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CB Bullying and Harassment at Work Remedy Intelligent Staffing

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5:05 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Job seekers beware of Remedy Intelligent Staffing and something it calls a 40 question “survey.” As someone who has found himself on the receiving end of this company’s misleading practices I hope this will save other poor souls the insulting humiliation that it is foisting on job hunters. After completing a more or less standard employment application...

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12:30 pm EDT
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Remedy Intelligent Staffing Owner/Management Behavior

Do not use Remedy Intelligent Staffing New Orleans Franchise, there is nothing intelligent about the owner of the business. I began working at this staffing agency in November 2008. When I started there, the office had a total of 4 employees, and 1 more was added about January. During the time from November to February I watched the franchise owner verbally abuse my co-workers and lose multiple employees. This office has more turnovers than Pillsbury. She uses obscene language towards her staff, and she makes the employees feel their jobs are threatened if they stand up for themselves. She degrades staff in front of other co-workers instead of taking the person on the side and sharing her feelings with them one-on-one, she holds grudges against the employees that do stand up for themselves and eventually fires them because she is "just plain sick of having them around her". She will tell her employees that she owns the business so she can do and say what the hell she wants to and if they don't like it then they know where the door is because she can run the business all by herself she doesn't need anyone there who doesn't want to be. This woman throws temper tantrums in her office. She is a chain smoker, with no consideration for the other people in her office, enough to step outside the office on the patio to have a smoke, she smokes right there in the office and the building is a no smoking building too. She expects all of her employees to kiss her behind just so they can keep their job. If you don't kiss her behind you won't be there too long at all. I think the longest time a person may have been continuously on her payroll is 3 years max and she fired him for speaking up for himself when she tried to insult him in front other staff members. She's had the business for 10 years and if you were to ask any of the people who used to work for her why they no longer work for her they will tell you its because of her jacked up attitude and lack of professionalism. The first of the staff members that I worked with that got the ax was the Lead Staffing Coordinator who had been there 3 years because he finally got fed up with the way the owner was insulting him in front of other co-workers and cutting his balls off on a regular basis that he gave her a piece of his mind. In retaliation for him telling her about herself and saying how he was fed up with the way she was speaking to him, she fired him. She was saying things like he had been sabotaging her to her clients and being blatantly disrespectful to her by not coming in on time and by not speaking to her in the mornings when he got in the office, even though she had a been mistreating him and had a bad attitude towards him already with no professionalism about herself. The second person to go under the ax was a quiet young lady, who worked there for a year before being forced into staffing coordinator position left open after she fired the guy. She was content being the administrative executive and was not prepared for the staffing position because the owner fired the staffing coordinator who was training her, because he had stuck up for himself after she tried to rep on him out loud in the office. Before her unwanted promotion, this young lady was one of the owners most favored associates. She went on personal outings with the boss outside the office time, boss lady gave her gifts for her and for her baby and it appeared they had a good working relationship until the young lady could not achieve the task at hand in her newly appointed position. That's when Suzanne began yelling at her and using obscene language towards her calling her dumb and saying she needed to grow up and among other very harsh and inappropriate things. The young lady had an emotional breakdown in the office and immediately gave Suzanne her two weeks notice. The owner was so disgruntled with the young lady by the end of the first week after her notice was given that she told the lady to not even come back to the office to finish out her second week of the notice. This left myself and the owner to run the business and a sales girl to hopefully bring in more business. I helped the owner run her business for 2 months before she decided to hire someone else on the staff. I was hoping for a promotion based on the fact that my boss had told me how excellent my work was and how she enjoyed me working for her. She had given me a performance bonus just last month for how well I had been working with her without any assistance. She told me how she appreciated me going above and beyond my job description to help her keep up the business. Well, needless to say, after all of my effort and hard work contributing to the success of the business, the boss did not give me the promotion to the back position that I was hoping for because she hired some new person from outside the company to fill the position because she "looked good on paper". So when the new girl starts at the office, Suzanne's attitude did a 180 degree turn towards me. She started down grading my skills in front of this new person and telling me that I was jealous of the new girl because she got the job I wanted. She was being really messy and childish. She said things like how I am not a team player, I was indecisive and couldn't make appropriate business decisions despite the fact that i was doing all that and more when she didn't have a staff in her office. She started saying things like I was sabotaging her just like my co-worker did and she wasn't going to tolerate it. The new girl asked me the day after she started what is the real deal about Suzanne because she could see how Suzanne talked to her employees and she was not going to let her talk to her like she talked to us. So I told her, if you are here long enough you will see just how Suzanne is. No she doesn't know how to talk to people, she has a bad attitude and she thinks that the people who work for her should kiss her behind. She feels like she's doing everyone in here a favor by letting them work for her, and tells people's personal business to other staff members and says she felt sorry for this person or that person and that's why she gave them a job. I told the new girl why the other employees were no longer here and why she should be cautious while working there because at this company there is no such thing as job security. Obviously, the new girl, who is nothing more than a "brown-noser" went back to the boss lady and told her the things I said to her when she asked me about Suzanne. I really didn't care because everything I said was truth, I never once lied about the woman. So since Suzanne heard the things I had told to Cindy, she started bashing my work performance in front of the rest of the staff and she began ignoring me and acting like I was invisible or not even physically in the room, she would be speaking to people that were right next to me and then roll her eyes at me when I look in her direction as if I did her something to offend her. Yet, she never came to ask me anything about what I may have mentioned to Cindy about her. She just took what Cindy said however she said it to her and reacted to it. But, like I said she was only pissed off because it was truth and not fiction. The owner, I believe is bi-polar because one minute she can be the nicest person in the world but then in a split second she clicks out and is ranting and raving all around the office like a child. A week ago my boss and I had a major fall out about business cards that I ordered after I had checked with her to see if the proof of the business cards was what she wanted before I placed the order. The next day after I placed the order which could not be cancelled, she sends the new girl to my desk to tell me I need to reorder the business cards because they don't say what she wanted them to say. So I called the boss lady and asked her why the business cards needed to be reordered and she screams over the phone "why the hell is this coming back to me I don't have time to deal with this ###"... then she says she can't run four desks at the same time and tells me how I can't handle a small thing such as business cards but I want her to promote me to a staff coordinator. All this happened while the new girl is in the office with her. then she yells to me over the phone why don't you just come back here to my office and I can stop everything I am doing that's way more important than business cards and we can have a staff meeting all about you and business cards. So I said fine and hung up the phone because by this point I was pissed at how she tried to handle me when I had come to her the day before and asked her if the proof was fine for the order. So I went into her back office and said since you don't know how to talk to people like a professional business woman, let me tell you this, I came to you yesterday before I placed the order for the business cards and asked both you and the new girl if the information on the proof of the cards was what you wanted and both of you said yes. Now after I have placed the order you want to make it seem as though I did not do my job? Perhaps if you would have not brushed me off yesterday when I came to you with the card proof, we wouldn't be going through this right now and taking time away from what you say is way more important than business cards. So she retaliates by saying well your timing sucked yesterday and I brushed you off yes I sure did brush you off, I am trying to bill hours and you come asking me about stupid business cards so yeah I brushed you off and sent you to Cindy. So I said to her, well then its your fault the order is wrong because you should have just paid attention to me yesterday when I asked you about them instead of brushing me off, and let me say this since I'm back here and it's on my mind because ever since the new girl came into this office you have been very negative towards me and I just want to know if this is personal, because it seems to me like this has nothing to do with business. So she continues to scream and yell at me and yell back with all kinds of obscenities because I guess she was defensive. Eventually I just walked out the office because I saw that it was not going to get any better. The next day I came to work with the attitude that I am staying inside the box of my job description no more, no less, and she noticed really quickly that my performance in the office was definitely different than it had been in the past. So she was upset about it and it showed but she never once came to me one-on-one like a professional business woman and say anything, but I could here her in her back office with the new girl talking trash about me. I continued my day without incident however, Suzanne was pissed and she brought the entire situation to another level because she could not get over the fact that I spoke to her in the way that I did after she spoke to me harshly first. She held a grudge all Easter weekend because on Good Friday we were off and I forgot all about Remedy when I walked out the door on Thursday afternoon and over the Easter weekend. However, when I returned to work on Monday I was cordial to her and asked Suzanne how her weekend was. She was the first person in the office and I was the second and she replied it was fine how about yours. I said my was great had a really good time for Easter and I assumed that was that. So I went on to start my day. Well, when the new girl comes to work, late as a matter of fact, Suzanne doesn't say anything to her about it but calls me on the intercom and says that we need to have a staff meeting. I said OK and proceeded to go into the back office where they were. I mentioned that I was working on a report that was needed before payroll and she snaps "I did that on Friday because I came in to work on Friday". so even though I knew the report still needed corrections I said nothing about that and I said "oh OK well I was off on Friday so that's fine". From there she had an attitude with me and goes on to start the meeting by saying I take it you already know we have someone coming into the office today for you to train on the front desk. I reply no I had no idea because no one shares important office things with me anymore. So boss says well Cindy wants to give you the chance at being a staffing coordinator but I have to say I am not 100% behind the decision, in fact I have not been behind the decision from the start and I have made it known that I don't think you have decision making ability to hold that position, you have bad timing and you just don't fit the qualifications I feel are needed for the job. So I say that's funny because when I was the only person in this office working along with you, I got a bonus and all sorts of compliments about my skills and effort, so now all of a sudden you don't think I have what it takes? Well I'm sorry you feel that way but I guess Cindy doesn't agree with you. So she gets more defensive and begins to assassinate my character in front of the new girl. She calls me juvenile, says I have an adolescent attitude and how I can't take it when someone tries to help me because I think I know everything already. I fire back and say if this is the kind of help you're talking about then I guess I don't think I need it because in all professional environments I ever worked in, a person in the management position would pull a person off by themselves and explain to them whatever it is they have to say, not try to blast them in front of the rest of the staff in a meeting. So in that case I guess you're right. She screams I don't give a damn if you agree with me or not, the next time we have a verbal altercation and you blow up in my office like you did last week in my office, your ### is out of here. I said again you're right, the next time I have to deal with this kind of ### from you or you try to handle me in front other staff members I will be out of here and it won't be because you fire me I will save the hassle. When you learn how to be professional and talk to a person with respect you will get respectful responses back. I don't understand how you can call yourself a life coach when you can't even have a positive working relationship with all your staff members. She says something about how I have not been much of a team player since Cindy started and how it shows that i am jealous of her because i got passed over for the position and dumb stuff she thought would get under my skin. She goes on to say we will see how much of a team player you will be when the trainee for the front desk comes in at 9am. I reply by saying hey well this isn't much of a team to be a part of if you really want to be honest so I guess we will see and if you feel all these ways about me and you have so much animosity towards me for whatever reason why the hell you have me here? I don't have to be here, what do you think that you will use me to train the new front desk person and fire me after she is trained because that's not going to happen. If that is your plan you need to say that now cause I can quit and you can train her your damn self. She looked like a deer caught in headlights when I said that and stuttered her response of I..I..I don't have any intention of doing that Cindy is doing the hiring and firing. I said yeah right I can hear it in your voice and on that note liar I am out of here this meeting is over. So I put the chair back where it went and I was on my way out the door with my purse on my shoulder, when the new girl comes running after me oh please don't quit just hang in there with me I want to give you the position it's gonna be OK, just don't quit please Suzanne won't be an issue I promise. Suzanne won't be here and you will see it's gonna be fine. She goes on to explain how she is the new office manager and she is in charge of hiring and firing and she decided she wants me in the back blah blah blah. So I stayed the rest of Monday and I just couldn't do it on Tuesday, the office was filled with evil vibes and I couldn't work and be in a negative, hostile environment. So I emailed the boss Tuesday morning and told her we needed to talk because I had something on my mind. She set the time for 3pm. At our discussion that afternoon she still had an attitude and she swore during the interaction, she claimed it wasn't personal but I could read her like a book. She couldn't even be professional enough to hold a conversation with me one-on-one without rolling her eyes and neck around like she wanted to do more than talk. The conversation got heated and as soon as we were done talking she runs into the back office and shares with Cindy every detail of the conversation that just took place between myself and her. So Cindy decides she wants to talk with me and that's when all hell broke loose. Cindy tried to act like she didn't initiate the whole issue between my boss and I so I called her out and made it to where she could not lie on me any longer. So Cindy got offensive and decided to try to talk down to me and she wanted to fight and all kinds of juvenile behavior. I politely told her I have no problem meeting you in the parking lot all you have to do is start walking. She called her husband in the office like I was supposed to be intimidated because he was there but she was the one talking about meet me outside if you want a piece of me. Chick don't weigh no more than 125 soaking wet, I'm 230 lbs 5'10". I told them both, Cindy and Suzanne, that I was not going to work in a negative, evil and hostile environment, I never have and never will and if they didn't like the fact that I was staying inside the box of my job description and not going above and beyond it then that was too bad. If they wanted to pay me for my extra services and benefit to the company and recognize that it was an asset for me to go above and beyond my job description and not a requirement then that is fine but since they don't want to pay me then I will continue to do the basic minimum of my job and nothing more. I told them they have been getting a free ride because I do everything in that office, my job, Cindy's job, Suzanne's job, and the sales girl's job. I told them all I could run circles around all of you in here and still have breath left for more duties. I informed them that this is only a pitstop along my race track not the finish line of my race so I could care less if I worked there or not because I have my own aspirations of opening my own business. I told them I was no fool and I would not be used or exploited and if Suzanne didn't like the fact that I told Cindy what type of person she really was then she could fire me because the truth hurts and that's the only reason she was pissed off. So Suzanne's face turned beet red and she yells at me that it wasn't my place to tell Cindy anything about what went on in the office before she stared and that I was fired, "your ### is out of here". So I said well if she didn't come ask me I would not have told her but what do you want me to do lie for you so you look good, please. If you didn't do jacked up things then there would be nothing negative to share with anybody. And besides if your slate was so clean why didn't you share the information with her yourself and paint your picture in whatever colors you wanted to. If it is so not my place to tell her the things I told her then how is she so much in the right by coming to me asking about you? But anyway since you say I'm fired and my ### is out of here, on the note give me my pink slip, I want my paycheck as well as my vacation pay too and would be more than glad to get the hell out of the hell hole you call a job. So Suzanne goes to write the pink slip and states on it that the reason for termination was because MY ATTITUDE and the RUMORS I STARTED in the company caused too much turmoil. She thinks that will exclude her from having to pay unemployment if I file. I laughed at her and Cindy and said rumors are lies told to defame someone, I just told the truth on you so oh well. I also let Cindy know she won't be there very long just wait and see when she makes a mistake Suzanne will tear into her too so she could think she is all this and all that but she really wasn't ### and she would find out the hard way. I told her while she was hating on me, kissing ### and trying to drum up BS in the office between Suzanne and me, she will be the one who has to deal with the consequences in the end cause she is just as expendable as the rest of us were and the only reason she was there to begin with was becasue she looked good on paper and Suzanne was stressed out doing it all with just me, so enjoy her time there while she can and I left. My whole point behind writing this complaint is to let everyone in the area of this business know that this is not a good company or business owner to work for and if you get a call from this company in reference to a job RUN AWAY FAST or HANG UP THE PHONE. You will be subject to working in a terrible work environment with very unprofessional people like Remedy Non-Intelligent Staffing owner Suzanne of the New Orleans Franchise.
References available upon request.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Fultondale, US
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May 19, 2009 10:34 am EDT

You should file a lawsuit for the hostile work environment you had to deal with. It doesn't matter if you are all female; the things she said to you were harassment - and the cursing and name-calling is sexual harassment. I don't see how you endured this for as long as you did. This woman is mentally imbalanced and needs some serious help.

I personally would not have stooped to her level and argued back or used profanity, but I understand how frustrating prolonged abuse is. You really should file a lawsuit.

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