Anyone thinking of applying for a loan through YES LOANS i would strongly recommend that you think again!
I did and was told that i had been accepted and had to pay a fee of £69.50 for the paperwork and agreement so i did, i then found myself being transfered to a company called MONEY WORRIES, which is ironic actually as they are the ones you should be worried about!
They told me my credit card balances and other details that i had not disclosed and proceeded to rail road me into a debt management scheme that upon reflection a few hours later i decided that i didnt really need so after numerous attempts to contact themi finally got to speak to someone, somewhere in the origional conversation with them i was told i had authorised the person i was talking too debit the sum of £740.00 from my credit card to cover there fees and set up costs for the plan...some thing i know i did not say or authorise and i can believe they can do this without my signature or a signed agreement...after a very heated and abrupt conversation i demanded a refund and a few days later i recieved a letter in the post stating that my refund had been agreed and would be paid back onto my card in DUE COURSE!
There policy is to refund it within 28 days..funny how itdoesnt say this anywhere on the letter and it only took 2 days to debit it off my card!
Its day 35 now and ive just had yet another pointless conversation with one of the mindless, emotionless grunts that work in their offices asking where my refund is..and was subjected to yet another rude and insulting conversation with the tone being...well its just tough Mr Bennett you will get your money if and when we feel like it!
These people are a disgrace and i think its time to seek legal advice as they are nothing more than con men.
According to them my money is in an interest free account..yeah right...what they meant to say was that its in an account along with many other peoples money making them a load of interest and thats why i'm not getting it back.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
This company collected from my bank account and are refusing to refund even with four letters and ten phone calls, promising me we will put your money back in three days time. My money was taken by mistake and all I wanted for it to be deposited back the same way it was taken. I am at the moment not attending work due to no funds available to buy my ticket. Uptil today my money is still with them.
I had a conversation with one of the customer service advisors around the 23rd April 2009 to which I agreed to Money Worries handling my debts. I was advised that the paper work would be sent out to me shortly, which it was. But after receiving the paper work I decided that this was not the route I wanted to take so I tried to call Money Worries to cancel the process. As you can imagine I was on hold for ages which on a mobile phone costs a lot of money. I then tried again later, only to be on hold for ages again. So I decided to e-mail them at the e-mail address which is printed on their paper work [] (link: I clearly stated that I did not want to go any further and that could they cancel anything that had been set up. I had no response from this e-mail so a few days later I e-mailed them again. Still I had no response so I presumed that they just didn't respond to customers who no longer wished to use their services.
On the 26th May Money Worries took £80 from my account. I called them today to ask why they had taken this money only to be told that they had not received my e-mails saying that I wished to cancel and that I was now out of the 14 days and I would not be refunded the money. Admitedly I had had a couple of missed calls from an 01633 tel no, but I was unable to answer them at the time and every time I tried to call back the number it was just a tone. Apparently they had left voicemails for me, but today (27th May) has been the only occasion that I have had a voicemail from this company to which I responded. They advised that they had left voicemails on my landline, but I advised the customer service advisor on our first telephone conversation that although they could dial my landline, they were not working and I could not hear calls or check voicmails to which they advised that they had made notes of this on their system.
I forwarded the e-mails which I had sent to them on the 28th April & then again on the 30th April to cancel this set up, but when the manager called me back he swore blind that they had never received my e-mails, he'd checked it with his Admin Dept and that the e-mail address was working fine. Funny how they hadn't received my e-mails? He also claimed that anyone could change the date of a previously sent e-mail and that the proof that I had sent them didn't prove anything at all.
They have refused to refund my £80. During my conversaiton with the manager he also exclaimed that they were actually entitled to take the full £180 and that if I continued to argue with them then he would be forced to take the remainder £100. I advised him that he was now stepping into bribery to which he obviously denied. We continued to discuss the situation and he then once again reminded me that out of the goodness of their hearts they wouldn't take the remaining £100 from me, but that they could if I didn't accept them taking the £80. He was basically claiming that I should be happy that they've only taken £80 off me and think myself lucky! This call happened at around 3.52pm today (27th May 2009)
I have probably only touched the surface with what actually happened. I am so annoyed with them. I contacted them to get some advice on handling my money better and yes, initially I agreed for them to take over my debts so that I could have a bit more money each month to live on, but then cancelled the agreement and now they have taken £80 from me which is pretty much all I had left to live on for the next 3 weeks and they are refusing to pay my money back and basically accused me of not following their terms & conditions and of lying about the e-mails I sent. So much for trying to help you out financially!
I have advised Money Worries that I will be taking this further. They were very cocky about this and said I could take it as far as I like, but that they have done nothing wrong.
I have a complaint pending with Money worries for a refund for £350.00. I have left various messages for Hannah to call me back and she isn't returning my call. At the same time as my complaint to money worries I reported them to the financial Ombudsman. Money worries have until 2nd December to reply to my complaint otherwise the ombudsman will take it further on my behalf. Does anyone have another number for MW as I am alsways in a queue when I ring [protected].
what makes me laugh about this is you couldnt stay on the phone to cancel it with them but as soon as money was taken then you got through? Perhaps you should of stayed on the phone to cancel then your money wouldnt have been taken
i contacted moneyworries, through yes loans, they advised me they could recover money owed to me from loans or actually have them written off totally, i went through the whole procedure with them and then came the whammy, it will cost me £354 to set up the plan, i found this a complete disgrace so opted out, they took the money out anyway and ever since have refused to return any of it.PLEASE IF YOU READ THIS MESSAGE, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY, IT WILL COST YOU MONEY AND YOU WILL RESOLVE NOTHING AT ALL, LET MY LOSS BENEFIT OTHERS WITH THIS SCAM.
Hi, I've got into a similar mess by talking to yes-loans to get a loan. Yes loans then put me in touch with Moneyworries. They did sound very helpful and managed to convince me that what I need is a debt consolidation product, not a loan. During the conversation, they asked for may debit card details, which I foolishly gave out. Before finishing the call I told them I haven't decided whether I want to take their debt consolidation product not and I'll confirm if I want to go ahead in a few days time when they send me the terms and conditions in writing. After the call I started googling about debt consolidation and moneyworries and found all these bad reviews and I got very worried. Then I found out from my bank statement that yes loans have taken £69.50. I called my bank and cancelled my debit card to prevent any further payments, but the bank told me that since I have given them my debit card details, I have given them the authority to take money from my account whenever they like and I have to advise them in writing to stop further charges.
Having cancelled my debit card, I thought that would at least stop moneyworries from taking money, but then I found out that yes loans and moneyworries are part of the one company and does this mean they may still be able to take money from my account?
I sent them an email asking them to cancel my application, to which I had no response. So I called moneyworries this morning and asked them to cancel my application and they confirmed that they've closed the account, but having seen the reviews I am still worried that they may still try to take money off my bank account.
These companies are ### of the earth and I am surprised how they can get away with such malpractice/scams.
Do not under any circumstances take out any agreement with Money Worries. They will take your money unauthorised and you will not get it back! It is disgusting!
just wanted to warn people do not go with money worries and dont give them your card details as they will rob you blind! they had £380 out of me and i have nothing to show for it they dont care about helping you they just want your money! dont go with yes loans either as they are working together both con artists.
I am making a new BBC consumer affairs programme and I'm looking for people to take part. We are holding a roadshow in London on 22nd May and I was wondering if you'd like us to take on your case. If you'd like more information, give me a ring on [protected]
i phoned every nite and have be put on hold for 20 mins at a time at a cost of 15pence a minute.i was missed sold dedt mangerment i didnt want.when i phoned the company i was looking for a loan but got put through to this company.hte man said he would send me out some paperwork which i didnt get . he said nothing would come out of my account until they recieved my paperwork back.which i did give him my details. on the 31st may money was taken out of my account 125 pound which i want back as i was missed sold this .i have tried to talk to someone but cant a answer only address i now have to write to see if i can get my money back.that is rubbish so i am now going to take the matter further by contacting fair trade of debt management. i am also going to contact bbc watchdog as money worries have been invested before.
That happens a lot, every body should be very cautious from buying anything online and never provide the bank details .
I was missold debt management too! 260 pound came out of my account when i didnt actually agree by writting.
I changed my mind and have not gone passed the 14 day cooling off period which they say i have, and have to write in.
whats the best thing to do?
Back in March 2010 i initially agreed to start a deby management program with Money Worries however after receiving the information pack i decided against this decision. By this time Money Worries had already taken the £100.00 monthly fee, before i had signed any forms. I cancelled the debt management program and was told i was going to refunded the £100.00, this was early april 2010. Its now 11/06/10 and still i have no refund. I have written conformation that i will receive a refund which can take upto 28 days. I waited 28 days then called Money Worries i was told by one of there advisors that i was due a refund but they had a back log and my money would be returned to me asap. this was 4 weeks ago and still no refund. I dont know what to do now as when you call them on there 0845 number it takes at least 30 minutes to get through and when you i do i get told the same thing. its very expensive to keep calling them and i seem to be getting no where.
This is completely accurate. I am having the same problem with money worries. It happened in exactly the same way. This company and its employees are a disgrace and we all want our agreed money back.
Mr G Burgess
23 Meadow Park
Dear Sir
I am asking for help, I am a 77 year old pensioner, and this company know this, back in January 2010 I filled in a government survey, and one of the questions was, do I have a loan dating back more than three years. Also had I anything on my credit card, I said yes to the question, the next thing I got a phone call from a company called “We fight any claim” who took me for a ride, they told me I was sold the loan from the bank illegal, and told me they would get me out of paying the loan, and to stop paying it, (good thing I did not), we agreed on a fee of £360.00, but the next thing to come they had passed me over to another company called “Money worries”, they said that had not got anything to do with them, (but they are in the same building), they told me to stop paying my loan account and my credit card account, at this stage they took another fee, just over £5000.00, now they are supposed to be fighting my credit card account, but the loan on my card is all the charges that they have put on it, so now I am paying back the money they have taken from me, and they have not done a thing for me as yet, and it is 12 months when it all started, they charge me a fee out of all proportion, all they seem to be interested in is in the dept on my credit card, but before they came along I only had two or three hundred on my card, and what is on it now is all they have put on with there charges, I am now in more dept than the day they first contacted me by a few thousand pounds.
After me getting on my high horse, and telling them I was going to get legal advice, they sent me a cheque for £4, 000.00 and told me not to pay into my credit card account until they told me to, I am still waiting to hear from them, they still owe £1, 518.00, I have still been paying of my credit card even though they had told me to stop paying it, I did stop paying it for two months, but the credit card company sent nasty letters, and threaten me with the bailiffs and the loss of my credit rating, I contacted We Fight any Claims, who told me not to worry they would sort it out, I am still waiting, so I paid off some of the arrears out of the £4, 000.00 they had refunded me, now I am left with a big credit card bill to pay, with the interest that has built up through the moneys they charged to my card, not a word has been said about the bank loan that it all started about, apart from them asking for a monthly fee of £150.00 a month (in a phone call) to fight the case, (I said no way, they have had enough), this was about four months ago, not a word about it since, I think that may be because I told them they do not get another penny, they have had all they are getting, my wife and I feel like we have been robbed(which we have), we were enjoying our retirement until these people came along.
How do these people get a licence to do this, do they not have any inspection, I have looked them up on the net and they are supposed to be approved by the government, how can this be, they have been given a licence to rip people off in a legal way, not forgetting older people, I myself as I said am 77 and my brain is not as fast as it was 30 years ago, or I
would not be in this mess, one of the things I have been told is that they should have asked me if I was sold loan insurance, as that is where they can say I was sold the insurance falsely, is there anything you can do to help us, or tell us if you know any one who could. I do not know who to write to about this, I am just going to write to anyone who thinks they may be able to help us, we hope there is some one out there who can?
Geoff Burgess
The Managing Director,
Money Worries Ltd,
Tintern House,
William Brown Close,
Llantarnam Park,
Money worries took £375 out of my account on the 26th of september. I owe them nothing. I signed nothing. This money does not belong to them.. I have tried to call several times and have been left waiting for an hour at a time and still not able to speak to them. I, m in severe hardship now because of this and have accrued several bank charges and not able to pay my car loan so i, m now at risk of having my car repossed. I need this money as soon as.