I’ve called around and found out some info regard ing Pacific Loan Solu tions. Sam “the Pres i dent” is still at the old address, doing busi ness under another name. He told me when I talked to him on his cell that he is mov ing his office to Anaheim hills.
He also told me that Jeff “the Bro ker” moved to Corona. I found the fol low ing link to his new office.
We can’t let these jok ers take our money, I plan to go stand out side their offices until we get it back…who is with me.
One more thing, when I talked to Sam, he tried to sell me a bank ruptcy through an attor ney, this woman was clue less as him. Here is her information…I wouldn’t use her after the hor ri ble expe ri ence with Pacific Loan Solutions.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Pacific Loan Solitions has changed their name to Image Management, Owned and run by Sam Ismail, his partner is Sal. This is a scam to take your money and do NO WORK. I wanted to do a loan Modification on my house and had a loan audit done to find errors in my original loan paperwork (this is what they told me was needed in order to ensure Chase would grant me a loan modification). I did not hear from them for 3 months and finally got a hold of Sam. The first guy I was working with had moved on. Sam said that he needed loan modification paperwork to finish this and for me to bring it in or fax in the paperwork, which I did and an initial check for 2000.00. He lectured me that they have had customers that have ripped him off after they get their loan modification paperwork from the bank and therefore he does everything in installments. My paperwork was started in early June and I started making phone calls to Chase late July and discovered nothing had been done. I called Sam and he told me that I needed to talk to Chase's Litigation Department, So I did, and they also had nothing. I then spoke to 5 others departments and there was no record of anything at all. Then one morning, Sam called me upset and said that I had put him on a web site called complaints board. I had never did such a thing. Why would I put him on a web site when he is still working on my case? He argued with me and told me he was dropping my case. I went to the web site and found the details of the complaint. It was too detailed about me and my situation, and I came to the conclusion that Sam, the owner, must have put my experience on there so he would have an excuse to drop me. What does he have to lose, he has my money and his Pacific Loan Solutions, the company named in the complaint, is now out of business. So he is not damaging his company, and now has a new company called Image Management which he said does Bankruptcies. Its a total scam here and stay away from Zachary Gonzalas and Jeff Hudson who worked with Sam. Jeff started a new company in Corona with Loan Mods and Zachary is doing Bankruptcys and credit restore. After asking Sam to prove to me that he worked with Chase in getting me a loan modification, he wasn't able to. I asked to get my money back, since he would not and had not done the work promissed, he said no. His response was "take me to court".
Last cell phone number for Sam that I have is [protected].
Find out more about Wisam Omar Ismail aka "Sam", Jeffrey Torrez & Atty Zachary I. Gonzalez, Jr. on this link:
FYI, Sal Kassis is his nephew.
I like to join this group because I was ripped off by PLS and in my last visit before Sam moved to a new office, he tried to convince me to do a bankruptcy. My home now has a sale date and they did nothing for me. Something needs to be done.
If you got ripped off by PLS, then you can file a complaint with the Department of Real Estate - http://www.dre.ca.gov/cons_complaint.htmlhttp://www.dre.ca.gov/cons_complaint.html - license number [protected].
If you got ripped off by PLS's new company, IMG, then file a complaint with the FTC - https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/
i have the same problem. if i had not had the resources to bring my mortgage current, this company would have cost me my home. the only solution this company had for me was to go bankrupt, which of course would have cost me more money. do not use this company.
Plain and simple, you want to know where Pacific Loan Solutions is and Jeff Torrez, well, here is his new company. http://www.johntowers.com/contact_us.html
I went to see him to get my money back, but he just threw me out of the office. I’m going to sue him now.
Hello I am Samuel Cafiero, I am a Judgment Recovery Specialist. If you or someone you know has a judgment against anyone lets talk. I specialize in helping business owners, landlords, and other individuals recover funds by Enforcing Judgments. lets talk judgmentcollectionie at gmail, I am a marine corp veteran and i am partnered with a judgment enforcement practitioner who has been active enforcing judgments for over 17 years here in southern california. lets get these people.
* i am not an attorney, i do not give legal advice. if you need an attorney contact the california bar for assistance