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MissTravel review: Stay away from this one 13

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10:24 am EDT
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This site caters for "generous" men who travel alone and need a companion for their travels. I joined it and posted photos. Several men contacted me, and they were "millionaires" who "travelled a lot". When I wrote back to them, they appeared to be some unemployed guys, who scraped to pay for this site and write to women. All wanted to travel to Paris, if you travel a lot, why have not you been to Paris? Funny, right? The next day when you reply to them they change their income from a "millionaire" to "won't tell". A couple of men came to my city and requested me as a guide, and talked as I already agreed to show them around and accommodate them, because they paid the site!

One "millionaire" said that he rented a very little place with a dirty staircase, and that he wanted to cook his own breakfast and couldn't because he had only a pan with a hole, and could I bring a new one to our meeting? They contact you, and if you refuse, they abuse you. I was called names. Then they "report" you. And one day, the site wrote to tell that they deleted me. The next day they wrote to tell that they "reinstalled" me and asked me for more photos. I sent them more photos, and the next day, I was DELETED FOR GOOD! They just take your photos to create fake profile for these losers who pretend that they "travel" to somewhere. If you do travel, you won't find anyone real there, the real people are deleted, and if you are a woman, you won't find anyone, because there are only losers, living in a fantasy land.

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Oct 09, 2012 11:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am a male member of I cannot speak for the validity of other male members but I am a legitimate member seeking travel companions. I post my income correctly and state clearly that I will pay for all travel expenses. I have already had several successful trips with members from this site and expect to many more in the future. I provide a photocopy of my passport for every possible travel companion to verify my identification. I am sorry for your negative experience but there are bad people on every dating/travel site both male and female.

Los Angeles, US
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Oct 10, 2012 12:22 am EDT

I'm a female member of the site. Personally I travel a lot but I never travelled in luxury and I mostly travel alone. Thus, my choice in signing up to either meet other solo travelers or someone who could introduce the finer side of exploring the world to me.

I met someone from the site who had been scammed by an 'attractive' member because he transferred money to her account to buy a ticket to visit him in which she did not do. I believe he wasn't and isn't going to be only one to encounter such scams. Not that he cared much about the money, since the site encourages 'generous' males to sign up, naturally cost of the ticket wasn't the issue. It was the lack of honesty and the waste of time that irked. I think both males and females have the same chances of meeting nasty cheats out there in any mode of online dating or connections. This isn't the the only site that encourages dating and getting to know people over the internet. The bottom line is, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is. If you need to draw a clear line between a paid for blind date and a blind date, you need to know where your limitations are and what those stand for.

On the sideline, I have arranged to meet up with a member in his hometown but will be footing half of my own expenses because it's the most comfortable arrangement for us based on his past experience and I think it's worth it if you're a genuine traveller and not just some gold digger and if you already had plans to visit that country in the first place. On the other end of the spectrum however, I have also met someone who came to my town for work by chance and asked me out. I got to know him in person before making arrangements to travel together, which he was more than happy to cover all expenses and I'm more than happy to hang out with him again. I'm taking unpaid leave so that means I'm spending time as opposed to him spending money (which he obviously has more of than me) and this creates some kind of a balance. Again, different situation with a different take. I have also met someone who stopped over my town while on the way to another. I hosted him and that was kind of it. We exchanged contacts but there was no follow up to travel together and we're just email buddies. So sometimes it's just people passing by or finding new friends in the strangest of places and ways.

That being said It could work out in good ways or it could end up disastrous depending how net cautious and how well informed you are of the person you choose to meet with/spend money on. If a guy asks you to pay for his travels without even knowing him then surely that must ring alarm bells, as with the girls that ask to be taken for vacations when you haven't even met them. Men generally don't think the worst of us women, which is why they tend to get cheated monetarily more so than often. However for women it's the danger factor of meeting a serial killer/rapist that gives caution to take heed.

It's good to know you have an experience as such to share and to warn others of. It's also unfortunate that it happened to you and I feel bad that you had to go through it. All the best and I hope you meet some genuine travelers eventually!

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Nov 22, 2012 10:34 am EST

Does provide this service as well?

Sydney Metro Area, AU
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Mar 28, 2014 12:35 am EDT

I signed up for Miss Travel at the end of last year when I first heard about it mainly because I thought it was an interesting concept and what would be the harm in just signing up? I am so glad I took the chance and signed up because I have had nothing but positive experiences. Of course I have received many a wink, "profile favourited" and messages from men who are either not my type/I can see right through them and that I think they are either A: a fake. B: a scammer. C: a liar. D: a waste of my time. If you are smart, cautious and a touch sceptic plus good at doing your research you can easily sift through and weed out those sorts.

My first trip was with an absolutely lovely man in his early 40s from the US (Im in Sydney, Australia, 22, College grad). He invited me on a two week cruise from Florida to South America. He paid for my flights, two nights accommodation in Miami, the cruise and other bits and pieces throughout. We had communicated at first by emails, then a few phone calls and then Skype. I had absolutely no dread or uneasiness as I felt like we had already developed a great rapport and in a unconventional way..a friendship! We traveled to five South American countries in total and it was am experience I definitely couldn't of afforded myself.

My next trip was two weeks after I arrived back home in Sydney. I had been chatting with a business man who was also from my city and we had met up for a coffee (at the airport..ironic?) before he was due to leave for a two day trip to NZ. When he was back from NZ he had another business trip that he thought he could extend and make the most of if I wanted to join him. He was mid 40s, good looking for that age and had a really big sense of humor! I went with him for 5 nights to Kuala Lumpur before flying to Singapore for 3 nights and then back to KL for another 3 nights! During this trip we traveled business class (oh my god, I don't know at the time how I could ever go back to economy class!) we stayed at 5 star hotels, ate at amazing restaurants and drank expensive bottles of wine. You may be asking what is in it for him? And yes we did do that thing two consenting adults do in a bed, but it wasn't like it was expected (probably he was hoping I would feel that way) but it was just something that came naturally and in truth I was quite attracted to him, given the 20 year age difference this may surprise some but he genuinely was someone who had the same sense of humour as myself, was kind, caring, considerate and not a sleaze! He was polite, respectful, charming and if I were ten years older would be someone I would probably like to marry, in truth! During the days and into some evenings of our trip he did have business to do so I went and explored the city, camera in hand. I visited the Petronas towers, KLCC, the markets, Chinatown and lots of other fun places. He did give me $400 each day to "entertain myself" because he felt bad I was alone and because he cared about me having a great experience and trip. I actually preferred to explore by myself as I could do what I wanted when I wanted at my own pace. On the two occasions we did sight see together, I was lucky enough to receive a very generous gift in the form of a Prada Saffiano tote bag (from the Prada in the mall not a market stall haha ;) and a Marc Jacobs watch and flats. I truly felt like a princess on this trip!

We keep in touch via email and text message and he usually is all over the place (Asia/NZ/Sydney) for very short amounts of time so when he has a larger block of time to be able to travel somewhere for longer than his usual 1-3 days we are going to plan another trip. We have one planned for the beginning of next month to Thailand for a week :) I've been to Thailand a few times before so I am really looking forward to going back with such enjoyable company :)

The previous guy who I went to South America with has invited me to join him for a holiday at the end of next month to Europe. He wants to visit Italy, French Rivera, Monaco and Spain. I would absolutely love to go but we are still in the early stages of planning this out.

I think I have been very lucky with the two guys who I have met and travelled with as I know not everyone gets these offers. I'd just say do what feels right for you but make sure you are safe and know that the person you are talking to online is a genuine person!

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Sep 01, 2014 8:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with Obirmans firstly generated post!

So many fake profiles, if not also M.T's Facebook page, .. their all 9 times out of 10 non existant, cannot display their "friends" on individual profiles, and the names are down right 'WACK', yes I believe that the photos are stolen from us also..

Also, I have been reporting all of their fake-facecook-clones to facebook management; hopefully they will be able to see the huge trace of M.T's FRIENDS, and their friends of friends are FAKE ACCOUNTS trying really hard to look LEGIT

ITS DAY 2 FOR ME, and my profile is still 'pending' - CAN U BELEIVE IT!



M.T's a Manipulating website, risks criminal-Trafficking, AIDS, DEATH.. endless

...I mean Look at the dodgy, Obviously manipulating photo I found on their Facebook 'Timeline'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Sep 01, 2014 8:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with Obirmans firstly generated post! SO GLAD TO LOOK UP THINGS AFTER I HAD MY OWN 'HYPE'...

So many fake profiles, if not also M.T's Facebook page, .. their all 9 times out of 10 non existant, Friends list is HIDDEN with some stupid Graph... THE FAKE FB- PROFILES ALL HAVE FAKE "FRIENDS".. THEY ALL TRACE UP you'd be surprised!
More the-Obvious:: the made-up- names are down right 'WACK', yes I believe that the photos are stolen from us also..

Also, I have been reporting all of their fake- Facecook-clones to Facebook management; hopefully they will be able to see the huge trace of M.T's dudd- FRIENDS, and their friends of friends are FAKE ACCOUNTS trying really hard to look LEGIT

ITS DAY 2 FOR ME, and my profile is still 'pending' - CAN U BELEIVE IT!



M.T's a Manipulating website, risks criminal-Trafficking, AIDS, DEATH.. endless

...I mean Look at the dodgy, Obviously manipulating photo I found on their Facebook 'Timeline'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

View 0 more photos
Nina Garcia
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Nov 14, 2015 10:00 am EST

I love this site!
have been on MT for a couple of years (on and off)and I have had very nice experiences. I was invited to travel to many places with nice and generous members, we skyped many times to see if we were compatible and see if they were nice men, scammers or liars. You have to be careful and follow your "guts"
I'm traveling to Mexico again in 2 months with a man from that site, we often skype and he already sent me the flight tickets.
FYI, I am in my early 50's, not only girls are invited to travel.
I am really happy and thankfull to MissTravel!

Warren Yake
Warren Yake
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Jul 16, 2017 12:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi Nina:
I also like this Site.
As in any Population, there are those who see an opportunity to deceive.
As a former Criminal Attorney, perhaps it is unfair for me to suggest that the "Nay-Sayer's'
herein have rushed to Judgement in Negativity.
However, no setting makes love easy.
People are People, with all of the fallacies and flaws.

I enjoy this Site.
There are no Illusions.
But it is not all that Difficult to Spot the Frauds.
And I have met a Wonderful Lady or two on this Site.
True, there may be Baggage.
Equally True, even the most forward and transparent of us may not see our own
But there is Sincerity here.
You just have to be Sincere too.

Thank you for your Opinion.


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Mar 09, 2017 4:54 pm EST

I’m just a normal guy with a good head on my shoulders. Had a fabulous experience with a wonderful younger woman. I looking forward to booking my next trip. However, don’t be an ###, use your head when sifting through the offerings. I had a gorgeous woman wink at me yesterday, we talked in the phone and she was awesome. I went to look at airfare and shared what I found with her. She didn’t want to fly Spirit nonstop, she wanted Delta which was 50% more, it made me think. I googled her and found an arrest record for prostration. The trip I planned was to Vegas and the entire idea gave me cold feet as it relates to her. Use your head and think. BTW her name is Jana Zinkel from GA.

Warren Yake
Warren Yake
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Jul 16, 2017 12:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Dships

Good Call. Be Cool. Use your Head Son. Move on to the Honest Girls. Take your Time. Breathe. (-:

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May 22, 2017 11:14 pm EDT

Forget for a moment that most the women on there (can't speak for the men) are fakes and scammers with stolen pictures, fabricated home cities, and who are only interested in getting your credit card number - the surprising part is that the site barely works these days. Last search I ran showed a 25 year old who it reported "last logged in 73 years ago." It included a dozen women supposedly from Peru, IL and Lima, Kentucky that only speak Spanish. I've revised my profile a dozen times but it refuses to list me as "looking for a traveling companion" - on a supposed travel companion website! The last Trip I posted there reported that seven women were interested in going but it would only show me two of them. Just too many more problems to list here. PS. I'm a paying member and although most of the time they keep saying the issues are on my end, I've tried it on several platforms, with the latest OS and several different browsers.

Alicia Walcott
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Aug 15, 2017 1:40 am EDT

I've been on the site for a couple months and I have yet to meet a real guy who isn't aggressive or isn't a scammer. I can't speak for the women, my experience has been solely men as a woman wanting to travel.

That Girl Bella
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Sep 11, 2017 10:20 am EDT

I have been on this site for about a month and I couldn't agree more.
I have been contacted by numerous guys but so far they have all been scammers trying to get sensitive information off of me, or if not scammers then aggressive men with an awful attitude. Even the men I didn't wish to chat with so politely declined their offers would usually be rude and then block me.

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