WOW! Let me tell you something about NOVO 1 in HOLLAND, MI. I was desperate for a job and took a position with this company. 1st. the pay is not that great. They were aware of the fact that their T.V. Add stated positions starting at $10.00hr yet upon a mass hiring they made it clear they were only willing to pay $9.00hr. unless you were fluent in Spainish which pay's $10.00 hr. after testing. They utalized these translators putting off testing to delay their pay rate. One staff member who had been there, completed the test & had gotten her raise had it taken away 1 month after they gave it to her stating that further testing would be required. However they didn't have any further tests for her to take. Although I find it odd that they sure did use her translation skills continually after this " wage demotion."
More, yes. .. there is a lot more. They hire in very large groups, train in very large groups. . . and fire in very large groups (ironically before any raises or benefits can be obtained.) They continually dangle raises for better phone times and pretend to be understanding of the high cost of gasoline. Hahahaha, that was a nice trick.
Quality who is continually monitoring your call time and quality have no set rules for all quality personel to follow. Sure, they give you a great list for you to follow, however they tend to make up rules as they go and again use these reasons as why a supposed raise is so very close for you. (it will never happen)
Training, they give you a week long training session and you feel very confidant in yourself when you first begin. Watch out! They make excuses as to their large accounts demanding unrealistic changes that go 98% against what you were just trained & now comfortable with. Get This... they pretend to give you a week to change to the new "standards" & then it ends up being 3 day's. Offering job security by a one day training in a different department. Train you and then Fire You.
About 98% of the staff were fired the same day as me. Well, why is it that 2 weeks later they post they have jobs available?
If you are looking for a paycheck to hold you over for about 5 weeks this is the Job for you. However, don't kill yourself trying because they are basically keeping 1 out of 100 they hire and train. Sorry folks but I don't want to see anyone else put in the position they left me in.
X-BMW, FireStone, PeP Boys & Hurtz Novo 1 employee :(
I was the original poster of this complaint. My complaint was toward the company. Not the staff or co-workers. I adored my team lead Amber. I also enjoyed Ron the instructor. I made many friends there... if it were not for the company and their apparent need to Hire large groups and fire large groups, their imaginary standards that no one could ever reach in order to obtain a raise, and the simple fact that they Lie about their intentions from the beginning. Many people would be thrilled to have a job ... even if it is temporary... as long as they are not told the job is Full Time/Permanent and find shortly after they are unemployed again!
I feel those that investigate the company before they are taking a position should be forewarned. exnovoemployee is correct, Novo1 did receive grants and tax breaks for bringing their business to Holland and hiring the unemployed. However I feel it is a slap in the face to those who have been unemployed to finally feel like they may have found a jab with some security. My statements posted are just to let those know how False that assumption is. Just because they hire you for FULL TIME/ PERMANENT position does not mean that you will be 1 of the Thousands that will get to keep your job for longer than a few months. Ask around. ... how many of their staff have been there since day one? I think I found 2!
Shame on you Novo 1 for not being upfront with those that deserve the truth.
Wow, I loved working at Novo 1. Sorry you seemed to have a bad one. I worked there for 6 months until my husband had a job transfer out of state. I had a great relationship with my coworkers and team leads. It was fun to go to work!
I! I enjoyed my time at Novo 1 and never heard of what you were talking about. I found everyone there to be helpful and interested in helping. I miss my friends there and would go back if I ever found myself in the same situation.
Actually, Hertz Rent a Car is not a roadside assistance job @ NOVO1 Holland, MI. There is BMW, MiniCooper, Firestone & Bridgestone, Pep Boys, Tires+, EAN which is short for Enterprise, Alamo, and National, and then Avis and Budget. Volkswagen and ICS Solutions also in the building. Other ones occasionally pop in, but again, not Hertz. Bonds are strong with co-workers. Sadness when someone leaves. Each person there has their own personal take on the company's rules.
Novo 1 IS NOT a employer to give you security. With what was posted previously, they do hire in large quantities and fire the same. The expectations for the very low pay are very demeaning to the employees. Some of the management team are a joke, they dress very inappropriately, speak the same, and do nothing! There are a few that are decent and who really want to lead well, but Novo 1 makes their employees feel very insecure with job security and the moral is the lowest I have ever seen in a company! When I started my group was told that the more campaigns you learn the more money you will earn, NOT TRUE. You do not get one dime more nor will you EVER get a raise, that came straight from the site directors mouth, "no raises" . This company received a 100 percent tax break for bringing their business to Holland, right there is the incentive.. They recieved grants for hiring unemployed but as fast as they hire and recieve thier grants is as fast as they fire for unfounded reasons! I would not recommend this company to anyone who is looking for long term employement and to those who posted that this is a great place to work, YOUR LYING AND YOU KNOW IT!
I 100 percent agree with the complaint. i work here, and it is ridiculous. they just keep adding more and more programs to learn, not ever enogugh trainging, and it leaves you flying blind. some guy from dallas came in and wanted to know what they could do to improve. well, first thing, you can provide a better picnic for employees, that doesnt consist of 1 hotdog, bring your own chair to the picnic sort of thing. second thing is, they definitly dont pay enough, and there is no raises or anything like that. it is overwelming at times, constantly looking for a supervisor, when they're off talking to other supervisors while you have your hand raised, or the supervisor buton on the phone- no one ever seems to answer, they act like they'll give promotions when all they do is demote everyone from receptionsit to the insurance lady back on the phones. insurance also takes a huge chunk out. $80.00 total for medical, dental and vision through cigna- when you only get $10.00 an hour. they accepted all those grants nad stuff, and for what? such a fake company to work for. quality makes up their own standards as they go along, that is true. its just a ### place to work, definitly not worth it, especially when other callcenters are giring for $14- $15 an hour with less ### you have to put up with. roadside is terrible. supervisors never even want to take supervisor calls, and tell you to deal with it. when i see 4 supervisors leave, obviously there's a problem. we're down to a few now. coverage on the floor isnt enough due to everyone quitting because of this place, or due to the fact hat operations lets people in large quantities time leave ( go home early without pay) then you get slammed with calls, and theres not enough agents to handle things. i find the site directer patrick to be just another corporate liar. all lies within the place. you walk in feeling like you finally have a job thats worth it, only to get dissappointed. do you really think i'm gonna waste my time telling them how they can improve? why ask if you wont do anything about it. most likley they'll fijnd a reason to fire you. don't speak your mind, and beware of this place. they don't value or appreciate hard workers. while they're are cool team leads, most of them act like they cant be bothered when you need help, or you ask a question, and they act like you stupid on something you have not been trained on. then they gate you for other programs you have no idea how to handle, and tell you to " take the call" until recently. nevermind PTO. if you call in sick and dont feel good they take that away from your pto that you earned without even asking your permission or not. some of the people who work there are really nice and cool, but no one ever stays, and i wisah people would stop complaining about how thye need the money, and sign up to tl every day of the week. on top of this it takes 6 months for medical insurance, and in your first 3 you get dental and vision. parto f hte job is to let people swear at you ( most call centers can hang up) but because they're a bmw customer, we have to treat them like god, instead of the ###s that most of them are. plus we have a pervert who we refer to as " mr. smiley" on the pep boys roadside assistance who harasses us everyweek with vulgar inappropriate language. ohh well, i guess thats what companies are now a days, GRIMEY and they could care less about you as a person or an employee. dont waste your time applying here. they'll lay you off on another campaign, for 4 weeks, and call you back after that after you havnt even gotten a check for unemployment- so you cant, and so you loose all your benefits and have to start from the bottom. its a job for now, and anyone else on here that tries to lie, wither your just a [censored], with your blinders on, or your the biggest liar known to man. job seciurity? WHERE? dont waste your time with this place. go elsewhere, because everyone else does, and is. people quit like there's no tomorrow because of all the ###.
I agree with most of the things said here. This is not a good company to work for. You top out at $10 and they only promote the butt kissers. You'll never get to use your PTO unless you call in sick - in which case they take it from you. They have also recently taken away the 1 day of paid vacation that they give you - in the middle of the year. So those who already used it get that benefit and those who didn't get screwed. I even heard a few people had that time approved, but got it taken away. That is some serious ### that they can approve your paid vacation, then take it away. There was also some people who actually got some PTO time approved, but also worked overtime during the week. Little did they know that because they used PTO that the overtime wouldn't count as overtime. They don't consider PTO as time worked. So some people were working 12 to 14 hours days, but if they used PTO on any days in the 2 week pay period all their OT only counted as straight time. I would not recommend working here unless you are desperate and enjoy being screwed over by the company you work for.
Novo 1 is not a good company to work for Joey the account manager one of the top people there is a fake person. For 3/4 of the day he walks around and small talks with people. If someone asks him a question about a call he says look in "ors" which is useless or he goes and asks some team lead for the answer he doesn't know anything. But he does know how to give out write ups for dumb ###. They say that employees come first but that's a lie. Someone can have their hand up with an issue and it can take up to 20 minutes for a team lead to come help most of the time you actually have to get up out your seat to hunt down a team lead when we're not even supposed to leave our seats. When I first started we all had floating holidays where we could take one vacation day of our choosing. Then novo 1 became to cheap and decided to take away our floating holidays some people had been trying to use their floating holiday for months and months and kept getting denied and then they completely take the floating holidays away and no chance for the people that were trying to use them. We do have PTO hours but when you put in a request to use some hours you get denied denied denied. The only time we get to use them is if we miss a day then they get deducted. The novo 1 company in Dallas TX completely runs the Holland MI location. Before Holland Novo 1 can take a breath they gotta ask Novo 1 in Dallas. Dallas has the power to give write ups to Holland employees which makes no sense. Is Holland Novo 1 weak? Maybe. You also have to call down to TX (if you roadside-ARS) to ask if you can go on every break and lunch. Horribly company. You can find a better job at a factory. The only positive thing is that you get to sit on your ### all day. Which is the reason you see so many obese people in Novo 1.
I am completely jealous by ALL of the above complaints. I am a Billings, MT Novo1 employee and have been for almost 3 years. First, all of you make more money than any of the agents in Billings. We start out at $8 with a .25 raise after 90 days and .25 every year after that. Just to make $9 I have to work for 3 years. Secondly, floating holidays? What is that? We get paid for 3 holidays-Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. Third, you get to use your PTO when you call in sick, we have to come in on our days off to make up for the day we missed and PTO can't be used until you've been employed for at least 6 months. DAMN! Holland sounds like a vacation compared to Billings. Fourth, your medical insurance only costs $89 a month, we pay $119 just for medical, but here's the clincher when you sign up for insurance no one bothers to tell you that your insurance is for North Dakota. Hello! We are in Montana. So for the next year you are locked into paying for insurance that you can't use and we only make $8 an hour. One thing we do have in common is the power tripping team leads. Here they strut around with the attitude of "I'm the boss, do as I say, without question or you'll be written up for insubordination." They don't even try to be nice to your face, they bad mouth you, talk down to you and get mad and let you know that you are bothering them if you need their help. And when they're not putting the agents down they are backstabbing each other and have no qualms about habitually lying. New agents get frustrated and don't last very long here just because the way they get treated by team leads. I've observed repeatedly new agents raise their hands for help only to be ignored by the team leads because they don't want to be bothered with the new agents questions. The call centers differ in that department, we can't keep people and because Novo 1 reputation precedes them here the demand for the job is almost minimal. When I started here we had a 100+ agents, the call center was always full and we didn't have enough seats on every shift. Now if we are lucky there's 10-15 people per shift. But make certain we take them calls and keep call times down. I am cussed out and yelled at daily, have been called every name in the book by customers but we are suppose to smile and thank them. Our computer equipment is so old and dilapidated. Office politics is in astronomical proportions. Just because one company policy applies to you doesn't mean it applies to your coworkers. I have a complaint none of you have mentioned, all of our breaks are scheduled in our smart cat prior to the start of our shift, if you forget to take a break when it is scheduled, you're denied the taking of that break. It is of my opinion that regardless of what state you work in for Novo 1, the call centers are all the same, treatment of agents is identical (but you make more money), the better agent you are the more demeaning treatment you receive, this company does not care anything about the employees, just what we can do for them. This company made over $60 million last year, is hiring 600 new employees at $13-$15 an hour and spending on each one of them $6, 100 to license them for a new account, receives $2, 100 in grants for each Denison employee and after almost 3 years I make a lousy $8 an hour. At least I have job security, only because no one else wants it. I LOVE MY JOB!
They need to do some serious reorganizing in their managment department at Novo 1 in Holland michigan. For one, the account manager there, named Dallas, is the biggest hypocrite i think i've ever seen. She tells people to be quiet on the floor, , yeah, right. she walks around practically yelling and laughing like shes as happy as a pig in ###, which really she is anyway. She does nothing to help any situation. I like how she goes right up to team leads and starts talking ### about an agent in front of the whole pod, and isnt even quiet about it. either. I think of all the team leads and management her, joey, and john sanders are the biggest power trippers there are.Joey can be a real [censored] baggery, but The biggest person in that whole place that has a problem with anyone, and picks on people is the team leader john sanders. There have been numberous complaints about him, and how he treats peopl. He actually looks for reasons to write you up. log into break 1 minute early, and he'll tell you, your trying to steal overtime from the company. go out of network to find a tow truck without asking, but not having any other option, get written up. have a period leak on the floor, and try to use the bathroom---- write up. I think this guy is the biggest problem there is. I dont think i've ever seen so many people so uncomfortable in one place. when he's there, do yourself a favor... try to memorize every aspect of the employee handbook, and try to be aware of the rules he makes up as he goes along. I'm totally serious. Joey adams and him are butt buddies, so nothing ever gets done about it. We got a new site director in holland who has done everything in her power to do absolutly nothing about anything going on there. all she does is ibernate all day in her office, possibly walk to healthcare and give her hello's for the day, and that's about it. I know for a fact she's well aware of the problems here, and about john sanders. nothing gets done at this place. Hey have you guys ever looked into the past articles about novo 1 at the novo 1 site? well the ceo, mary murcott, says that she doesnt think other foreign countries are up to the challenge for customer service, like we are at novo 1. that htere has been so many problems with other countries taking calls. yeah! thats why india grades BMW calls and fails americans! thats why half of our roadside department is in Insia and the Phillipines! yeah mary murcott, i like how you lie to. This place is still a mess. an even bigger mess than it was when patrick blanchard was site director. It's absolutly absurd what goes on in this place. We dont have one person in management that even tries. We arn't allowed to even read, but hey you have to eat at your desk, and hold lunches if we get busty. If i cant read a book on my downtime, why the hell should i eat at my desk? the new site director needs to learn some new skills herself. Instead of hiding in your office, or only making your rounds to the health department, why dont you actually try to do SOMETHING TO CHANGE THIS PLACE. IF anyone from the novo 1 company sees this, that can actually do something, please help. we are tired, and fed up with this place.
I've been at Novo 1 for two years. Things have gotten much worse since I started. They forced the last site director out and put in a soulless dictator who has continued to ignore the many problems with her management and taken away any small comforts that we once had. They fired the one person we could count on, Human resource director Debra Ozga, and have not replaced her. I'm not sure that it's even legal to not have a Human Resources department. It's common for them to delay all brakes for hours on end with no explanation. Recently they denied the entire roadside dept of their breaks for several consecutive days because they had to make up occupancy time from sending people home early, earlier in the month. They will send you home against your will and without pay based on arbitrary measurements that are beyond your control. They don't train you for your job and continually add more programs for you to learn and give you no back up support. There are two rental company's that we dispatch for. Avis/ Budget and EAN. if you take one of these companies calls it is against their contracts for you to take the other. It's a conflict of interest stipulation. And yet at Novo 1 they don't even respect the confines of their own contracts and it is commonplace for you to take calls for both. The ORS that were referred to in other posts is a reference program on our computers that is unsearchable in its design. And yet that is always the bottom line answer from your team leads, Look in ORS. The team leads are mostly arrogant ###s who are all, and I mean all, 'yes men'. And the program manager, Dallas M. is the worst type of bully. Every direction that comes down from above Dallas turns into a 'zero tolerance' directive. Not knowing that everyone 'beneath' her see her as a joke. Zero tolerance means zero thinking for management. The only incentive you have to perform well is your quality score. How well you do on quality determines your shift times and days off. But the quality people all grade in their own terms and by their own rules. And if they make a mistake you can't get your score overturned because no one backs you up. They fire people for no apparent reason and them call them back at a lower pay rate and with no benefits as soon as they can to keep from paying unemployment. And you have no choice but to come back or get no unemployment pay.
have to say I have to agree with 99% of the posts made here. I myself worked at the Holland Novo1 site and will say the place sucks worse compared to when I started. Those who started with me were promised that we would start at $9.00 per hour, get a 50 cent raise after 90 days, then within 6 months we would get another 50 cents to be earning $10.00 per hour. We were also told we would have 1 week of vacation per year, yearly reviews with merit increases. Never happened. Oh and don't forget the Business Casual attire that is required to be worn. Im sorry but since when are spandex pants or leggings with a sweater that doesn't even come past your ### & 4 inch heels considered Business Attire? And who the hell would hire someone who comes to apply and Interview for a job in a torn tshirt and jeans? HELLO!
As for the Management staff. Yes that is the biggest joke of all. The first site director (not really but was in charge) was Chris Wade from the Dallas location. Very odd man, but made sure to know who ALL the employees were. then there was Patrick Blanchard who proved himself to be totally incompetent. The man couldn't speak a sentance without pausing or tripping over his words. Nor could he figure out how to follow company policies he was supposed to enforce! But you can bet your ### he sure knew how to spend the companies money on furnishing his office just the way he wanted it. Then comes the newest walking disaster to fill the Site Director office. Michelle Levy spent her first few days walking around the center smiling at everyone & saying hi, then decided we were not worth wasting her time. She comes and goes as she pleases, finds all types of things wrong that the ARS employees seem to be doing, and then goes & visits & jokes around with one of the 3 Health Care groups before hiding away in her office. If she does walk thru, you surely know it. For someone in her position I understand you should dress appropriately, but Jesus Christ at least be able to walk in the heels that you decide to purchase. If you can't manage that task, buy yourself some flats!
In regards to the Account Managers. Dallas Matyasi is rather a loudmouth type person and doesn't seem to have a problem loudly reprimanding someone, but when hands are up and she is out on the floor she will help. Unless you are one of her favorites, you will have to wait quite awhile. Joey Adams is basically as another former employee put it but in simple terms, a [censored] Bag. The man has absolutely no idea how to take a roadside assistance call, but in a heartbeat, will be able to tell YOU what you did wrong. He can't answer simple questions with anything but "READ ORS" which by the way has more Incorrect information provided than Correct information. I'm sorry but an account manager should be able to answer questions for the Accounts they are managing as well as be able to jump on the phones to assist when busy. At least be able to have the ability to do an Override!
Now for Team Leads. Yeah in all seriousness, out of the 10 or 11 that are there now in ARS, only 3 should actually have the job. Not naming names on them due to the fact they actually DO HELP. Not always the friendliest people again, unless you are one of their favorites, but they do the job they are there to do. As for the others, either they sucked enough dick to get the job, or they have enough ### on Management to get it to keep their mouths shut. there is no other explanation.
I've worked many companies in the past, and NEVER have I seen such incompetence, lack of morale, backstabbing, ### talking by EVERYONE ABOUT EVERYONE, and VIOLATIONS OF WORK & LABOR LAWS. I'm glad I left when I did. I heard it's gotten much worse and a friend posted a picture the other day of the Preschool conditions that have been instilled lately.
If you are looking for a job, please pass this by. It does sound like a great opprotunity on paper, but as with many other things you find out in life, looks can be deceiving.
Wow.. I have been with Novo1 for many years. I work in the office in Denison, Texas. I love my job, i work for Verizon and At&t, Provider hotline, and All the campaigns as well. Imagine a company not having standards. They give you training, and tell you how to meet those standards, and then you whine when you can't pass the test? all novo1 employees start out the same for the ARS campaigns that is.. and they tell you this. I have gone to the other facilities and trained classes myself. If you feel like you were "duped" then maybe you are just not call center material.
I have been contacted by representatives from this company so I came to check out the reviews. WOW is all I can say. #1 Its a large company you're going to have negative employees. #2. I do believe there is an issue with the pay being advertised...and the pay being offered. #3. I believe that after seeing the reviews and talking to former employees that there is a serious issue with control between the, very untrained, inexperienced staff and the "wanting" to be trained.."NEW BE'S". I am very sad to say I do not believe I will be there to help you all get trained properly. Although it should be at the TOP of the list to make the employees HAPPY! I guess I will see what happens when I divulge my information on the "upper" management.