I would just like to warn individuals that are interested in purchasing micro mini piglets from this breeder: CJ "Craig" Tobler - Oinkdaddy.com. the photos of piglets on his website are misleading, he used a bait and switch tactic on me, and one of the animals i received has not healthy and had to be put down.
The first photo is the pictures the breeder had on his website. the second photo is what the piglets actually looked like when i picked them up. As you can see, one is a different color - he was supposed to be light brown and he's black. The other piglet wasnt even the piglet i selected/paid for. since they are next to my 100lb pitbull, you can also see that they are not as small as he claims
This is my horrible experience: I recently purchased 2 piglets from his website. I paid in advance for the 2 piglets. I drove 7 1/2 hours round trip to pick up the piglets i had selected and paid for. When i arrived, I was given 2 piglets but noticed neither of them looked anything like the online photos i had viewed and one was not even the original piglet i had selected/purchased. I was then told that he accidentally gave one of the piglets i purchased to someone else. Since i had already paid and would not receive a refund and had already drove so far i decided to just take the animals home. I took them to the vet like i was supposed to, and everything seemed fine.1 1/2 months later the replacement piglet i was given instead of the piglet i had selected/purchased had to be put down. I sent the breeder an email the next day explaining what had happened. That the piglet seemed fine yesterday morning but when i arrived home from work he was very ill and wouldnt get up. That i immediately called the vet and took him to the emergency vet clinic. When i got there his temperature wouldnt even register. The vet said that usually means its 92 degress or lower and that at that point his organs were shutting down. I asked the vet what i should do and she said the best thing to do would be to euthanize him so he wouldnt have to suffer anymore. you could tell he was having a hard time breathing and was extremely lethargic. I cuddled him and tried to say my goodbyes. The vet performed an autopsy and determined the piglet had a 6inch bowel obstruction/blockage and that portion of his intestines had become necrotic. I asked the vet if there was anyway i could have prevented this or if i had done something to cause this and she said no. That she only found food and gas in the piglets' intestines. I explained to her that the piglet had been eating, drinking, and having regular bowel movements. She said the obstruction was probably going on for some time since it was 6 inches and the bowel was able to pass through until now which is why he didnt seem ill before. (which means the piglet already had the bowel obstruction when the breeder gave him to me). the breeder responded to my email by sending- "that is so sad to hear, yet I would have gotten his temperature up, hydrated him, flushed him, and given him some dextrose. Most vets are quick to euthanize, and I have had people from around the country turn to me for advice. many micro mini piglets are social and need the companionship. Should you decide to get a companion for the piglet you still have, I would place Zippi, Jake, Joker, etc for a lower than posted price." i let my vet read his email and she assured me that i did the right thing by having him euthanize. She said even if we had known of the blockage and did emergency surgery, the piglet would have passed as soon as he was given the gas to sedate him. She also commented that the breeder is not a vet and that vets are never quick to euthanize unless the animal is beyond help and suffering. i looked at the 3 piglets the breeder suggested (zippi, jake, and joker) in his email but they were much older than the piglet i had purchased. I let the breeder know that i was worried about the piglet i still have being lonely and wrote that i was interested in another pig listed on his site that was the litter mate of the piglet that had passed because she looks almost exactly like him. In the next email i received the breeder wrote I can offer you a discount for the older males that I listed, yet would still take off $25 for Ruri, Kanela, or Niro. - I responded by reminding him that i wasnt given the right piglet to start with and i honestly thought he would give more than a $25 dollar discount considering the circumstances. He emailed me back the following. "The best price that I can do for you on Kanela is $350. I have been selling the very young piglets for $550 to $1000. IF she was two months of age, she would have been priced at $625, so there is almost $300 reduced on Kanela to get her to $350.I will place her for $350 with you, if that is agreeable with you, if not then I can offer $50 off on other piglets."At that point i was pretty upset since Kanela was listed on his website for $400 - so pricing her at $350 was only a $50 discount. She was also already over 6 months old so it didn't matter that she could have been priced higher when she was younger. I expressed that I would not be purchasing another piglet from him because i felt that all he cared about was money and advised him that i would be posting about this on several reporting websites because i honestly think its not right. I ended the email by explaining again that he gave me a different piglet than I agreed to purchase (which is honestly a bait and switch tactic and is illegal). I only had the piglet for 1 1/2 months, i took him to the vet and did everything i was supposed to do and it wasnt my fault he passed. i wrote that i thought it was ridiculous that he would try to charge me so much for a new piglet when he should have been willing to give me a replacement of equal or lesser value or allow me to pay the difference in price for Kanela. He emailed me back saying i was threating him by saying i would post about what happened but it wasnt a threat. i simply meant i would post about my experience and allow people to make their own perception regarding the situation. He then asked for my vets information and wanted to call them and have them fax all required information regarding the piglet that had passed, which is understandable and i did give him my vets info. Then he emailed me to "read the health contract again - this was not hereditary or congenital so there is no free replacement." He never even gave me a contract nor did i sign a contract regarding the piglet that passed and I honestly thought that he would be compassionate, understanding, and willing to make this right but $50 off a piglet isnt much of a discount considering i just paid him several hundreds of dollars a month and half ago.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I bought a pig from Oink Daddy and when i got my pig it didnt look like the pig i picked on the website either. I followed all instructions and guidelines of the contract but the pig continued to get bigger and bigger. I spoke and emailed Mr. Tobler several time and followed all his instructions but no matter how hard i tried the pigs kept gaining. I took the pig to the vet and they said Mr. Toblers modified feeding recommendation for my pig was unethical and the pig wouldnt get enough nutrients if i kept following them. The vet said doing so would starve my pig. After that Oink daddy still said my contract was null and void because i didnt satisfy all the requirements. I did everything i was supposed to do so the contract would be good and he still told me i violated the contract somehow and i wouldnt be getting any money back. My pig is no where near the "estimated" weight Mr. Tobler guaranteed. its over 60 pounds now and still has a year to grow (pigs dont stop growing until they are 3yrs old). Oink Daddy is a liar, not a breeder but a greeder because he only cares about making money and his weight guarantee is a joke. There is no way you can keep the pigs that small unless you starve it to death.
Oinkdaddy has a new and improved size and health guarantee. there is a new 4 year replacement guarantee that covers a replacement for the death of the piglet up to four years of age for any reason. The guarantees are posted at www.oinkdaddy.com The new guarantee for size requires just two times a year for reporting the size, weight, weight gain with two standing pics. Could not be much easier.
In the past the two complaints are false and misleading. The new parent did not do the required weekly or monthly monitoring with weight, weight gain, and pics. The new parent also failed to provide the medical records and photos of the pig. The guarantee is not valid if the new parent wont comply. So, the guarantees were made so much more simple and easy to follow.
Oinkdaddy's 4 Year Replacement Guarantee:
Peace of Mind while raising your Oinkdaddy True Micro Mini Piglet in Nano or Teen size. No Questions asked for replacement. Raise with more support, guidance, and satisfaction. Years of New Parents that have the healthy and correct size micro pig when they have followed Oinkdaddy Care Recommendations with the care monitoring. Please ask for references. Should your piglet die for any reason prior to 4 yearS of age, there is a replacement.
True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle cold weather. True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle excessive body weight or obesity, so don't overfeed. True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle canine attacks. True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle harsh cleaning chemicals.
Oinkdaddy will replace one of his micro piglets that dies BEFORE 4 years of life, no questions asked. Vet invoice verification of the death with a picture of the deceased piglet. There is no need for a necropsy. The new parent must be part of the microchip program. A Nano Micro Mini piglet will be replaced for $175. A Teen Micro Mini piglet will be replaced for $325. The new parent must pay for the neuter or spay plus the shipping on United Airline PetSafe shipping. The replacement does come with a Reunite Microchip that has a lifetime enrollment with no yearly fees.
It is not easy being a parent to a child that does not talk. I am here to support and guide. My genetics are true and can be authenticated by the dedicated Oinkdaddy New Parents that have followed my feed and care recommendations. I have supported and guided through the Care Monitoring Program.
between austin and san antonio
Kasee is not being honest or genuine. She is misleading and not telling the truth.
She would not provide pigtures. She would not provide medical records. She had the piglet for many, many weeks, and let it get constipated to the point it died. I discussed this with leading livestock veterinarian, Dr. Mark Williams of Williams-Sebby Vet Clinic. He assured me that had the piglet left the ranch constipated or impacted, he would have died in less than a week. I offered a low amount of money towards a new piglet as it was recommended not to give her a replacement. Also, she would not comply with the requirements at the time to get a free replacement, as she would not give a medical invoice or report, necropsy report, or any current pictures. The truth of the adoption is she got a smaller and more valuable litter mate brother that was identical, yet she wants to mislead about that also.
Oinkdaddy's New 4 Year Replacement Guarantee that also works with the health and size guarantee:
Peace of Mind while raising your Oinkdaddy True Micro Mini Piglet in Nano or Teen size. No Questions asked for replacement. Raise with more support, guidance, and satisfaction. Years of New Parents that have the healthy and correct size micro pig when they have followed Oinkdaddy Care Recommendations with the care monitoring. Please ask for references. Should your piglet die for any reason prior to 4 yearS of age, there is a replacement.
True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle cold weather. True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle excessive body weight or obesity, so don't overfeed. True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle canine attacks. True Micro Mini Piglets can not handle harsh cleaning chemicals.
Oinkdaddy will replace one of his micro piglets that dies BEFORE 4 years of life, no questions asked. Vet invoice verification of the death with a picture of the deceased piglet. There is no need for a necropsy. The new parent must be part of the microchip program. A Nano Micro Mini piglet will be replaced for $175. A Teen Micro Mini piglet will be replaced for $325. The new parent must pay for the neuter or spay plus the shipping on United Airline PetSafe shipping. The replacement does come with a Reunite Microchip that has a lifetime enrollment with no yearly fees.
It is not easy being a parent to a child that does not talk. I am here to support and guide. My genetics are true and can be authenticated by the dedicated Oinkdaddy New Parents that have followed my feed and care recommendations. I have supported and guided through the Care Monitoring Program.
between austin and san antonio
I have a beautiful pig from Mr. Tobler and I am so happy. I was guaranteed a 22 lb pig and that is what I have. She will be 2 in November and I have followed all of the guidelines that Mr. Tobler established. I have never had a problem with him communicating with me and addressing my concerns. I have spoken to him multiple times and we are in constant email and Facebook contact. My niece also purchased a pig from Mr. Tobler and he as well is doing great and he is 21 lbs and will be 2 years old in January. I am a veterinary technician and I guarantee you that I am not starving my pigs. They eat grain, fresh veggies and no fast food or junk food. They are loving animals that provide me and my family with love. We take our girl everywhere and she gets dressed up and nails polished.
The reality is that if you love your pig then it does not matter what size they are. With Mr. Tobler's instructions and support I have maintained my pig at a healthy weight and she is tiny and adorable. If my pig got up to 500 lbs I would still love her and be happy that I purchased her and brought her to my family. My baby was the exact same animal as the picture and so was my niece's. They are smart and loving. My pig was litterbox trained in 3 days.
Mr. Tobler is a great breeder and he cares about his animals and their new parents. He has given guidance and support and I referred him and will continue to refer him to others.
Hi Everyone!
CJ Tobler aka Oinkdaddy sold me a micro/ extreme dandy/teacup pig. The total price (including airfare) was only $4000.00! The forever tiny love of my life. I named the delicate angel BessiePearl.
Contractually, BessiePearl, would never grow to more than 15 pounds. How wonderfully exciting!
Well, BessiePearl clearly did not read the contract. She did weigh 15 pounds. As I recall it was a Tuesday afternoon from 3:00 to 5:30.
Bess is now 6 years old and weighs 240 pounds. Little Angel.
CJ Kobler is the very definition of a LYING piece of [censored]. He has hurt so many people and pigs. He should be in prison. DO NOT BUY A PIG FROM HIM.