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CB Music, Movies and Television Review of Paramount Demo Service
Paramount Demo Service

Paramount Demo Service review: Music Scam 41

Author of the review
2:31 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Has anyone ever been happy with any service Paramount Music of Nashville has provided.

They claim many things and give the immpression they work with The In crowd of The Nashville Song Writing World .

I exchanged a couple of e mails with one of the owners, and found him very naive, about the way the whole system works..

I believe they are rippimg people off, I have never ever considered using them as I do my own demo's. and they have nothing in the way of a quality service that I require.

I'm just interested that so many seem to use them and keep them in business .

The only demos I have heard from them feature singers who cant stay in tune and musicians who cant play properly.

But perhaps someone else can prove me wrong.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Aug 28, 2012 7:05 pm EDT
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I have a record and publishing company. I have received more than 100 submissions from writers who have had their songs recorded by Paramount. 99% of these submissions are decent productions but the quality of the lyrics, melodies and commercial ability of the songs are extremely poor. In my opinion, Paramount is doing a disservice to these uneducated writers by charging them for an inferior product such as: Length of songs up to 6 minutes, Monotone or monotonous melodies, No development of story line and or hooks and Inconsistencies. In the past 40 years in the music business I could have been a millionaire if I took writer's money, like Paramount does, and recorded every song submitted to me and offers of money from writers to make demos whether the songs had a chance or not. If Paramount had any integrity, they would not charge for submissions and help these writers by giving them an honest critique and advising them to learn the craft of songwriting and resubmit their songs when they, at least, have a chance to be recorded by a major artist or record company.

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Mar 09, 2017 10:54 am EST
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Replying to comment of MusicMaker

Hi Music Maker
But what does a writer do if he has his songs recorded ? I have tried many Publishing Co's and they dont accept unsolicited material? How does a wroiter who does not have a manager and is too Old to persue his own career as an Artist... How my friend?... This is why people use companies like Paramount Song...

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Sep 12, 2017 5:29 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of MusicMaker

Paramount Song has done two demos for me. After many submissions to industry professionals for their consideration, The complaints I get range from music too loud and the song is too long for commercial viability. I contacted Norm Daniels, the creative director, and all I got from him was his temper and his arrogant attitude. He would not even consider that the demos had any problems. Very unprofessional and
treats customers who have a problem like it is their fault! He ev3en went so far as to accuse the people I sent my demos to as nothing but less than professional and only after my money. Well, after discussing it with this arrogant A hole, I know very well where the problem lies. Do Not use Paramount Song for your demos. They claim to be professionals who will make you a great demo and all you get for your money is pitiful excuses and arrogance!
I see no excuse for making demos that are too long after bragging about professionalism! I even asked for a list of industry pros he sent my demos to and he wouldn't or couldn't give me even one!The man is so arrogant he cannot even consider a problem with his demo service. Don't walk away from Paramount Song...Hold on to your money and Run!

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Nov 06, 2019 6:59 pm EST
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Replying to comment of MusicMaker

Music maker. Are you still in business or still writing Lyrics/Music/songs. If so I would love to have A conversation with you.

Framingham, US
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Oct 10, 2012 9:35 am EDT
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Thanks MusicMaker... I will write you privately.

Dorian Castle

shre, US
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May 14, 2013 10:09 am EDT

Please provide as much information as possible...

S. Gustafski (Scotty)
Apache Junction, US
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Jul 10, 2013 5:41 am EDT
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Hi, Musicmaker!

If YOU want some outstanding, wonderful and heartfelt lyrics and are very serious about a writer whose songs have value, worth and meaning, you'll contact me and never regret it. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you! (

Hang Loose
Brooklyn, US
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Jul 29, 2013 2:05 pm EDT

SCAM SCAM SCAM Avoid this company at all costs. Once you submit your music, lyrics or whatever they will send you a contract saying your song has been selected to be put on a demo. The cost for this runs between $140-almost $400. After they send you your demo they will send you a letter saying that your song has been selected by the creative department or something of that nature to be put on an album called Catch A Rising Star which will have your name as the writer on the album. To have your music put on this album is going to cost you about a $100 dollars. Then on top of the $100 it will cost you another $15 for each CD of the album so YOU can distribute it to anyone YOU like. If you ever contact the company to find out any information in regards to how the promotion of your music is coming they are very nasty. Especially Mr. David Robinson who is extremely obnoxious, rude and for some strange reason overly impressed with himself. This man is lucky to be speaking over the phone to people and not to their face because he would be in for a rude awakening. This company WILL NOT DO A THING FOR YOU EXCEPT DRAIN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT!

Bayoo, US
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Sep 05, 2013 1:31 pm EDT

How any Publisher could say that Paramount make a decent Demo is beyond me,
I agree they are preying on the Vanity of Learning Writers, as are many many more

Anyone who sends a lyric to a so called company or studio, with a view of paying for them to compose the music and make a demo, is living in Cloud Cuckoo land.

Surely you must realise if they were any good at composing Great Music, why would they be bothering with you. A.S.C.A.P. state they will not handle any collaboration, that's good of them to say that, but the truth is that scenario will never happen. Why?
because great songs are not just written, they are re written sometimes many many times, until a satisfactory song evolves.

Learning songwriters are so naive, it's unbelievable to me that they would even
consider that route.


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Feb 24, 2014 1:33 am EST

Well I disagree with all of you. From 2009 to 2012 I sent my demos to Paramountsong TN to be made up. I sent the words and the tune that I sang onto a tape with a fee. The songs were made up well I thought and I have listed the demos with videos I made onto my You Tube page and my website page. As far as I am aware, it was a man called David Robinson who found the muscians and hired session singers to make up my demos and I am satisfied . You must send IN your own tune to your words. Go listen and decide for yourself; at : or SHERYL JOLLIE BRIGSS ON You Tube channel.

John Richard Hendley III
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Oct 24, 2017 12:30 am EDT
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Replying to comment of sejb

I agree with you 100% I had a beautiful song called Remembering Christmases Gone By which is currently on ITunes and can be heard at and I am thinkinh about having another song done by them about animal abuse

Dean Harrison
Bournemouth, GB
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Jul 21, 2014 3:26 am EDT
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HI SHERYL Sadly your own experience with Paramount is not typical, far from it
The music bussiness is highly competitive, and the man who calls himself David Robinson, that you refer to . does not exist, well only in his imagination.

The line these people tread is so dodgy, that they would never give out their real names they are con artists, who do not actually promise anything that anyone can sue them for not completing

We have the contacts, Your song won the poem of the month, Your song will be recorded by a leading Nashville Singer. Et-cetera how could you prove they are lieing
without spending a fortune.

Your own You Tube site does not now exist. and from what i have heard your songs
have no commercial prospects whatsoever, that is my opinion.

You are precisely the type of learning writer that they prey on.
Sorry, but that is a fact, and it's meant to save others from parting with money they can ill afford.

johnnie at ELP
Goose Creek, US
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Aug 18, 2014 11:40 pm EDT

Hello, I actually Won - One of Paramount's Contest several years ago - I received a total prize of $1000.00 -) some in demo credits and some in a check... If you send them in- a tune and Lyrics- They have done a great job for me. Lets face it- If you don't - you get what you get.. The prize winning gave me the encouragement to keep writing. I have also had some of the top critics in Nasheville and in the country also critique the Demos and they were Impressed- especially when I told them that Paramount Produced them. . I did not feel I received a lot of promotion or pitching from them to performing artist or record labels... But I know for a fact they are downtown Nasheville ( I have even been to the office to pick up a copy of a demo) and can verify that they are only houses down from Major recording studios.. For those new songwriters inspiring to write the next big hit- Join a songwriters guild and get some feedback before you spend major $$$. Take the time to develop your songs and when its READY- then Pay for the Best demo you can afford. If you just want to hear YOUR song put to Music - no matter what the cost- go for it! For some people that may be their only dream...As for the length of the songs- if you send in 20 verses- Who is to decide which ones to keep and which ones to take out? That is not apart of the service- they offer- SONGWRITERS DO YOUR RESEARCH before you have a demo made anywhere. Learn more about the business and what is expected, needed, and wanted from Publisher's and recording Companies. By the way-I can also verify that the publishers on their lists-WILL call you- If your work fits their needs or shows promise for any project they have.

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Oct 04, 2019 12:32 pm EDT
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Have you ever try to ask for music masters save in a computer hard drive from paramount ? Thanks.

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Sep 25, 2014 12:28 am EDT

well Dean Harrison, my reply to you is I totally disagree. the demo songs done for me by Paramountsong were all over the net for sale during 2011-to 2012. I had requests from people who wanted to promote them and very good comments. I was happy with the quality of their hired musicians, only one song demo I thought could have done with more better music quality. Not everything in life is about earning $. What wrecked it for me was the hackers. I could not locate them. They must live in the fresh air especially the crowd from the Netherlands. Anything good gets pinched. sejbriggs

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Oct 10, 2014 11:07 pm EDT

Also Dean, I forgot to mention that in 2011 at the 31st Australian Songwriting Awards(known as ASA), I entered the demo that one of their hired session groups did for me (my demo song called 'His Way/Your Way) male voice for singer) and in the 'spiritual' section of the official results the demo received fifth place. So they try to find session groups/singers that match the style of song sent. Does this then mean the Aussie judges lack good judging taste?

DNP songs
Wickenburg, US
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Oct 18, 2014 4:28 pm EDT

Ok, so now I know Paramount is not the people to do my songs so who do I use. That I can trust... Don Putnam..

Cotopaxi, US
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Oct 24, 2014 9:25 pm EDT

check this one out the did for me...

Jefferson, US
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Dec 08, 2014 2:27 pm EST

I was offered a deal by Paramount also. I responded with telling them I had paid a producer a substantial amount of money. Their response then was an apology letter and ask if I would be interested in a publishing deal? Did I have more songs? I told them I would love to hear their offer but had other offers on the table and would consider all offers before making a decision. Then they decided to bow out as they put it and not keep their word with presenting me with an offer. I ask also about claims of scam reports and they responded with I will pay you 500.00 for an address phone number and name of one person who will stand by their claim. I will share this money with a charity if someone will stick by their claim of scam or split the money with them. My attorney has reviewed the offer of cash and said they will have to stand by their agreement and offer if I come through at least one person who claims they are a scam and allow me to pass the name address number. So if interested in your claim and getting paid please contact me @ to discuss. If they had charged me for a demo and never contacted me again I would stand by my claim. Thanks for reading and hope to hear from at minimum one person who has no problem with helping me.
Thanks Stephen

Bayoo, US
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Feb 15, 2015 7:41 am EST

I don't believe several of these answers If any one would go to Just Plain Folks you will find no one who has anything good to say about Paramount I know for a fact that no one has ever won any money from so called Song Contests run by them apart from say 10 dollars the claim of one thousand dollars is a complete lie, these guys are crooks who rob people blind via false claims

I am a lawyer and the fact that three so called legitimate e mails defending Paramount is an obvious ploy by them
to cover up the way they work

They have no publishing company because legitimate Nashville insiders would have anything to do with them
Does anyone notice that none of these e mails can lead to a site where we can listen to these so called near hit songs

John Richard Hendley III
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Oct 24, 2017 12:40 am EDT
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Check out my song Remembering Christmases Gone By on done by Paramount Productions, I am completely satisfied

April Teezee
Nonyabuisness, US
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Apr 08, 2015 9:32 am EDT
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To all those who did submit a song or lyrics...did they even send you a confirmation email saying they received your work? Funny how they bombarded me with spam email everyday til I finally submitted something. Now not a single one. Almost two weeks now...

Bremen, US
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Apr 09, 2015 1:59 pm EDT

Please help. I been goin through surgery for the 3 year now I've had 7 of them so far. I can't work a job that requires a lot of walking so I started writing songs. My songs are good they really are, I sent three songs to paramount and received a contract. Thiers alot of money I've spent on them so far. If it is a scam! How do I get my money back and what songwriting company do I need to send my songs to?


Olympia, US
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Apr 09, 2015 2:53 pm EDT
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I wrote several songs for Paramount in 2000 and 2001. Two of them won the grand prize. I received s $500 check, plus full band demo for one and a $251 check and full band demo for the other. "Life happened" and I'm now back writing songs with them again. But I can only say that, especially now, their melodies for my lyrics have been quite good. Will my two latest songs, soon to come out on Startune Music, sell via Amazon or ITunes? I hope so because my 14% income from every dollar will go to the St. Jude's Children's Hospital. I'm pushing 70 and don't need the money, but I think I have a sense for story lines and important hooks to make my songs "memorable", which is what it's all about. If not, at least my grandkids and great-grandson will have something to remember me by. Good luck to you all. Opa45

Wigan, GB
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May 22, 2015 11:14 am EDT

I have read these comments, and maybe there are valid points on both sides. I have not found any evidence to surgest this company is a scam. The only negative is that they exaggerate a few things that are not going to be right for everybody. I've been with other companies and they follow the same type of conduct. They are not the only company and I have other offers. Its about the individual and how far they want to take there talent. I see America being more open to new song writers than here in the Uk. I've been a member at B.A.S.C.A. Thats during the 1990s (Eurovision) and everywhere is competitve. Touch down, individuals know why they do things (their goal).

Wigan, GB
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May 22, 2015 11:29 am EDT

I have read these comments and on both sides there maybe a valid point. There is nothing to surgest that this company is a scam. The only negative is they exaggerate on many things, but its about the individual. It can't be right for everyone. I've been a member at B.A.S.C.A (Eurovision). That was in the 90s. Like many companies they follow the same conduct, and its a competitive market out there. I vision America as wider spectrum. I have many others, and Paramount are not the only company.

Music Changed My Life
ft lauderdale, US
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Jul 12, 2015 5:24 pm EDT
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My demo came out great because I wrote a great song. Thats where it starts. They did a excellent job producing it, and the recording and singer sound great and crystal clear. They don't even charge anything near what half these demo companies charge. Once you get your demo...don't depend on Paramount to work your record for you, publish your record for you, or get you a publishing or record deal. YOU have to work your own record. Im not signing any deal with Startune Records to publish me online because I can distribute the record online myself. I can pursue publishers myself. Its the information age folks, start researching and use some of this info to your advantage.

Bullfinch Allen
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Jul 26, 2015 8:50 am EDT

I've had 3 demos made by Paramount in the past year or so. All of them have been of very high quality and the price is not that high either. I've got no complaints. Sure they try and get some extra cash out of you using exaggeration and a bit of spin, but you don't have to take their promotions up. I also use a very highly regarded company in the UK to do demos and there is no difference in the quality between them or the price. At least Paramount give you some info about publishing companies and occasionally ask for songs that could potentially be covered by recording artists. Sorry but they're a decent company just trying to make money and no worse than most.

D Hodges
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Aug 16, 2015 5:40 pm EDT

I agree with Bullfinch Allen, I know some of you may not like hearing what they have to say about your songs, but I have had three great demos done in the past two years. I have a great singer that I have stuck with to do all of my demo's at Paramount. If your song is good people will listen. You have to try and get your song's out there yourself. a record deal is not going to fall in your lap without you working at it. Paramount is a good place to send your song's, so go thru there demo samples and pick your singer out yourself. Good Luck! D Hodges

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Sep 25, 2015 8:45 am EDT
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Listen and hear me well, the better the lyric the better the production... I have submitted 17 demos loved every one... Am a free thinking fella from the UK, , , I write on a high level, , , Yes a lot of lyrics that get through are Average, but its 2 fold paramount try to encourage talent in the making and also make business... Am heading Nashville in the next 8_weeks to stay for a while... For me Paramount thumbs up... I am an Independent Lyricist... Who has grown through Paramount... With Pen in Hand Fitz.. Good Luck 2 you all.

Crystal S. Kauffman
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Jan 22, 2016 12:04 am EST

Hi Everyone,

I believe that Paramount is like any other studio, where you can get a demo made for a certain amount of money. Unfortunately, if you just write lyrics like I do, you have no creative voice in how your demo is made. I won two contests and a little money back in 2005, but at the time I was dealing with the effects of cancer treatment and I was heavily medicated as well. I admit that I didn't do my part in submitting my demo to the people that the company suggested. I have had good reviews on my song, which surprised me. I just submitted it to a associate, who is now playing it on her radio station in Atlanta. (Not sure exact station or details, but I thought it was cool). Recently, I visited a local studio here in FL and they wanted double the money I spent at Paramount to make a demo. I feel that even if you don't like the demo that they made, then tweak it into what you want. I like my demo but I want to tweak it too. Find a band and work with them, because that will give you creative input. Just my opinion and detail on how my experience was. I feel Paramount delivered on their promise to me, but I will admit I didn't hear from them. However, it is my song and my responsibility to stay in contact with them.

I DO NOT FEEL THAT PARAMOUNT IS A SCAM. THEY DO PRODUCE A DEMO and it is totally up to you to get it out there. It takes money to make money as my Papa always said.

Currently, I am and author I am trying to re-enter the songwriting realm.
I would like to know if anyone has some tips on links to submit music (lyrics only) I am not musical.Looking for a mentor or anyone who would be generous enough to pass on some tips. You may contact me here or through my email. Facebook: Crystal S. Kauffman (Author)

My email:

Respectfully yours,

Crystal S. Kauffman
My Song:

Not everyone will like it, but I am proud to have a demo to share with competition and other people who may help further my career in the future.

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Feb 14, 2016 1:21 pm EST

I have a contract on three songs with paramountsong. Only one is registered on Amazon and iTunes. It went on the album Rainbow Destiny aand carries the record label StarTunes. When resurching StarTunes even Amazon has no contact information on them. How are you to be paid if they cannot reach them? Then when you call paramountsong it always goes to voicemail and no one returns your call. Seems to me they are scamming people and keeping the royalties for themselves!

Pamela Shaw
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Jan 28, 2021 1:48 am EST

The royalty cheques were paid by ParamountSong not StarTune Records, wich was owned by ParamountSong. Norm Daniels and Jerry Norman are the same person. I also have a song on Rainbow Destiny. and two other albums still for sale on I will be writing to legal department Amazon soon. As far as I am aware ParamountSong and StarTune went out of business in April 2018. Amazon kept the sales of Startune albums well past the term of the contract we writers had wit ParamountSong so I am not clear who is responsible for the payment of royalties. My oher two album are My Independent Lady and Those Champagne Years 2015 and 2016.

Pamela Shaw
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Jan 29, 2021 8:41 am EST

What song did you have on Rainbow Destiny? Mine was" At The Table Over There." I had three demos done by ParamountSong and I am pleased with them all. They are, "At The Table Over There (Country), on album "Rainbow Destiny", "There Will Be No Tears In Heaven" (Gospel) and "The Gentle Evening Breeze" (Inspirational) on album, "There Will Be No Tears In Heaven" Both these albums are still for sale from 2015/2016 to date on I had two songs demoed by in Nashville in 2013, "My Independent Lady" and "Those Champagne Years" and these were later placed on an album titled "My Independent Lady" by StarTune 2015. SongPoem went out of business in 2014. All of these songs except for "The Gentle Breeze" have been accepted for airplay across Australia. What I am saying is, if the lyrics are good you will get a good demo. It comes down to human nature, really. My only complaints regarding ParamountSong was the lack of effective communication. Also they would not divulge the identity of the musician or the vocalist. If I actually started earning serious royalties on any of these songs the musician is entitled to his or her half share.

Roland Pugh
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Mar 20, 2016 10:47 am EDT

You get a music lawyer with these people. They are crooks! You gain nothing with paramountsong.con artist. Go to and get a class action law suit against the con artist wannabe publicators. They are nothing in the music business.

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Mar 22, 2016 11:44 pm EDT

They love scamming any sucker like myself. However I saved everything they sent from day one! I even put a copyright on all songs they even looked at. Still they want to play ignorant? Then cheat you out of all your royalties. Pathetic excuses is all you will get from Paramount Group.

Angela Briers
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Jun 28, 2016 2:34 pm EDT

I've had two demos done by them. The quality of the music and the singers have been excellent. I sent my first song to bbc radio and it was chosen for air play.
Check it out "Deeper Into You" They only choose the cream of the crop.

Divasin Sheryl Collins
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Mar 25, 2018 5:59 pm EDT

That's what I said too. I place mines on CDBaby. I got free radio airplay and fans. That encourage me to get up and learn to sing, write better, and learn some kind instrument. Some times its not the money, its the time hearing and know 100 percent you did it. I mean it sound so good. I am not a country music big fan. I felt country and blues for my journal song of my ex husband. I tell you people watching it on YouTube. I hope they buy but just listening to it and me getting off my chest how I felt was good. I even add it to my YA book. I am trying to compose for a musical but I tell you if I get the script before the music, I will consider them to help me compose. I mean I have one I been composing on for two years for that musical and I would like to use it if I ever get remarried again. If I find the right guy, I will pay for it for the wedding. LOL.

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Jul 31, 2016 7:54 pm EDT

I write songs ..just let me know what kind of song you need and Ill have it. Haven't recorded any yet but I have a lot of lyrics that are good.

John Richard Hendley III
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Oct 24, 2017 12:48 am EDT
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I had a beautiful song done by Paramount Productions called Remembering Christmases Gone By Check it out : www.Reverbnation.con/CBJohn

Divasin Sheryl Collins
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Mar 25, 2018 5:51 pm EDT

I had two demos done by Paramount. Now I will not say I had sent them to tons of music publishers. That would be totally a lie. I did try one in Canada. The kind of music was nothing he was accepting. So I tried sending it to artists from information I bought from songwriting opportunities. No one wanted to even hear the song. So I decided my lyrics was still good to me and music shouldn't die without a try. So I went to CD Baby place it on there. I bought a picture and headed to Youtube. I also received some radio airplay time. At that point I wanted my writing to be out there. So I wrote a book but before I could do anything with the book, I got fans on Jango. Wow, a big help since now I am learning electronica music and singing it myself. I know sound frightening. I have not done it with a home studio yet. I have over seven thousand views over last few years of Paramount song creation they did with my lyrics. Hey, they give you the rights to the made-up melody. I mean trust me that cheap compare some composers. A professional singer wants in the hundreds to sing a full song. That why I been learning to improve my singing. I give them five stars for a two hundred dollars gig. Most places would charge heavy to compose to your lyrics, and then hire a professional singer is some extra hundreds. I have been taking music course while writing courses. Let me tell you it's big dollars just to have someone give you all rights to composition and have a good recording in a studio. I have to give them five stars. I mean there are tons of professional artists who want to be noticed on some big song. Some even go college and never had that dream filled. I go with five stars people. Go out there and see can you find least for the quality.