The Parsa Law Group back in August accepted $4500.00 in funds to do a loan modification for us. Nothing has been settled with our lenders. to date. Now Parsa Law Group(James Parsa) has been shut down by the State Board and can no longer practice business. How do we go about getting our funds back from the Parsa Law Group (James Parsa). I have made many attempts to call their office and their message machine will not take telecon. They say to fax, email or send a letter to them for communication. Wait for 14-21 days. I am sure we are not the only victims with this firm. Would like to find out how we go about getting our funds back.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
you are one of many, thousands according to the Costa Mesa Police dept. in fact they've so many complaints they wouldn't even take one from me. Suggest you try calling the California state bar, you can get their # by visiting
please email me, I am compiling names of victims
Did you ever get anywhere with filing your claim? I was also a victim $6000. I contacted calbar and inquired about the indemnity acct. got no where with the calbar. It just crossed my mind again and burned me up again all over and decided to search the internet! ~ Robin
Count me in as one of the many screwed by this charlatan.
- C.C.
I am also a victim. Applied for loan modification in July 11, 2009. I was called last week that the attorney was mo longer with PARSA. Found out that PARSA was disbarred. I paid $2650.00 . We should air our complain to Fox 11 or any news station.
Me too - $3900.00 dollars on July 9th and now my house is being sold in a trustee sale.
I also lost a lot of money them that I I paid in August 2009 for legal representation. Seems to me the State bar trial counsel should had have some plan for the clients before they shut him down.
Most of the clients they had were in some form of financial hardship and now are out of options. This is unfair to his honest unknowing clients.
I, for one, cannot afford to go through all this again with a new attorney. Believe me, no attorney will start legal representation in these types of matters with no money down.
This recent action by the state court will undoubtedly hurt Parsa's clients as much as his law practice.
We are also victims of The Parsa Law Group, we did retain their services for a loan modification and now they are gone; but the questions is What about the money? Well, I called the California State Bar and they were very nice and helpfull, they told us that we had to complete the
Application for Reimbursement and a
California Attorney Complain Form
You can get these forms from The bad news is that it will take about 6 to 7 months to get your money.
Good Luck!
J & G
Another victim here sucked into Parsa Law Group's promises to negotiate 3 of my loans. I fronted them $6250 back in June 2009 and to this day it seem as though nothing has been done to modify my loans! Its as though they took off with my money and ran. I have now resorted to a short sale of my home. We have all been scammed!
J&G, thanks for referencing the application for reimbursement. Even though it could take several months, I'm willing to wait that long as long as I get my money back.
I've just discovered this all in the last 24 hours really. I've browsed around, filed complaints, etc, read story after story... my story.
I was so angry, I wrote in Craigslist under rants and raves (San Francisco, CA), vented about PLG. Today I received an email from someone in Southern Calif who was scammed too, an attorney has contacted her about a class action suit, something to that nature. I am going to give her a call tomorrow. please send me an email if you want her name or to know what was said.
Please include me on your list as well. I will try to come back and share my findings too.
Thank you J&G, I knew that I had to file a complaint with the state bar but I didn't know that we could possibly retrieve some of our loss. I will look into that tomorrow as well.
If you would like to contact me, my email is
Maybe with sharing some ideas here, we can help each other in some small way even if it's just information, we can help form a guideline for those who will go through this.
I took the below paragraph from The State Bar Of California web site:
Until recently, attorneys were able to legally accept advance fees from borrowers for residential loan modification work and other forms of mortgage loan forbearance services. Lawyers' services were in demand by foreclosure relief companies and operators that could not otherwise receive payment until contract or promised loan modification work was completed. HOWEVER, on OCT 11, 2009 Gov Swwarzeneggar signed SB94, which PROHIBITS attorneys and any other persons from COLLECTING an ADVANCE FEE for residential loan modification and mortgage loan forbearance services. The measure TOOK EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. Details about the new law are at the Department of Real Estate home page,
I think Mr. Parsa is being UNFAIRLY PERSECUTED. I worked there for a while and THEY RAN A VERY GOOD OPERATION THAT WAS TRYING HARD TO HELP PEOPLE. We had to turn away a majority of the people that called in because they wouldn’t have qualified for a loan mod. There were a lot of scammers associated with loan mods but THE PARSA LAW GROUP RAN AN HONEST BUSINESS. The charge of moral peptide referenced above had NOTHING to do with loan mods.
I contacted the BBB prior to hiring him and they did'nt have anything negative on him. This whole thing makes me sick. I feel used. Why in the world would there not be anything negative on this guy when he was such a scam artist? I am angry at the Better Business Bureau for not protecting the consumer. Why are they even in business? So now what, I guess we all just lose our houses. I am filing a complaint today and I wonder did anyone think to ask him for his bonding information? I am sure he had to have one working for the State of CA He is also licensed in NV. Did he resign that one too? I am willing to join the class action if one is started.. email address is
To Sandy 222: Parsa is not being, as YOU say
" Mr. Parsa is being UNFAIRLY PERSECUTED" He knew full well he was a convicted child molester. The conviction took place in 2001. He is/was a licensed attorney and as such knew full well he was to report a crime of moral turpitude to the State Bar. Parsa is not a victim in this. We his clients are victims. If he has any integrity and is such a decent outstanding person as you claim, then he needs to man up, address all of us, his clients and at the very least pay us all back the up front fees we paid him, in good faith to help us in our hour of need.
Parsa caused more damage than good. Many of us are in worse situations than before seeking his incompetent help. In my case, I am in foreclosure. Additionally Parsa allowed non-attorneys to give us advice which was WRONG. I have a vision of Parsa sitting in his corner office with stacks of money surrounding him. Once the heat was on, Parsa fled and is probably in some remote island all fat and happy. Meanwhile, I sit here at 2am wondering where to move my family. Parsa needs to rot in hell.
has anyone gotten their money back?
I'm a victim too, I've filed a compliant with the state bar association, and I'm suing in small claims court to try and recover what I paid. wish there was a way to file a class action against this shyster.
I am a 10 year attorney in Orange County and the managing partner of the law firm of Shin & Song. As former counsel for Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation and CitiMortgage, I am horrified to read all these complaints about the Parsa Law Group. There are so many "loan mod" law firms with questionable practices that have since disappeared, but I frankly did not imagine the Parsa Law Group would have fallen into this category. Nonetheless, as former clients of the Parsa Law Group, you have a number of rights and avenues to address your grievances. As someone mentioned above, you can report the law firm to the State Bar. Also, you can file a small claims action to recover your fee. If, however, your damages are more significant (i.e., you lost your home), then you need to consult with a legal malpractice attorney to pursue claims that are potentially covered by the Parsa Law Group's legal malpractice carrier.
I am truly sorry that all of you are in this position, and hope that you are able to find some credible assistance. Please feel free to email me with any questions about my posting at
Best of luck!
I too have been victimized by PARSA. In fact, PARSA instructed me to stop making my payments which I did, then I was laid off from my job.
I now owe the Bank $60, 000 more than I originally owed on my mortgage. I gave PARSA my bank routing information and they drained $3, 000 from my account. For a few months I robbed peter to pay paul and now I have incurred over $60, 000 in credit card debt.
My lender is finally working with me directly but they will increase my loan balance by $60, 000 the amount of payment arrears. I now have to file bankruptcy because my credit is shot. I have a preforeclosure as well.
So since March I went from an upstanding citizen with a 800 FICO score to a pit of the earth being with a 300 FICO, a BK and Foreclosure. And guess what else, no one wants to hire me when they run my credit check. Isn't that nice. All becuase I trusted PARSA - seeing them endorsed by the channel 5 news, who I also trusted. This has been a fabulous year! 2010 has got to be better!
Please visit NACA.COM these are the folks who finally MADE my lender work with me. They are a non profit organization and they will help you if you have a sale date and are ready to lose your home. They helped me! I am going to be receiving a 2% 30 year fixed for the life of the loan. I owe $60, 000 more but at least they have stopped the auction! My family and I have been given a second chance.
Please add me to the list of class action if there is one and also contact me if something boils up for us:
Anyone got their money back yet?
I'm stuck in the same situation as most of you. My contact attorney with parsa said they couldnt tell me not to pay my mortage. He said that would be illegal for him to do but that if i did that, it would speed up the case. I would not only have extra money in my pocket but it would give urgency to the bank to settle. I'm at a loss! I'm paying all my bills but gave Parsa my last free cash. I cant afford to pay a lawyer. If anyone can help, i'm all ears. Thanks.
If someone is gathering names for a class action suit, add ours. We got "sucked in" to their honest ads and very helpful office staff. Lost $2150. Feel like a fool to be part of a scam - just hope we can all get our hard earned money back! Thanks for the info on where to file a claim. Anyone have luck on getting money back?
My name is Erin Baldwin and I am a consumer and civil rights activist (see my blog at
I am seeking support from the California State Bar's Board of Governors for an initiative to provide restitution to consumers that suffered as a direct result of the CA State Bar attorney members who broke the law in offering loan modification services contrary to The California Foreclosure Consultant's Act.
Of course, we know that James Parsa is one of them and her surrendered his license on 10/27/09 after being suspended on 10/16/09 for crimes involving moral turpitude in connection with 2 statutory rape convictions in 2001. He is no longer a member of the California State Bar but was member when he defrauded you.
The CA State Bar has a client restitution program called the "Client Security Fund" which each attorney licensed to practivce law in the State of California must pay into every year as part of their State Bar fees. To learn more about what I am doing and how it could benefit you and help you get a refund, please read my blog post:
Please pass the word around if you know others that may benefit.
Hello, i was also a victim from parsa law group that sopposibly they were going to represent me in a loan modification and they did not do nothing for like about 5-6 months, they would not answer my phone calls, i would also like to unite with the rest of the victims that asked if we can all get our money back..
If someone is collecting names to file a class action suit please add my name to it
I believe PARSA Law Group targeted people that were in dire need. When we saw the ad on Channel 5, we kind of trusted the company thinking the news channel had done its due diligence (to my shock - read on). I also checked the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and they had nothing negative or that could have triggered me to think otherwise. Finally I called them and asked two times, if I paid the fees and they do not meet their obligation of modifying my loan, would I get my money back? They said yes. Well two months later, after researching and covering all bases, I felt confident I was going to save my home. I paid the fee $2, 450.00.
If Mr. James Parsa is a man of integrity, he should refund the money he owes to all of us who trusted him.
Thanks for all who have pointed us in the right direction, I will be filing a complaint with the California State Bar and file for a refund.
I was also taken for $2450.00 Can you please point me in the right direction and tell how one goes about filling for refund! Thanks!
We lost over $2400 on a chapter 13 bankruptcy claim. Filing complaint papers with the
bar has done nothing. How can we get it back ?
Jim Whyte
Whittier, Ca.
We lost about $3, 600.00 to Parsa Law Group. I believe the ad and when Steve Hartman from the "Loose Cannons" did a testimonial ad for them; it gave more creditablity to the ads. I managed to save my house; but it has cost me more money. The Associate from Parsa Law Group told me they were talking with my lender. When I spoke directly to the lender, the lender had no contact with the Parsa Law Group ever. I would be glad to join a Class action lawsuit if it is going to get me money back and not just make another lawyer checkbook fatter.
Ken Hammond
What happened with James Parsa? Was there OR is there a class action lawsuit against him so we can get our money back? Can anybody tell me? Victim of James Parsa as well.