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Whether you're considering doing business with Bumper 2 Bumper Towing, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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8:59 am EST
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Bumper 2 Bumper Towing Illegal Practices

I've written the following complaint as a comment to others' complaints on this site. I created my own complaint in hopes that others will see it and can share their stories below mine. Bumper 2 Bumper's illegal practices have to be stopped or the business must be shut down. The areas B2B services is not the home to wealthy or well-off people that can afford to waste money on the illegal of their vehicles. I was fortunate enough to have The extra $175 it took to retrieve my vehicle just hours after it was towed, just days away from paying rent for the month. I can only imagine the folks that don't have the money right away to get their cars and paying damn near their whole check to retrieve their cars days or weeks later, when payday finally comes around. It's not fair. I'm a HUGE believer in karma and I am sure that both individually and as an entire operation, everyone doing dirt over there will get dirt. In life, you have to give out what you want to take in. All they dish is negative and causes others unnecessary stress and disappointment.

My Complaint:

B2B is really messy and it's surprising that the local authorities have done anything about them yet. My car was towed from The Milano in Oxon Hill in July 2012. They claim that I did not have a permit in my car. Understand that I lived in that apartment complex since November 2011 and was NEVER towed, because I HAD a permit attached to the back of my rearview mirror. And suddenly the permit just DISAPPEARED. I contacted the rental office and asked that they check their surveillance footage and was told by the property manager at the time that he'd check it and get back to me. Well, he was actually transitioning to another property at the time (unbeknownst to me) and I allowed him a week or two to get back with me. When I finally called him back for status on the footage, I found that he had already left the position and his replacement told me that they do not check footage from around the property unless a "real" crime had been committed. "Like if someone was mugged or robbed", she told me. If kicking out $175 for someone removing my permit from my car isn't being robbed, I don't know what is.

Contacting B2B during their listed business hours was hard. I called as soon as they were to open and didn't reach anyone for an hour afterwards. The dude at the yard when I went to retrieve my vehicle was okay. Just doing his job. But, the folks out there towing are foul. Point blank. And these apartment managers that allow this to go on are just as foul. This was my first experience living in MD. I've never experienced no bull like this in DC nor VA. The apartment managers take care of their tenants. After all, we are the properties real bread and butter, unlike the lil kickbacks (I'm sure) they get from illegal tows on their property. But then again, the property managers probably get no more than $30k/year. Only the big wigs really benefit from the rent we pay. So, maybe this is why the property managers don't give a ### about what happens to the folks living in their complexes?

I say, contact corporate and/or the local authorities if this happens to you. Don't take it laying down!

I waited and waited, believing The Milano's property manager(s) would do their job and "manage" their property properly. By the time I realized that they would be of no assistance to me, 3 weeks had gone by. I then attempted to contact B2B via their little email form on their site and I never received a response. Had I known from the start that the people I pay rent to every month would have acted as my enemy rather than an ally or at the very least, neutral, I would have called the police as soon as I woke up that morning and filed my vehicle as stolen and allowed the city to follow up and make them hand over their surveillance footage. I know for a FACT that they either broke into my car and removed my sticker or that I left my car unlocked. That's the only way to explain a sticker that remained stuck to the rearview for over 8 months just disappearing, never to be seen again.

And someone else mentioned in a complaint that their vehicle was damaged by B2B but the towing company claims the damage was there beforehand, but they had no pictures to prove to the vehicle owner that the damage was there prior to the tow. This is yet, again, another of their little tricks. When I picked my vehicle up there was no damage, but on the carbon copy I was given when I picked my car up, there is a diagram of a car. They indicated that both my rear and my front bumper had damage. This isn't true. There is slight damage to the front: A bent tag holder. There is no damage to the rear. Why would they indicate that there was damage to both my bumpers?! Guess this is only to cover them, just in case the vehicle is damaged while (illegally) in their hands.

Rent is cheap in Oxon Hill and the surrounding areas, but I'll never move back to this area without living in a DETACHED HOUSE. I've even read complaints of B2B removing permits and towing from townhouses in the area (where many people are purchasing and paying Home Owner Association fees on top of mortgage! On top of that they also have to pay for these bums taking their cars illegally?!). They are a mess. And seemingly above the law and good friends with the property managers.

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1:01 pm EDT
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Bumper 2 Bumper Towing, located in Temple Hills, MD participates in illegal and fradulent business practices. This company is contracted by several apartment complexes in the Prince Georges's county area. The tow truck drivers search the apartment complexes for UNLOCKED vehicles and remove parking passes or stickers in order to receive a commission for...

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