In less than 9 months, I was charged over $16, 000 for sloppy legal work that was done by a drunk attorney. I believe this attorney only represented me in court on one occasion during this 9 months. This attorney billed freely and padded her bill, and was also very willing to shell out blusteringly horrific legal advice while blitzed over a series of phone calls and emails.
After doing a bit of research, I discovered that not only does this attorney Paula Grohs have a long drinking history, but also a history of defrauding her clients and impoverishing at least a few of them, after lying and possibly misuing the funds in their trust accounts. She is particularly apt to pick up clients who are extremely vulnerable, if not suffering from PTSD or even disabled. She then defrauds them by lying to them and refusing to advocate them in order to draw out their cases.
So Paula Grohs dropped my case shortly after she was arrested in 2015 for being caught by the fuzz passed out drunk in her car. She might have been trying to find a way to get insurance (or someone else other than herself) to pay for her recovery in a rehabilitation program but did not succeed. The following year, though still drinking, Grohs utilized an ad hoc LLC business she formed with two non-attorneys and started to sue her former clients.
In my case, Paula had promised to collect on a judgment for me and never followed through, probably because she is lazy and entitled, the same reasons she pads her bills more than any attorney I've ever hired. She is by far the least knowledgable in law, but somehow the most expensive and also the most difficult to work with. She is spiteful and harrasses you when she does not get her way or you do not conform to her ridiculous sense of entitlement.
Whatever you do, do not hire this attorney. I only pay people who are respectful and have dignity, and conduct their business with class. If she asks you to sign a billing agreement or any type of contract, don't walk, RUN. Don't give her your payment information, or you'll live to regret it.
You're actually too kind to this POS attorney. She has scammed and ruined the cases of numerous people, and she deserves disbarment and possibly even imprisonment for fraud. She has numerous DUI convictions, none of which she has reported to the bar, as she is required to by their rules. She's a disgrace to an already questionable field--family law.