I worked for Neoset Canada for a short while and it was a nightmare. Almost from the getgo I had to deal with irate customers who had been waiting six months and longer for furniture ordered from Greece. While the company blames its employees, the politics in Greece, the port strikes and so on, the actual truth is shocking! The money from new orders is used to pay for outstanding orders.
The offices in Greece confirmed that shipments to Canada were delayed due to non-payment by Neoset Canada, and not the political unrest. It would seem from what the owner, Greg Pappas, and his director, Eleanor Reynolds, say that Greece has been closed for business for over a year - anyone with half a brain can work out that they are complete liars!
This note is posted to warn people about this company. DO NOT BUY PRODUCT FROM NEOSET CANADA!
With regard to Neoset Canada, I recently learned that Eleanor Reynolds is not responsible for the financial side of the business, and retract any comments made about her.
I think that Maryjane is the ex-director herself! I'm not surprised that her comment doesn't make any sense.
I also heard that she's out and looking for a job herself, and you won't believe it, she is upset that people have been trashing her on 'cyberspace', wow!
Hi godfather - welcome to our democratic society, where people can express themselves, not to vent, but also to warn other people from being duped, also where there are laws against illegal business activities, and which will catch the offenders, eventually.
It is fraudulent conduct to accept orders that you don't implement; it is fraudulent to employ people and intend not to pay them; it is illegal as an employer not to issue paperwork for ex-employees when fired so that they can receive unemployment benefits; it is fraudulent to issue cheques for which there is no cover; these are but a few of the illegal activities that Neoset is guilty of. Most businesses do not intend to defraud their customers nor their employees of their money.
Furthermore, Neoset Canada Inc. is a Canadian incorporated company that 'broke away' from it's international base, which company did not 'pull out' of Canada. The Canadian owners incorporated to have full control here and to receive maximum profits. How long did you say you worked there, godfather?
Best wishes for a new venture, nonetheless.
Past Honoured Employee - How nice for you that Neoset treated you well, and not 'shabbily', if you know what I mean. How many people bought furniture from you, when you knew full well that there was little chance they would receive their order? Are you not even a little saddened for the people whose hard-earned money was spent illegally by the company? Do you think that they are remotely comforted by the fact that you were treated fairly while you yourself were duping them too?
Anyone who worked there knew the situation - do not pretend that you didn't, and don't defend people who deliberately lied to everyone.
To happy customer,
If indeed you are a satified customer, count yourself lucky!
Methinks that you've missed the point(s), so I won't belabour it (them)...
Fortune has smiled on you - have empathy for others without your luck... you did nothing more or less than anyone else, it's just the luck of the draw!
Hey guys!
The messages from Greg & Eleanor are their usual stock! I tried to contact them but they haven't replied to me. Methinks that they are trying to dupe us again, to keep us quiet while they try to escape the consequences of their actions.
It is clear to all of us what kind of people they are, and it is our duty to make sure that other people are not scammed. We also need to contact Better Business Bureau, the Labour Board, the press, and let the public know that these two are eminently unemployable because they are untrustworthy, and without any morals or principles.
There's an old saying:
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Take care when dealing with these people - they are desperate and aggressive, and are trying to intimidate anyone who seeks a settlement.
True customer (methinks not!)
Who is paying your wages?
The article above by Ellen Roseman appeared in the star in February. If you haven't understood, people are complaining legitimately about non-payment of wages, non-delivery of furniture, and more, all of which constitute violations of their contracts and business obligations. - get it? People have been hurt financially, and the company kept on taking money for orders that they knew weren't going to be delivered.
Do not trivialize other people's issues with how they were treated.
Dear Disgruntled,
The story just goes on and on... What amazes me is that they don't seem to have suffered, and heap abuse and criticism against their ex-staff. They have not accepted any responsibility for their actions.
Even when I worked there, thankfully for a short time as I saw the writing on the wall almost immediately, neither Greg nor Eleanor returned calls.
Their just desserts will arrive in time.
Head office is @ 2-18 Huddersfield Road Etobicoke, if it's still open, perhaps try on Saturdays.
Good luck!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Why am I not surprised?
Eleanor & Greg: Aren't you tired of playing over and over the same old tricks on your frustrated customers?
Phone numbers that are disconnected, a head office that is closed down for good, a directive travelling overseas, a warehouse that is empty, and e-mail addresses that doesn't work.
Stop the lies, and face the people with responsibility!
If you were there for us when we gave you our money, why can't you be also to tell us the truth?
As another former emplyee (installer from 2002 to 2003), I'd say this is a tragedy all round. The worst part of this is that the product is excellent, but the supply/service side had always been compromised by the difficulty of getting pieces from Greece, and organizing the company financials. Wierd as it may sound, the 'death knell' came in the fall of o 2001 with the 9/11 terrorist attack! All European banks got really paranoid about dealing with any company that had trans-Atlantic dealings, and Neoset was gaut in a major vice. In Jan '02 we all took a major pay cut (25%) just to keep the company afloat. In the spring of '03, when they abolished the automatic payroll deposit ($80/month was apparently too costly!) and the benefit package, I saw the light and got out.
I'm truly sorry for all concerned - employees, customers, creditors alike. Believe me, when it was well run, it was a great place top work, and I'm proud of the job we all did.
hwp... sorry, i don't want it to sound bad, but you seem to know a lot about the company's business to be just an installer there
just surprise us, are you greg "i'm-getting-outta-here" pappas, or eleanor "i-give-you-my-word" reynolds?