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CB Non-profit Organizations Indian Fortune Teller Scam

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Whether you're considering doing business with Indian Fortune Teller Scam, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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7:45 pm EDT
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An Indian man, aged 30-40, came to my shop at Thomastown on 24/05/2016 about 2pm. He showed me his business card, named Raj, introducing himself as fortune teller and said "You have a lucky face". He then did his "fortune tell", such as you should keep your secret, 2 women would be jealous of your success, you should get an old horseshoe on your shop's door...

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12:16 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Indian Fortune Teller Scam Psychic scam in melbourne, beware!

i was walking around the city the other day. then there was this indian man approached me and said "you've got a lucky face". He then said i was lucky and said he was a fortune teller. seeing that i was a girl, he obviously asked for the name of my love. Then he wrote something down on a piece of paper, crumbled it up and handed it over to me. He then asked a series of questions and later on asked what was the name of my boyfriend or so. And what do you know, he asked me to open the crumbled up paper and open it, the name of my bf was written there! he claimed that he could read my mind.

Anyway, to the important part. he then showed me a few pictures of children, and claimed that they were children belong to his charity called 'happy heart' or something similar. he asked me to donate some money for them. he said most people donate 200, 300 or 400. I said i don't have any money in my wallet. He said he'd walk me to the ATM so i could withdraw money and donate.
I handed him $20 and said that is all i have. He asked if i wanted to purchase a gift on my credit card if i have no cash in me. I was slightly annoyed and said no. so he walked away, saying he'd wish me good luck anyway.

going home, the story kept on bugging me so i do some google on the internet and found out about this fortune teller/ psychic scam that happened pretty often.
so beware people (specially young people / girls!) wandering around melbourne city metro area, there are indian fortune teller/psychic scam walking around trying to prey on your unawareness of this trick and try to get your money. I know especially for girls we're all attracted to the psychic mind reading or fortune teller wondering about things such as study, career, love life ..etc. i hope nobody else got trick like i did. luckily i did not go to the ATM to take out any more money to give to him.

further reading on the indian fortune teller scam could be found on this link. and the indian fortune teller scammer that tricked me today did almost exactly the same steps. so it's worth a read.

the info about the scam steps was found on this link:

"So there I was, standing outside a store in New Oxford Street, killing some time before a 3 o’clock meeting when I heard the words, “You have a lucky face.”

They came from a small Indian guy, possibly in his late teens. He’d crept up behind me and when I turned to face him, he said the words again. “You have a lucky face.”
“Pardon?” I said.
“You have a lucky face, yes very lucky. Let me see your hand.”
And I did, I let him see my hand. Instinctively I knew he wanted to read my palm so I held it palm uppermost and sure enough he started to point to the lines on my hand with a pen. As well as a pen he was carrying a small leather folder, the kind with a zipper around the edge. Clipped to the folder with his thumb were several small scraps of paper. “This is the lucky line, ” he said, tracing one of the creases in my palm. “I show you.”

He started to write something down on one of the pieces of paper, rolled it into a ball and then dropped it onto my palm. I closed my hand to stop the ball of paper rolling away.

“Tell me the name of a flower, ” he said.
“Rose” I answered.
“And a number from 1 to 5.”
“3” I said.
“Look at the paper.

I opened my hand, unrolled the paper and saw that he had written down the words rose and the number 3.

He started to write some other things on a second slip of paper and mutter some stuff about this being true, that I was very lucky and that money was coming my way. He looked up at my lucky face. “Do not shave or cut your hair on Tuesday” he advised. “Tuesday very lucky day for business. You will get much money.”

Then he stopped writing, reached into his leather folder and rummaged around inside. I could see other pieces of paper in there and something else, a picture of some kind. But what he brought out was what appeared to be a small red-brown nut or seed. He handed it to me. “This is very lucky stone. You keep it. You will be lucky.”

They engaged you in conversation, wrote something down on a piece of paper and then asked you to think of a flower. Most people said a rose.

And then they asked you to choose a number from 1 to 5. You won't be surprised to hear that 3 is the most popular number.

But there was a third phase to the routine. They scribbled something on a slip of paper and asked for your date of birth. And when you opened the paper that’s exactly what you found written on it. Amazing. And worth ten dollars of anyone's money, which is what the fortune teller usually asked for."

Read full review of Indian Fortune Teller Scam and 120 comments

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Madame Mercy
, US
Apr 09, 2022 11:31 am EDT

OMG! This exact same thing happened to me couple days ago! This time he told me I had witchcraft on me and that he could take it off and I was sucked into paying him some money but I didn't have enough and today he wants me to meet him to pay him the rest! I am so glad I found this! He said the exact same things to me and then the whole paper and yes I chose Rose and three! He gave me a little a moment that was silver and brass. This is in Houston Texas! He even had a brown zipper folder with all those little slips of paper! First he tricked you into getting a $15 palm reading and I thought what the heck. Then he started telling me things about what I had gone through in life which were pretty accurate but then again typical. Then he went on about somebody being very jealous of me and put a lot of spell work on me which actually did happen. So I got totally sucked into all of this! Can't believe I wasted a good chunk of money on him. But I am more glad that I saw this so I noticed a clear way and that it was just a big scam!

Teru a
, US
Feb 02, 2020 7:53 pm EST

Encountered this man in Singapore during 29 Jan 2020 in Singapore. He is an Indian man wearing a turban, with 2 small white spots/blotches, each on either side of the nose bridge area. Went through the same thing and same questions as experienced by the ones commented encountering him in singapore.

Reading from these comments, I think he is not stationed in 1 country, but multiple as he travels around.

I remember him asking me if I have went to Australia before. Gave him SGD$ 50. After reading this article I'm convinced that it's a scam. I'll just take it as a donation for the children in the pictures he mentioned and showed in his wallet.

I happen to found a picture of him that looks similar to him based on my memory, taken by a man who encountered him in their blog after a google search, except he's wearing a cap instead:

, AU
Jan 30, 2019 5:40 pm EST

This exact thing happened to me yesterday 30/1/19 at Northland Shopping Centre in Melbourne. I was at the front desk of my shop and this guy walked in and waited until I was off the phone. He then said he wanted to speak to me because he was a fortune-teller and was interested in my face. The man was about my age (30 to mid 30s) Indian in appearance, with a beard and wore a turban. He was dressed and carried a satchel.

Curious, I let him speak. He then started telling me that I had been working very hard for the past 3 years but hadn't made as much money as I deserved etc. I think this statement is fairly generic but would ring true to most people, especially in my industry (ps he didn't know I owned the business). He then proceeded to tell me that there was a female in my life that wasn't good for me. I am recently married. He proceeded to tell me that he could tell me her name if I came and sat down with him. I said I was busy and couldn't but was definitely curious.

Anyway, I saw him again 20mins after and spoke to him and agreed to sit down for a coffee. Curiosity got the better of me. Same as all these other posts, he pulls out a small leather zip up folder full of small pieces of paper clipped together. He then asked me my name and date of birth. I didn't want to give it to him so I gave him my first name only and the year I was born. He then wrote down the letter S and said this is the initial of the lady that is a negative influence in my life. A little unsettling as my wife's name begins with S. He then asked me her name and I told him, he wrote it down but spelt it incorrectly, I didn't correct him.

I cant recall the order of the next things, but he already had the screwed up ball of paper and then examined my palm for about 10secs. Advised me that I was going to live until 90 and had good fortune coming my way in February. He then asked me to choose a number out for 4 numbers, I chose the last one which was 12. He asked my why, I said no reason being as vague as possible. Then asked me my favourite flower, I said Daisy (seems most people say Rose). Then proceeded to ask me about dreams I've had recently and also my parents, if I have any brothers and sisters etc. Wasn't telling me anything just asking me questions, I gave him limited info and said I don't recall my dreams.

So then he opens the photo book with Indian children and says donations for his work go to this charity. Poor people give me x amount, medium give me this, rich people give me $200 or similar. Then asked me that if the things written on the piece of paper were accurate what would I pay him? At minimum, it is a reasonably impressive magic trick so I gave him $10. So I open the paper and it says, in his handwriting " (my wife's name) loves u" . The reason I know this is a scam is because he spelt the name completely wrong, the same way he had written it down early. I suspect this is an illusion trick and he replaces the screwed up piece of paper whilst distracting me (maybe when he was holding my wrist). I note that others mentioned their DOB, number and flower on the paper. As I was generic with these responses he couldn't.

In short it was impressive and unsettling that he knew the first letter of my wife's name. However, that wouldn't be hard to find if he did his home work. I have hundreds of clients a week at work, social media etc. I will be reporting this guy to the centre today and maybe even the police. If this happens to you please don't believe him, as what he says to you can be quite and upsetting. He's using that emotion to scam you out of money which is wrong. If anyone has a similar experience and wants to talk, please don't hesitate to reach out.


anshu sweet
, US
Jan 27, 2019 8:36 am EST

Hi guys.. i am experienced the same.. i was standing outside my store and just about to go on my lunch break.. i heard a voice like you have lucky face.. I ignored and one man came towards me and said agian you have lucky face.. i said ok.. now what .. he sais I'm astrologer and i can read future and i can clrealy see your face.. money is coming to you in next month of feb and 2017 wasn't good year for you and you faced lot of difficulties and balla balla .. personally i don't believe in this and i said to him and he again tried to get my trust and said two boys wants to get marry to me and one lady felt jealous from and i have to be more careful and then he has one purse and opened it and collect one notebook and started writinng Information about my name and birth year, my favourite flower name and gave one scrumbled paper to me and when I opened the information was true and he showed me a picture of kids and ask for donation and i said i dont have cash and he insisted me to get money from ATM but i said no he know i'm sikh and insisted to buy food for him and i aggred to buy food and i shared the all this incident with my friends and they told me its all a scam ..

Ryan Jones
, US
Jan 12, 2019 8:11 am EST

I had a guy called mr Singh who came to my workplace in Osborne park Perth, Friday 11th. I had my roller door open and was doing a car with my client awaiting . He came in, introduced himself showed me a laminated card and said he practices clairevoyancy etc etc.
I told him i couldn’t talk with him for 30 mins as I was on a job .

He waited . Once my client had left he then spoke and gave me a run down . First I asked how much . He said look let’s talk and what I tell you you can decide what is worth. I then asked where he was from. He’s from Sydney but is staying with friends in maylands .

First was a discussion that I had a negative over me and he wanted to know why ., so he asked questions like if i had cheated on my wife ( I wasn’t wearing my ring ) nor had I said I was married . I told him no, he asked if I was happy, yes, do I argue, yes, and I should stay away from women starting with S and M . As friends ok but physically no .
Not to make guarantees, nor make partnership in business.
He asked about a troubled relationship in the past ( my ex ) and also a work colleague I fired for something bad ( stealing )
The numbers / the flower yes . It was rose and 3 . He did say daisy was my lucky flower .
Now he told me to open the paper in my hand . Both the name of the ex and the worker was correct ! I was like how is this possible . . Further in he did the numbers . They came up as thought. He’s good at maths !
Lucky number 33 . Yes always has been . Did the Poor / rich price for his fee. Then he said we can go to atm . I was hesitant definitely but the knowledge he had come across and he was a warm guy i instinctively trusted . Strange I was spinning out even told me neighbour . Anyway I took him in my car as I was going on site . I knew I hadn’t much in my account but he said the money will come in very soon and next month will he big changes .
I withdrew 150. My balance was 150.33 . There’s my lucky number .
Look I don’t feel scammed. He told me this was his gift . He practiced for 17 years ( he is 50 years of age ) . I paid him and I don’t But if this guy is still in perth and continuing to do this and is a proven scammer then I will assist with police . We have camera footage and I dropped him at the train station at Glendalough. If anyone has a similar story in perth in that day please reply .

, US
Aug 29, 2018 2:21 pm EDT

This happened to me today on my lunch break, in Toronto. Approached me with the infamous "you've got a lucky face", then proceeded with the paper and the tricks. Nothing that stood out from what he said, a lot of generalizations, but he did guess the number correctly for the trick. Ended up giving him a $20 bill. He seemed to not be happy with it, because he asked me to buy him lunch. And so I did. Oh well.

, CA
Aug 28, 2018 6:02 pm EDT

Omg. Just happened to me in Toronto. Turban guy said name is Yogi. He got me on the rose and number 3 game. Luckily im broke. I had a nickle. But how did he do his trick? Scam it is but im intrigued.

Omawi Bling
, US
Feb 11, 2022 1:43 am EST
Replying to comment of Nazzy1111

happen to me bought McDonald's for 2 m3m he was right at my favorite color and how many siblings I have and he spoke truth of my personality " there good at reading people

Amy Martey
, US
Aug 15, 2018 3:55 pm EDT

A handsome young man came up behind me in a 7/11 in Bangkok back in 2012. He scared the [censored] out of me because I hardly knew anyone and no one in that neighbour. I was really stressed and vulnerable and it was probably written all over my face. I was waiting for someone anyway so I let him do the paper trick. Which was accurate. I wouldn't give him money but he gave me his phone number to call him for more readings.

I see one lady was really upset because he said she had had an abortion. He tried that [censored] on me and blamed me for bad karma. I've never had an abortion. They just assume white women do this all the time and when they hit on someone who does, the shame makes you even more vulnerable. I bet they don't go up to men on the street and say they have bad karma for past sexual assaults. They are just misogynist [censored]. Don't oblige them.

, US
Aug 05, 2018 6:23 am EDT

"Yogi" is in Kuala Lumpur!Lucky I am alert.

, GB
Jul 28, 2018 9:54 am EDT

Hello Same happened to me today here in uk, the same pattern> you have lucky face> rose 3 > you will be rich then request money but I told him i have little and cant give anything much, then he is like well pray for you good luck then walks awat silently. LOL wow. Lucky face ? lol i know thanks but all that for nothing thought that little 5 minute cosy chat would make me rich but after coming on google doing some reasarch > Oh ok. Stay safe everyone and trust God alone. Peace.

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