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Model Mayhem

Model Mayhem review: unprofessional mods 34

Author of the review
3:42 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Its a wannabee site run by wannabee people who dont know a Ralph Lauren cover model from a Miss Luzon 1972.

After contributing to the site for months and months, members are brigged without warning, shouted down by the mods and their henchmen, and banned by the site for such things as disagreeing with a mod, talking about matters that are relevant to the fashion industry and trying to give advice to people who want to get into the industry, all in the name of jealousy.

There is no stronger evidence of this than in messages sent by the mods and those who run the site which include gems such as "My Dad was a Top Official in Hong Kong", "I am an Engineer by profession" and "You need to Chill Down a bit".

If the site were actually run by working pros who know the modeling and fashion industry, instead of headstrong idiots who want to talk about their fathers, professions and otherwise display that they have no connection with the industry, perhaps it would be a better place to do business.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Peterborough, CA
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Apr 19, 2009 9:14 pm EDT

I got a complaint from the modulator on model mayhem. one model had posted a comment about another person on my profile as a tag. i felt that it was important to leave it up to warn other models about a photogragher who says inappropriate comments and who probably would do other bad things. I worked with that photogragher and i explained to the modulator the reason why i did not want to remove it even though i did not put it up on there. this photographer not only made inappropriate comments he was unprofessional on all levels. instead of the modulator telling me take the tag off and you can put " this person not recommeded" he just shut down my profile. also this modulator treated me without any respect and demanded that i do what he said. i didnt even know what i did wrong or why it was such a big issue. if he would have clearly told me the rules i would have taken off the tag and put " this person not recommended" but instead this modulator did not know what he was doing( did not provide adequate information about the rules of model mayhem) and acted unprofessionally and treated me without respect. i simply told the modulator that you shouldnt do what people tell you all the time and i think he would do the same as well. especially when i didnt know what i did wrong in the first place.

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Jan 23, 2018 1:06 pm EST
Replying to comment of a.m

i had the same problems there rude and fakes
i was shut down for no reason. bunch lies
i got a photo e mailed to me from a model on MM she told me its her at age of 15 totaly nude
i contacted MM and sent them the photo and the e mail
they did nothing but blame me it was child PORN they did nothing but blame me
that model is still on MM im not they closed me down for no reason. bunch [censor] fake scams

Gainesville , US
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May 24, 2009 7:36 pm EDT

these are the photo's I used

This is the exact conversation.

I have gone through all of the requirements and I meet every one. I am a photographer submitted 4 photo's 3 different models all taken by me Gave a valid to the point description of why I am on the site in my about me. I am not an agency or a website I am just a photographer starting out. I am even going for a paid account I am not doing anything wrong on your requirement list now I am confused.

May 24 09 03:18 pm

Please check here for the requirements.
The gatekeepers must have had an issue with your bio being about video or the image quality.
Add some more photos and press resubmit.

Imortalsaga Productions
May 24 09 03:20 pm
come on there is no way you can help me out. I have no way of knowing if I fill all of the requirements in the first place why I am still being told no.

Imortalsaga Productions
May 24 09 03:20 pm
ok thankyou

May 24 09 03:21 pm
As a modeling site, personal snapshots are unacceptable. We suggest you upload better examples of your work.

Imortalsaga Productions
May 24 09 03:31 pm
These are not personal snapshots they are actual paid jobs. unfortunately just starting out these are all I have and I got denied when I had the cleaned up shots up for try as well. I did fix the issue about the mentioning about my video and other services I provide to models. I tend to try for a more natural style instead of using a lot of artificial light I use what they already have to show there beauty.

Imortalsaga Productions
May 24 09 03:39 pm
ok then if you are not going to accept me you don't need to withdraw the 6 bucks for the first month and if you have I'm going to be needing it back this is just plain wrong. the photo's are the same resolution of all the others on your sight you just don't like the lighting.

May 24 09 04:06 pm
Your credit card is not billed unless you become active.

New York, US
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Sep 11, 2009 6:59 pm EDT

My account has been canceled with no warning whatsoever. Supposedly I abused the casting posting section by casting a production I'm working on with a friend, which according to them makes me scout. When I am clearly a well established photographer with a decade of full time experience. No explanation, no notification and no warning of any sort. Profile gone. Upon inquiring I received a quite rude response from one of the moderators and left it at that.

There was absolutely no conception of customer service, manners, logistics and proper handling of a small issue. It seems incomprehensible to me as to why the management of the whole site would be left in the hands of wanna be photo and model industry professionals who seem to have no training other than being unsuccessful disgruntled GWC photographers, horny male models and girls desperate to be in front of a camera.

Avoid this site like the pest. Eventually your experience will resemble the ones of so many others.

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Nov 29, 2009 5:25 pm EST

Model Mayhem Moderators are known univerally as a JOKE. People are brigged defending their position on their threads - by SLIMEBALLS that clearly break the rules but obviusly suck moderator DEEK. There are no rules to go by if you disagree with the looney left wingbags, any moderator, or any moderator dick sucker. There it is, in a nutshell. They ALSO favor hate speech and personal stalking against anyone who disagrees with their political agendas. YOU never find out which moderator brigged you - and it is at will. The site has lost MAJOR pro talent over the years - being stocked now with amateur porn photographers (tyler) and other idiots who wouldn't know a good photo if it slapped their momma. AMATEUR GWCs proliferater here, along with stupid "models" that are poser wannabees.

Orlando, US
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Apr 09, 2010 5:34 am EDT

moderators there im sure are only as bad as the perverts adn slimeballs that register for that place. the so call "photographers" there in general are all sleazy perverts who try to use women and pictures to get's a disgsuting business full of the biggest low lifes you can find... the moderators are probably just about as big of jerks as the arrogant classless photographers that sit around picking on women or models or people and think they are the best things when they are in fact the biggest pervs and jerks you will know

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May 17, 2010 1:32 pm EDT

ModelMayhem is awesome and is the best thing to happen to photographers and models since the invention of the camera!

Mesa, US
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May 31, 2010 11:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i agree so much with everyone here.
after being on mm for 5 years i stupidly asked a question in a forum and i was ripped to shreds by so called models and photographers.
i complained to a mod and they told me it was a waste of time to complain and report the offenders.
i deleted my own account after that
so i go on the bbb and this other complaint web site and i got attacked by a guy who called himself edgeman from chico
he said he was affliated with mm and saw my thread and said they didn't attack you, get over it.

i responded viciously back to him, whether he read it i'm not sure but i noticed anyone who said anything negative about mm he would tell them to shut up and get a lfe.
the only time he didn't write anything was when someone made a serious allagation about tyler the creator of the site.
he really didn't like it when i called everyone a wannabee and gwc's btw..

i have a right to my opinion and to be offended like anyone else. if they were attacked they way they attack everyone they would be screaming bloody murder.

i have worked behind the scenes in this industry as well as in front of the camera and i feel that unless you are modeling in a list magazines or walking the cat walk and you have photographed these evnts you are a low level " model/photographer"

i never was a professional model and never claimed to be. now i wish i had never gotten into this filthy biz in the first place.

it's actually made me physically sick since all this has happened this week.

they are godless losers who believe their own myth. a myth invented in their own heads. no one knows who they are !

so i support everyone who is honestly upset with modelmayhem.

i wish only good things for everyone and hope you all have moved on to better things.

mm is a joke...

Mesa, US
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Jun 01, 2010 1:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

you know i was naive, i really thought i could exercise my right to free speech, it's 2010 !

i never expected to get slammed, i now know better.

believe me i never loved them but now i hate them and i really don't want to hate anybody.

i'm hoping, for my health's sake, i'll get over this soon.


Mesa, US
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Jun 01, 2010 10:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i understand that now ! that is a perfect word !

hey brenda, remember when you wrote earlier that now i was being stalked? he just left me a long email saying he saw my yuotube and gave details on it and he saw my report on complaints board

he did what he always does, pick a part what i say and distorts it.

i know he will be reading this too ...

so how can i stop being stalked cyberly? do you know how ?

i'll give you my personal email ... it's so creepy...

thanks brenda !

Mesa, US
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Jun 02, 2010 12:02 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

thank you thnak you thank you brenda !

it's not in my blood to run either but i was thinking about just deleting all my accounts everywhere.

i will ignore him. i tried to talk with him but you know the saying ?

you cannot argue with a crazy person..

he left me another ugly message on [redacted] just now...

what kind of a world are we living in?


Mesa, US
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Jun 02, 2010 12:22 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

lol ! :)

Parsippany, US
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Jun 08, 2010 3:49 pm EDT

MM is a completely wasteland of perverted old men, NONE of which are professional. The moderators are dictator wanna-be's, because in the real world, they have no power or recognition.

I highly disagree with their policy of not allowing the models to let others know who is a rapist. Many of the "photographers" and I say that loosely, are only out to jump the models.

It is a very very dangerous website and the company that runs it, should be held responsble for the crimes that this site breeds.

IB is being sued by the founder for non payment, revelations of child porn and prostituion promotion are emerging, etc.

I was going to post images screen captured of their celebration of woman's abuse, suicide, drugs and toilet [censored]s, but felt this site wouldn't allow it.

And with that, the site is MOSTLY underaged teens.

Mesa, US
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Jun 08, 2010 6:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting this !

i knew it was awful site but didn't know how disgusting and evil even more so that it is ..

on one complaint site i know of, they have a troll from mm. he or she is ready to shoot you down with any complaints except any complaints about tyler, the creator of mm, why? i don't know.

again thank you for being brave and telling us what is going on because we need more people to warn the world about this gross site.

bless you !

Staten Island, US
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Jul 18, 2010 6:16 pm EDT

All women beware of "photographer" Mike Pagano and his "studio" on Staten Island, he is no more than your run of the mill pervert who gets his rocks off by pretending to be a photographer and getting young women to undress and pose naked for him.

Chicago, US
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Jul 27, 2010 12:48 pm EDT

From: "Mr David Bill"

Marshfield, US
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Aug 18, 2010 10:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ive got to disagree with you on this one. Ive been a Moderator on MM for close to two years (pretty much since Tyler sold it to IB).
We take a LOT of crap from people on a daily basis and we have rules in place to protect people. If we allowed more than "Do not recommend", there would be a whole lot of people spreading not true rumors about people out of spite. This ruins it for the others.
We upped the requirements, but people btch that the site is too hard to get on. We lower the requirements, and people btch that there are too many crappy portfolios.
Do you see where I am getting at? We cannot appease everyone. We try...but we cannot. The Moderators are just a set of volunteers who enjoy the site so much that we spend our free time helping out. We all started out as regular members first, remember that.
As for a forum "political" agenda? We have arguments about who has to deal with the Soap Box because nobody wants to. There is no hidden agenda. We may get snippy with people at times, but for cripessake...some people just need to have some friggin manners. After a while of being yelled at over and over and over again for the same things by people who choose not to listen or blatantly break the rules, you get sick of being nice. I think that people forget that behind the Avi's and the Moderator badge, we are still PEOPLE, just like them.
Ive got no problem posting in a thread when Im going to lock it. Ive got no problem with RCAMing people when they are in the wrong. I have nothing to hide. I am not ashamed to be a Moderator.
Out of all the literally THOUSANDS of members who enjoy the site day after day, there are only a few who are complaining. Unfortunately, the few who complain are usually the loudest, most demanding and uncooperative. If you have a problem with something, CAM it and discuss the situation calmly with us. Chances are, we can work something out and solve the problem peacefully.
Elle Vor der Strate

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Jan 23, 2018 1:11 pm EST

nice word from a mod you take alot CRAP shows your not a real mod and or a real honest worker and you dont know how to reply and run the web site

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Mar 08, 2011 11:37 am EST

After being on ModelMayhem for years and posting legitimate casting calls, I too was harrassed by one of the MODS on the site and page was eventually deleted. I had been posting legit castings that actually PAID for years and had even become a favorite amongst other models because I had connections on legitimate work, not just the perverted TFP scams posted by most of their weirdo photographers. I would never use that site again and hope it eventually goes down the toilet!

Plano, US
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Mar 17, 2011 8:37 pm EDT

I was a member of ModelMayhem for a few years, until last week. I had previously been brigged a few times (that is, prohibited from posting to the forums for a few days) because other people on the forum complained about my political and moral opinions. Last week, in Soapbox, I posted that I agreed with some of the comments of some Irish politicians. One member was angered by this and began posting challenges to me. He even linked to that thread in another thread in another forum that was discussing a completely different topic, in an effort to "expose" me. I pointed out that his behavior is bullying and he was in violation of several posted rules. He and others continued goading me to "stand behind" my comments made in Soapbox. The moderators resolved this issue by deleting my account.

Modelmayhem protects bullying and promotes high-risk sexual activities. It has several pro-homosexual members, who are doing their best to eliminate the presence of anyone who says anything negative about homosexuality, even if it is just a quote from the Centers for Disease Control.

Chesapeake, US
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Oct 26, 2011 10:33 pm EDT

I had recently attempted to create a Model Mayhem account as a Film/TV Producer. I did all that was required to be accepted for a membership. I changed my bio to reflect myself as an individual filmmaker, I listed credits of projects that I was involved in, and I even uploaded 4 screen shots from my projects and an image of a theatrical poster of one of my documentaries. My profile was still not approved, so I made my comments known to the moderators. They said that my profile doesn't make myself appear as an individual filmmaker, when my bio is clearly personal information about my videography career. They also said that one of my screen shots, an screen shot of a race car on a track from one of my videos, and they said it doesn't count because it doesn't have a model in it. I read their rules for membership, it said that 4 relevant photos to that specific type of profile are required, but nowhere on the entire site does it say that said images must have a model in them. Obviously, their moderators know nothing about the Film/TV/Video industry, not all projects will have models involved. They sent me an email stating that my membership application was denied because I did not meet the requirements, when I clearly did, and they also said that I was not eligible for re-submission. I tried to reason with their ridiculous rules, but their moderators pushed me to a point that I told them that they have official lost a professional client and that I guarantee that I WILL NEVER recommend their site to any of my fellow industry professionals. Model Mayhem is indeed a ridiculous joke!

Yonkers, US
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Jan 10, 2012 1:22 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

There is no moderation on that site. lol, to one of the moderators who say there is. It is the same people grouping together bullying others. But, since they have a million posts they get away with it. Too bad, I paid for my site they lost a customer and I would not ever work with a photographer, designer, artist who uses that site ever. It will be my first question. Thankfully, I do have those types of people I work with. Unfortunately, it isn't like they will disappear when they get paid to be there. But, when people tell one person it goes on and on to the next person. Find work else where, you don't need MM.

Yonkers, US
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Jan 10, 2012 1:41 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more, Diana Santisteban,, (, aka Star Foreman who works for magazines... Are all bullies. Why work with these people?

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Jan 18, 2012 11:29 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Today i made a mistake by creating a thread on MM simply giving a harmless opinion in a vented sort of way, just wanting to have a civil chat with others.. only to be ripped to shreds by photographers to the point of calling me names n saying horrible things.
How they work may be different to other places overseas but they didnt understand where i was coming from, i have closed my account now.

Orlando, US
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Apr 21, 2012 2:41 pm EDT

Modelmayhem is a total out of control joke, they delete professionals and force the models to work with non professional people that play by their bull ### rules. I think we should make an effort to get this site closed down it's not for the better interest of photography or modeling. bunch of ###s in power with way to much time on their hands

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Jun 10, 2012 6:37 am EDT

BAD BAD BAD! Thank god I discovered so much easier cleaner and better hopefully model fuse stays that way!

Bryant, US
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Jul 08, 2012 11:13 pm EDT

I recently attempted to create a photographer profile on Model Mayhem, but it was rejected because I don't have multiple models to post in my portfolio. The entire point of me joining MM was to find models to work with in order to build a portfolio; outside of that, it really has no use to me as I would direct potential paying clients to my own website/portfolio.

After reading the comments of others on this (and other) websites, I'm quite glad my profile was rejected. While I'm just getting started shooting female models, I'm already aiming to be much more than just a GWC. From what I've seen of MM, I believe I'll be better off seeking out potential models via word-of-mouth.

Las Vegas, US
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Mar 08, 2013 2:23 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had a similar situation to all of you. I was baited into a ban by the moderators in the forum. It was ridiculous. I'd like to invite all users to join a new site called

It's new and just starting out with not many users but if everyone who hates MM joins there, it could be quite the community. It has more features, the admins are more friendly, and it's totally free. Let's all do the modeling industry a favor and help grow that community.

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Feb 10, 2014 12:01 pm EST

I am a Investigative Photojournalist with National Investigative
Report. We are conducting a investigation on You are being contacted because your
listed as the contact person or company.

There has been issues raised about the web site and how
the "mods" handle issues. I am here to find out what the
real story is.

I would like to hear your side of the story and how this
has effected you business. Please contact me if you
have any questions. I hope to hear from your company

Rev. Russell
Investigative Photojournalist
National Investigative Report

Henry Rankin
Sacramento, US
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Jan 01, 2015 1:23 pm EST

As of 2014, the site had gotten even more heavy anded and disrespected toward users. They think nothing to obliterating work it took years of time and thousands of dollars to produce, canning users without warning for no good reason.

Libby Kime
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Aug 22, 2015 11:49 pm EDT

This happened a year ago now, but a man claiming to be and admin approached 16-year-old me, underage, and told me that if I didnt get naked on skype for him that he would get my account deleted. A few weeks later, my account was gone, even though didn't use it much anyway.

I am assuming that this was no coincidence and that one of the Administrators had actually done this.

I thought I would notify them that I have decided that if the situation isn't resolved that I am going to be talking to a lawyer, the police and pressing charges for sexual assault, blackmail and attempted soliciting of child porn. Here are screenshots from the conversation.

While I can't guarantee wether the site will be closed down or not, I will see to it that this pedophile is incarcerated.

nick l.
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Sep 17, 2015 9:35 pm EDT

Model mayhem is filled with a bunch of cheapskate photographers who would love nothing more than to take advantage of the a newbie model for their photos and not pay them making an excuse saying that they need more experience yeah right! Considering the fact that they keep all the photos and copyrights to them to use as they please they don't even want to pay what a joke of site. You can't get something for nothing these lunatics try to rip you off and not pay for your modeling and time. then some of them only give you 1 or 2 pics seriously the site is sick joke. One time showed up at a shoot some other dumb airhead model was like half an hour late and didn't even bring the proper attire so being the girl she is starts posing in a nothing but her bra pretending to be warrior princess. seriously?! lol I show up on time and this ugly asian girl gets compliments I guess cause she only posed in bra yet they were just disgustingly RUDE to me for no reason these sick loser cheapskate "photographers" are a bunch of cheap skate RUDE and selfish scammers on that site they waste your time and effort. They never want to pay if at all possible so glad I left that trashy site good for nothing website all the women on there looks like strippers and some even just do nude disgusting and the photographers are creeps and perverts never again!

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Mar 14, 2016 7:47 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I can't disagree with most everything I have seen above. One of the MM moderators seems to think TMZ is forbidden hard news, but referencing a decade old NYT article (a gold standard of journalism) supporting my opinion is "soapboxy", who will shutdown a model complaining about a scam, and yet ignore personal attacks, still allow suicide news, criminal identification, product rants and mindless drivel as perfectly fine discussion topics. Still, what can you expect from a volunteer moderator that seems to identify as a midwest college kid floater type whose passions seem to be video games and NBA basketball fandom rather than his education.

Ionut Antochi
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Aug 14, 2018 8:01 pm EDT

I wanted an accound as Digital designer - it is an option to make this type of account and I was treated very bad by Metro Glamour Studio moderator. Worst customer service ever. I can not imagine it can be something like this... Very bad experience...Not accepted my account without no explanation...

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Model Mayhem Category
Model Mayhem is ranked 5 among 64 companies in the Photography category