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CB Loans Review of Quick Click Loans
Quick Click Loans

Quick Click Loans review: They have taken almost $2000 out of my checking account! 28

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12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I sent documentation requesting that they stop my auto drafts from coming out of my checking account in the amount of $233.62 times 2 (have 2 loans) on 12-10-07 because my husband was laid off and they agreed and said they completely understood, etc, etc. However, on 12-15-07 they took both payments out and I was charge $250 in NSF fees and they said there was nothing they could do. So, I disputed the charges with my bank and sent over another written request to stop this to Quick Click. They stated that they would abide. However, they have taken out 2 more payments on 1-1-08, 1-15-08, and again on 1-16-08. I DO NOT HAVE THIS KIND OF MONEY! I finally had to close my checking account which I have had for over 6 years and I still had to pay nearly $1000 in NSF fees because of this... and still all they say is there is nothing they can do! On top of all of this, they keep calling me at work and threatening to garnish my wages and leaving nasty messages with my employees... I am the manager there! I am not allowed to have personal phone calls and have asked them repeatedly to stop. If you can help me or know where I can go please let me know!

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Jan 21, 2008 12:05 pm EST

You took out two loans with this company, right? Well, you have to pay the loans back at some point... They're right, there is nothing they can do about it. You are 100% obligated to pay the loan back and they're 100% within their right to call you and ask for the money. They shouldn't be leaving nasty messages and such and as long as you ask them to stop calling you at work, they will... but you can't just call up a loan company and say "Hey, my husband lost his job. We're not going to pay you anymore." either. You are by contract with Quick Click to allow them to debit your checking account. Now that you have closed it, guess what? You're going to go into collections since you're in breach of contract and quite possibly have a lawsuit filed against you as well. The simple fact is, you can't just decide not to pay a loan anymore. Even if you file bankruptcy, you STILL owe that money...

We all go through hard times sometimes. It's life... but the best thing to do is try to work out a payment plan with this company. As long as you send them even just $1/mth, they won't put you through legal saying you're not paying them because you are making at least some what of an effort to pay even if it's just $1/mth. So pay what you can pay them and let them know you're paying that right now. Don't just think you can get away with not paying for now because of your situation (not trying to be rude, just honest here...) because they here the same excuses day after day and it doesn't matter... by law, you still owe the money even if you don't have it in your bank account. By contract, they will continue to try and get that money. The more willing you are to work with them, the more willing they'll be to work with you. Make somewhat of an effort to pay them. That will set you apart from all of the other "But I ran into some bad luck" people that they deal with on a daily basis and keep you from going to court over the matter.

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Jan 25, 2008 7:11 pm EST

FYI, this company is very underhanded. They constently called me at work even when I told them that I could not take personal calls on company time.


Former employee
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Jul 18, 2008 3:43 pm EDT

These types of loans work great for people who are in a position to re-pay the loan back quickly. Don't just stick to the monthly payment, send extra payments and be done with it fast! If you know know that you won't be able to re-pay fast, then be prepared to pay just about if not more than double what you borrowed. Of course, you should know this since it's clear in your contract you sign online.
For the people who want to complain about life situation changes... tough! Pay them back, you got your money, spent it and now what? You think you shouldn't have to pay them back? Are you kidding me? If the company was to listen to every single customer about their life story they would go broke! You will continue to receive phonecalls (hate to tell you but employees are paid very well to call you every single day until you actually speak to them and make a reasonable attempt at paying back the loan). If you chose to ignore the calls believe me, you will be sent to the collections department who mean business.
This company has many happy customers who keep on coming back from time to time. Don't try to make them look bad online just because of your situation!

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Jul 23, 2008 1:50 pm EDT

You losers want money but don't want to pay it back. You deserve everything you get. You are the ### of America. Losers.

heywood jablome
Oak Forest, US
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Feb 11, 2009 8:33 pm EST

rob has definitely seen one up close!

The real
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Oct 07, 2010 10:25 pm EDT

If u [censor] stop asking for money and read contracts u wouldnt be in this situation dont sign forms without reading them. If u cant controll urself from begging for quick cash dont [censor] . Save ur money u [censor]ing [censor]s i bet half of u here owe more then quickclick get ur [censor] together . I bet u all got [censor]ed up credit to u [censor]ing scammers

underwear, US
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Mar 08, 2011 1:02 am EST

APR 96% You end up paying almost $11, 000 for a loan of $3500. This is a wonderful example of greedy [censor] sucking evil people. The type who make a killing taking advantage of poor under-educated american folks. You are a disgrace to the american people and a plague of humanity. Karma is a [censor].

Mom of a Runner
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Jun 04, 2011 3:52 am EDT

Wow there are some very agressive comments here. I was thinking of taking out a loan with this company but now am on the fence due to the fact an emergency has come up where the money would be useful and the payments seem reasonable even though the interest rate is on the high side. I'm not sure what to do now.

Mom of a Runner
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Jun 04, 2011 3:54 am EDT

I apologize for the previous comment...I am a rookie at this.

Westminster, US
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Jun 04, 2011 6:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was blown away when I received their offer this morning. 96%? Are you out of your flippin mind? I spoke to the California Financial Services office and they said thank your legislators for allowing these criminals to run loose with everyone's hard earned money. Just because one has permission to do something doesn't make it right. You are criminals taking advantage of the system and then you will cry that you need a bail out when the majority of your customers can no longer pay. You don't have my sympathy and I will personally cost you as many dimes as it takes to bankrupt your sorry good for nothing ### and run you out of business. And believe me it is going to come to an end very soon. You are crooks and we have our eyes on you. I was also told of a little old lady who after accepting the offer and making a couple of payments researched her payments to learn how long it would take her to pay off the loan only to find out she had accepted the terms at a whopping 135% APR. She was despondent and had no recourse. Do you think for a minute that any of these monsters have your best interest at heart? You are only fooling yourself. I still say today that I wish I had gone to a good ole loan shark, because at least by now my legs would be healed. You'll never get a dime from me, ###!

Alpharetta, US
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Oct 11, 2011 7:35 pm EDT

The person who commented before "ROB" is the owner of Select Management Resources LLC, which also owns
Quick click loans, Easy Dollar Loans, Atlanta Title Loans, and New Avenues
3440 Preston Ridge Road # 500
Alpharetta, GA [protected] map

I worked there for over a year and I left because morally I could not work for a thief any longer.. He has a private jet and the pilot just hangs out at the office all day waiting to take Rob where ever he wants to go. Rob owns different color fancy $50k cars and a multimillion dollar mansion, yet his employees get paid crap! All corporations like this need to be shut down and fined for being modern day loan sharks!

Alpharetta, US
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Oct 11, 2011 7:38 pm EDT

****ROB AYCOX****
typo correction

Da Man 3500
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Jan 13, 2012 11:22 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

SPR101 you are an idiot, no wonder we fired you. His name is Rod Aycox. He doesn't drive any 50k cars. They are all in the 120's. Jim the pilot does not fly him any where. He only leads the 4 other pilots.

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Apr 16, 2012 5:41 pm EDT

Ha, Ha, Class Action Lawsuit in State Of Illiniois on this company. Google it

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Apr 21, 2012 12:30 am EDT

I am glad I just happened upon this thread because I just got a copy of my credit report which shows that an Inquiry was made by QuickClick Loans LLC/Select last year which shocked me. The type of inquiry is classified at PRM which Equifax says it means that "only my name and address were given to a credit grantor so they can provide you a firm offer of credit or insurance".

I didn't do this nor did I apply for any type of credit or insurance that month. In fact, I never use credit cards and I do not ever give out my information. So who game them my name and address to pull my credit?

So, can anyone tell me how this company pulled my credit report? I did some background research on them and their LLC entity is filed with the Secretary of State in Nevada as a Foreign Limited Liability Company, qualifying state is Georgia. It does list that an officer of the company is the managing memeber. And his name is the same as mentioned about-Roderick A. Aycox.

I would like to better understand how or why this company would perform this type of inquiry without my consent.


Imperial, US
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Apr 28, 2012 3:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Has the name Allen Maskin Law firm ever been used to anyone who has had trouble with this company? If so please tell me how this name was used.

Bessemer, US
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May 10, 2012 10:53 pm EDT

Oh Man! I was considering this for my brother, but after reading the comments here I'm shaking in my slippers! I've been through something like this before where I had to cancel a debit card to stop charges from a "free trial" offer because they kept charging me AFTER I cancelled.
I'm telling him I don't think I want to do this and he shouldn't either...

Atlanta, US
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May 29, 2012 4:22 am EDT

the last comment " i had to stop a debit card during a free trial is just an out and out bald face lie. quickclick does not issue debit cards, why? they are not a credit card issuer. they make closed in, fixed rate, interest bearing unsecured loans. Period! They do not pull credit until after you complete your the application and grant permission. remember credit is pulled soley by social security number, no other way, and how would the get your social security number.? unless YOU give it to them. every sttate in which they are lisenced in has regulatiors who routinely scrutinize their records and practices. There is no class action suit in any state or country(that's right-country) they opperate in.
the people who take these loans that get into trouble are mindless government educated idiots, whoes only concern is "when do i get the money?" they do not read the contract, or ask questions other than " is the money in my bank yet?" then when the first monthly draft hits, and they all ready forgotten what they blew the money on. they start screaming "Bank fraud!" Some body took money out of my account! bla bla bal.
most people who get into trouble have no clue about personal responsibility or commitment that's why the rate is so high. the good people have to pay 96% to pay for the dead beats who take the money with no intention of paying it back.

Imperial, US
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May 29, 2012 1:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had a Quick Click loan in the past, even though the loan was paid in full three years ago.I relieved a phone call last year from a so called LAW FIRM and told that I have to pay nearly 2 grand for a delinquent QUICK CLICK loan. I was told that if it was not paid NOW over the phone that the FBI would show up at my place of employment, wich I may ad they had called looking for me, lol, and I would be arrested on the spot. Well I knew that the loan had been paid so I got suspicious. I asked a couple of questions and was very surprised that they had ALL of my personal info, ss# they holw sha bang. I told them Would see them at work and they could arrest me lol. Needless to say they did not show up.
I went to my local police department and had them call the number back and this SO CALLED LAW FIRM hung up on the officer repeatedly lol.
A year later, this year I checked my credit and Quick click shows as garnishing my wage on my report. LOL but not really funny as it hurts my report and I HAVE NEVER BEEN GARNISHED in my life.
Bottom line is that the Attorney General is now involved for the second time, after the first time they got involved also. It appears that something shady is going on at Quick Click. I hope to get my situation resolved soon. It looks like they tried to bully me to pay twice.
So my question is, If this is how they treat there good customer, why should I not believe anyone who has a complaint here.Other than the credit card person but they did not say that that was quick click.

Goddess of Love
Miami Gardens, US
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Jun 26, 2012 1:27 pm EDT

A smart individual would contact their local Better Business Bureau and even The Federal Trade Commission before obtaining a loan or receiving services from any company be it well known or new. You can contact these agencies giving them a company's name to check if the business is legitimate and previous complaints on file as well. You need to know your rights, most people become internet junkies searching the net for everything except things important for handling their personal "business" matters. Wake Up! The economy is in big trouble so people and companies you don't expect to cheat will do it now days. You should keep all store receipts once you arrive home and go over them to make sure you have all your items and the correct change returned if you are wise? I am not here to critic anyone we all make mistakes in one way or another but once you learn the correct ways to handle things, put it into practice not to say you won't make another mistake in life but at least it doesn't have to continue being the "same dumb ones" right? Much love and compassion to each of you and remember "God helps those who also help themselves".

oakcreek, US
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Jan 19, 2014 1:15 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

this is what i think of this company.its suck.i borrow 1, 500.00 dollars from them and they said i have 36 months to pay it i got the loan on 2011 so this is 2014 now.they charging me $64.87 for i am ending up paying them $4, 608.72 cent. for the amount that i borrow is $1, 500.00 so do you think that i am getting rip off right.that comming from quick click payment is $128.02 every when you add that up now see what you come up with.thats is crazy.never again.

Pasadena, US
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Feb 14, 2014 5:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The company obtained information about my credit score and credit history before ordering a copy of my credit report. They agreed to lend me money but said they only needed documentation verifying my identity, my social security number, my income, etc. I was contacted twice by Marisol who had questions and requested documentation. I asked her to contact me at my cellular but she kept calling my home phone. She also never acknowledged receipt each time I provided her with the documents she requested. I received a letter advising me that my credit score was too low. My score is now slightly lower than what I provided because of ClickQuickLoan's inquiry but only 8 points lower than what I provided. She responded in a letter denying my request because my score is too low. I don't comprehend why her company agreed to process the request because the score fell within their perimeters only to turn around and deny my request.

Monterey Park, US
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Apr 09, 2014 5:08 pm EDT

Sexy Lady evidently suffers from a comprehension problem. And the other berrators of anyone who applied for a loan with QuickLoans only to be denied or overcharged, take a lesson from life that a person's circumstances can change suddenly and adversly and that you are no exception to shysters like QuickLoans who are a predatory lender, offering something that will in the end further deplete the resources of those who out of desperation choose to borrow from them.

Tyler, US
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May 05, 2014 4:49 pm EDT

Thank you all for the comments about this company Quick Click Loans, I was looking at the application, but never filled it out It was by the grace of God, that I searched for complaints about this company first; all they have is how much I was trying to borrow and last four digit of social and birthday I pray this wasn't too much info. For them to use, you had to fill this out first before you are sent to the application; anyway I was just curious to see how much they would loan which was not what I asked for, so I left the website, all of these cash loans, especially Title loans are rip offs with their interest rates high fees; keep doing your home work people check them out first; and if you get in a bind with one contact your local ' Legal aide Department they will help you with knowing your rights, also The Office of Consumer Commissions [protected]

pastor of the painful truth
atlanta, US
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Jun 07, 2014 4:35 am EDT

Reading these posts is more entertaining than watching anything on television. Most of these astonished and angry debtors are right out of "Honey Boo Boo" they find out that there's a chance they can get a certain amount of money and like a crack addict they lose all focus except getting their hands on the money. the financing agreement sent to these mindless government educated deadbeats clearly spells out the APR, the amount borrowed, and the total amount to be paid back in BIG LETTERS at the top of the page. But of course that requires that one READ the words and numbers on the page and have some modicum of understanding of the printed English language! It's one thing to be ignorant, it's another thing to be totally stupid. You can cure ignorance with education, You cannot fix STUPID. As the man in the movie says "Stupid is as stupid does" Sadly, these idiots are allowed to breed and breed they do, like rabbits, and worse yet they vote! They will have six kids and then complain that they can't get by on minimum wage. No Sh...!

God surely must love stupid people, he's made so many of them, they probably entertain him.

confused 😖
Robbinsdale, US
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Nov 30, 2014 2:29 pm EST


San Diego, US
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Jan 11, 2015 7:55 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have a hard time believing that all these totally nasty comments are not written by people working for these unethical usury loan scammers like Quick Click Loans who charge (for instance) people in San Diego, California $5388.40 interest on a $2, 600.00 loan (98%). These companies are predatory lenders that prey on folks who are unable to secure a regular bank/credit union loan.

The manner of writing by those people who made the nasty comments obviously shows they have little education and absolutely no common sense. Yes, you signed a contract and yes, you are obliged to repay the loan, unless you are granted bankruptcy, but there are some consumer protections in place you are entitled to through the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) outlines what debt collectors can and cannot do to collect a debt: Here is some good advice when dealing with the company vultures of predatory lenders.

1. Set boundaries. Debt collectors cannot legally call you at work or call a relative or other third party if you tell them not to. Be sure to do state this as quickly as possible and follow up with a letter sent via a service that provides tracking and proof of delivery
2. Know your rights. Debt collectors cannot call you before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. They can't threaten violence or arrest, use profanity, or lie.
3. In your letter, offer to work out a payment plan in writing, and ask that they not contact you by phone anymore.
4. Be honest. If you can't pay the debt, say so. Briefly explain why (for example, tell them you've lost your job or are sick), and explain when you expect to be able to discuss it. Being forthright and reasonable often reduces the number of phone calls and may stave off a lawsuit.
5. If finances are really bad because of the job loss, , consult an attorney. If you have multiple outstanding debts, you should get legal advice to understand whether bankruptcy or other options are best for you.
6. File a complaint. If a creditor is harassing you and taking steps to stop the harassment isn't working, file a complaint with an attorney general in your state as well as the Federal Trade Commission

Note: keep a good written record of your actions and theirs. It may well be used if legal action against them becomes necessary in the future.

Christina Mills
aibeline, US
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Apr 03, 2015 3:44 pm EDT

I’m Christina Mills by name. I live in USA, i want to use this medium to alert all loan seekers to be very careful because there are scammers everywhere.Few months ago I was financially strained, and due to my desperation I was scammed by several online lenders. I had almost lost hope until a friend of mine referred me to a very reliable lender called Mr Ramsy Dave who lend me an unsecured loan of $85, 000 under 2hours without any stress. If you are in need of any kind of loan just contact him now via: I‘m using this medium to alert all loan seekers because of the hell I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent lenders. And I don’t wish even my enemy to pass through such hell that I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent online lenders, i will also want you to help me pass this information to others who are also in need of a loan once you have also receive your loan from Mr. Ramsy Dave, i pray that God should give him long life God bless him forever.

Christina Mills