This company sells Fake designer Merchandise and qurantees they are 100% Authentic. They are NOT. They are high prices fake bags. DO NOT let them tell you any different. I purchased a Fendi Bag from this Company. When I received the bag as soon as I pulled it out I knew it was a fake. I only carry Authentic Designer merchandise and know what to look for. First off the Leather was the wrong color and not of the same quality. Every Authentic bag comes with an authentication card and a small brochure about the bag or designer that is in a little card. even if the brochure isnt in the bag for some reason, the authentication card is. The Authentication card will NOT be blank it will have detailed information about the bag on it. Theirs was Blank. On the inside tag there should be a Hologram authentication seal on the tag. You should not be able to easily peel this off. There should also be a seriel Number on the tag under the Hologram. (The hologram is for Fendi, Roberto Cavali. Gucci and Louis Vuitton does not have this) Also There Is NO Stamped leather tag with a bunch of numbers stitched into the side or bottom of the bag. Do not let this company fool you. Do not let them tell you it is an imperfect bag. Even inperfect bags have the same identification as perfect bags as well as The same quality materials. Most flaws with an imperfet bag can not be noticed with an untrained eye. I sent the fake bag back and have been having a HARD time trying to reach someone by telephone and getting my money placed back onto my credit card. When I emailed the company i did get a response but they were very rude and defensive when i told them the bad was not real. They tried to tell me i need to be educated on Authentic Merchandise. I explained to them how I have purchased several Authentic bags and the flaws with their fake bag that allows me to know it was a fake and they told me I should have purchaded the bag from Fendi. Then they go on to say the bags are 100% Authentic they are just imperfect bags that the manufacturer didnt send to retailers. ###! I told them it was nonsense because I have purchased imperfect designer bags and I have purchased the real bag from Fendi boutique in NYC as i should have in the first place but was trying to save a couple dollars. I then Proceeded to compare my Authentic Bag to their Fake bag with out giving too many details so they cant try to copy and they sent me another email telling me that my email was disturbing and they will give me my money back because they dont want to deal with me anymore. LOL"! I bet they dont want to deal with me because I called them out on their scam! I have got my credit card company involved just incase they they try something shady and return my money. This is headache I could have and should have avoided by just purchasing from a reputable company. If the price is too good to be really is. Please do not buy form this company unless you want to spend almost 400.00 on a fake bag. It is a scam. The only ploace you can get discount authentic designer bags from online so far is and you will see the price difference. Even they cant sell a 1000.00 designer bag for less than 950.00. Other than that stick with SAKS Fifthe Ave, Neiman Marcus, Norsdtrom, Bloomingdales and the Specific designers Boutique. Be careful and be educated.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Did you file charges against them?
Just tried to fix a messenger bag I purchased at a Prada retail store. After it was sent out, it came back as not real!
A fancy looking FAKE! MODA QUEEN sells fakes at a high price!
I purchased a PRADA handbag and verified its authenticity, they sell authentic PRADA
I have purchased from them before and the PRADA handbag was authentic, and I had no problem with customer service.
I not only received a fake bag (prada) and returned it, but the seller convinced my bank that I never sent it back, and even though I have the tracking no and proof from emails, chase never contacted me in time and is saying it is still going on my the scam artist wins for now. I am planning on contacting authorities. I am now out of the money and return shipping...DO NOT ORDER FROM MODAQUEEN
These people are selling fakes, I got taken with a fake Prada. The Prada store sent it o NYC trying to help me and it came back confirmed to be a fake using a totally random authentication card. When I talked to someone at ModeQueen, she slipped and said " everyone knows they are fake". Then when I challenged their use of false and misleading advertising they sent me another fake bag. I was so disguised with getting taken that I can't even use the bag. Never buy on the Internet unless you know the company...sad, but too many scams out there...I think ModeQueen should be sued and shut down!
What about ?
Hey everyone, unfortunately I ordered a prada wallet. They emailed me and asked to send them a copy of my passport and my Visa card copy. Then I realised this is seriously a biggest scam. Well I haven't. Received any wallet as yet. Next time I will never be ordering stuff on intranet I guess. Great lesson learnt.
I'm a regular customer of Moda Queen for many years and i've purchased different designer brands from them. They answer emails the same day usually. There are lots of companies on the internet that email or call to ask for various documents and that's to verify the customer's identity, I know and I don't mind that, to me it shows they take my security and theirs seriously, so that is not a scam. I've always received what i've ordered quickly and most of my shopping is done on the internet, great way to save money and to buy stuff that is not available where you live. Look up how long they have been online, 8 years, that's saying something, so I don't question their validity.
Bought a Prada messenger bag and has been confirmed FAKE. All the parts that were supposed to be leather were not especially the straps for the buckles. Brought it to Prada boutique and confirmed fake! Such a waste of money...
I've purchase a PRADA bag from them, a month later the "P" letter from the logo fell off. I've contacted them and took them a month to send me a RMA to get it exchanged. The second bag came and guess what...the letter "P" fell off in a couple of weeks. Again emailing back and forward with them for weeks until they told me I could send it back for an exchange.
Soon after they've received the bag, their site seemed offline and no emails were answered. Two month later, someone replied saying that the company was sold and they were taking care of all customers. They asked me AGAIN for all the information about the bag, promised me that they will send me a new bag and never heard back from them.
Not sure if they are fake or not (if they are fake, they are good ones because it's hard to find any sign otherwise) but their customer service has been horrible and will never buy from them ever again.