Stay away from this outfit. This is what happened to me expect part of the order to be back-ordered, even though everything was listed as available. They will charge your credit card for the full amount on the order date, not the ship date, no matter how long the back order takes. In my case over 60 days. After a week waiting for the back-order told by the woman who answers the phone (no introduction, no this is Network Tools, their explanation is their a call-center which handles numerous other tool companies, and don’t know who the caller is calling, this is b.s. they ever hear of separate phone lines like legitmate call-centers have so they know who the caller is trying to reach). She told me that the back-order was being shipped that day...another week nothing, no e-mail, no notification, called again and the woman passed me off to "Todd" who stated only part of the back-order was available and being everything was being shipped that day (again). He stated one tool was no longer available, (yet I went right to a competitor’s website and purchased it w/o a problem, a few bucks cheaper too) Their website still continue to list all the backorderd tools as available. Another week no sign of the remaining items, another call and told by "Mitch" that except for one small tool, "none" of the rest of the back-order was available, I told him its been three weeks to cancel the entire back-order and refund my credit card, which had been charged the full amount from the date of the order rather than the ship date. Another week no refund, called again "Mitch and the women who answer the phone claim their just a call-center and just forward orders and paper to other "departments" which they have no contact with. Another week no refund. Now I get an e-mail saying everything that was back-ordered has been shipped EXCEPT the one thing the small tool they told me three weeks they had. Plus they had no record of aother minor item I ordered, UV dye remover that they charged me for but have no record of, except it shows on my originals invoice. To add insult to injury no free shipping on the back-order, even though the original order was over $2500. To make it more confusing the tool they no longer had, they refunded me (the only refund I received) was for $5.00 less than the billed amount. When I tried to get a refund for the missing amount, nothing but “we forwarding the request”. Finally 60 days latter I received the small tool from the original back-order that they first said they had then didn’t have. No goodwill just impersonal people answering the phone who have no answers and can’t refer you anywhere. Remember they charge your credit card the full amount when ordered not when shipped, so if its not available, your out of luck getting any refund and they’ll nickel and dime you to depth with shipping charges if and when your back-order becomes available. And they’ll say anything to delay you contesting the C.C charges with-in thirty days
Goggle them and you’ll find out what I did Todd Morgan is apparently some one in charge. They do do business under a few other names (USA Tool Warehouse, Network Tool Warehouse, Ntxtools, Spxstore.). Their out of Seatle and have a “F’ rating with the
Your answer isn't an answer. #1 charging my credit card for the total amount on the order date IS true. the fact you successfully charged and billed me for over $2000 for the intital tools you shipped certainly spoke ot the validity of the card. so why charge for the back-ordered. I should point out there is a Federal Law addressing this practice. If you can't fullfill the back-order with-in 30 days you must refund. It certainly doesn't address the issues I had communicating with your customer service, I certainly felt as if I was being held hostage to the order and being scammed. Last not telling me about the additional shipping charges or offering to cancel the back-order is industry practice. Yes simple communication and reassurances at your end would have alleviated all of this. You still haven't explained the refund that wasn't for the full amount nor the missing tool that was billed and not shipped (fortunately only a few bucks).
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I am sorry to hear you have had an issue but let me first of start by saying that when something is on back order it normally is nation wide. We have over 9 warehouses nation wide and over 119 vendors we work with we also offer over 200, 000 parts. Now why we try to carry the most wanted items we dont have the space to keep 200, 000 parts avail at all times. In most cases 96% of the time we can ship out items with in 24 to 48 hours. If you order a special part or a single item that normally comes in a case then it will take a little longer. We do not charge the card at the time of the order but we do authorize the card at the time of buying to make sure it is a real card and we are not going to be stuck holding the parts. Sorry you have had a bad experience with us as we go for total guest elation ! I hope you choose us next time as we carry some of the best parts and the best rates around
I too have had issue with this company. I am a Midas owner in CO and purchased an A/C machine from them. I was told at time of purchase that my order would be to me in the following week. the week went by and nothing. I called back and got the run around about my card I used to purchase the unit. The person I talked to tried to tell me that the order was in place and just waiting for the manufa. to fill it. I talked to the manager ( was no help and seemed to not care for my business at all, also wouldnt even apologize for any trouble that there employees lies has caused my business on time factor.) and he said it was fixed that they had some questions about my business name. I was also told I would be getting my purchase the following week now. I called back on the following week and asked where was my order. I was put on hold for 7 minutes. I was then told I would have to be called back because they couldnt get a hold of the manufacturer. I was never called back. I called the next day and was told that my purchase, that was in stock and available on 3 calls was now, is not available and will have to be manufactured from the company. I dont know about you but I hate beinbg lied to. This company is the worst I've had to deal with and will NEVER get my business in the future. I asked said manager named ALAN to lodge a formal complaint with his boss and was told that I was at the end of the line and he started calling me Buddy with terms like "You're at the end of the line Buddy" and "There's no one else for you to talk to. I am waiting to see my credit for my purchase. I've searched the internet for BBB or anything else to make a formal complaint and this is the best place i found
I also had an issue with this company. I placed an order 3 weeks before Christmas and about a week before the holiday I had not received a confirmation that the order had shipped etc. I called and received the same greeting. No "Hi, welcome to the tool warehouse" I get "This is Jim can I help you". So I am transferred to someone who is "handling my account" and I am told that the item is on back order and they cannot receive it until after the new year (this would have been nice to know when I placed the order or shortly thereafter). I told him this was a Christmas gift and that would not work so he offered to cancel the order for me. My card was not charged at this time. About 2 days ago Jan 10th, I receive a confirmation email that my order has shipped. Are you kidding me? So I called and received the same unidentifying greeting and was transferred to the gentleman who was supposed to cancel my order in the first place. He said "Oh I'm sorry that's not good" and proceeds to tell me that they are working withe over 400 returns after the holiday season. That is not my problem by the way nor do I need to know this information. So he explains how I can get the item back to them and said he will send sometheing to their charge department so my credit card will not be charged. Luckily I was home when UPS delivered so I could refuse the package. However, I look at my checking account today and sure enough they charged my credit card. So now I have to waste more of my time and call back on Monday to get that money refunded. The person I dealt with to attempt to get this issue resolved was very nice, however, I should not have to deal with this when they made the mistake to begin with.