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12:04 pm EDT Accused me and blocked account

I posted different info on the website, but 3 days ago I got the horrible email from them moderators. They blocked my account and access to their website, as well as they accused me that I created multiple accounts and posted illegal things there. I tried to explain them, but all my emails were returned back. And I never did such things. Don’t recommend this website, because they moderators are horrible. Share your views and comments about this company.

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Jul 28, 2017 7:09 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow it's crazy because the exact same thing happened to me. It's clear their site is unsafe and your information is compromised on their site. What they are doing is illegal and I hope that more people speak out about this. They claimed i made multiole profiles which i did not. When I emailed them multiple times about this, no response. They said in the original email that I was banned for making troll who has time for that nonsense? The moderators are crooks and the website is a farce. God only knows what they do with your personal info on there. I urge everyone to refrain from making a profile on their website. They're a bunch of crooks and cowards who accuse innocent members of things with no proof to back it up, and then when you call them out on their illegal sharing of info they stop responding like the pathetic cowards that they are. I hope they get shut down, i dont even know how they've lasted this long as I see similar complaints all over the place about them.

kelo, CA
Jun 16, 2014 11:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree, I was banned from posting on their site when to my knowledge i didnt break any of their forum rules. I also post on multiple other soap sites and have never had any issues! I am still able to log in and access my account, however my posts keep getting deleted. I emailed them asking why and never got a response. I also asked them to show me how to cancel my account since they don't care to have me as a contributing member, but no response after several messages. Any one else out there have an idea how to cancel an account on this site or is it once you make a profile there you are bound to them for life whether or not u can even post? Lol

9:12 am EDT You are DELETED or BANNED if you write about certain actors

My complaint has to do with the website “” – this is SUPPOSED to be a website where you can post your thoughts/ideas/suggestions relating to soap operas. What I have found is that you are DELETED or BANNED if you write about certain actors. The site says that they do not tolerate bashing HOWEVER they seem to have no problem with negative comments when they are made about what are not considered MAIN actors. Anytime that there is negative comments made about Eric Braeden (Voctpr) or Michelle Strafford (Phyllis) on the Young and the Restless, the posts are deleted and/or the poster is banned from the site.

If anyone were to look at the postings in the past 12 months and look at the ones which are allowed to stay online and then look at the ones that are considered “unacceptable” – there will be one common thread. Some actors are preferentially treated by the site and fans are abused for having an opinion that does not follow the biased soap censors.

I will say that I have often said that Eric Braeden and Michelle Strafford were overused and over-screened. But I am far from the only one. Anytime that a post comes up which says that a storyline is silly or wrong or offensive relating to either actor – the posts is deleted and the poster faces banning. One example was a post that I wrote about how ridiculous it was for them to portray Victor as beating up TWO 20 something year old dockworkers. Also posted that Phyllis was onscreen for 90% of the show every single day and that they needed to utilize their other actors. Both threads were deleted.

Yesterday, I saw a post that asked whether Eric Braeden would be kept on or let go. Every single thread of that post that said that the fan of Y&R thought his being let go would be good for the soap was DELETED. Only positive comments were kept on.

The site excuses their censorship by saying that they do not allow defamatory or offensive posts to be posted. Please check out the site for the past several months and notice that they DO allow comments or suggestions when they do not involve CERTAIN actors.

This site is a First Amendment violator in the first degree. You cannot have a website that says it is there for the fans of a soap to cast their opinions if you censor whatever does not fit in with their agenda.

This may seem like a petty posting on my part but I am just aggrieved that a site can pretend to be for the viewers of a show and solicit their comments and opinions and yet be so biased and prejidicial about what you can or cannot say. I was banned for saying that some posters were going to be banned because they said that Y&R would be better without Eric Braeden. Boy, was I right.

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vanessa brockington
Jul 13, 2017 4:25 pm EDT

Soap central is a load of crap, Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion; If you guys are trying to protect the writers feelings, the writers shouldn't have went into the writing business in the first place, because a real writer can take criticism. They already some people will have bad comments and others will have good

Aug 29, 2015 12:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh man, do I agree. I got banned for saying I think the show is crap. I got banned for saying that since Sharon got pregnant, all I have been hearing is she will miscarry, and steal Sage's baby. Oh, and the cherry on top is: It isn't okay to refer to Nick and Sage as sick, but it is fine to say Sharon is crazy or a lunatic, even though she has bi-polar disorder.

kelo, CA
Aug 01, 2014 3:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ive never posted negative things about any actors and would yet they still banned me and i have seen alot of complaints about that board from other people who always get their threads Deleted for no apparent reason. You are lucky you have not yet had an issues with them

What I say
Aug 01, 2014 3:33 pm EDT

I started a account on soapcentral a year ago and I hardly use it anymore.
I have never had a problem with the message boards, all of the posters are very polite and haven't seen much negativity.
Just don't post negative things about actors and you should be fine..

kelo, CA
Jun 16, 2014 11:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree however im still baffled as to why I was banned. Im still able to log in and read posts, however my own posts are always deleted. The best part is i have tried repeatedly to contact their moderators to remove my account since they dont care to have me posting on there, but they refuse to respond to my messages. Wtf is wrong with these idiots? Are they so fickle that they would rather distance soap fans From expressing their views if they dont agree with them? RidiculoUs and petty!

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