Customer service is terrible. This management company cares nothing about its tenants. They take the side of their employees without questions or investigation. They do not even ask for the tenant's side of incidents. They deny reasonable accommodations to the disabled. They continue to deny me the accommodation of having my chosen caregiver in my home to punish me for making valid complaints and because they don't like her for helping me stand up for my rights by helping me write my complaints and making phone calls on my behalf. They banned her from my home. They tell lies about her to validate doing so but they won't put anything in writing. They are defaming my caregiver's character. They have also denied me the reasonable accommodation of having someone with me in my home during an inspection. I have requested, in writing, that they do not approach me when I am alone because I do not feel safe without someone with me, but they continue to do so. They threatened me with refusing inspection if I didn't open the door and let them in. I felt so threatened that I left my home and allowed them entry without me being there because I feared eviction if I didn't. I live in fear every day. I am the consumer. My complaints should matter. My concerns about my safety and health should be heard and resolved. Instead, they protect the perpetrators (their employees). Their bad behavior goes unchecked, encouraging and condoning the harassment and retaliation I endure every day. They will not work with me at all. They will not work with HUD either. HUD finds them extremely difficult to deal with, to the point they strongly suggest I get a lawyer. I have suffered severe mental anguish and emotional distress at their hands. This is very poor business.
Desired outcome: Discipline your employees for their lies.Do an actual investigation,with all parties involved.If you continue telling me who I can have in my home and denying my reasonable accommodations,then pay my rent every month you do this.