDT

Another victim right here !

Tran Post
Date Date Reference Desc. Amt.
04/23 04/24 24493987113207879300504 BIT [protected] CA $9.85

This is on my Visa. I'm about to call my bank. Hope I won't get the run around.

Joanne McClernan
May 04, 2007 7:17 pm EDT

I just had this same thing happen to me! I had a charge for $9.25 out of nowhere so I decided to call my bank. They didn't know where the charge came from so they gave me the number that was there. It was the [protected] number, and I also have a Wachovia checking account. After getting the same message and I actually entered in my credit card numbers like an idiot, I called the bank back and they cancelled my debit card and are sending me a new one and put in a fraud claim. Then I also called my credit card company and had them cancel my cards and issue me new ones since they have those numbers now. It really is a pain and I don't know how these people are getting our information, but it seems like it's happening to a lot of Wachovia customers.

Manorin Sieng
May 05, 2007 1:42 am EDT


I'm a B of A Customer... So lets not Blame Wachovia,

but I filed a Fraud Claim on May 1st with them and B of A has credited my account as of May 2nd. Now as of May 3rd MFG has ALSO credited my account. They both are called Temporary credit Adjustments in the Amount of $9.25, and these are posted transactions and not pending.

What is odd is that I DID NOT ask or Contact MFG for a refund..maybe my bank did... and Also My check card has been canceled since the first so any Debts or credits to my Account wont go through.

I'll figure this out with my bank in the morning

Vincent Corbett
May 09, 2007 8:14 am EDT

This sounds like a pretty successful scam. I got hit yesterday with the same amount of $9.25 and I have no way of stopping it other then being issued a new card. It's almost as if these guys are picking random numbers out of the sky and hoping it matches someones credit card #. After all there's enough cards out there that it wouldn't be hard to do. Well I got go and call my bank. GOD DAMN SCAMMERS!

May 10, 2007 5:18 am EDT

I got hit with a charge for $9.80 on Saturday from "COS". I don't even know who the heck that is. I called Wachovia and they gave me the following number [protected]. It has the same two options the rest of you have mentioned: customer service and billing support. Customer service is always after hours and billing support offers and instant credit card refund. All you have to do it enter your credit card number. Obviously, I hung up and called Wachovia to cancel my card. What a load of crap!

Michelle H.
May 10, 2007 4:23 pm EDT

Ok, I got scammed by BIT in CA for $9.85. I called my bank, Wells Fargo, and they are issuing me a new card... I will be closing my account. I NEVER buy anything online... The only thing I have ever done is pay for school online. What is this bogus stuff? How did they get our information?

Jeremy Buseman
May 12, 2007 6:46 pm EDT

I received the same charges from MFG for $9.25. No idea what card they charged to. After reading this I called the number and tried the option for refund and it said my card wasn't in their database so I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens. Maybe they'll refund the money and I won't need to be concerned anymore. I can't file with my back for another week as I'm on a business trip and need to go to a local branch to fill out the paperwork. I'll be taking a copy of this site with me as it's the only reference to this transaction I can find.

Jeremy Buseman
May 12, 2007 6:50 pm EDT

Curious, anyone here stayed at a hotel recently? Never had this happen until now and it just crossed my mind that the charge came up 2 days (processing time) after making my trip.

Andy from MI
May 14, 2007 6:46 am EDT

Hit for the same $9.25 charge from "MFG MIAMI FL US". No idea where it came from. I am careful with my card so I'm not sure where they got the number. Called bank, canceled card, waiting for credit back to my account, What a pain.

May 14, 2007 8:07 am EDT

Got scammed here too. How did they get my debit card # ? $9.25- MFG

May 15, 2007 10:59 am EDT

Same thing with me! $9.85! I'm calling my local media to see if they can uncover this sh**! I too shopped at and within the last few months!

Debbie Cogswell
May 16, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I was billed on my credit card an amount of $9.25 that was not authorized by this company. MFG Telephone # [protected]. When called a prerecorded message.

May 16, 2007 5:46 am EDT

I got nailed with this 9.80 charge by COS with the [protected] number too on 5-8 - 07 as well! I can't believe it! I am on my way to the bank to dispute the charge and get a new debit card.

I just can't figure out how they got my number.

May 17, 2007 7:34 am EDT

Same Scam. RBS showed COS charging 9.80 on 4/17/2007. The [protected] number is on the details page. I googled it and this page was the first hit. I don't use this card much, and the most recent was at the Wendy's drive through. I hope the kid was not using a scanner, but if she was, it will be found pretty quickly now. I also used one web merchant, but it was this week. I was looking for his post to clear when I noticed the fraudulent charge from a month ago. Thanks for this web page!

Manorin Sieng
May 20, 2007 1:06 am EDT

MFG refunded my money within two days after Bank of America contacted them...

End of story... for me... But i do think that the way this is happening is that they are just hitting the credit card system with random numbers until they get a transaction approved... If you think about it they get to keep peoples money for about a week before they have to give it back... so a lot of things can happen... Interest on a million dollars isn't too bad...

"Credit Card Spam"...Is what this should be called...

May 20, 2007 3:02 am EDT

Hi everyone,

MFG = manufacturing. Very odd, If I were a victim I'd sue.

May 20, 2007 7:31 pm EDT

I just notice this on my online bank transactions... has anyone actually figured out who these people are?

POS Transaction 9.85 BIT [protected] CAUS

I call it and get the same as everyone else but, didn't want to enter my cc number.

May 22, 2007 1:22 am EDT

I just noticed the same thing has happened to me. I bank at a relatively small credit union and this amount came off of my debit card that I dont even use. My online statement says 5/17/2007 ($9.20) VISA 0515 YES [protected] CA. So I called the number and received the same pre-recorded message as everyone else. I currently work the night shift so I guess I will have to stay up and call the credit union and have my card cancelled just incase. I hate scammers.

Robert Adams
May 23, 2007 10:38 pm EDT

BIT [protected] CA 05/21 05/23/2007 Pending ($9.85)

Same problem, mine's pending as of this post, but I'll be speaking with my Bank (UMB) tomorrow.

Robert Adams
May 24, 2007 8:36 am EDT

The number [protected] is sold to the scammers by Broadwing Communications/IXC Long Distance which is part of Level3 now. I called them at [protected] and the lady says they'll get the number shut down, but she wouldn't give me the name of the company operating the number. Lot of good that does, they'll just use another number/carrier and continue ripping people off.

My Bank will fix the charge and issue me a new card, so I'll live.

Robert Adams
May 24, 2007 8:43 am EDT

The Bank could tell me the name of the company running the scam was Advertising Services. That's a little vague for tracking down don't you think?

May 24, 2007 4:15 pm EDT

They got me too..