I have a warrant out of mercer county nj for satri dione williams for non payment of child support. He owes over $32000 in arrears and when I call child support I get the same line... Warrant issued call the sheriff they say they have no current address. How can a sheriff have no current address... But when they feel like finding you then they can. How is that they can go to other countries and arrest people on warrants in this state... But yet can't arrest anyone in their own state. Child support issues warrant then no follow up great system! And if the the non custodial lives in a different county mind as well forget about anything ever getting done. This state sucks and so does child support. Let them have someone owe them bet you they do everything to get theirs! The state employees are useless. Can we get their checks and benefits for doing not a damn nothing but saying that's not my job! If anyone see or knows of satori dione williams aka tori williams aka dione williams aka cadinze please call mercer county sheriff and let them know where he is... If you want please feel free to call him and ask him where is trying to hide his cell# [protected]
Adam William Majkowski FYI I have a job
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
You think your state's bad, I live in Indiana and my son is almost 19 and I have never received not one penny in child support from his biological father. I went to court and took off my time from work only to be told if you see him call the police, but yet they had his address just over in the next county about 10 miles from here. Talk about silly.
I raised my son in New Jersey from birth. I was sued for child support, then she took off and I was raising him paying $50 per week in suport. Took me long time to stop it and I have never recovered. Now she is starting it up again even though she has been proven to neglect her children(2 others with another guy). I am ready to [censored] due to my disability and having nothing to lose at this point.
What I really want to say to you women is this : GET A ###ING JOB ### ! CLOSE YOUR ###ING LEGS AND GET A JOB !
Adam William Majkowski
CLOSE YOUR ###ING LEGS -seconded.
my exhusband is steve rotella and he is a deadbeat dad. He owes me close to 22 thousand dollars in child support. Check this out. Child support is not dischargble under bankruptcy but the courts allow steve rotella to fill for bankruptcy w/the child support so he can get the automatic stay so he does not have to pay.. Then months will go by without he having to pay child support because of the bankrupcy & automatice stay. Then finnally the bankrupcy throws the child support our of the court & tells steve he has to pay, that the child supoort is not dischargeable under bankruptcy. Then we got to family court & steve will pay 2 payments and then the process of him filing for bankrupcy w/the child support starts all over again.. In a year and a half he has filed for bankrupcy and least 3 times to get our of paying child support temporary...This is very frustrating.. The question is if child support is not discharble under bankruptcy why is he allowed to file to get that automatc stay until the bankruptcy court throws it out & tells him it is not dischargable and to pay the child support.>>>
New Jersey Child Support is horrible. There is NO CHANGE (CENTS) in a child support payment. My ex has 374.02 as a credit. I had not received a payment since January 19th and on February 15 they sent 4 weeks which was due to my son. They applied the amount for the four weeks as a credit to my ex and full payment for the month of Februay. He owed me last two weeks in January and the first two weeks in February totalling 4 weeks. But they gave him this as a credit and add a change to it. When you go down there to try to resolve it, they play games with you and act like THEY are giving you something, when in fact I am do that money. The probation person controls when payments are sent, WHEN IN FACT I HAVE A WEEKLY ORDER, WHICH THEY DO NOT ABIDE BY. I may get one check one week, then they skip a week, then I get two, then I will get one the first day of the next month. They have been playing these games with me for well over 6 months now and I simply have had enough. You can not reach anyone live, and then when you go there, and you do get someone, they change it all around. It is not right, and not fair, then why have a court order which is weekly, when they send it out as they please. I use this money to pay bills and provide for my son, and who do they think they are to not follow court orders, oh thats right, they are all in cahoots and one is just as bad as the other. What about the Freeholder who owes back taxes, why isnt he removed from his position. This is a joke. They need to clean house in NJ with Child Support and Local Government Officials, how many others are ripping or or not paying for things, but they have the guts to release my child support when they feel like it. I was told, that they purposely added the two cents to my ex acccount to if he is ever misses a payment they will hold him as current with this. Is this the most ridiculous thing you heard of, they are falsifying information.
Why would child support be paid when ever the non- custodial parent can? The child still needs to eat every single day, wears clothes every single day, uses shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brush, etc every single day! We can't have our kids waiting for whenever they feel like making a payment! Its a big responsiblity which they dont even show they can deal with it, yet again they are able to have the visitation within weeks of not recieving one cent on chilkd support. No payments should be late and if the jugde give an order of a weekly payment its the courts responsibility to make sure things are done! Because if we call to complain they take us moms as fool and as we are in desperate need of money, when the real reason we are just fighting what belongs to our kids!
The child support system sucks! I've been on child support in NJ for 4 years and just recently found out that I have another 2 orders in 2 different states all for the same child. One state took my tax return for arrears and another shows that I have never made a payment but the whole time I've been making payments to NJ, the state I live in. How is it possible to put out a order in a state I don't live in and now I wonder if there are any other states I don't know about. ### for all I know this ### is opening up orders where ever she lives for 3 months. Now I have to be the one to straighten it out the ### that she got me in because the state that I live in hires ###s.
NJ Child Support is populated with the most inept idiots one will ever have to deal with in ones life. I too get dusbursement payments completely irregularly when the order is once a week. I have NEVER been paid weekly, although they don't miss a beat withdrawing the money from my ex's account once a week. They also claim he has over payed me by over $2, 000 which never happened. Even my ex has called and said, no, I never overpaid her and they won't take it off the account. I think someone is skimming money out of support payments. I'm trying to gather enough information and complaints to get the media involved. I'm convinced there is something rotten in Denmark. If anyone else has had problems with Monmouth County Child Support Probation let me know here. Thx, good luck dealing with these knuckle heads in the future. It just seems so outrageously wrong to be so inept at such an important job.
Recently had the unpleasant experience of having to communicate with Andrea Gumble of NJ State Child Support, Hudson County. Inept does not even begin to describe the incompetence of this woman, a term which I use lightly. If you are contacted by this person, I highly suggest that you request an alternate case worker or ask for a supervisor. As a cooperative and educated person, I assumed that my efforts to forward bank statements, excel spreadsheets and printouts from expertpay would be reviewed and that an effort would be made to help us figure out why we are showing $800 in child support arrears. Yes, you read that correctly - not $8, 000, it is $800. Upon explaining the situation, rather than receiving any sort of educated response or assistance, I was told "I don't have to speak with you but you HAVE to speak with me!" I have to wonder if a servant for the state of NJ is automatically granted the authority to treat an upstanding citizen like a piece of garbage. It is absolutely disgusting and offensive to be spoken to in such a manner by someone who is apparently uneducated and can't seem to read a bank statement. Furthermore, while discussing the situation with my ex, I was told that Ms. Gumble indicated on a phone call that we were trying to be "sneaky, sneaky." Well, Ms. Gumble, you have proven to be a worthless, ignorant, good for nothing human being. Rather than use your position to assist us in rectifying this situation and focusing on my stepchildren who could use the money for Christmas, you chose to try to pit the Custodial and Non-Custodial parents against each other and refer an "$800" case to court. You are a miserable person and I hope that any unfortunate soul who is forced to deal with you in the future is smart enough to request a supervisor ASAP. I can only imagine how you would handle a case where there truly was a need for mediation and patience.
Nj child support enforcement does not return calls. Does not see to put any effort at all into trying to find or verify addreses of the father, who has been getting away with non payment for years simply by not having a permanent address. Yet he always stays in one of the 3 homes owned by his family members, in the same county no less. But nj enforcement constantly clims they cannot verify that he stays there. So he gets to stay wherever he wants, work whenever he feels like it, and not pay a dime because of the indifference and incompetence of nj cs enforcement.
And yes it is monmouth county.
I'm on SSDI and the judge in Camden County has a warrant for me for what else - Non - Payment! They take 60% of my check and want me to sign over 100% of my SSDI check to my ex. I support 5 children 3 in NJ and 2 out of state that live with me and my 2nd wife. Been to court WAY TO MANY TIMES over this BS. They want to impute my new wife's income to what I'm paying to my ex-wife. I love NJ? Get out while you can and DON'T HAVE CHILDREN!
long and short of it...u make a kid with someone, , dont drag the taxpayors into it. why should we be involved with your mistakes. You make the taxpayors and state agencies montior payments and enforce deadbeats.. our sheriffs have more important things to do, , criminal matters, matters that better our communities, not driving around looking for joe schmo and ask him can he please pay for his mistake...and then you get angry..all because of your mistakes and the fact that you cant handle the mistakes between the 2 of you, , you got together at least once, , made a big decision to take part in an act that could result in the creation of life, with all of its intracacies...then its, , moan moan moan, , help me, , do this for me, , me me me me me, , , pu leeze
One should NEVER have their childs name known in ANY court system..NEVER! My position is that there is an epidemic going around called VRS (Vagina Rental Syndrome) where women think that because they have a kid by a man, they can ruin his life. Check this out ladies: If he dies, you have to find a way to pay your childrens expenses. If he is disabled and can no longer work, YOU willh ave to find a way to pay your childs expenses. The problem with small-minded women these days is that hey don't plan for the future. If you are relying on your "husband" (those who can ACTUALLY claim the title of wife), then you have set yourself up for failure. Do we not learn from the mistakes of others? And to the poster who is on the "It takes 2 to make a baby and so a man should have to pay"..I say GET YOUR LIFE because YOU have SOLE control over your body when it comes to having an abortion or giving the child up for adoption so why shouldnt you AGAIN have sole control when it comes to supporting your child (if the Father is not in the picture). Stop whining, get an extra job (hell, my Mom had 3 before she became a Doctor) and live life for you and your kid(s).
Your comments are ridiculous...I was married for 17 years and we had 3 children together. After 17 years I caught him having an affair, so I divorced him. This does not mean that these children are not his responsibility anymore. Divorce means I am not his responsibility and he is not mine. As far as the children go, we have joint custody, therefore joint responsibility. Although in NJ, the child supprt division does not want to be bothered. He is in arrears as of today and they told me they don't have an address on him. Although we just went to court two months ago and he gave them his address. Child support says they need a mailman to verify his address. I told them I would send a police officer over to verify he lives there and have a police report stating he lives there, (which is less then one mile from me) they told me that isnt a reliable verification. WHAT? A mailman is a reliable verification but a police officer isnt? His license is at the same address, his tax returns are at that address, and my kids visit him at that address, yet NJ Child Support needs a mailman to say so? Nonsense! They are just pure lazy and could care less about the children that suffer because their mother has to work 3 jobs to care for their basic needs.
I am going through this with my ex. He is $6000 in arrears as of last Thursday. He purposely left his good paying job to get under the table jobs and a per diem job where I may only get $28 a month for our 2 children.
I had to do all the leg work for Probation to locate him (he went missing for about 3 months). Yes, the Post Office had to verify that he received mail at his address once one of his family members slipped and gave his current address. I had to call Probation once every two weeks to follow up on every little thing. Best part both him and his lawyer contacted Probation and told the Case manager that they were trying to teach me a lesson.
How hard it is to be a single parent? Or how much of a low life he really is? I'm the one working 2 jobs (80+ hours a week) to make ends meet and to support our children. I'm not making plans to go to Las Vegas, rent a house at the shore, or magical weekend getaways.
PS if he dies at least my children with get a guaranteed $250 each from Social security.
New Jersey Child support SUCKS BALLS. i thought going with them would be much easier then dealing with my sons father. i guess fcking not, and the 1-877 # also they cant help you in anything, all they say "ok well am going to put in a request on the system" ... plus you cant speak directly to your case worker, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME...my sons dad made a payment over $1000 over expert-pay on a Sunday which it was on sep.22, 2013, i still haven't received nothing yet. i have called them so many times, first they tell me i have to wait 7 business days, waited nothing, called again "wait 10-14 days". Holy Grails, really? they act like my son doesn't need clothes for winter, or that he needs supplies for school or w.e. i called expert-pay myself and they tell me NJ have received payment the second business day my ex boyfriend made the payment, so i want to know why haven't they give me the money, i call them and they say "well man ill put in a request so your case worker can call you" WTF, oh yea i cursed that lady out and gave her a piece of my mind, worst place ever, they don't help you like they say, all they do is fck up things more then what it is. Never Again. and am still waiting for the money.
This whole website is full of women complaining about men being in arrears. I am being taken to court for an enforcement action even though I am surplus $119 simply because I was in arrears for a week in August. FYI this state is so slanted towards women It is disgusting. Whenever I call the hotline I am treated as a deadbeat. My caseworker talks to me like I'm unemployed and trying to skirt the system even though I've only been in arrears once in the last nine years. All of the operators on the hotline and the probation officers treat men automatically as if they are ###. PS ladies this is the message your children are also getting about theirr father. I can't speak for anyone else but I know it is not true for me.
you women take the money and bleed men you are all full of ###
Children deserve 2 loving parents, that want to see that they are raised properly and taken care of. They did not ask to be brought into this world. It takes 2 to tango. I agree that a man is not a financial plan, but a "man" does not turn his back on his children. Only self centered ### that only care about their next conquest do that. it is unacceptable that its impossible to get in touch with a human at NJ Probation concerning child support anymore. This system is a complete failure. But how can it not fail? Listen to these comments ? Ugh!
I am in Atlantic County. My sons father owe $12, 499 in arrears. For me its not all about the money. I've taken him to court to give him visitation (he hadn't made any effort to see my son.) I applied for parent counseling, so we can learn to co-parent, he refused to show up. He took me to court for a decrease I agreed. I want him in my sons life. I even said in open court "I'll take you off the child support, If you get involved with our son". He refused. After all I've tried to get him Involved, he tells his family and friends, I'm keeping our son from him. What am I to do? He used to help take care of my son, but since we broke up he wants nothing to do with him, unless I get back with him. My son Is the one who wants his daddy back. So believe me when I say, child support is more than just $$, in my situation anyway.
It is the responsibility of the state to make sure every person born in that state is doing OK no matter what age. No single woman or man should have to worry about how they are going to afford a child in a country that is wealthy enough to be throwing away food every day and paying farmers NOT to grow food in order to fix the prices. You have all been duped into thinking that every person needs to slave away at a job for 75% of their waking moments. Your nation is a failure. While you are being manipulated and monopolized, the kids are suffering. Those kids become messed up adults, who in turn renew the cycle of stupidity. Criminalizing a man for being tossed out like a piece of garbage does not work in case you haven't noticed yet. How is a man supposed to make a living at all without his woman? You expect us to make it alone after being duped into thinking you wanted to get married. If you just wanted a baby to get money from you should not care where it comes from. There is no excuse for chasing men around and trying to turn them into criminals because they were stupid enough to fall in your trap. A civilized country will tax the wealthiest citizens to provide for the ones who are in need. Figure it out. You want to get blood from a stone that you have been beating againt the wall fro years. NEWSFLASH : HE has no more blood to give you.
Why, since my child support of 250.00 a week has just stopped on may 1st, 2014, I still havent gotten a court date for this ### who wont work or is working off the books? He also stole 3 years of my kids taxes by using their SS#"s I have a police report and the IRS has done nothing! He forged my name as well. I want this court date! My ex husband, i would get a court date, put his ### in jail and get the money from his bail.WHY IS THIS TAKING 3 MONTHS?
Seems like the state has a hard time paying support regularly?
I wonder why the state of New Jersey is so cold to fathers that are made to pay yet have false restraining orders placed against them without a review? I went to the amnesty in 2014 and plead my case that for years I overpaid my support and never had contact with my kids in over 12 years now! Not even medical records! I understand that the kids need food etc but when the mom KNOWS all I want is a phone call or my kids to know I'm ALIVE is not much to ask.
I am not one to not pay...and I did claim bankruptcy in 2012 to free up credit and go to work in order to focus on paying. So after filing motions to request contact I was basically insulted by HER LAWYER to not even have my family or friends FACEBOOK friend my kids because that's contact. So I have no choice but to keep my NJ address and live in Pennsylvania.
I would LOVE to pay the support TO MY KIDS and FOR mY KIDS! Not pay here and there just to know that the money goes to a lawyer just to chase me down for more money. It's absolutely absurd.
The case is in Passaic county, NJ and my kids names are Victor K Kiss (18)Jasmine Jade Kiss(17) I fact it was my daughter's birthday yesterday (4/20/2014). The ONLY thing I know is my son attends Passaic county Tech in Wayne, NJ. I don't know what they look like and I cannot even send Christmas cards without getting arrested. How sad?!?!
This is NOT an excuse to not pay of course, and with all due respect I have never harmed my kids or threatened them or theur mother at all but when she decides to say screw you dad just pay, the state follows suit without regard. Granted, I could easily have filed a motion for SUPERVISED visisitations but then Im giving in to the poison that is the SYSTEM. Kids deserve peace to grow up. It just would have been nice to have spent time with them as a dad and take them places and show them things.
I want a new career, not be stuck in a dead end job just to pay. Sorry to say, I will do my best but I also don't need to work in NJ and have the police come arrest me for paying. So what do I do?... And the kicker of it all is the health insurance request. Wonderful, I cant even afford it for myself? Again, if I had contact Maybe things would be much much different but all I do know is that " THE SYESTEM ONLY WORKS FOR THE SYSTEM!" The kids are not paid on time, the courts are swamped and there are a lot of selfish VOLUNTARILY SINGLE moms that cry the blues!
The child support system is nothing more but court sanctioned extortion. Attempting to send one parent into virtual poverty under the guise of supporting the kids is wrong. A child is better off if they have two economically viable parents supporting them. This shake down process which effectively vilifies and sometimes criminalizes men if they cant (for almost any reason) keep up with these draconian payments, makes it nearly impossible for many men to play a beneficial role in their kids lives.
I cant see how anyone can think this arrangement is good for the kids, unless of course this system is not really about supporting the kids!
I can agree with you about the methods wholeheartedly, but its not about the money alone. The fact that trying to work and maintain the payments takes away time that can be spent with kids causes a certain alienation process that the system contributes towards. I found out last week through my son's guidance counselor that he does not even want to accept my contact information to call me. Now it is said that withholding children is no excuse not to pay support but when its the kids that refuse to contact the alienated parent what am I supposed to do? All I wanted to tell him was that Im ALIVE and I wanted to set up a fund for them on the side so they can have THEIR OWN MONEY that thy know is coming to them as well as paying some support.
My ex husband has been dodging the system for over 7 years we have a now 12 year old and 7 year old. As soon as child support catches up with him he moves changes jobs whatever you would like to call it. He owes me over $45, 000. in arrears yet for some reason although he has been in jail twice has never had to face jail time, or lose his license, or had to take any responsibility for non payment. Why is child support so difficult to collect? I am only supposed to get $74 a week total for 2 kids.
It's a shame that there even needs to be a government based child support system. Wouldn't it be a glorious situation for every man and woman to realize what their personal responsibilities are. Unfortunately that's just not the way it is. Anger and resentment and bitterness and HATE are all too involved. As a parent, whether you are receiving child support or paying child support, you have an obligation to be physically, mentally and financially responsible for your child(ren). To be there for them... ALWAYS. Why isn't ALL of this enforced? It's shame that it seems to come down to just being about money. There is a tremendous amount of responsibility put on the custodial parent and that can be quite difficult. The custodial parent is available 24/7. They are the ones that make sure the homework is done, they attend school activities, they schedule doctors appointments and usually maintain every aspect of raising that / those child(ren). They are the ones that leave work early or take a sick day when a child is sick. They are also responsible for keeping a safe home. Keeping a safe home not only requires adequate shelter, it also requires food and yes even clothing. I suppose everyone has a different standard of these requirements. And there are many that try to take advantage of the system. But, honestly I have found there to be many more custodial parents that are really and truly just struggling to survive and maintain their families. So, yes I guess it does all come down to the financial responsibility. In spite of what most think, there are many responsible custodial parents in existence that DO work and actually even have successful careers. With this still, why should the non-custodial parent get off "scott free". Perhaps, that may be still my anger. As I walk my child to the door every other weekend so he can greet his "hero" and then get whisked off to Disneyland for the next two days. Meanwhile, I stay behind and try to figure out how to pay the electric bill.
So sad to read this. I too have a child and have an order of Child Support . Owed about 2500. 00 in NJ they are good for nothing, Probation I thought helps you, not true they absolutely do nothing I call everyday and am told they are working on it. Maybe not a lot to him but even if it was 10 dollars it's a sandwich for my son I can not believe how no diligence is done on my case, and I wonder what they do job wise? I can do that! They are suppose to be there for enforcement I thought? Not true they are worthless, no help I want their job.
You all are hysterical - in NJ, my hardworking husband has not missed a payment since payments started 20 years ago... except when he was unemployed. His ex (who promptly brainwashed the kids against him) hasn't worked a day since they divorced and my husband is treated by the state like a CRIMINAL. The court system is a joke and clearly rigged towards women leaving the men zero chance, I saw this for myself when I appeared in court because my husband was unemployed and living on $200 a month after child support was taken out of his check... guess what the judge did? RAISE THE SUPPORT. If women want equal rights - well - they should get them :) Get your ### out and work, too.
I live in another state across the country. My ex has kept my son from me for 6 years. He has not followed the court order for phone calls, yearly visitation or pictures for 6 years. Now I don't even know where he lives or his phone number. He moved and changed everything. NJFS will not give me any contact info because they say he has privacy rights and that I have to go to court to get it even though I have a court order that says I am to know my son's address and have weekly phone calls. My ex is with a woman who claims to be my son's mom but they won't get married or have her legally adopt him so they can keep receiving child support from me. She told me this after I found her on FB. My ex and his girlfriend go to ask for more child support from me every year and NJ allows it and raises the support amount even though I am a single mom of 2 children who live with me and a disabled veteran living on SSDI. They raise the support amount and they won't enforce the visitation order. -But they will enforce child support. NJ knows my situation and INCOME and I mail them all the proof and paperwork every year. It is impossible to get anything done with NJ. Non custodial parents are treated like ### of the earth. I pay my full amount monthly. I actually pay and have paid my child support and still get no where. I pretty much give up on ever being able to know my son. I would need an attorney to fix everything from out of state. I can't afford it. Moving back isn't an option. They will slap a warrant on me for a missed payment but he has gotten away with not following a court order for contact and visitation for 6 years. As of May 2017 I only have 5 years until my son is 18. Then my ex and his girlfriend will have to find another way to support themselves and their habits and stop leaching off a disabled veteran who can't work. Meditation and spirituality helps me deal with the loss and heartache of not being able to know my son. We miss him. His 1/2 brother and sister who live with me ask about him all the time. We have pictures up of when my son was little because it's all I have and we think about him every holiday and pray for him everyday. Nathan has a whole extended family and siblings here who love him and want to know him and be part of his life so bad. I don't sleep most nights and I always wonder where he is and how he is doing. The pain and feeling of loss is real. But all NJ and my ex care about is money. Way to go NJFS.
I have paid my support on time for 15 years, always stayed two or three payments ahead because I know the way they post the money gets screwed up. Now they've issue a wage withholding order and the computer system robo calls me to tell me a payment is due Friday. Well that's the same day I'm getting paid and garnished. Why go after me, when I've done what I'm suppose to... hell, it's in my divorce decree that I pay myself without garnishing... unless I screw up. And how the hell is a payment due if I'm ahead by three weeks? You can't even call probation, they keep telling me go to the website which doesn't even work. Stupid site has the wrong address and won't let me change it. This whole system needs serious reform. I know why so many people give up. I'm not a deadbeat but this makes me feel like one.